Wishlist & tragically hip fundraiser organizer wrigley bucket list

pjcanada1234pjcanada1234 Posts: 94
edited August 2018 in The Porch
I know the boys get a TON of requests every city they visit from many people who are much less fortunate or were in rough situations but I have to atleast put this out there. Lyndsay G. has given SOOOO much to both music communities all while being a super single mom and carrying a full time job. She lives every moment for her son, family and friends but still has energy to volunteer her time and efforts towards the causes her bands support. Any single moms or products of single moms out there will know that just raising a kid properly is too much work for one but she does it admirably. She truly does bleed PJ and Hip, and has inspired many like me to get off my ass doing what i can to help causes. Her bucket list song is "All those yesterday's " so if you want a girl to cry, pee herself and possibly orgasm at the same time PLEASE boys play it ❤

P.s. Thanks for wearing the gordfuckingdownie shirt Jeff and Ed for the Hip shout out Aug 20 2016.  Also thanks a f ton for everything you guys have done, for being real and helping millions of people around the world in every way imaginable ❤


  • To the Top!
    That I no longer give a fuck
    Who is wrong and who’s right
  •  =) 
  • ✌❤
  • Horse2345Horse2345 Posts: 3,271
    Know where to get one of those Gord shirts by chance?
    UBC 92, Vancouver 93, Vancouver 98, Seattle 02, Vancouver 03, Vancouver 05, Gorge 06, Gorge 06,Seattle 09,Seattle 09, Vancouver09, Montreal 11, Toronto 11,Toronto 11, Vancouver 11,Vancouver 13, Seattle 13
  • LyndsayLyndsay Posts: 73
    Patrick you are seriously one of the kindest humans on the planet. I still can’t believe you’ve gone out of your way to request this song.
    this song, is the song that helped me  gain the strength I needed to escape. It will always be close to my heart. As for volunteering, this is something I am truly passionate about, and thankful that I’m able to help when I can.
    Wish you were coming to Wrigley my friend. Let’s hope I make it to Fenway so our paths can cross :) 
    @Horse2345 are you talking about the “Gord Fuckin Downie” tee? I had one made to wear to Wrigley 2 as August 20th marks two years since I saw PJ at Wrigley and The Hip we’re playing their final show ♥️
  • Less than 24 hours away bump
  • She will be there tommorow too guys ✌❤
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