This hatred is happening in Australia...
And it is making me very sad.
What's even sadder is these thugs are being given support by many Australians.
What do you think? Is this kind of attire appropriate in front of children? I don't see the difference to that and wearing swimwear on the beach or acrobats or weightlifters or wrestlers wearing similar attire. I don't know but this world is going mad or am I mad and everyone is right?
For example... .... under post "WAS BLAIR COTTRELL RIGHT?"
Opinion piece...
And it is making me very sad.
What's even sadder is these thugs are being given support by many Australians.
What do you think? Is this kind of attire appropriate in front of children? I don't see the difference to that and wearing swimwear on the beach or acrobats or weightlifters or wrestlers wearing similar attire. I don't know but this world is going mad or am I mad and everyone is right?
For example... .... under post "WAS BLAIR COTTRELL RIGHT?"
Opinion piece...
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Post edited by Thoughts_Arrive on
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
most white guys I know are gay. Shit, I know I am.
I always say don't mess with PJS...
-EV 8/14/93
What saddens me the most is that many women support Blair Cottrell and his views.
This is a man who traumatised his ex-girlfriend and her new partner with a tomahawk and set fire to her new partner's property.
He openly has stated his anti-women views as per the two quotes below (source:
Yet women still support this POS? I don't understand. All comments on his Facebook page and the Future Now Australia are so homophobic, transphobic and anti-Muslim.
"Women have manipulated me using sex and emotion; demoralization, and I have manipulated them using violence and terror. We use what we have to get what we want."
"In an ideal world, but women are not the puzzle modern times make them out to be. They are attracted to strength, so if you cherish them and pay all your attention to them they will think you’re just a little bitch and you’ll end up the cuck. To them what is strong is self-reliant, care-free and physically solid. Care less about them and even crack them around the ear every once in a while and this sort of thing never eventuates, I learned this the hard way. But beware the modern ‘careerist’ woman who doesn’t want kids and thinks she is equal to men, these women are delusional and extremely hard to handle."
"crack them around the ear every once in a while". hopefully at some point someone charges him with assault and he will go away and then he'll be someone's bitch.
-EV 8/14/93
I engaged in conversation and regret it as it is one hour of my life I will never get back.
He started off by asking me if I am a pedophile. There was nothing to indicate or hint or slightly suggest this to be the case.
He then said I am selfish, a traitor, that I hate white people, that I hate myself, that asylum seekers are not in danger, the Syrian war is over and there is no danger to children there, who cares about children of Syria as it's only men being hurt there, that "The UN is a corrupt organisation with one agenda only. To violate the rights of soverign nations and bring tjem under their control", that I care for other people's children and not my own, I only care about my own image as a social justice warrior, I don't have any purpose and am a traitor to my own kind, I hate white skin thus myself, I am ashamed of myself, I suffer white guilt, I project my own self hatred on the world.
He ended the conversation by saying that he hope he gave me some perspective.
Everything he accused me of had no evidence to support.
All I did was defend ethnic minorities and gay/trans people online.
I kept asking him for evidence that the UN is corrupt and that children are not affected by war in Syria.
He could not provide it but what he said was that is common knowledge.
These far right idiots lack critical thinking skills.
He also warned me to be careful about what I say, seemed to be threatening to me.