I would love to hear them make some music more like what they did with Of the Girl, Sleight of Hand, 1/2 Full, You Are and Can't Keep. It's better if they get away from easily accessible and dig in for some tunes that let the guitars loose again.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
I would love to hear them make some music more like what they did with Of the Girl, Sleight of Hand, 1/2 Full, You Are and Can't Keep. It's better if they get away from easily accessible and dig in for some tunes that let the guitars loose again.
I would love to hear them make some music more like what they did with Of the Girl, Sleight of Hand, 1/2 Full, You Are and Can't Keep. It's better if they get away from easily accessible and dig in for some tunes that let the guitars loose again.
yes, yes and yes. Go back to serious music again.
For sure. Enough of this attempt at... I don't even know what to call it. Partly upbeat dad punk rock stuff with an awkward rhythm, and partly syrupy cheeze music. It's absolutely befuddling. I don't understand what happened, frankly. Most artists don't change THAT much in only 10 years.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I fear that we have a splintered band. They seem to all be doing their own things and then they get together to put out an album.
I am not sure that a great album can be done this way. I hope I'm wrong....it just seems like they need to be together for a decent amount of time to create something and I don't think that is on their schedule.
I want more of a Stone vibe to this. He seems to have a cool groove and a lot of my favorites he was the main writer of the music. Weed is legal in Washington, hope it's reflected in the music.
"That's part of the curse: If you're gonna play the song, you better play it. I've tried to phone in "Jeremy" a few times, and it's tough. It doesn't work."
I want more of a Stone vibe to this. He seems to have a cool groove and a lot of my favorites he was the main writer of the music. Weed is legal in Washington, hope it's reflected in the music.
Oh it's reflected in the music alright...no album for over 5 years!!!!
I don't get all the hate for Brendan O'Brien. Dude's produced some great fucking albums including fan favorites Vs, Vitalogy, No Code, & Yield, not to mention his body of work outside of PJ.
I don't get all the hate for Brendan O'Brien. Dude's produced some great fucking albums including fan favorites Vs, Vitalogy, No Code, & Yield, not to mention his body of work outside of PJ.
Yeah, and I acknowledge the greatness of those albums fully, but that was then. When it comes to PJ, he completely lost his mojo in the past decade. I don't know wtf happened to him artistically, but it was nothing good in terms of his PJ work. And he's dragged Eddie right along with him, apparently. Or maybe it's the other way around, I don't know. All I do know is that BoB and EV working together doesn't produce good results anymore.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
^^^ I have no expectations..the days of putting out a great album are long gone..
I bet people said this about Neil Young in the mid 80s too.
But Neil is another beast ofc.
They also said this about The Stones, unfortunately. The side projects might be killing this band's creative output. It'd be nice if some of these fresher ideas went to a PJ album.
My thoughts exactly with The Stones and side projects. Spot on rummy
I am not big into reruns, and I am a bit of an outlier in that I liked Lightning Bolt a lot. I have no interest in wanting to hear Pearl Jam try to repeat themselves, so whatever it is I prefer it is music that inspires them (which is generally what they have always done) than any attempt to reach back to some godforsaken glory day.
Thank you! Some of these comments here make me wonder why some people are even still fans. Always longing for the next No Code or Vitalogy, claiming the last 2-4 albums aren't good, or that the band lost their creativity or have become uninspired. It's a good thing these guys aren't as snarky as Billy Corgan. It's no wonder he gets pissed off at fans when they keep asking him to make Siamese & Mellon Collie 2.
It is a thing I simply do not understand. But honestly it was something I learned big time a long while ago with Vitalogy and No Code, sometimes fans really do just want things to be version 2.0. Not my cup of tea.
Ed can be snarky about older material, let’s be honest about that. I do not necessarily believe fans want a version 2.0 of any album. It would be nice if they made a song or two in the same vein. My personal belief, they should go back, really listen to all the albums, and produce one song of each type. See where that takes them. Since we are on the subject of fandom, I don’t believe you have to love everything they do to be a fan. That is a bit ridiculous. That is like saying you have to love everything your partner does or, you really don’t love them. It makes me wonder how some people can consider themselves fans when, they skate the bands message by putting down others and their level of fandom. It is akin to the individuals who place their level of fandom upon how many shows they have attended, how many posters of a certain value they own, or how much merchandise they have purchased. Plain and simple, if you like the band or even one song, you are a fan. I hate the judgement that is heaped across this fanbase. I have never witnessed anything like it. Sometimes it makes people not want to participate.
I don't get all the hate for Brendan O'Brien. Dude's produced some great fucking albums including fan favorites Vs, Vitalogy, No Code, & Yield, not to mention his body of work outside of PJ.
