I'm Rodney, Rod for short. 42, st louis, misery. progressive, liberal, whatever you want to call it. i've been politically active my entire adult life. as you can tell by my post count, most of them from 1998 on have been on amt.
I am sometimes an open book. Other times I close it and lock it up tight. bravo to you, sir, for opening it and spilling the words all over the table.
I've always respected your posts, and miss that you aren't here more. i have learned a lot from you over the years. You probably don't recall, but one of my very first experiences on entering the shark-infested waters of AMT was getting destroyed by you over the justice of the peace that refused to preside over mixed race marriages. I learned a lot from that thread. To think before you type. To research before chiming in. And it was mostly because of you.
you seem like a great guy. Sounds like you just need a better work/life balance, which you obviously already know. I hope you find it, dude. everyone deserve happiness.
I also have no desire to see PJ in that setting. I have never seen them in a ballpark, but I don't want to. it seems too big for me. I have seen a few bands in those settings, and don't get the same feeling as I do in an arena even. 40,000 people IS way different than 15,000. And especially with no new music to get excited about.
it is never too late to have a family. you are fit, you are healthy, having kids in your 40's is nothing now. I know plenty of people that age who are just starting families.
I too play music. I play bass and sing. And I hear you on finding people that want to actually play and not just "fuck around" and have a few beers. No one wants to put in the work or practice. I'm not looking to make it big, or even at all, I just have more fun when people know how to play their shit. Don't stop playing and trying to find people to jam with. You will regret it.
i think i was in a little too truthful of a mood. i was mortified the day after i posted it. it is nice to see kind words in response and it is nice to read other peoples' posts as well.
thank you for the compliments. i have always thought very highly of you and your opinions as well. whenever i think about amt you are one of the people that always comes to mind, so i am glad you are doing well. it was nice to read a little more about you.
i am so sorry that i acted that way. unfortunately i don't recall that thread and i don't recall being a dick. but if you say it happened, i am more than sure that it did. i learned the hard way when i started posting on amt. i used to think i was the "thread killer". i would make a post in a thread and then nobody would reply. then i would start a thread and nobody would want to discuss anything i wanted to discuss. i did not have the warmest reception when i started coming around here. people like byrnzie, el kabong, abook, commy, animus, hippiemom, windedsailor, pj gurl/triumphant angel, catefrances, metsfan, barroom hero, pychosinlove, jlewasu24, and a bunch of others now forgotten would light me up if i did not "come correct" with links and a reasoned argument. i guess as i became more seasoned i expected the same of everyone else, so i am sorry if i was ever a dick. i think the discussion was a little better back then, because we all kept each other honest. i would get called out for being intellectually dishonest, or lazy, or things were a false equivalence, etc, so it made me raise my bar a little higher. i left here a lot of times feeling like a dumbass, but it motivated me to read and to open my mind and try to see things from a different perspective. most of the people i mentioned don't come around anymore, but those are the ones that kind of made me become the poster i became.
i am working on the work/life balance. i talked to a guy today with a surgical sales company. he talked about an opening in a different territory where i could potentially hire on and not have to do business with my current boss. he assured me the hours are better. maybe less pay at first, but i would take less money for a better life. hopefully something comes from that.
i think you should see them in a stadium at least once. i don't know how these next two wrigley shows will top the prior three, but i am hopeful that they might. i prefer club shows these days. i'm into other bands now, ghost, brian fallon, against me, people who tour and play smaller places.
Yeah man, to have a kid in your 40s is not that uncommon. my thing is i think i would need to get to know someone for a few years before having kids. i don't have any prospects at the moment, so assuming i meet someone at 43, start trying to have kids at 45, have a kid at 46, damn man, i would be the old ass dad at the little league game, lol. i think that kind of does a kid a disservice though. the older i am when i have a kid, the younger he will be when i pass away and that is what bums me out.
at this point, i think the playing music to make it ship has sailed for me. i don't want to be famous. i want to be understood. i think that is all i ever wanted. even when we were trying to talk to labels, i don't think i wanted to be famous. we just wanted to write our songs and try to make a living and do it our own way. we did not have a rapper, so we weren't going to go anywhere, haha. i think we are going to keep doing our covers thing and then if the original band gets back up and running we will then write more. hope you find people to play with that want it is badly as you do. cheers man!
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I'm Rodney, Rod for short. 42, st louis, misery. progressive, liberal, whatever you want to call it. i've been politically active my entire adult life. as you can tell by my post count, most of them from 1998 on have been on amt.
i have been playing guitar since 1993. Mr stone gossard, randy rhoads, and kurt cobain were the guys that inspired me to pick up the guitar. i have been in bands for 23 years. one of them tried to "go for it" in the late 90s. we didn't make it past regional success and fame due to fucking nu metal and fucking rap rock coming out and killing the hopes of punk based rock bands like mine. the choice was keep doing what we were doing and fail, or sell out and get a fucking rapper and dj and change our style. we were actually told that by labels that we had contacted. we decided to call it a day and move on with our lives. i currently play covers once a month and write when i can. i am also in an original band now that gets together when we can.
i am the oldest of two kids. my sister is going to be 40 in september. i have one nephew, age 18, who is playing college baseball. god i am so absolutely proud of him. his dad was absent, so i helped to raise him the best i could. my sister was on a couple of national championship softball teams in high school and she played a couple of years in college until she got pregnant. i played a year of division one baseball until a shoulder injury ended that career. that injury directly led to my career path though, so i guess it is a blessing in some ways. the guy ahead of me at catcher was only a year ahead of me. i was going to have to beat him out or sit the bench behind him for a few years until it was my time. i saw the writing on the wall. working that hard and riding the bench were two things i had no interest in, so i quit after that first year and entered the sports medicine and athletic training curriculum. my nephew is a better athlete than i ever was, so hopefully he will get to use all of his eligibility. hopefully i have helped to teach him well.
i am the oldest of my cousins on both sides of the family. there is a lot of pressure in that. there was a lot of pressure to be the golden one. the one who is successful. the one that goes to grad school because nobody else in the family had not done so. the one that does not fuck up. the one that does not besmirch the family name. the one that gets the trophy wife and has the awesome kids who in turn go on to be successful.
that last sentence did not happen. turns out, my life has not really gone as planned in many ways.
i am an athletic trainer and orthopaedic technologist that is essentially the right hand of an orthopaedic surgeon. he is a rising star in the world of pediatric orthopaedics and hip preservation surgery. i helped him start his practice in 2014 and his practice has exploded. i used to love every minute of it when we were not so fucking busy. now our clinics average 55 patients per day and our surgery time is always booked. half of the time we are overbooked and need to use 2 operating rooms in a day to handle the volume. it takes about 5 months for some surgeries to get done. it is good for him, but bad for support staff like myself. i am about 4 years older than he is. i work 55-60 hours per week. it is the definition of a thankless job. this has made me a bitter person. i literally wake up, go to work, come home late. eat dinner, and go to bed and do it all over again. the stress at times is overbearing. the work is never ever done and i am rarely ever caught up. i can never work ahead. that is the main reason i am not on here anymore. i don't have the time or energy for it. i don't have the time or energy to do anything. i don't date, i don't play guitar like i should and i can't ever get to the gym. at this point i hate more about the job than i love about it, and that tells me it is time to do something different with my life. i don't even have the energy to come home and look for jobs. that takes time, and time is what i don't have. i want to transition to surgical sales, but the guy i work for is such a young hotshot that nobody around here wants to hire me away from him because they are afraid doing so would hurt their business. at this time i am open to moving for the sake of a job. until then i reside here in the fuckbarrel.
i've never married or had kids. i am really bummed out about that because i like kids and always thought i would have been a pretty kick ass dad. i was nearly married twice. turns out i just have a knack for spending too much time with the wrong people. giving people and relationships chance after chance after chance only to have it fail in a super cataclysmic fashion. either that, or i have the gift of bad timing, because timing is everything and if timing is bad, there is no hope for a lasting relationship. i have wasted a lot of years with the wrong people and sometimes i wish i could have those years back. at this point, i don't even have the desire to start over again and invest what little time i have into getting to know someone and have it fail and end up back as square one. ya know? i have come to realize that intimacy is strange to me. when i have it with someone, everything feels normal. i don't have to question it or worry about it or think about it. when i don't have it, the entire concept seems strange to me. its like "why do i feel like i have to feel intimately connected to someone?" i may not be connected to someone, but i feel like i need to be, and that causes me stress. too much information? maybe, but who cares?
i do know that i love music. i have an extensive record collection and even though i am older i am still discovering new music. like most of us, i am a hoarder of vinyl. i have a great guitar collection. i was hoping that if i ever have a kid that one day they would end up with a kick ass collection of vintage gear. i would like to play more shows than i do, but at this age it is hard to find other musicians that want it as bad as i do.
