Oh man, that is a sad story! .... I never particularly liked the 80s metal bands. I still don't, really. I can appreciate them, but they're still not really my cup of tea at all. I think the closest I ever really got to 80s metal was GnR, lol. Well, Metallica I guess too, but really I only like the Black album, which was both 90s and generally poo'd poo'd by metal purists, hahaha ... And I think Ozzy's best work is Ozzmosis, that is a great album, so do what you will with that, lol, and thank god I've still got my tongue!!
Understandable. Even though PJ are my favorites I still listen to a lot (a lot!) of 80s metal music. By genre depth it is my favorite. I do not justify that beyond my own love and nostalgia for being a youngster so completely into music and loving the hell out of those records.
Totally understand others thinking it is goofy and I will cop to loving Klosterman's Fargo Rock City so much more because of his acceptance of his devotion to 80s metal wierdos.
I try to not congratulate people making naked 15 years olds OD in their mansions.
But that song Victim of Love is the shit.
I was really confused after you mentioned Victim of Love, since it's on Vol. 2, which I consider superior to Vol. 1. I had this whole post started until I realized I was referencing the wrong album
I try to not congratulate people making naked 15 years olds OD in their mansions.
But that song Victim of Love is the shit.
I was really confused after you mentioned Victim of Love, since it's on Vol. 2, which I consider superior to Vol. 1. I had this whole post started until I realized I was referencing the wrong album
I don't know enough about their albums... I mostly listen to that live album that's on Spotify. And only been listening for a month or two since I saw the documentary.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
I really enjoy Vol 1. and Thriller both. I would put Thriller above Vol. 1, but not Vol. 2. I love those 2 albums and so do our kids. I have both Vol. 1 and Thriller on vinyl. Eagles Vol. 2 is something that I loved to death after finding the cassette at my grandparents house in my aunt's old room when we were cleaning out their house when I was 12. That is an awesome album.
I could care less who is on top of an antiquated system. Sales like that will never happen again because of digital music. Thriller is a solid album front to back, which is a rare feat. Taking the greatest hits of a band is easier than one solid album recorded at one time.
The Dude and I share the same feelings about the Eagles.
In 1995-6 you couldn't get away from Hotel California. EVERYONE listened to that song.
I went to work n Alaska and I personally saw African, German, Vietnamese, Mexican, South American and Polish people rocking out to that damn song.
My loathing of that song and the band has continued since then...
One summer they were playing in LA somewhere and they were broadcasting the Hell Freezes Over show. Friend of mine says "hey man, Katerina, Skeeter and the rest are at this show!"
My reply, "who gives a shit. Change the station..."
The Dude and I share the same feelings about the Eagles.
In 1995-6 you couldn't get away from Hotel California. EVERYONE listened to that song.
I went to work n Alaska and I personally saw African, German, Vietnamese, Mexican, South American and Polish people rocking out to that damn song.
My loathing of that song and the band has continued since then...
One summer they were playing in LA somewhere and they were broadcasting the Hell Freezes Over show. Friend of mine says "hey man, Katerina, Skeeter and the rest are at this show!"
My reply, "who gives a shit. Change the station..."
I was drunk and decided to sing it on karaoke night at some bar in 1997 or so, and I got heckled mercilessly.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
The Dude and I share the same feelings about the Eagles.
In 1995-6 you couldn't get away from Hotel California. EVERYONE listened to that song.
I went to work n Alaska and I personally saw African, German, Vietnamese, Mexican, South American and Polish people rocking out to that damn song.
My loathing of that song and the band has continued since then...
One summer they were playing in LA somewhere and they were broadcasting the Hell Freezes Over show. Friend of mine says "hey man, Katerina, Skeeter and the rest are at this show!"
My reply, "who gives a shit. Change the station..."
Classic and good song, definitely one that gets played too much though. Objectively, you can't deny the classic rock deliciousness of that melody and ultra-famous guitar solo any more than you could objectively deny the deliciousness of rhythm and memorability of Billie Jean.
The Dude and I share the same feelings about the Eagles.
In 1995-6 you couldn't get away from Hotel California. EVERYONE listened to that song.
I went to work n Alaska and I personally saw African, German, Vietnamese, Mexican, South American and Polish people rocking out to that damn song.
My loathing of that song and the band has continued since then...
One summer they were playing in LA somewhere and they were broadcasting the Hell Freezes Over show. Friend of mine says "hey man, Katerina, Skeeter and the rest are at this show!"
My reply, "who gives a shit. Change the station..."
Classic and good song, definitely one that gets played too much though. Objectively, you can't deny the classic rock deliciousness of that melody and ultra-famous guitar solo any more than you could objectively deny the deliciousness of rhythm and memorability of Billie Jean.
I actually preferred the live version with the bongos in the beginning.
The Dude and I share the same feelings about the Eagles.
In 1995-6 you couldn't get away from Hotel California. EVERYONE listened to that song.
I went to work n Alaska and I personally saw African, German, Vietnamese, Mexican, South American and Polish people rocking out to that damn song.
My loathing of that song and the band has continued since then...
One summer they were playing in LA somewhere and they were broadcasting the Hell Freezes Over show. Friend of mine says "hey man, Katerina, Skeeter and the rest are at this show!"
My reply, "who gives a shit. Change the station..."
I was drunk and decided to sing it on karaoke night at some bar in 1997 or so, and I got heckles mercilessly.
I could care less who is on top of an antiquated system. Sales like that will never happen again because of digital music. Thriller is a solid album front to back, which is a rare feat. Taking the greatest hits of a band is easier than one solid album recorded at one time.
I went to work n Alaska and I personally saw African, German, Vietnamese, Mexican, South American and Polish people rocking out to that damn song.
My loathing of that song and the band has continued since then...
One summer they were playing in LA somewhere and they were broadcasting the Hell Freezes Over show. Friend of mine says "hey man, Katerina, Skeeter and the rest are at this show!"
My reply, "who gives a shit. Change the station..."
Classic and good song, definitely one that gets played too much though.
Objectively, you can't deny the classic rock deliciousness of that melody and ultra-famous guitar solo any more than you could objectively deny the deliciousness of rhythm and memorability of Billie Jean.
"You can check out, but you can... never leeeeeaveeee"