Pearl Jam Patches

in The Porch
Am I the only one bummed by the fact that almost all the PJ patches they used to offer in the shop are now gone?
The only one listed now is the Boston 2016 skull patch. All the others they initially had available are gone :(
The only one listed now is the Boston 2016 skull patch. All the others they initially had available are gone :(
"Music is an indirect force for change because it provides an anchor against human tragedy." - Operation Ivy
My concert travel backpack has this one.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
I was able to buy that same one from the shop easy peasy a while ago but they're are no longer available :(
I have two others, but I bought those from the merch tent at Wrigley.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Maybe they're just gonna be selling them at the Merch tents when they go on tour?
Maybe that's why they're no longer available in the online shop...
These were the merch tent patches. Forgot about one.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Super cool you got to go to their Wrigley field performance! That must have been epic!
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Did they send out an email about it in advance or na?
It might be worth a shot to post an ISO over in Lost Dogs. Somebody might have the patch you’re after just sitting in a drawer.
Not to mention they have that gray PJ US Flag sticker and new sonics themed basketball sticker for free too.
Sorry, bit of a clueless newbie when it comes to this sorta thing
Easy Street Records Hannah