i do know that i am a loyal person. i love my family and close friends dearly. if i love you, i'd stop a bullet for you and you aren't getting rid of me easily. i sometimes expect the same from certain people and they always fall short of expectation, and that always hurts. i have learned to stop expecting anything from anybody.
jesus reading this i sound pathetic, lol. catharsis is good at times i guess.
as long as i am being honest, i might as well say i am going to wrigley, and for the first time in my life i am not looking forward to seeing pearl jam. i have seen them over 40 times, and this whole wrigley thing to me feels like "been there, done that", because i attended the other three shows. honestly i have gotten in to other bands that tour extensively and actually put out albums. i don't know if this is a form of a midlife crisis, but i am not finding joy in the things that used to give me a lot of joy. maybe because my ex will be at wrigley. i introduced her to a lot of PJ people that i have known for years. since we split i have been unfriended one by one by all of those people, so it is going to be weird attending preparties and shit knowing those people will be there and they are not going to want to see me. a few years ago i would not have given a fuck. but the older i get, i realize deep down that i'd like it if people liked me. i make it difficult a lot of the time, but i guess that is who i am.
i have enjoyed reading this thread. all of you are wonderful people. it is comforting to know that people that i sometimes disagree with are actually people with their own story. a lot of the time that gets lost when the person typing is behind a 1 cm by 1 cm avatar that i can't even make out what the image is supposed to be. cheers to all of you good folks and i look forward to reading more of who you are.
Always has been a quality individual even though we have differed significantly on a couple of issues. A truly good human being.
thank you. back atcha.
i don't think we differ that bad. i think deep down we want the same things, just disagree sometimes on how to go about making it happen.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I'm Rodney, Rod for short. 42, st louis, misery. progressive, liberal, whatever you want to call it. i've been politically active my entire adult life. as you can tell by my post count, most of them from 1998 on have been on amt.
i've never married or had kids. i am really bummed out about that because i like kids and always thought i would have been a pretty kick ass dad. i was nearly married twice. turns out i just have a knack for spending too much time with the wrong people. giving people and relationships chance after chance after chance only to have it fail in a super cataclysmic fashion. either that, or i have the gift of bad timing, because timing is everything and if timing is bad, there is no hope for a lasting relationship. i have wasted a lot of years with the wrong people and sometimes i wish i could have those years back. at this point, i don't even have the desire to start over again and invest what little time i have into getting to know someone and have it fail and end up back as square one. ya know? i have come to realize that intimacy is strange to me. when i have it with someone, everything feels normal. i don't have to question it or worry about it or think about it. when i don't have it, the entire concept seems strange to me. its like "why do i feel like i have to feel intimately connected to someone?" i may not be connected to someone, but i feel like i need to be, and that causes me stress. too much information? maybe, but who cares?
i do know that i love music. i have an extensive record collection and even though i am older i am still discovering new music. like most of us, i am a hoarder of vinyl. i have a great guitar collection. i was hoping that if i ever have a kid that one day they would end up with a kick ass collection of vintage gear. i would like to play more shows than i do, but at this age it is hard to find other musicians that want it as bad as i do.
i do know that i am a loyal person. i love my family and close friends dearly. if i love you, i'd stop a bullet for you and you aren't getting rid of me easily. i sometimes expect the same from certain people and they always fall short of expectation, and that always hurts. i have learned to stop expecting anything from anybody.
jesus reading this i sound pathetic, lol. catharsis is good at times i guess.
as long as i am being honest, i might as well say i am going to wrigley, and for the first time in my life i am not looking forward to seeing pearl jam. i have seen them over 40 times, and this whole wrigley thing to me feels like "been there, done that", because i attended the other three shows. honestly i have gotten in to other bands that tour extensively and actually put out albums. i don't know if this is a form of a midlife crisis, but i am not finding joy in the things that used to give me a lot of joy. maybe because my ex will be at wrigley. i introduced her to a lot of PJ people that i have known for years. since we split i have been unfriended one by one by all of those people, so it is going to be weird attending preparties and shit knowing those people will be there and they are not going to want to see me. a few years ago i would not have given a fuck. but the older i get, i realize deep down that i'd like it if people liked me. i make it difficult a lot of the time, but i guess that is who i am.
i have enjoyed reading this thread. all of you are wonderful people. it is comforting to know that people that i sometimes disagree with are actually people with their own story. a lot of the time that gets lost when the person typing is behind a 1 cm by 1 cm avatar that i can't even make out what the image is supposed to be. cheers to all of you good folks and i look forward to reading more of who you are.
Well I like you, and I didn't think that you made it difficult at all.
(I had to cut out a bunch of your post above btw - I exceeded the character limit)
I'm also bad with serious relationships FWIW (so far, anyway). I make terrible choices ... I basically have terrible taste in men, lol. I mean, I have GREAT taste in male friends actually. They're wonderful. But I do the exact opposite when romance comes into it, and I don't really know why - it's like a fucking chemical reaction in my brain, lol. It always seems out of my control a bit, even in hindsight. I just fall in love with men who end up being douchebags and/or jerks, lol (but at least I don't fall in love with evil people or anything like that - these are just run-of-the-mill shitty boyfriends). I don't know if the term "you can't help who you love" actually holds water scientifically, but it certainly feels true for me. I like to think that I finally learned all my lessons with the last one; I'm pretty sure I did - I'm much wiser now ... But the last one (common law marriage) went so spectacularly bad and my heart got so broken that I was turned off of the whole idea of being in a relationship at all. It finally convinced me that this whole relationship thing is something I don't need or want and suddenly being single feels absolutely amazing, like it never has before. For me, and for probably 75% of the people around me as far as I can tell, relationships are way more trouble than they're worth. Congrats to the remaining 25% though!
awww thanks i feel a little better now. i thought i repelled people, hahaha
next time ask me first. i can point out douchebags a mile away.
the heart wants what the heart wants. sometimes the heart knows better than the mind. in my case, my heart is a dumbfuck. i have been involved with women who i knew upon meeting them that they would chew me up and spit me out. so what did i do? hooked up with that girl for a torrid month or a torrid 2 month affair, and then promptly get chewed up and spit out. the sad thing is i KNOW better, but i still allow myself to get into those situations. you may be a lot like me. i always give people that i am dating the benefit of the doubt. even when it is obvious they are being unfaithful or it is obvious that it isn't going to work out. i am a cynic about a lot of things, but i still believe in love for some reason.
sounds like your last one was like my last one. being turned off about the idea of being in a relationship is kind of my natural response. i hate being alone. but sometimes it does seem to beat being with someone and trying to make something work. other times being alone is the worst thing ever. i am social by nature. coming home and not having anyone to talk to is kind of nice, but it gets old. hopefully you find what you are looking for. i am the kind of person that likes to spoil someone if i am with them. i give a lot of gifts. if i am single i kind of miss that. i end up donating more to charity when i am single, so maybe i should just do more of that for a while. who knows?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
rod, where did you play d1 baseball? I played two years at d3 until my shoulder gave out. Man I miss it!
i played at southwest missouri state university, since renamed missouri state university.
i miss it too. crazy thing is i hung up by cleats 24 years ago this may. i have now lived longer without baseball being a part of my life than i did with it being my life. that is crazy to think about now.
Ohhhhh how I miss playing baseball. I wrecked my right shoulder slamming into a wall twice in as many weeks playing racquet ball in the mid 80's and have thrown like a girl (er, um, sorry ladies!) ever since. Good golly I miss diving for line drives, the crack of the bat, sliding into a base or home plate, the crack of the bat, the smell of oiled glove leather. Nothing like it in the world!
i love the smell of an oiled glove. pine tar too.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I'm Rodney, Rod for short. 42, st louis, misery. progressive, liberal, whatever you want to call it. i've been politically active my entire adult life. as you can tell by my post count, most of them from 1998 on have been on amt.
I am sometimes an open book. Other times I close it and lock it up tight. bravo to you, sir, for opening it and spilling the words all over the table.
I've always respected your posts, and miss that you aren't here more. i have learned a lot from you over the years. You probably don't recall, but one of my very first experiences on entering the shark-infested waters of AMT was getting destroyed by you over the justice of the peace that refused to preside over mixed race marriages. I learned a lot from that thread. To think before you type. To research before chiming in. And it was mostly because of you.
you seem like a great guy. Sounds like you just need a better work/life balance, which you obviously already know. I hope you find it, dude. everyone deserve happiness.
