You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I for one have always been disgusted at people bringing mcgruff's profession into it. getting personal is never ok. when is anyone personal with unsung? nobody knows a fucking thing about that guy except his political views.
Ditto. This line is is VERY easy to see PJPOWER. The difference is between posted opinions and how they're presented, and talking about people's personal lives outside of what their opinions are here. If you're finding it hard to figure out, think of it this way:
Acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and it's because you said this, and that, and the other thing, and it makes no sense."
Not acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and I bet it's because your wife is a whore and you never went to college because you're a loser."
See the difference???
That is a ridiculous opinion that you just posted because of this and that and all of the other nonsense. I would never make fun of someone having a whore for a wife or for having not gone to college, btw.
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I for one have always been disgusted at people bringing mcgruff's profession into it. getting personal is never ok. when is anyone personal with unsung? nobody knows a fucking thing about that guy except his political views.
Ditto. This line is is VERY easy to see PJPOWER. The difference is between posted opinions and how they're presented, and talking about people's personal lives outside of what their opinions are here. If you're finding it hard to figure out, think of it this way:
Acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and it's because you said this, and that, and the other thing, and it makes no sense."
Not acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and I bet it's because your wife is a whore and you never went to college because you're a loser."
See the difference???
That is a ridiculous opinion that you just posted because of this and that and all of the other nonsense. I would never make fun of someone having a whore for a wife or for having not gone to college, btw.
This just means she's hot AND puts out. others for money...but now we’re just splitting hairs, lol
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I'm not siding with anyone. I'm reading what you are writing and you are all sorts of personal today. I criticize Unsung mercilessly based on what he writes, not who he is or his personal situation. I have also criticized McGruff for that meme he posted last week, but he took accountability for it. But the criticism was about the post. I'm not a mod, but you are going overboard. It isn't one comment, it's post after post. I hope you can see that.
Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you are exaggerating. You seem like a fine person, though, mrussel (was that too personal)?
You went after him multiple times for living at home. I don't even know that he does or anything about him, but you seem to know something. Either way, I don't see how I'm exaggerating.
This place gets funny when the circle jerk is disturbed...then it becomes an onslaught of people attacking...sharks smelling blood in the water or similar.
oh please. what nonsense.
See it all the time. It's nice that something seems to being most people here together other than trump.
I have seen it, but it's not "all the time". it's usually a result of a few antogonists calling foul and twisting words out of context. that tends to rile people up.
I get so tired of the whining about the "circle jerk" bullshit. this place is 90% liberal. You have a handful of posters who are conservative. for every conservative post, you are going to see 9 liberal rebuttals, and that's not "blood in the water", it's fucking math.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I for one have always been disgusted at people bringing mcgruff's profession into it. getting personal is never ok. when is anyone personal with unsung? nobody knows a fucking thing about that guy except his political views.
Ditto. This line is is VERY easy to see PJPOWER. The difference is between posted opinions and how they're presented, and talking about people's personal lives outside of what their opinions are here. If you're finding it hard to figure out, think of it this way:
Acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and it's because you said this, and that, and the other thing, and it makes no sense."
Not acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and I bet it's because your wife is a whore and you never went to college because you're a loser."
See the difference???
That is a ridiculous opinion that you just posted because of this and that and all of the other nonsense. I would never make fun of someone having a whore for a wife or for having not gone to college, btw.
This just means she's hot AND puts out. others for money...but now we’re just splitting hairs, lol
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I for one have always been disgusted at people bringing mcgruff's profession into it. getting personal is never ok. when is anyone personal with unsung? nobody knows a fucking thing about that guy except his political views.
Ditto. This line is is VERY easy to see PJPOWER. The difference is between posted opinions and how they're presented, and talking about people's personal lives outside of what their opinions are here. If you're finding it hard to figure out, think of it this way:
Acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and it's because you said this, and that, and the other thing, and it makes no sense."
Not acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and I bet it's because your wife is a whore and you never went to college because you're a loser."
See the difference???
That is a ridiculous opinion that you just posted because of this and that and all of the other nonsense. I would never make fun of someone having a whore for a wife or for having not gone to college, btw.
