Deadly Vedder and her Seattle Roller Derby League Desperately Need Practice Space 2-4 hours a week

Hello Fellow Fans
Deadly Vedder, derby number 5[against]1, here. My roller derby league, The Puget Sound Outcasts, are in desperate need of a space to practice in for a minimum of two hours a week, on either weeknights or any time on weekends.

We are non-profit, skater run and gender inclusive. (And if  you have skates and protective gear you are welcome to come join one of our practices anytime, for only $5!) And, like many other leagues across the country, we are losing access to practice spaces (like warehouses) because of escalating rent.

For those of you familiar with the Rat's Nest in Shoreline, we skate there but just lost one of our practice slots due to a schedule conflict. We have been trying to find another space for more than a month, but the community centers that are pro-derby are booked, many of the local schools whose gyms we might be able to use are also booked since school is in session, and the roller skating rinks are over-booked because so many leagues need a home. 

Can you please help a fellow fan out? I'd be grateful for any offers, or even referrals and suggestions..

Thank you!!!
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