I also have no desire to see PJ in that setting. I have never seen them in a ballpark, but I don't want to. it seems too big for me. I have seen a few bands in those settings, and don't get the same feeling as I do in an arena even. 40,000 people IS way different than 15,000. And especially with no new music to get excited about.
it is never too late to have a family. you are fit, you are healthy, having kids in your 40's is nothing now. I know plenty of people that age who are just starting families.
I too play music. I play bass and sing. And I hear you on finding people that want to actually play and not just "fuck around" and have a few beers. No one wants to put in the work or practice. I'm not looking to make it big, or even at all, I just have more fun when people know how to play their shit. Don't stop playing and trying to find people to jam with. You will regret it.
i think i was in a little too truthful of a mood. i was mortified the day after i posted it. it is nice to see kind words in response and it is nice to read other peoples' posts as well.
thank you for the compliments. i have always thought very highly of you and your opinions as well. whenever i think about amt you are one of the people that always comes to mind, so i am glad you are doing well. it was nice to read a little more about you.
i am so sorry that i acted that way. unfortunately i don't recall that thread and i don't recall being a dick. but if you say it happened, i am more than sure that it did. i learned the hard way when i started posting on amt. i used to think i was the "thread killer". i would make a post in a thread and then nobody would reply. then i would start a thread and nobody would want to discuss anything i wanted to discuss. i did not have the warmest reception when i started coming around here. people like byrnzie, el kabong, abook, commy, animus, hippiemom, windedsailor, pj gurl/triumphant angel, catefrances, metsfan, barroom hero, pychosinlove, jlewasu24, and a bunch of others now forgotten would light me up if i did not "come correct" with links and a reasoned argument. i guess as i became more seasoned i expected the same of everyone else, so i am sorry if i was ever a dick. i think the discussion was a little better back then, because we all kept each other honest. i would get called out for being intellectually dishonest, or lazy, or things were a false equivalence, etc, so it made me raise my bar a little higher. i left here a lot of times feeling like a dumbass, but it motivated me to read and to open my mind and try to see things from a different perspective. most of the people i mentioned don't come around anymore, but those are the ones that kind of made me become the poster i became.
i am working on the work/life balance. i talked to a guy today with a surgical sales company. he talked about an opening in a different territory where i could potentially hire on and not have to do business with my current boss. he assured me the hours are better. maybe less pay at first, but i would take less money for a better life. hopefully something comes from that.
i think you should see them in a stadium at least once. i don't know how these next two wrigley shows will top the prior three, but i am hopeful that they might. i prefer club shows these days. i'm into other bands now, ghost, brian fallon, against me, people who tour and play smaller places.
Yeah man, to have a kid in your 40s is not that uncommon. my thing is i think i would need to get to know someone for a few years before having kids. i don't have any prospects at the moment, so assuming i meet someone at 43, start trying to have kids at 45, have a kid at 46, damn man, i would be the old ass dad at the little league game, lol. i think that kind of does a kid a disservice though. the older i am when i have a kid, the younger he will be when i pass away and that is what bums me out.
at this point, i think the playing music to make it ship has sailed for me. i don't want to be famous. i want to be understood. i think that is all i ever wanted. even when we were trying to talk to labels, i don't think i wanted to be famous. we just wanted to write our songs and try to make a living and do it our own way. we did not have a rapper, so we weren't going to go anywhere, haha. i think we are going to keep doing our covers thing and then if the original band gets back up and running we will then write more. hope you find people to play with that want it is badly as you do. cheers man!
You didn't "act that way", and you weren't a dick. you took me to task over my ignorant take on the situation. And it made me a better poster. before that, i was a stream-of-consciousness poster, not really thinking shit through. you taught me to think before you post.
I stopped replying to you (and anyone) for a while after that because I was intimidated, not because you were a dick. I chose to hang back and listen rather than speak for a while so I could learn the ropes a bit better. I almost never responded to byrnzie as he would destroy me pretty much every time. even if we agreed. that guy was on another level (especially about Israel), plus he didn't have a problem being a dick about it. LOL
yeah, and I also remember being admonished for not supporting my argument with links and whatnot by some of those you mentioned. NO WIKIPEDIA. LOL.
we started our family at 32. my parents started theirs at 21. different times man. my parents are 70 now and still as vibrant as a 55 year old in the 80's. I can imagine how hard it must be, being a GUY wanting to start a family. not really an option to do it on your own besides adoption.
a buddy came over a few weeks ago who I used to be in a band with. he wanted to start a green day cover band. as a bassist, I thought that would be fun. haven't heard anything since. oh well, par for the course at 40-ish with a hobby that people seem to think is reserved for teenagers and twentysomethings. such is life.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
On that note, when I moved to South Carolina, I found it quite unsettling to see people walk around with shirts on that said "go cocks!" After almost 20 years down here, nothing has changed. It's still odd.
Have you ever been to a University athletic event? I would imagine that would be very odd for you.
No, but I partied a lot at 5 points during my several training trips to the fire academy. So many "cock" fans.
Ah. Good ole Five Points. I spent my fair share of time there. Girls never got carded.
I was fb friends with Byrnzie when I had fb. We also had several long email discussions. You're right, he is on another level. People were hard in him because he was so informed.
will myself to find a home, a home within myself we will find a way, we will find our place
i shit you not, pete weber was my across the street neighbor from 2001 to 2015. what you see on tv is exactly what he is like as a neighbor. when he is home that is. most times he is on the road. i remember one time i got home from one of by gigs at about 3:30 am. I had some friends over for a nightcap and he yelled at us to shut the fuck up. i was shocked, considering his stepson got home that time most nights and were just as loud and i never ever said anything to them about it.
This is the greatest!!
here is the extended clip. his wife is the blonde covering her face. she has since left him. one of my neighbors told me she was mortified about this video and was deeply embarrassed by his behavior.
I've been clean and sober for 7 years this year. That's one of my biggest and proudest achievements in life. Chris Cornell's death hit me hard then.
Hey Congratulations Conor be very proud of yourself...I know what you mean about Chris Death hitting you hard...it hit me hard too so I know exactly where you are coming from...and hey be proud of yourself...also Smile because this makes me Smile...so much respect for you for achieving this
Just incase you missed what I posted a couple of days ago
i shit you not, pete weber was my across the street neighbor from 2001 to 2015. what you see on tv is exactly what he is like as a neighbor. when he is home that is. most times he is on the road. i remember one time i got home from one of by gigs at about 3:30 am. I had some friends over for a nightcap and he yelled at us to shut the fuck up. i was shocked, considering his stepson got home that time most nights and were just as loud and i never ever said anything to them about it.
This is the greatest!!
here is the extended clip. his wife is the blonde covering her face. she has since left him. one of my neighbors told me she was mortified about this video and was deeply embarrassed by his behavior.
I was fb friends with Byrnzie when I had fb. We also had several long email discussions. You're right, he is on another level. People were hard in him because he was so informed.
yeah he is intimidating. he is a good dude if you get to know him. i learned so much from him on israel. when i first started posting on here i was pretty pro-israel. i did not know what was going on because american media never really covered it. it was not until i started coming around here and interacting with people from other countries and seeing the news articles i posted did i learn anything. that and having an australian girlfriend for a time. byrnzie is like an encyclopedia. seems like he has folders on his computer with articles about every nuance of the conflict that he could produce within a few minutes. he debates hard. i know that a few of my facebook and real life friends unfriended me after getting destroyed by byrnzie. i had to message him and ask him to kindly let up before more people told me to fuck off, lol.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,650
I was fb friends with Byrnzie when I had fb. We also had several long email discussions. You're right, he is on another level. People were hard in him because he was so informed.
I had a lot of respect for Byrnzie until he started making personal accusations about me that were bullshit. Smart guy in a lot of ways but when someone makes assumptions and accusations about someone they don't know- that ended it for me.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I'm Rodney, Rod for short. 42, st louis, misery. progressive, liberal, whatever you want to call it. i've been politically active my entire adult life. as you can tell by my post count, most of them from 1998 on have been on amt.
I am sometimes an open book. Other times I close it and lock it up tight. bravo to you, sir, for opening it and spilling the words all over the table.
I've always respected your posts, and miss that you aren't here more. i have learned a lot from you over the years. You probably don't recall, but one of my very first experiences on entering the shark-infested waters of AMT was getting destroyed by you over the justice of the peace that refused to preside over mixed race marriages. I learned a lot from that thread. To think before you type. To research before chiming in. And it was mostly because of you.
you seem like a great guy. Sounds like you just need a better work/life balance, which you obviously already know. I hope you find it, dude. everyone deserve happiness.
