Narcissistic abuse awareness day is June 1st

Narcissistic abuse awareness day is June 1st
Just thought I'd share this since Pearl Jam's lyrics was all I had for so many years to help me survive when I was a kid.
This blog entry has a registration link for the 2018 Survivor Empowerment Telesummit, hosted by World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day (WNAAD).
Just thought I'd share this since Pearl Jam's lyrics was all I had for so many years to help me survive when I was a kid.
This blog entry has a registration link for the 2018 Survivor Empowerment Telesummit, hosted by World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day (WNAAD).
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
Than you for sharing!
i'll be posting my story on my facebook timeline tomorrow. friend me or not. the post will be public thru the weekend.
~ Take care of one another. ~
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
I'm a narcissistic child abuse survivor. What's in the link below is the first time I've seen it written into words. This type of abuse is nearly impossible for a child to explain. I'm an adult, and I still can not explain it to a person. This is what it sounds like, this is an example of why it's impossible to tell another, a 11 year old Ivy says, “I don't want to be like them when I grow up.” (Ivy knows she can't tell anybody her parents are mean because they are so charming in public.) Another teenage girl with normal growing pains say, “OMG, I can't stand my Mom. I hate her. I hope I'm never like her.” Think about those two quotes, they are very similar, only one is coming from a child who is being abused. When I did voice to another about the abuse I only sounded like a whinny little brat. Here's a couple of lines I've said as an adult. I can easily see how the comments wouldn't stick and fly over somebody's head. “They act different when people are around.” and “They are putting on a show for you.” I tried to tell people I was being abused at age 16. Unfortunately, because of the nature of a narcissist, nobody believed me. So by the time I was 17, after many years of enduring the abuse I had a nervous breakdown and was sent to a mental health hospital. I missed a lot of school. I shouldn't have graduated with my class. I'm sharing this for one reason, so, “MAYBE SOMEDAY ANOTHER CHILD WON'T FEEL AS ALONE AS SHE DOES, it's been two years and counting, since they put her in this place, she's been diagnosed by some stupid fuck, and mommy agrees. Why go home?” Pearl Jam, “Why Go”. Before anything else, I had Pearl Jam lyrics to let me know I wasn't alone. Their lyrics seemed to zero in exactly on this unexplainable invisible abuse. I knew something was wrong when I was very young. .... I'm talking age 7. Pearl Jam came along and a lot of their early lyrics validated my feelings. I didn't know the abuse had a name until much later.
When the abuse is at its worse, it feels like they secretly want me dead and they'll do a real good job of nearly killing me without laying a single finger on me. On a good day, I know their script. I know exactly what they will say before they say it and I'll have to concentrate hard to keep from rolling my eyes and/or busting out in laughter.
When you're a child you learn not to have an identity. If you do discover yourself you know darn well you had better hide it from your parents. (Ruth still describes our mother and daughter relationship as the Two Headed Monster. Because in her eyes, I'm an extension of her. I am Ruth, not Ivy.) The set up is backward. The adults are to be the center of the child's' world. You are to know what they want before they know. The moment you stop making them the center of your universe they no longer have any use for you. If you wait it out, they'll forget about you all together. Neglect is easier than the abuse. You want to be neglected by your parents. To borrow from Dr. Phill, your parents are not A Safe Place To Fall. Meaning you know not to go them for advice or for life skills, such as what to do when your car battery dies or how to replace a clapper in the toilet, etc. Something simple turns into a stressful dramatic ordeal, because of their need to make it about them. I'm assuming many who have survived narcissistic child abuse, don't know how to build a healthy and safe circle of support to go to when simple life advice is needed.
Two things to know about a narcissist is they lack empathy and will put themselves first in any given situation.
Three things to know about narcissistic child abuse, It is invisible, it is nearly impossible for the victim to explain, it is handed down from one generation to the next.
Terms to know:
The Scapegoat
The Golden Child
The Runner
Flying Monkeys
Circular Conversations
Smear Campaigns
Narcissistic Supply
Complex PTSD
No Contact
Grey Rock
Honorable Mention 2 of 3: Hurricane Matthew. I've concluded what went on on my first day on this planet from how 98.2% of my family reacted and what took place in the months after the house flooded. If there was a minuscule of a chance that narcissistic abusive behavior played a part of the acquisition of my disability, I'm sure it did. I'm glad I won't wonder about the day I was so-called born anymore. (I don't relate to the term born much because I was dead for 5 or 9 minutes. I wasn't born, I was brought back to life.) Joke’s on the lawyers on that one, they didn't know my parents were narcissists. Though due to the lawyers / Disability World, it is the only remaining reason why I’m unable to go 100% No Contact. I'd been a pro at Grey Rock a decade before I knew there was a term for it. As I've said before, I knew something was wrong when I was young but if it hadn't been for Matthew Hurricane I would still not knew the name of the abuse. Without the name, I couldn't have studied it and found other survivors which have turned into a source of support. Knowledge is not healing, I realize that.
Honorable Mention 3 of 3: WWRC. I don't have many positive things to say about the place. But they did find an extra bed and made room for me when I begged them not to send me home while I waited for a seat in their drafting class to open up. I remember trying to explain by using words like emotional abuse and phrases like, “I'm left alone a lot.” Back then I was being shuffled around every 5 days between 4 locations. One of them being a teeny tiny trailer in Cary's front yard. He had one of those temper tandems I mentioned earlier when he wanted to have a house built on his property for me using the “Special Disability World” lawyer money, and I told him no. I remember screaming, “You say I'm a burden, so why do want me to live anywhere near you?!” That's one more thing to know about narcissists, they will contradict themselves constantly. Finally of course, WWRC is where I met Brian. We saved each other in so many ways.)
DISCLAIMER: This section is NOT to perpetuate this perception.
I've been called evil. My disability has been called the devil. .... to my face. Strangers in the street harass me and Brian, “Can I pray for you?” or “Jesus can save you!” or “You can be healed from your affliction.” If you study the Bible, parallels between the devil and narcissism can be drawn. So the empath that I am understands their way of thinking. If you study Disability History you will find evil as an old world way at perceiving disability. If my disability is the devil, they've got the wrong person. It ain't me man! Here, here's my parents contact information. Go, go get that devil! LMAO! Right before my nervous breakdown, I was bombarded with religion. In my opinion, religion only made the gas lighting I was already enduring that much worse. Any religion has a high potential for herd behavior. Those last three sentences is why I'm disinclined to religion. I am spiritual. I am connected with a higher power. I have beliefs that keep me going. Some of my best supporters are people of faith.
Know the 3 personality disorder clusters and if you can possibly save a child from this bullshit, do it.
P.S. Watch the videos in the first few comments.
(To the hand full of people who do love me and are reading this: I'm fine. Don't be alarmed. This is just me growing. This is not a newsflash for the people that love me anyway, they already know. To all others: If you are reading this and it freaks you the fuck out, GOOD!)
Narcissistic abuse awareness day June 1st 2018 – save the children
The childhood origins of narcissism
A long time ago it hit me that their parents must have not given them enough attention. I was almost right.
This video explains it better:
Unpacking Narcissism
"Children who grow up with narcissistic parents are often conditioned to become narcissists themselves or, conversely, empaths who tend to feel the feelings of others too readily."
The Empath In Recovery: Step 1 - Calm Your Nervous System
I wish I would have known this when I was 12 years old: