
I just watched a louis theroux programme about gun crime. 
It was based in Milwaukee? Not sure of spelling.
Dear god (not that i believe in god)but so many deaths and mutilations because everyone has a gun. There was a woman who took different guns with her accordingly to where she was in her house. Had one even in the bath. 
Im from england as you may have worked out.
What the fuckin fuck is with guns. Ive never even seen or held a gun.
There was a dead young man on the street in this documentary shot to death and the police couldn't move him until the coroner had been. So his mother and cousins were all kept away from his body. But it lay there in the street in front of them head blown apart. Fuck how can this be ok?
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07

this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -


  • I do realise there is a thread for gun violence. But im just profoundly effected by the reality of whats happening in the u.s.a
    brixton 93
    astoria 06
    albany 06
    hartford 06
    reading 06
    barcelona 06
    paris 06
    wembley 07
    dusseldorf 07
    nijmegen 07

    this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
  • All the other countries in the world have wussy pasts and simply wouldn't understand how advanced the American mentality has come with regards to becoming superior to others with the possession of advanced weaponry to live in the wild west.

    Trust them. They know what is best. There's a finite number of psychos and one day all the psychos will be gone and they'll stop massacring people- giving such beautiful guns a bad reputation. 
    "My brain's a good brain!"
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