I also have no desire to see PJ in that setting. I have never seen them in a ballpark, but I don't want to. it seems too big for me. I have seen a few bands in those settings, and don't get the same feeling as I do in an arena even. 40,000 people IS way different than 15,000. And especially with no new music to get excited about.
it is never too late to have a family. you are fit, you are healthy, having kids in your 40's is nothing now. I know plenty of people that age who are just starting families.
I too play music. I play bass and sing. And I hear you on finding people that want to actually play and not just "fuck around" and have a few beers. No one wants to put in the work or practice. I'm not looking to make it big, or even at all, I just have more fun when people know how to play their shit. Don't stop playing and trying to find people to jam with. You will regret it.
i think i was in a little too truthful of a mood. i was mortified the day after i posted it. it is nice to see kind words in response and it is nice to read other peoples' posts as well.
You didn't "act that way", and you weren't a dick. you took me to task over my ignorant take on the situation. And it made me a better poster. before that, i was a stream-of-consciousness poster, not really thinking shit through. you taught me to think before you post.
I stopped replying to you (and anyone) for a while after that because I was intimidated, not because you were a dick. I chose to hang back and listen rather than speak for a while so I could learn the ropes a bit better. I almost never responded to byrnzie as he would destroy me pretty much every time. even if we agreed. that guy was on another level (especially about Israel), plus he didn't have a problem being a dick about it. LOL
yeah, and I also remember being admonished for not supporting my argument with links and whatnot by some of those you mentioned. NO WIKIPEDIA. LOL.
we started our family at 32. my parents started theirs at 21. different times man. my parents are 70 now and still as vibrant as a 55 year old in the 80's. I can imagine how hard it must be, being a GUY wanting to start a family. not really an option to do it on your own besides adoption.
a buddy came over a few weeks ago who I used to be in a band with. he wanted to start a green day cover band. as a bassist, I thought that would be fun. haven't heard anything since. oh well, par for the course at 40-ish with a hobby that people seem to think is reserved for teenagers and twentysomethings. such is life.
that is how it was back then. i think back then people could smell it if i was trying to turn an argument with facts that were not verifiable. i think those people had very good bullshit detectors and would either call people out or not waste their time with a reply to counter all of the bullshit. i got taken to task a lot back in the day. i know i am like that sometimes, even now. sometimes it is better to just let people get away with shit because i don't have time to point them in the right direction and spoon feed them information. i think that is why i was the tread killer at first, because i was so hopelessly uninformed or misinformed about some things. i learned to not post in threads i did not know that much about and i learned to not post in threads with certain posters like byrnzie or el kabong or commy running the show because i did not want to get publicly destroyed. i sat back and read and followed the links. i got fed my lunch and dinner numerous times on this forum. its humbling. but i realized that they just wanted me to see truth, even if it was something that i did not agree with. it is like "these are facts. your opinion does not negate these statistics." i was willing to learn and when i did i think those posters ended up respecting me a little more. it takes balls to admit when you are wrong about something. especially on this public forum. it takes balls to evolve and amend your position. there was a poster on here a few years ago that i disagreed with on guns a lot of the time. there was a mass shooting in his community. he changed his position as a result of that tragedy. i had mad respect for that guy to come on here and document that transformation. it was wonderful to see how he educated his kids after that.
i think byrnzie was like that because he was so much further ahead than all of us that he did not have time to deal with trying to educate us, lol. i would not take it personally. a lot of intelligent people lack patience. that is why a lot of smart people are not great educators. it takes patience, and ole byrnzie did not have enough of it.
i remember those days, blogs and wiki were not allowed. anything that can be edited by users was not allowed because anybody can go on wiki and change shit without it being edited or reviewed. most blogs are slanted, so the same rule applied.
i think i just feel like time is passing me by. they say don't compare yourself to other people, but its kind of hard when most of your friends have 2 or 3 kids. its like, when i have a kid, those kids are going to be too old to hang out with my kid. i think the advantage of having kids at the same time as your friends is the kids will have already built in friends. lol look at me, concerning myself with an unborn kid. adoption is a good way to go, but i hear it is a nightmare.
you better call that dude! green day is fun to play, especially for a bass player. plus everyone knows most of their catalog. it would be a good gig if you guys can make it work. there is a st louis green day tribute band and they are huge here. i saw them and was like "why didn't we do that??" the good thing about music is people may think its for teenagers, buy fuck em, right?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
My name is from a Helmet song.
My normal handle on almost every other forum is my old dog's name but was taken at the time here. Been here since the Synergy days iirc, or am I mixing it up? It has been a while. I was at 5 Horizons, don't remember if there was a message board though.
I did use to have a low 3 digit fan club number but I accidentally let it lapse due to some tragic life issues at the time that caused me to overlook renewing. Innocent mistake. Now I am in the 50k's.
I don't have TV except for Apple TV.
I mostly listen to Permaculture type and Cryptocurrency Podcasts.
I don't have fb but I have twitter to just follow mostly Crypto people.
Musically death metal is now my favorite genre, Dying Fetus and Pathology being my favorite in that. I have only won one lottery for PJ tix and that was Moline a few years ago. Every other that I have tried I have lost, pretty disappointing considering I used to get 2nd row consistently.
Former Democrat. Former Libertarian. Now mostly leave me alone and I leave you alone type.
I believe very strongly in the Non Aggression Principle. Do no harm but to prevent harm. Somewhat my core belief.
I am anti NRA, but mostly because I find them weak and self serving. A little history would show that they supported or wrote most of the major gun control laws that exist. I am pro gun beyond what many of you could understand. I believe all gun laws are infringements, even the good ones. I don't really sleep with my AK under my pillow.
I am married to my Angel on Earth, been together over eight years, married for under a year. No kids yet. Not sure either. She likes me. A lot.
Used to live in Illinois but long gone from there, slowly making my way west.
I annually do a week in the wilderness, last trip was the Sawtooths and cracked out 50 miles in five days without returning to the trailhead, this year will be somewhere in California.
I like to explore and find ghost towns.
My favorite outdoor activity is overlanding.
My favorite indoor is weight training.
My step father and father died from the same cancer. I had to sue my dad's wife for fraud for deathbed signatures where she had him give her everything. It causes a ton of stress in my life. So much so I am on high blood pressure meds. My blood numbers are run every six months and are perfect. The stress is not at a perfect level. I am still dealing with it.
If you have chronic acid reflux get it resolved. Don't wait like they did.
I don't believe in hate, but if I did it would be for my dad's wife. I don't hold grudges, people just become irrelevant. Not worth the time or energy.
I probably like dogs more than people.
I am private and value that. I don't require attention.
I realize many people here would probably like to see me leave, but irl I am a cool mfer.
I have been to Chernobyl. I have donated to a charity that helps the kids since 2009. I have played rugby in Estonia. I have been to ten foreign capital cities. I have walked down the street at 4am with a beer in St Petersburg, Russia. I have ridden in a Lada. I was on a nationally ranked mens slowpitch softball team. I despise flying.
I know the difference in the yours and theirs. I mix up affect and effect.
I realize many people here would probably like to see me leave, but irl I am a cool mfer.
I don’t think people want you to leave, honestly I think the reason people get so frustrated with you is because we see the majority of your posts that are rational and act as a great balancer (is that a word?) to this liberal forum. But then you just post random shit that is batshit insane, like dude, really? A connection between the .00007% of kids in this country that tried eating a tide pod and the tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of kids that are protesting? You have to realize how moronic that is. I think the logic in you realizes that, but your emotion for your guns override your logic, and that is unfortunate for both you and the people that really like what you have to say the majority of the time.
I was fb friends with Byrnzie when I had fb. We also had several long email discussions. You're right, he is on another level. People were hard in him because he was so informed.
yeah he is intimidating. he is a good dude if you get to know him. i learned so much from him on israel. when i first started posting on here i was pretty pro-israel. i did not know what was going on because american media never really covered it. it was not until i started coming around here and interacting with people from other countries and seeing the news articles i posted did i learn anything. that and having an australian girlfriend for a time. byrnzie is like an encyclopedia. seems like he has folders on his computer with articles about every nuance of the conflict that he could produce within a few minutes. he debates hard. i know that a few of my facebook and real life friends unfriended me after getting destroyed by byrnzie. i had to message him and ask him to kindly let up before more people told me to fuck off, lol.
I was the same on Israel until Byrnzie and Nart (badbrains) showed me several articles and books and more importantly, the true history or the conflicts. They both are well informed, but had different methods of getting their point across.
I was fb friends with Byrnzie when I had fb. We also had several long email discussions. You're right, he is on another level. People were hard in him because he was so informed.
I had a lot of respect for Byrnzie until he started making personal accusations about me that were bullshit. Smart guy in a lot of ways but when someone makes assumptions and accusations about someone they don't know- that ended it for me.
