Make every day count for something worthwhile.

So often something happens to remind me of this- to make sure that, even at the very least in some small way or sometimes in some big way, to make each day count for something worthwhile. Today I was reminded of this by the loss of a friend name Jim. Last year, Jim was fighting cancer big time and he beat it. When I heard that, I was so glad. Jim was the kind of guy you really couldn't help but root for. But then today I ran into a mutual friend who gave me the bad news. Suddenly things turned for Jim and, poof, just like that he was gone. That really knocked me down.
So yeah, once again I'm reminded of how important it is to be thankful for each day and to make each and every one count. A cliched as that sounds, there are fewer truths more sound than that one.
So yeah, once again I'm reminded of how important it is to be thankful for each day and to make each and every one count. A cliched as that sounds, there are fewer truths more sound than that one.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
I try to live by that credo, yet I also realize that there are days where I'm doing nothing by others' standards. Just something selfish for myself, and that makes the time meaningful. We have to tend to ourselves in order to pass the metaphorical oxygen mask.
Simply being a decent and kind person is enough. Should be enough!
And fuck knows we need reminders from time to time. I surely do
"Simply being a decent and kind person is enough." Right on, Hedo.
Love it!
Oil your rusty blade?
That is a great term though, B. No matter the words, the goal is the same!
Or play his rusty trombone?