I don't get all the hate for Brendan O'Brien. Dude's produced some great fucking albums including fan favorites Vs, Vitalogy, No Code, & Yield, not to mention his body of work outside of PJ.
Yeah, and I acknowledge the greatness of those albums fully, but that was then. When it comes to PJ, he completely lost his mojo in the past decade. I don't know wtf happened to him artistically, but it was nothing good in terms of his PJ work. And he's dragged Eddie right along with him, apparently. Or maybe it's the other way around, I don't know. All I do know is that BoB and EV working together doesn't produce good results anymore.
I think you've solved the mystery here. I still think the results have been great. I highly enjoy Backspacer & Lightning Bolt, but to each their own.
It is a thing I simply do not understand. But honestly it was something I learned big time a long while ago with Vitalogy and No Code, sometimes fans really do just want things to be version 2.0. Not my cup of tea.
Ed can be snarky about older material, let’s be honest about that. I do not necessarily believe fans want a version 2.0 of any album. It would be nice if they made a song or two in the same vein. My personal belief, they should go back, really listen to all the albums, and produce one song of each type. See where that takes them. Since we are on the subject of fandom, I don’t believe you have to love everything they do to be a fan. That is a bit ridiculous. That is like saying you have to love everything your partner does or, you really don’t love them. It makes me wonder how some people can consider themselves fans when, they skate the bands message by putting down others and their level of fandom. It is akin to the individuals who place their level of fandom upon how many shows they have attended, how many posters of a certain value they own, or how much merchandise they have purchased. Plain and simple, if you like the band or even one song, you are a fan. I hate the judgement that is heaped across this fanbase. I have never witnessed anything like it. Sometimes it makes people not want to participate.
Not really sure I follow how Ed is snarky about older material. Everything is not a bold straight clear brush, but yes some fans absolutely have been waiting for Ten 2 from the first day they heard Ten.
Not entirely sure anyone says you have to love everything, but one thing that I would say that is equally unbearable to that feeling is the notion that when somebody doesn't like a new song or a new record that they feel obligated to ring lead a crowd of cohorts into beating the topic to death.
You are right, there are all sorts of fandom. But if you have never witnessed anything like this, I can assure you that every band I am into has some place like this on the internet in which a group of fans loves one record, hates another, loves another, etc this happens with bands, sports teams, movies, TV shows.
i'm hoping they stop making new music. there's nothing i want to see/hear live from more or less the avocado album to lightning bolt
I might be tempted to think that, except for the fact that other people are actually enjoying their new music. I would never want to prevent others from getting new shit that they actually really like. If the positions were reversed, I know I would hate that.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
It is a thing I simply do not understand. But honestly it was something I learned big time a long while ago with Vitalogy and No Code, sometimes fans really do just want things to be version 2.0. Not my cup of tea.
Ed can be snarky about older material, let’s be honest about that. I do not necessarily believe fans want a version 2.0 of any album. It would be nice if they made a song or two in the same vein. My personal belief, they should go back, really listen to all the albums, and produce one song of each type. See where that takes them. Since we are on the subject of fandom, I don’t believe you have to love everything they do to be a fan. That is a bit ridiculous. That is like saying you have to love everything your partner does or, you really don’t love them. It makes me wonder how some people can consider themselves fans when, they skate the bands message by putting down others and their level of fandom. It is akin to the individuals who place their level of fandom upon how many shows they have attended, how many posters of a certain value they own, or how much merchandise they have purchased. Plain and simple, if you like the band or even one song, you are a fan. I hate the judgement that is heaped across this fanbase. I have never witnessed anything like it. Sometimes it makes people not want to participate.
Not really sure I follow how Ed is snarky about older material. Everything is not a bold straight clear brush, but yes some fans absolutely have been waiting for Ten 2 from the first day they heard Ten.
Not entirely sure anyone says you have to love everything, but one thing that I would say that is equally unbearable to that feeling is the notion that when somebody doesn't like a new song or a new record that they feel obligated to ring lead a crowd of cohorts into beating the topic to death.
You are right, there are all sorts of fandom. But if you have never witnessed anything like this, I can assure you that every band I am into has some place like this on the internet in which a group of fans loves one record, hates another, loves another, etc this happens with bands, sports teams, movies, TV shows.
Your comment gave me the chuckles. I can agree with some of what you say, some people don’t want any progression. I saw it when MetallicA changed their style up. Some people never move on. I feel like some bands never lose that initial flair either. I wish they still went on an album, the way they go live, at least for a song or two. Ten was driven by different emotions, experiences, and a general era. Again, some people never move on. Then again, I think Roskilde had a bigger impact on them than most people realize and, it drastically changed the bands direction. Some people never move on. Sometimes we can’t conquer certain things. I will wait and see what they do, I will buy it, listen to it, judge it, put it down, and go back to it later in life. Always gonna be a fan, for better or worse. As far as the less than nice fans, well, let’s say I never expected it from PJ fans and, it still amazes me. I realize their are assholes everywhere. I never expected to meet as many as I have been privileged to since I started listening to this band (a long time ago) It would be like trying to imagine Dead Heads that would threaten your life. It is just hard to wrap my head around the idea.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,813
edited December 2018
How many bands that have been around for almost 30 years and that have gotten very famous and very wealthy have put out killer albums after 25 years? Even the iconic long-lived Rolling Stones only went 7 years between The Rolling Stone Now! and Exile on Main Street before coasting (at least in the studio). I can only think of one, Neil Young and Crazy Horse (27 years between Everybody Knows and Broken Arrow). Is Pearl Jam up to it? Depends on how hungry they are, I'm guessing. Otherwise, don't expect a lot.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
How many bands that have been around for almost 30 years and that have gotten very famous and very wealthy have put out killer albums after 25 years? Even the iconic long-lived Rolling Stones only went 7 years between The Rolling Stone Now! and Exile on Main Street before coasting (at least in the studio). I can only think of one, Neil Young and Crazy Horse (27 years between Everybody Knows and Broken Arrow). Is Pearl Jam up to it? Depends on how hungry they are, I'm guessing. Otherwise, don't expect a lot.
here's the thing though, it is all opinion. I would not say Broken Arrow is indicative of the best of the Horse, I'd put their last great record as Sleeps with Angels. In regards to Pearl Jam I am left continually scratching my head that Lightning Bolt did/does not do that for some fans. But it doesn't, but it does for me. So it is all perception. People really really like Avocado/Untitled/Eight/Whatever you want to call it, I happen to like many of the songs but as a whole record it just never worked much for me. I was in a vastly different headspace at the time. Others don't like Riot Act, I am left shrugging my shoulders on how that is possible. But it is what people think.
I am not big into reruns, and I am a bit of an outlier in that I liked Lightning Bolt a lot. I have no interest in wanting to hear Pearl Jam try to repeat themselves, so whatever it is I prefer it is music that inspires them (which is generally what they have always done) than any attempt to reach back to some godforsaken glory day.
Thank you! Some of these comments here make me wonder why some people are even still fans. Always longing for the next No Code or Vitalogy, claiming the last 2-4 albums aren't good, or that the band lost their creativity or have become uninspired. It's a good thing these guys aren't as snarky as Billy Corgan. It's no wonder he gets pissed off at fans when they keep asking him to make Siamese & Mellon Collie 2.
It is a thing I simply do not understand. But honestly it was something I learned big time a long while ago with Vitalogy and No Code, sometimes fans really do just want things to be version 2.0. Not my cup of tea.
Ed can be snarky about older material, let’s be honest about that. I do not necessarily believe fans want a version 2.0 of any album. It would be nice if they made a song or two in the same vein. My personal belief, they should go back, really listen to all the albums, and produce one song of each type. See where that takes them. Since we are on the subject of fandom, I don’t believe you have to love everything they do to be a fan. That is a bit ridiculous. That is like saying you have to love everything your partner does or, you really don’t love them. It makes me wonder how some people can consider themselves fans when, they skate the bands message by putting down others and their level of fandom. It is akin to the individuals who place their level of fandom upon how many shows they have attended, how many posters of a certain value they own, or how much merchandise they have purchased. Plain and simple, if you like the band or even one song, you are a fan. I hate the judgement that is heaped across this fanbase. I have never witnessed anything like it. Sometimes it makes people not want to participate.
Norman, you are spot on. Sometimes you need to listen to a song several times before you ‘get’ it. Also, a song that might not be your favorite, hits you like a freight train at certain times in your life.
As long as he matches his tremendous performance on My Favourite Headache
Not entirely sure anyone says you have to love everything, but one thing that I would say that is equally unbearable to that feeling is the notion that when somebody doesn't like a new song or a new record that they feel obligated to ring lead a crowd of cohorts into beating the topic to death.
You are right, there are all sorts of fandom. But if you have never witnessed anything like this, I can assure you that every band I am into has some place like this on the internet in which a group of fans loves one record, hates another, loves another, etc this happens with bands, sports teams, movies, TV shows.
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Sometimes you need to listen to a song several times before you ‘get’ it.
Also, a song that might not be your favorite, hits you like a freight train at certain times in your life.