I don't remember your interaction with Byrnzie specifically, he could have been and probably was in the wrong. But into know he was baited by many (not saying you brian) here and he did not "throw the first punch" sort of speak.
will myself to find a home, a home within myself we will find a way, we will find our place
I'm Rodney, Rod for short. 42, st louis, misery. progressive, liberal, whatever you want to call it. i've been politically active my entire adult life. as you can tell by my post count, most of them from 1998 on have been on amt.
I am sometimes an open book. Other times I close it and lock it up tight. bravo to you, sir, for opening it and spilling the words all over the table.
I've always respected your posts, and miss that you aren't here more. i have learned a lot from you over the years. You probably don't recall, but one of my very first experiences on entering the shark-infested waters of AMT was getting destroyed by you over the justice of the peace that refused to preside over mixed race marriages. I learned a lot from that thread. To think before you type. To research before chiming in. And it was mostly because of you.
you seem like a great guy. Sounds like you just need a better work/life balance, which you obviously already know. I hope you find it, dude. everyone deserve happiness.
I also have no desire to see PJ in that setting. I have never seen them in a ballpark, but I don't want to. it seems too big for me. I have seen a few bands in those settings, and don't get the same feeling as I do in an arena even. 40,000 people IS way different than 15,000. And especially with no new music to get excited about.
it is never too late to have a family. you are fit, you are healthy, having kids in your 40's is nothing now. I know plenty of people that age who are just starting families.
I too play music. I play bass and sing. And I hear you on finding people that want to actually play and not just "fuck around" and have a few beers. No one wants to put in the work or practice. I'm not looking to make it big, or even at all, I just have more fun when people know how to play their shit. Don't stop playing and trying to find people to jam with. You will regret it.
i think i was in a little too truthful of a mood. i was mortified the day after i posted it. it is nice to see kind words in response and it is nice to read other peoples' posts as well.
You didn't "act that way", and you weren't a dick. you took me to task over my ignorant take on the situation. And it made me a better poster. before that, i was a stream-of-consciousness poster, not really thinking shit through. you taught me to think before you post.
I stopped replying to you (and anyone) for a while after that because I was intimidated, not because you were a dick. I chose to hang back and listen rather than speak for a while so I could learn the ropes a bit better. I almost never responded to byrnzie as he would destroy me pretty much every time. even if we agreed. that guy was on another level (especially about Israel), plus he didn't have a problem being a dick about it. LOL
yeah, and I also remember being admonished for not supporting my argument with links and whatnot by some of those you mentioned. NO WIKIPEDIA. LOL.
we started our family at 32. my parents started theirs at 21. different times man. my parents are 70 now and still as vibrant as a 55 year old in the 80's. I can imagine how hard it must be, being a GUY wanting to start a family. not really an option to do it on your own besides adoption.
a buddy came over a few weeks ago who I used to be in a band with. he wanted to start a green day cover band. as a bassist, I thought that would be fun. haven't heard anything since. oh well, par for the course at 40-ish with a hobby that people seem to think is reserved for teenagers and twentysomethings. such is life.
that is how it was back then. i think back then people could smell it if i was trying to turn an argument with facts that were not verifiable. i think those people had very good bullshit detectors and would either call people out or not waste their time with a reply to counter all of the bullshit. i got taken to task a lot back in the day. i know i am like that sometimes, even now. sometimes it is better to just let people get away with shit because i don't have time to point them in the right direction and spoon feed them information. i think that is why i was the tread killer at first, because i was so hopelessly uninformed or misinformed about some things. i learned to not post in threads i did not know that much about and i learned to not post in threads with certain posters like byrnzie or el kabong or commy running the show because i did not want to get publicly destroyed. i sat back and read and followed the links. i got fed my lunch and dinner numerous times on this forum. its humbling. but i realized that they just wanted me to see truth, even if it was something that i did not agree with. it is like "these are facts. your opinion does not negate these statistics." i was willing to learn and when i did i think those posters ended up respecting me a little more. it takes balls to admit when you are wrong about something. especially on this public forum. it takes balls to evolve and amend your position. there was a poster on here a few years ago that i disagreed with on guns a lot of the time. there was a mass shooting in his community. he changed his position as a result of that tragedy. i had mad respect for that guy to come on here and document that transformation. it was wonderful to see how he educated his kids after that.
i think byrnzie was like that because he was so much further ahead than all of us that he did not have time to deal with trying to educate us, lol. i would not take it personally. a lot of intelligent people lack patience. that is why a lot of smart people are not great educators. it takes patience, and ole byrnzie did not have enough of it.
i remember those days, blogs and wiki were not allowed. anything that can be edited by users was not allowed because anybody can go on wiki and change shit without it being edited or reviewed. most blogs are slanted, so the same rule applied.
i think i just feel like time is passing me by. they say don't compare yourself to other people, but its kind of hard when most of your friends have 2 or 3 kids. its like, when i have a kid, those kids are going to be too old to hang out with my kid. i think the advantage of having kids at the same time as your friends is the kids will have already built in friends. lol look at me, concerning myself with an unborn kid. adoption is a good way to go, but i hear it is a nightmare.
you better call that dude! green day is fun to play, especially for a bass player. plus everyone knows most of their catalog. it would be a good gig if you guys can make it work. there is a st louis green day tribute band and they are huge here. i saw them and was like "why didn't we do that??" the good thing about music is people may think its for teenagers, buy fuck em, right?
yeah, that was kind of what I figured it was about him. he expected people to be up to his level, and I just couldn't do it. I tried to educate myself to be able to discuss, but I felt like a monkey trying to cram for a trigonometry exam without knowing how to read. So I'd just read the thread and try to figure out what information was real. but even reading it became too time consuming.
I'm still like that on US politics. I see the shit that Halifax and BS post and others, and I'm like "how the fuck do you people know all this shit?". How is there enough time in the day to know all of this detail?
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
My normal handle on almost every other forum is my old dog's name but was taken at the time here. Been here since the Synergy days iirc, or am I mixing it up? It has been a while. I was at 5 Horizons, don't remember if there was a message board though.
I did use to have a low 3 digit fan club number but I accidentally let it lapse due to some tragic life issues at the time that caused me to overlook renewing. Innocent mistake. Now I am in the 50k's.
I don't have TV except for Apple TV.
I mostly listen to Permaculture type and Cryptocurrency Podcasts.
I don't have fb but I have twitter to just follow mostly Crypto people.
Musically death metal is now my favorite genre, Dying Fetus and Pathology being my favorite in that. I have only won one lottery for PJ tix and that was Moline a few years ago. Every other that I have tried I have lost, pretty disappointing considering I used to get 2nd row consistently.
Former Democrat. Former Libertarian. Now mostly leave me alone and I leave you alone type.
I believe very strongly in the Non Aggression Principle. Do no harm but to prevent harm. Somewhat my core belief.
I am anti NRA, but mostly because I find them weak and self serving. A little history would show that they supported or wrote most of the major gun control laws that exist. I am pro gun beyond what many of you could understand. I believe all gun laws are infringements, even the good ones. I don't really sleep with my AK under my pillow.
I am married to my Angel on Earth, been together over eight years, married for under a year. No kids yet. Not sure either. She likes me. A lot.
Used to live in Illinois but long gone from there, slowly making my way west.
I annually do a week in the wilderness, last trip was the Sawtooths and cracked out 50 miles in five days without returning to the trailhead, this year will be somewhere in California.
I like to explore and find ghost towns.
My favorite outdoor activity is overlanding.
My favorite indoor is weight training.
My step father and father died from the same cancer. I had to sue my dad's wife for fraud for deathbed signatures where she had him give her everything. It causes a ton of stress in my life. So much so I am on high blood pressure meds. My blood numbers are run every six months and are perfect. The stress is not at a perfect level. I am still dealing with it.
If you have chronic acid reflux get it resolved. Don't wait like they did.
I don't believe in hate, but if I did it would be for my dad's wife. I don't hold grudges, people just become irrelevant. Not worth the time or energy.
I probably like dogs more than people.
I am private and value that. I don't require attention.
I realize many people here would probably like to see me leave, but irl I am a cool mfer.
I have been to Chernobyl. I have donated to a charity that helps the kids since 2009. I have played rugby in Estonia. I have been to ten foreign capital cities. I have walked down the street at 4am with a beer in St Petersburg, Russia. I have ridden in a Lada. I was on a nationally ranked mens slowpitch softball team. I despise flying.
I know the difference in the yours and theirs. I mix up affect and effect.
Maybe later I will post a pic. Good night.
I read this and had to go back to make sure it was actually you. To go from, historically, not even wanting to divulge the state you live in, to this post, is, to me, shocking. in a good way.
we agree on very little of what is discussed here. But I respect your knowledge and the succinct way you use little dialogue to get your point across. I have tried to use that myself sometimes, as I tend to be on the other end of the spectrum. probably because I'm always second guessing what I'm saying, so I just put it all out there and hope something sticks.
I wouldn't want to see you go. there are folks of your political/philosophical persuasion that i was happy to see leave, but not because of their views, but how they expressed them. balance here is healthy. keeps everyone honest. I know many on the right see this place as an echo chamber, and when it becomes that, I find myself bored with it. different viewpoints is how we all learn. balance is key.
I am also always quite impressed at your composure. with the amount of abuse you take, you never, or at least what I've seen, get hot about it. my GFY meter is usually teetering on "warning" on good days. I respect a cool cat.
3 digit 10C number? were you a MLB fan? Love Bone Earth Affair member?
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,569
I'm Rodney, Rod for short. 42, st louis, misery. progressive, liberal, whatever you want to call it. i've been politically active my entire adult life. as you can tell by my post count, most of them from 1998 on have been on amt.
I am sometimes an open book. Other times I close it and lock it up tight. bravo to you, sir, for opening it and spilling the words all over the table.
I've always respected your posts, and miss that you aren't here more. i have learned a lot from you over the years. You probably don't recall, but one of my very first experiences on entering the shark-infested waters of AMT was getting destroyed by you over the justice of the peace that refused to preside over mixed race marriages. I learned a lot from that thread. To think before you type. To research before chiming in. And it was mostly because of you.
you seem like a great guy. Sounds like you just need a better work/life balance, which you obviously already know. I hope you find it, dude. everyone deserve happiness.
I also have no desire to see PJ in that setting. I have never seen them in a ballpark, but I don't want to. it seems too big for me. I have seen a few bands in those settings, and don't get the same feeling as I do in an arena even. 40,000 people IS way different than 15,000. And especially with no new music to get excited about.
it is never too late to have a family. you are fit, you are healthy, having kids in your 40's is nothing now. I know plenty of people that age who are just starting families.
I too play music. I play bass and sing. And I hear you on finding people that want to actually play and not just "fuck around" and have a few beers. No one wants to put in the work or practice. I'm not looking to make it big, or even at all, I just have more fun when people know how to play their shit. Don't stop playing and trying to find people to jam with. You will regret it.
i think i was in a little too truthful of a mood. i was mortified the day after i posted it. it is nice to see kind words in response and it is nice to read other peoples' posts as well.
You didn't "act that way", and you weren't a dick. you took me to task over my ignorant take on the situation. And it made me a better poster. before that, i was a stream-of-consciousness poster, not really thinking shit through. you taught me to think before you post.
I stopped replying to you (and anyone) for a while after that because I was intimidated, not because you were a dick. I chose to hang back and listen rather than speak for a while so I could learn the ropes a bit better. I almost never responded to byrnzie as he would destroy me pretty much every time. even if we agreed. that guy was on another level (especially about Israel), plus he didn't have a problem being a dick about it. LOL
yeah, and I also remember being admonished for not supporting my argument with links and whatnot by some of those you mentioned. NO WIKIPEDIA. LOL.
we started our family at 32. my parents started theirs at 21. different times man. my parents are 70 now and still as vibrant as a 55 year old in the 80's. I can imagine how hard it must be, being a GUY wanting to start a family. not really an option to do it on your own besides adoption.
a buddy came over a few weeks ago who I used to be in a band with. he wanted to start a green day cover band. as a bassist, I thought that would be fun. haven't heard anything since. oh well, par for the course at 40-ish with a hobby that people seem to think is reserved for teenagers and twentysomethings. such is life.
that is how it was back then. i think back then people could smell it if i was trying to turn an argument with facts that were not verifiable. i think those people had very good bullshit detectors and would either call people out or not waste their time with a reply to counter all of the bullshit. i got taken to task a lot back in the day. i know i am like that sometimes, even now. sometimes it is better to just let people get away with shit because i don't have time to point them in the right direction and spoon feed them information. i think that is why i was the tread killer at first, because i was so hopelessly uninformed or misinformed about some things. i learned to not post in threads i did not know that much about and i learned to not post in threads with certain posters like byrnzie or el kabong or commy running the show because i did not want to get publicly destroyed. i sat back and read and followed the links. i got fed my lunch and dinner numerous times on this forum. its humbling. but i realized that they just wanted me to see truth, even if it was something that i did not agree with. it is like "these are facts. your opinion does not negate these statistics." i was willing to learn and when i did i think those posters ended up respecting me a little more. it takes balls to admit when you are wrong about something. especially on this public forum. it takes balls to evolve and amend your position. there was a poster on here a few years ago that i disagreed with on guns a lot of the time. there was a mass shooting in his community. he changed his position as a result of that tragedy. i had mad respect for that guy to come on here and document that transformation. it was wonderful to see how he educated his kids after that.
i think byrnzie was like that because he was so much further ahead than all of us that he did not have time to deal with trying to educate us, lol. i would not take it personally. a lot of intelligent people lack patience. that is why a lot of smart people are not great educators. it takes patience, and ole byrnzie did not have enough of it.
i remember those days, blogs and wiki were not allowed. anything that can be edited by users was not allowed because anybody can go on wiki and change shit without it being edited or reviewed. most blogs are slanted, so the same rule applied.
i think i just feel like time is passing me by. they say don't compare yourself to other people, but its kind of hard when most of your friends have 2 or 3 kids. its like, when i have a kid, those kids are going to be too old to hang out with my kid. i think the advantage of having kids at the same time as your friends is the kids will have already built in friends. lol look at me, concerning myself with an unborn kid. adoption is a good way to go, but i hear it is a nightmare.
you better call that dude! green day is fun to play, especially for a bass player. plus everyone knows most of their catalog. it would be a good gig if you guys can make it work. there is a st louis green day tribute band and they are huge here. i saw them and was like "why didn't we do that??" the good thing about music is people may think its for teenagers, buy fuck em, right?
yeah, that was kind of what I figured it was about him. he expected people to be up to his level, and I just couldn't do it. I tried to educate myself to be able to discuss, but I felt like a monkey trying to cram for a trigonometry exam without knowing how to read. So I'd just read the thread and try to figure out what information was real. but even reading it became too time consuming.
I'm still like that on US politics. I see the shit that Halifax and BS post and others, and I'm like "how the fuck do you people know all this shit?". How is there enough time in the day to know all of this detail?
My normal handle on almost every other forum is my old dog's name but was taken at the time here. Been here since the Synergy days iirc, or am I mixing it up? It has been a while. I was at 5 Horizons, don't remember if there was a message board though.
I did use to have a low 3 digit fan club number but I accidentally let it lapse due to some tragic life issues at the time that caused me to overlook renewing. Innocent mistake. Now I am in the 50k's.
I don't have TV except for Apple TV.
I mostly listen to Permaculture type and Cryptocurrency Podcasts.
I don't have fb but I have twitter to just follow mostly Crypto people.
Musically death metal is now my favorite genre, Dying Fetus and Pathology being my favorite in that. I have only won one lottery for PJ tix and that was Moline a few years ago. Every other that I have tried I have lost, pretty disappointing considering I used to get 2nd row consistently.
Former Democrat. Former Libertarian. Now mostly leave me alone and I leave you alone type.
I believe very strongly in the Non Aggression Principle. Do no harm but to prevent harm. Somewhat my core belief.
I am anti NRA, but mostly because I find them weak and self serving. A little history would show that they supported or wrote most of the major gun control laws that exist. I am pro gun beyond what many of you could understand. I believe all gun laws are infringements, even the good ones. I don't really sleep with my AK under my pillow.
I am married to my Angel on Earth, been together over eight years, married for under a year. No kids yet. Not sure either. She likes me. A lot.
Used to live in Illinois but long gone from there, slowly making my way west.
I annually do a week in the wilderness, last trip was the Sawtooths and cracked out 50 miles in five days without returning to the trailhead, this year will be somewhere in California.
I like to explore and find ghost towns.
My favorite outdoor activity is overlanding.
My favorite indoor is weight training.
My step father and father died from the same cancer. I had to sue my dad's wife for fraud for deathbed signatures where she had him give her everything. It causes a ton of stress in my life. So much so I am on high blood pressure meds. My blood numbers are run every six months and are perfect. The stress is not at a perfect level. I am still dealing with it.
If you have chronic acid reflux get it resolved. Don't wait like they did.
I don't believe in hate, but if I did it would be for my dad's wife. I don't hold grudges, people just become irrelevant. Not worth the time or energy.