Are you being purposefully obtuse? Or are you thinking there is a difference between my analogy and what you just did to S_C (and me to a lesser extent) and what people do to Scruffy about the teaching? Because there really isn't.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I for one have always been disgusted at people bringing mcgruff's profession into it. getting personal is never ok. when is anyone personal with unsung? nobody knows a fucking thing about that guy except his political views.
Ditto. This line is is VERY easy to see PJPOWER. The difference is between posted opinions and how they're presented, and talking about people's personal lives outside of what their opinions are here. If you're finding it hard to figure out, think of it this way:
Acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and it's because you said this, and that, and the other thing, and it makes no sense."
Not acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and I bet it's because your wife is a whore and you never went to college because you're a loser."
See the difference???
That is a ridiculous opinion that you just posted because of this and that and all of the other nonsense. I would never make fun of someone having a whore for a wife or for having not gone to college, btw.
This just means she's hot AND puts out. others for money...but now we’re just splitting hairs, lol
someone called unsung a racist sexist today, and pretty much every day... nobody seemed to have a problem with that
I mean, c'mon folks. at least be consistent
so "someone" called him a racist sexist today, and all the "folks" need to be consistent? do I have that correct?
You do, but it also ignores that people call him that based solely on specifically racist and sexist posts of his. That's a really important little detail that he's pretending doesn't exist, apparently.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
This place gets funny when the circle jerk is disturbed...then it becomes an onslaught of people attacking...sharks smelling blood in the water or similar.
oh please. what nonsense.
See it all the time. It's nice that something seems to being most people here together other than trump.
I have seen it, but it's not "all the time". it's usually a result of a few antogonists calling foul and twisting words out of context. that tends to rile people up.
I get so tired of the whining about the "circle jerk" bullshit. this place is 90% liberal. You have a handful of posters who are conservative. for every conservative post, you are going to see 9 liberal rebuttals, and that's not "blood in the water", it's fucking math.
Well I'm sorry cause I'll continue to point it out. I respect you and your disagreement though. I understand your point, but I think it's more than that. It's the level of the discussion when it occurs. But anyhoo - back to your circle jerk. /s
This place gets funny when the circle jerk is disturbed...then it becomes an onslaught of people attacking...sharks smelling blood in the water or similar.
oh please. what nonsense.
See it all the time. It's nice that something seems to being most people here together other than trump.
I have seen it, but it's not "all the time". it's usually a result of a few antogonists calling foul and twisting words out of context. that tends to rile people up.
I get so tired of the whining about the "circle jerk" bullshit. this place is 90% liberal. You have a handful of posters who are conservative. for every conservative post, you are going to see 9 liberal rebuttals, and that's not "blood in the water", it's fucking math.
this liberal isn't popular with the other liberal anymore... i'm no longer in the cool kids circle jerk
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I for one have always been disgusted at people bringing mcgruff's profession into it. getting personal is never ok. when is anyone personal with unsung? nobody knows a fucking thing about that guy except his political views.
Ditto. This line is is VERY easy to see PJPOWER. The difference is between posted opinions and how they're presented, and talking about people's personal lives outside of what their opinions are here. If you're finding it hard to figure out, think of it this way:
Acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and it's because you said this, and that, and the other thing, and it makes no sense."
Not acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and I bet it's because your wife is a whore and you never went to college because you're a loser."
See the difference???
That is a ridiculous opinion that you just posted because of this and that and all of the other nonsense. I would never make fun of someone having a whore for a wife or for having not gone to college, btw.
Are you being purposefully obtuse? Or are you thinking there is a difference between my analogy and what you just did to S_C (and me to a lesser extent) and what people do to Scruffy about the teaching? Because there really isn't.
he's just trolling you now. he's going purposefully PC because of what was said about him getting personal in an attempt to make it look ludicrous to make some counter to a point that was never made.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I'm not siding with anyone. I'm reading what you are writing and you are all sorts of personal today. I criticize Unsung mercilessly based on what he writes, not who he is or his personal situation. I have also criticized McGruff for that meme he posted last week, but he took accountability for it. But the criticism was about the post. I'm not a mod, but you are going overboard. It isn't one comment, it's post after post. I hope you can see that.
Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you are exaggerating. You seem like a fine person, though, mrussel (was that too personal)?
You went after him multiple times for living at home. I don't even know that he does or anything about him, but you seem to know something. Either way, I don't see how I'm exaggerating.
Who lives at home? Wow, my mistake. It is just my opinion that most people that are in their 30s and live at home are losers. There are exceptions, as mentioned with Mcgruff. Most though...losers. Just like Trump voters are mostly racist red necks?
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I'm not siding with anyone. I'm reading what you are writing and you are all sorts of personal today. I criticize Unsung mercilessly based on what he writes, not who he is or his personal situation. I have also criticized McGruff for that meme he posted last week, but he took accountability for it. But the criticism was about the post. I'm not a mod, but you are going overboard. It isn't one comment, it's post after post. I hope you can see that.
Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you are exaggerating. You seem like a fine person, though, mrussel (was that too personal)?
You went after him multiple times for living at home. I don't even know that he does or anything about him, but you seem to know something. Either way, I don't see how I'm exaggerating.
Who lives at home? Wow, my mistake. It is just my opinion that most people that are in their 30s and live at home are losers. There are exceptions, as mentioned with Mcgruff. Most though...losers. Just like Trump voters are mostly racist red necks?
this is a really terrible attempt at making a point.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I'm not siding with anyone. I'm reading what you are writing and you are all sorts of personal today. I criticize Unsung mercilessly based on what he writes, not who he is or his personal situation. I have also criticized McGruff for that meme he posted last week, but he took accountability for it. But the criticism was about the post. I'm not a mod, but you are going overboard. It isn't one comment, it's post after post. I hope you can see that.
Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you are exaggerating. You seem like a fine person, though, mrussel (was that too personal)?
You went after him multiple times for living at home. I don't even know that he does or anything about him, but you seem to know something. Either way, I don't see how I'm exaggerating.
Who lives at home? Wow, my mistake. It is just my opinion that most people that are in their 30s and live at home are losers. There are exceptions, as mentioned with Mcgruff. Most though...losers. Just like Trump voters are mostly racist red necks?
Was that just a random statement unaffiliated to anything? The whole line of discussion has just become bizarre.
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I for one have always been disgusted at people bringing mcgruff's profession into it. getting personal is never ok. when is anyone personal with unsung? nobody knows a fucking thing about that guy except his political views.
Ditto. This line is is VERY easy to see PJPOWER. The difference is between posted opinions and how they're presented, and talking about people's personal lives outside of what their opinions are here. If you're finding it hard to figure out, think of it this way:
Acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and it's because you said this, and that, and the other thing, and it makes no sense."
Not acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and I bet it's because your wife is a whore and you never went to college because you're a loser."
See the difference???
That is a ridiculous opinion that you just posted because of this and that and all of the other nonsense. I would never make fun of someone having a whore for a wife or for having not gone to college, btw.
Are you being purposefully obtuse? Or are you thinking there is a difference between my analogy and what you just did to S_C (and me to a lesser extent) and what people do to Scruffy about the teaching? Because there really isn't.
he's just trolling you now. he's going purposefully PC because of what was said about him getting personal in an attempt to make it look ludicrous to make some counter to a point that was never made.
Stop specifically talking about me. Way too personal for the AMT there. You bunch of bullies. damnit, I said “you”
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I for one have always been disgusted at people bringing mcgruff's profession into it. getting personal is never ok. when is anyone personal with unsung? nobody knows a fucking thing about that guy except his political views.
Ditto. This line is is VERY easy to see PJPOWER. The difference is between posted opinions and how they're presented, and talking about people's personal lives outside of what their opinions are here. If you're finding it hard to figure out, think of it this way:
Acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and it's because you said this, and that, and the other thing, and it makes no sense."
Not acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and I bet it's because your wife is a whore and you never went to college because you're a loser."
See the difference???
That is a ridiculous opinion that you just posted because of this and that and all of the other nonsense. I would never make fun of someone having a whore for a wife or for having not gone to college, btw.
Are you being purposefully obtuse? Or are you thinking there is a difference between my analogy and what you just did to S_C (and me to a lesser extent) and what people do to Scruffy about the teaching? Because there really isn't.
he's just trolling you now. he's going purposefully PC because of what was said about him getting personal in an attempt to make it look ludicrous to make some counter to a point that was never made.