I probably like dogs more than people.
I am private and value that. I don't require attention.
I realize many people here would probably like to see me leave, but irl I am a cool mfer.
I have been to Chernobyl. I have donated to a charity that helps the kids since 2009. I have played rugby in Estonia. I have been to ten foreign capital cities. I have walked down the street at 4am with a beer in St Petersburg, Russia. I have ridden in a Lada. I was on a nationally ranked mens slowpitch softball team. I despise flying.
I know the difference in the yours and theirs. I mix up affect and effect.
Maybe later I will post a pic. Good night.
I read this and had to go back to make sure it was actually you. To go from, historically, not even wanting to divulge the state you live in, to this post, is, to me, shocking. in a good way.
we agree on very little of what is discussed here. But I respect your knowledge and the succinct way you use little dialogue to get your point across. I have tried to use that myself sometimes, as I tend to be on the other end of the spectrum. probably because I'm always second guessing what I'm saying, so I just put it all out there and hope something sticks.
I wouldn't want to see you go. there are folks of your political/philosophical persuasion that i was happy to see leave, but not because of their views, but how they expressed them. balance here is healthy. keeps everyone honest. I know many on the right see this place as an echo chamber, and when it becomes that, I find myself bored with it. different viewpoints is how we all learn. balance is key.
I am also always quite impressed at your composure. with the amount of abuse you take, you never, or at least what I've seen, get hot about it. my GFY meter is usually teetering on "warning" on good days. I respect a cool cat.
3 digit 10C number? were you a MLB fan? Love Bone Earth Affair member?
I thought the same thing. I said to myself "that's unsung?" I lean left on most social issues but do not vote Democrat too often. I have voted for a third party candidate since 2000. One of the biggest problems with out politics is the 2 party system. We either need 4 or 5 valid parties or geg rid of all of them. Run on yojr own merits and money hou raise on your own. But do agree with less, way less government involvement. We need government to just make sure the rich aren't screwing the non rich. And they've done a horrible job of that. And I also agree with the leave me alone and I'll leave you alone philosophy. It's just so hard now a days with social media to stay out of other people's business. The 10c forums are the only social media I use. And I sometimes can't stay out of other people's business.
Post edited by Degeneratefk on
will myself to find a home, a home within myself we will find a way, we will find our place
My step father and father died from the same cancer. I had to sue my dad's wife for fraud for deathbed signatures where she had him give her everything. It causes a ton of stress in my life. So much so I am on high blood pressure meds. My blood numbers are run every six months and are perfect. The stress is not at a perfect level. I am still dealing with it.
I can really relate to this, as my stepmother pulled the same shit the week before my dad died from cancer, while in hospice. I harbored much hate for her, for her heartlessness. It wasn't necessarily about money but her acrimony and manipulation of him, and keeping treasured items that were precious to my sister and me. But...I'll take the memories of him over anything else, any day.
I'll admit that occasionally I check the Palm Desert obits to see if the old witch has kicked the bucket yet.
My step father and father died from the same cancer. I had to sue my dad's wife for fraud for deathbed signatures where she had him give her everything. It causes a ton of stress in my life. So much so I am on high blood pressure meds. My blood numbers are run every six months and are perfect. The stress is not at a perfect level. I am still dealing with it.
I can really relate to this, as my stepmother pulled the same shit the week before my dad died from cancer, while in hospice. I harbored much hate for her, for her heartlessness. It wasn't necessarily about money but her acrimony and manipulation of him, and keeping treasured items that were precious to my sister and me. But...I'll take the memories of him over anything else, any day.
I'll admit that occasionally I check the Palm Desert obits to see if the old witch has kicked the bucket yet.
wow, hedo is saucy this Friday morn!
when my dad's dad died, my dad's brother's common law wife's family all came in and raided his house. by the time we got done mourning, there was barely anything left. it disgusted me to my core. it wasn't even HER, it was her family. I mean, basically fucking strangers. but after while I realized none of that shit mattered anyway, like you said, the memories are what mattered.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Great to see unsung's post! Yes, we argue and both play the contrarian at times, but I don't think there is anyone here I wouldn't sit down and hang out with.
My step father and father died from the same cancer. I had to sue my dad's wife for fraud for deathbed signatures where she had him give her everything. It causes a ton of stress in my life. So much so I am on high blood pressure meds. My blood numbers are run every six months and are perfect. The stress is not at a perfect level. I am still dealing with it.
I can really relate to this, as my stepmother pulled the same shit the week before my dad died from cancer, while in hospice. I harbored much hate for her, for her heartlessness. It wasn't necessarily about money but her acrimony and manipulation of him, and keeping treasured items that were precious to my sister and me. But...I'll take the memories of him over anything else, any day.
I'll admit that occasionally I check the Palm Desert obits to see if the old witch has kicked the bucket yet.
wow, hedo is saucy this Friday morn!
when my dad's dad died, my dad's brother's common law wife's family all came in and raided his house. by the time we got done mourning, there was barely anything left. it disgusted me to my core. it wasn't even HER, it was her family. I mean, basically fucking strangers. but after while I realized none of that shit mattered anyway, like you said, the memories are what mattered.
People's true colors come out when a family member dies. When my grandma died, I had a huge problem with the way her 6 sons and daughters dealt with the passing out of her stuff. It caused a lot of tension between my dad and I for a long time. He called the cops on his own sister and brother in law over a $50 braclet. Granted , my aunt was being a complete bitch. But by the time I knew what was going on, my dad had his gun in his hip. I said are you really fucking serious? You're going to threaten them with a gun? It's your fucking sister and it's a piece of shit braclet. It was a mess. They still don't talk and it's been 3 years this month.
Or in your case, an in law and her family. Which is so odd. How did the actual relation of hour grandpa let them even in the house? I get you're all in mourning and dealing with funeral arrangements, but damn, letting strangers in like that seems odd too.
will myself to find a home, a home within myself we will find a way, we will find our place
When I was busy getting married, my mother and her fellow addicts robbed her mother's (my grandmother's) house and sold the goods for crack. That was the price my grandmother paid for seeing her grandson get married. She had bought my mother a plane ticket to come to the wedding and everything, but my mother had other plans. I got inmate mail for a while from her. One day I'll open it.
thank you for the compliments. i have always thought very highly of you and your opinions as well. whenever i think about amt you are one of the people that always comes to mind, so i am glad you are doing well. it was nice to read a little more about you.
i am so sorry that i acted that way. unfortunately i don't recall that thread and i don't recall being a dick. but if you say it happened, i am more than sure that it did. i learned the hard way when i started posting on amt. i used to think i was the "thread killer". i would make a post in a thread and then nobody would reply. then i would start a thread and nobody would want to discuss anything i wanted to discuss. i did not have the warmest reception when i started coming around here. people like byrnzie, el kabong, abook, commy, animus, hippiemom, windedsailor, pj gurl/triumphant angel, catefrances, metsfan, barroom hero, pychosinlove, jlewasu24, and a bunch of others now forgotten would light me up if i did not "come correct" with links and a reasoned argument. i guess as i became more seasoned i expected the same of everyone else, so i am sorry if i was ever a dick. i think the discussion was a little better back then, because we all kept each other honest. i would get called out for being intellectually dishonest, or lazy, or things were a false equivalence, etc, so it made me raise my bar a little higher. i left here a lot of times feeling like a dumbass, but it motivated me to read and to open my mind and try to see things from a different perspective. most of the people i mentioned don't come around anymore, but those are the ones that kind of made me become the poster i became.
i am working on the work/life balance. i talked to a guy today with a surgical sales company. he talked about an opening in a different territory where i could potentially hire on and not have to do business with my current boss. he assured me the hours are better. maybe less pay at first, but i would take less money for a better life. hopefully something comes from that.
i think you should see them in a stadium at least once. i don't know how these next two wrigley shows will top the prior three, but i am hopeful that they might. i prefer club shows these days. i'm into other bands now, ghost, brian fallon, against me, people who tour and play smaller places.
Yeah man, to have a kid in your 40s is not that uncommon. my thing is i think i would need to get to know someone for a few years before having kids. i don't have any prospects at the moment, so assuming i meet someone at 43, start trying to have kids at 45, have a kid at 46, damn man, i would be the old ass dad at the little league game, lol. i think that kind of does a kid a disservice though. the older i am when i have a kid, the younger he will be when i pass away and that is what bums me out.
at this point, i think the playing music to make it ship has sailed for me. i don't want to be famous. i want to be understood. i think that is all i ever wanted. even when we were trying to talk to labels, i don't think i wanted to be famous. we just wanted to write our songs and try to make a living and do it our own way. we did not have a rapper, so we weren't going to go anywhere, haha. i think we are going to keep doing our covers thing and then if the original band gets back up and running we will then write more. hope you find people to play with that want it is badly as you do. cheers man!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
i don't think we differ that bad. i think deep down we want the same things, just disagree sometimes on how to go about making it happen.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
next time ask me first. i can point out douchebags a mile away.
the heart wants what the heart wants. sometimes the heart knows better than the mind. in my case, my heart is a dumbfuck. i have been involved with women who i knew upon meeting them that they would chew me up and spit me out. so what did i do? hooked up with that girl for a torrid month or a torrid 2 month affair, and then promptly get chewed up and spit out. the sad thing is i KNOW better, but i still allow myself to get into those situations. you may be a lot like me. i always give people that i am dating the benefit of the doubt. even when it is obvious they are being unfaithful or it is obvious that it isn't going to work out. i am a cynic about a lot of things, but i still believe in love for some reason.
sounds like your last one was like my last one. being turned off about the idea of being in a relationship is kind of my natural response. i hate being alone. but sometimes it does seem to beat being with someone and trying to make something work. other times being alone is the worst thing ever. i am social by nature. coming home and not having anyone to talk to is kind of nice, but it gets old. hopefully you find what you are looking for. i am the kind of person that likes to spoil someone if i am with them. i give a lot of gifts. if i am single i kind of miss that. i end up donating more to charity when i am single, so maybe i should just do more of that for a while. who knows?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
if they are the ones i am thinking they are, they are shaped like a zeppelin, lol
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I stopped replying to you (and anyone) for a while after that because I was intimidated, not because you were a dick. I chose to hang back and listen rather than speak for a while so I could learn the ropes a bit better. I almost never responded to byrnzie as he would destroy me pretty much every time. even if we agreed. that guy was on another level (especially about Israel), plus he didn't have a problem being a dick about it. LOL
yeah, and I also remember being admonished for not supporting my argument with links and whatnot by some of those you mentioned. NO WIKIPEDIA. LOL.
we started our family at 32. my parents started theirs at 21. different times man. my parents are 70 now and still as vibrant as a 55 year old in the 80's. I can imagine how hard it must be, being a GUY wanting to start a family. not really an option to do it on your own besides adoption.
a buddy came over a few weeks ago who I used to be in a band with. he wanted to start a green day cover band. as a bassist, I thought that would be fun. haven't heard anything since. oh well, par for the course at 40-ish with a hobby that people seem to think is reserved for teenagers and twentysomethings. such is life.
-EV 8/14/93
we will find a way, we will find our place
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
i think byrnzie was like that because he was so much further ahead than all of us that he did not have time to deal with trying to educate us, lol. i would not take it personally. a lot of intelligent people lack patience. that is why a lot of smart people are not great educators. it takes patience, and ole byrnzie did not have enough of it.
i remember those days, blogs and wiki were not allowed. anything that can be edited by users was not allowed because anybody can go on wiki and change shit without it being edited or reviewed. most blogs are slanted, so the same rule applied.
i think i just feel like time is passing me by. they say don't compare yourself to other people, but its kind of hard when most of your friends have 2 or 3 kids. its like, when i have a kid, those kids are going to be too old to hang out with my kid. i think the advantage of having kids at the same time as your friends is the kids will have already built in friends. lol look at me, concerning myself with an unborn kid. adoption is a good way to go, but i hear it is a nightmare.
you better call that dude! green day is fun to play, especially for a bass player. plus everyone knows most of their catalog. it would be a good gig if you guys can make it work. there is a st louis green day tribute band and they are huge here. i saw them and was like "why didn't we do that??" the good thing about music is people may think its for teenagers, buy fuck em, right?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
My normal handle on almost every other forum is my old dog's name but was taken at the time here. Been here since the Synergy days iirc, or am I mixing it up? It has been a while. I was at 5 Horizons, don't remember if there was a message board though.
I did use to have a low 3 digit fan club number but I accidentally let it lapse due to some tragic life issues at the time that caused me to overlook renewing. Innocent mistake. Now I am in the 50k's.
I don't have TV except for Apple TV.
I mostly listen to Permaculture type and Cryptocurrency Podcasts.
I don't have fb but I have twitter to just follow mostly Crypto people.
Musically death metal is now my favorite genre, Dying Fetus and Pathology being my favorite in that. I have only won one lottery for PJ tix and that was Moline a few years ago. Every other that I have tried I have lost, pretty disappointing considering I used to get 2nd row consistently.
Former Democrat.
Former Libertarian.
Now mostly leave me alone and I leave you alone type.
I believe very strongly in the Non Aggression Principle. Do no harm but to prevent harm. Somewhat my core belief.
I am anti NRA, but mostly because I find them weak and self serving. A little history would show that they supported or wrote most of the major gun control laws that exist. I am pro gun beyond what many of you could understand. I believe all gun laws are infringements, even the good ones. I don't really sleep with my AK under my pillow.
I am married to my Angel on Earth, been together over eight years, married for under a year. No kids yet. Not sure either. She likes me. A lot.
Used to live in Illinois but long gone from there, slowly making my way west.
I annually do a week in the wilderness, last trip was the Sawtooths and cracked out 50 miles in five days without returning to the trailhead, this year will be somewhere in California.
I like to explore and find ghost towns.
My favorite outdoor activity is overlanding.
My favorite indoor is weight training.
My step father and father died from the same cancer. I had to sue my dad's wife for fraud for deathbed signatures where she had him give her everything. It causes a ton of stress in my life. So much so I am on high blood pressure meds. My blood numbers are run every six months and are perfect. The stress is not at a perfect level. I am still dealing with it.
If you have chronic acid reflux get it resolved. Don't wait like they did.
I don't believe in hate, but if I did it would be for my dad's wife. I don't hold grudges, people just become irrelevant. Not worth the time or energy.
I probably like dogs more than people.
I am private and value that. I don't require attention.
I realize many people here would probably like to see me leave, but irl I am a cool mfer.
I have been to Chernobyl. I have donated to a charity that helps the kids since 2009. I have played rugby in Estonia. I have been to ten foreign capital cities. I have walked down the street at 4am with a beer in St Petersburg, Russia. I have ridden in a Lada. I was on a nationally ranked mens slowpitch softball team. I despise flying.
I know the difference in the yours and theirs. I mix up affect and effect.
Maybe later I will post a pic. Good night.
I don't remember your interaction with Byrnzie specifically, he could have been and probably was in the wrong. But into know he was baited by many (not saying you brian) here and he did not "throw the first punch" sort of speak.
we will find a way, we will find our place
I'm still like that on US politics. I see the shit that Halifax and BS post and others, and I'm like "how the fuck do you people know all this shit?". How is there enough time in the day to know all of this detail?
-EV 8/14/93
we agree on very little of what is discussed here. But I respect your knowledge and the succinct way you use little dialogue to get your point across. I have tried to use that myself sometimes, as I tend to be on the other end of the spectrum. probably because I'm always second guessing what I'm saying, so I just put it all out there and hope something sticks.
I wouldn't want to see you go. there are folks of your political/philosophical persuasion that i was happy to see leave, but not because of their views, but how they expressed them. balance here is healthy. keeps everyone honest. I know many on the right see this place as an echo chamber, and when it becomes that, I find myself bored with it. different viewpoints is how we all learn. balance is key.
I am also always quite impressed at your composure. with the amount of abuse you take, you never, or at least what I've seen, get hot about it. my GFY meter is usually teetering on "warning" on good days. I respect a cool cat.
3 digit 10C number? were you a MLB fan? Love Bone Earth Affair member?
-EV 8/14/93
we will find a way, we will find our place
I'll admit that occasionally I check the Palm Desert obits to see if the old witch has kicked the bucket yet.
when my dad's dad died, my dad's brother's common law wife's family all came in and raided his house. by the time we got done mourning, there was barely anything left. it disgusted me to my core. it wasn't even HER, it was her family. I mean, basically fucking strangers. but after while I realized none of that shit mattered anyway, like you said, the memories are what mattered.
-EV 8/14/93
Or in your case, an in law and her family. Which is so odd. How did the actual relation of hour grandpa let them even in the house? I get you're all in mourning and dealing with funeral arrangements, but damn, letting strangers in like that seems odd too.
we will find a way, we will find our place
When I was busy getting married, my mother and her fellow addicts robbed her mother's (my grandmother's) house and sold the goods for crack. That was the price my grandmother paid for seeing her grandson get married. She had bought my mother a plane ticket to come to the wedding and everything, but my mother had other plans. I got inmate mail for a while from her. One day I'll open it.
Family is fucked up.