Stop specifically talking about me. Way too personal for the AMT there. You bunch of bullies. damnit, I said “you”
I'm not. I'm talking about your comments. I know you know the difference, and so do I, but you're making a really terrible attempt at making your point, because none of us right now are doing what you are hoping we are doing.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I'm not siding with anyone. I'm reading what you are writing and you are all sorts of personal today. I criticize Unsung mercilessly based on what he writes, not who he is or his personal situation. I have also criticized McGruff for that meme he posted last week, but he took accountability for it. But the criticism was about the post. I'm not a mod, but you are going overboard. It isn't one comment, it's post after post. I hope you can see that.
Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you are exaggerating. You seem like a fine person, though, mrussel (was that too personal)?
You went after him multiple times for living at home. I don't even know that he does or anything about him, but you seem to know something. Either way, I don't see how I'm exaggerating.
Who lives at home? Wow, my mistake. It is just my opinion that most people that are in their 30s and live at home are losers. There are exceptions, as mentioned with Mcgruff. Most though...losers. Just like Trump voters are mostly racist red necks?
this is a really terrible attempt at making a point.
Yeah, I wasn’t trying very hard. Just wanted to Trump in there for thread integrity though.
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I'm not siding with anyone. I'm reading what you are writing and you are all sorts of personal today. I criticize Unsung mercilessly based on what he writes, not who he is or his personal situation. I have also criticized McGruff for that meme he posted last week, but he took accountability for it. But the criticism was about the post. I'm not a mod, but you are going overboard. It isn't one comment, it's post after post. I hope you can see that.
Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you are exaggerating. You seem like a fine person, though, mrussel (was that too personal)?
You went after him multiple times for living at home. I don't even know that he does or anything about him, but you seem to know something. Either way, I don't see how I'm exaggerating.
Who lives at home? Wow, my mistake. It is just my opinion that most people that are in their 30s and live at home are losers. There are exceptions, as mentioned with Mcgruff. Most though...losers. Just like Trump voters are mostly racist red necks?
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I for one have always been disgusted at people bringing mcgruff's profession into it. getting personal is never ok. when is anyone personal with unsung? nobody knows a fucking thing about that guy except his political views.
Ditto. This line is is VERY easy to see PJPOWER. The difference is between posted opinions and how they're presented, and talking about people's personal lives outside of what their opinions are here. If you're finding it hard to figure out, think of it this way:
Acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and it's because you said this, and that, and the other thing, and it makes no sense."
Not acceptable: "That is a ridiculous opinion that you just expressed, and I bet it's because your wife is a whore and you never went to college because you're a loser."
See the difference???
That is a ridiculous opinion that you just posted because of this and that and all of the other nonsense. I would never make fun of someone having a whore for a wife or for having not gone to college, btw.
Are you being purposefully obtuse? Or are you thinking there is a difference between my analogy and what you just did to S_C (and me to a lesser extent) and what people do to Scruffy about the teaching? Because there really isn't.
he's just trolling you now. he's going purposefully PC because of what was said about him getting personal in an attempt to make it look ludicrous to make some counter to a point that was never made.
Stop specifically talking about me. Way too personal for the AMT there. You bunch of bullies. damnit, I said “you”
I'm not. I'm talking about your comments. I know you know the difference, and so do I, but you're making a really terrible attempt at making your point, because none of us right now are doing what you are hoping we are doing.
What I hope you are doing? I’m not even sure I know what you are talking about. This place is getting a bit confusing.
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I'm not siding with anyone. I'm reading what you are writing and you are all sorts of personal today. I criticize Unsung mercilessly based on what he writes, not who he is or his personal situation. I have also criticized McGruff for that meme he posted last week, but he took accountability for it. But the criticism was about the post. I'm not a mod, but you are going overboard. It isn't one comment, it's post after post. I hope you can see that.
Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you are exaggerating. You seem like a fine person, though, mrussel (was that too personal)?
You went after him multiple times for living at home. I don't even know that he does or anything about him, but you seem to know something. Either way, I don't see how I'm exaggerating.
Who lives at home? Wow, my mistake. It is just my opinion that most people that are in their 30s and live at home are losers. There are exceptions, as mentioned with Mcgruff. Most though...losers. Just like Trump voters are mostly racist red necks?
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I'm not siding with anyone. I'm reading what you are writing and you are all sorts of personal today. I criticize Unsung mercilessly based on what he writes, not who he is or his personal situation. I have also criticized McGruff for that meme he posted last week, but he took accountability for it. But the criticism was about the post. I'm not a mod, but you are going overboard. It isn't one comment, it's post after post. I hope you can see that.
Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you are exaggerating. You seem like a fine person, though, mrussel (was that too personal)?
You went after him multiple times for living at home. I don't even know that he does or anything about him, but you seem to know something. Either way, I don't see how I'm exaggerating.
Who lives at home? Wow, my mistake. It is just my opinion that most people that are in their 30s and live at home are losers. There are exceptions, as mentioned with Mcgruff. Most though...losers. Just like Trump voters are mostly racist red necks?
Have you walked in everyone else's shoes? Wow.
I said there are exceptions, cmon!
True, but you also said that most people in their 30's that live at home are losers.
I love this place lol. Hey fuckers it is my birthday today; since I am on everyone’s mind please feel free to send me a birthday bottle of your local wine or IPA. I am off to parent teacher conferences. Pizza and wine (with ice cubes) for dinner tonight!!
You're getting all sorts of personal here. @PJPOWER
Am I? I’ll move on then. Don’t want to hurt anyone’s precious little feelings. Didn’t mean to interrupt the light hearted thread with carrot pictures and people calling Trump voters racist redneck Cletuses.
I think the posting guidelines are quite clear on this front, related to other members of the forum. Being a dick is welcomed at Breitbart, Gateway Punding and Townhall. I believe they have comments sections.
Although I'd love for you to try and verbally attack me. I would welcome it in fact. Find some post I made and let's have a throw down.
Well I see plenty of posts specifically regarding unsung. Quite a few about Mcgruff being a teacher...from the very poster you guys seem to be siding with. So is it okay to get personal sometimes or? What is the criteria? Show me a post where you are mocking and poking fun at other posters and then we can start this “throw-down”
I'm not siding with anyone. I'm reading what you are writing and you are all sorts of personal today. I criticize Unsung mercilessly based on what he writes, not who he is or his personal situation. I have also criticized McGruff for that meme he posted last week, but he took accountability for it. But the criticism was about the post. I'm not a mod, but you are going overboard. It isn't one comment, it's post after post. I hope you can see that.
Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you are exaggerating. You seem like a fine person, though, mrussel (was that too personal)?
You went after him multiple times for living at home. I don't even know that he does or anything about him, but you seem to know something. Either way, I don't see how I'm exaggerating.
Who lives at home? Wow, my mistake. It is just my opinion that most people that are in their 30s and live at home are losers. There are exceptions, as mentioned with Mcgruff. Most though...losers. Just like Trump voters are mostly racist red necks?
Have you walked in everyone else's shoes? Wow.
I said there are exceptions, cmon!
True, but you also said that most people in their 30's that live at home are losers.
Correct, maybe I should have just added “in my opinion”. It is definitely not something that I can quote statistics on. Totally a generalization based on generalizations.
I love this place lol. Hey fuckers it is my birthday today; since I am on everyone’s mind please feel free to send me a birthday bottle of your local wine or IPA. I am off to parent teacher conferences. Pizza and wine (with ice cubes) for dinner tonight!!
I love this place lol. Hey fuckers it is my birthday today; since I am on everyone’s mind please feel free to send me a birthday bottle of your local wine or IPA. I am off to parent teacher conferences. Pizza and wine (with ice cubes) for dinner tonight!!
I'd recommend some diet Pepsi in that wine. That's what we elitists do now.
I love this place lol. Hey fuckers it is my birthday today; since I am on everyone’s mind please feel free to send me a birthday bottle of your local wine or IPA. I am off to parent teacher conferences. Pizza and wine (with ice cubes) for dinner tonight!!
Happy Birthday teacher!!!! I’d grill you up a nice T-bone if you were in my neck of the woods!
-EV 8/14/93
I get so tired of the whining about the "circle jerk" bullshit. this place is 90% liberal. You have a handful of posters who are conservative. for every conservative post, you are going to see 9 liberal rebuttals, and that's not "blood in the water", it's fucking math.
-EV 8/14/93
this liberal isn't popular with the other liberal anymore... i'm no longer in the cool kids circle jerk
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
You bunch of bullies.
damnit, I said “you”
-EV 8/14/93
I would have no issue with a whore for a wife, actually, that's probably preferred lol
This place is getting a bit confusing.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.