You know, when he pulls out of that "worst deal in history" (aka the Iran Nuclear Deal) TOMORROW they can get nukes ASAFP.
If this deal is SO BAD, why isn't there an ALTERNATIVE DEAL that his crack team has been working on?
Oh yeah...There's NO PLAN. What a fucking moron.
Undo Obama stuff.
There is a plan,a great plan in fact. Many plans. A much better plan. Much much better. Probably the greastest plan ever. Its a bad deal. We got a bad deal. Its a bad deal, okay? This plan will be so much better than the other plan. This plan is so great it will go down as, probably, the greatest of the great plans of all time ever. When I say plan, I mean deal. Its a bad deal. We got a bad deal. Were gonna have to have a better deal and a better plan. Much better for America. We got a bad deal here folks. Bad deal, bad plan. We are going to get such a better deal. Believe me folks, its much better. Did I mention smarter plan? We going to have a smart plan that is a good deal and a great plan. Smarter deal. Smarter plan. Much, much smarter. Youre going to be schoked at how much smarter this plan will be. Believe me folks. Believe me. Much smarter plan and better for America. Believe me, youre gonna love it.
Sounds just like Team Trump Treason! Do you have a link to the full transcript?
You know, when he pulls out of that "worst deal in history" (aka the Iran Nuclear Deal) TOMORROW they can get nukes ASAFP.
If this deal is SO BAD, why isn't there an ALTERNATIVE DEAL that his crack team has been working on?
Oh yeah...There's NO PLAN. What a fucking moron.
Undo Obama stuff.
There is a plan,a great plan in fact. Many plans. A much better plan. Much much better. Probably the greastest plan ever. Its a bad deal. We got a bad deal. Its a bad deal, okay? This plan will be so much better than the other plan. This plan is so great it will go down as, probably, the greatest of the great plans of all time ever. When I say plan, I mean deal. Its a bad deal. We got a bad deal. Were gonna have to have a better deal and a better plan. Much better for America. We got a bad deal here folks. Bad deal, bad plan. We are going to get such a better deal. Believe me folks, its much better. Did I mention smarter plan? We going to have a smart plan that is a good deal and a great plan. Smarter deal. Smarter plan. Much, much smarter. Youre going to be schoked at how much smarter this plan will be. Believe me folks. Believe me. Much smarter plan and better for America. Believe me, youre gonna love it.
This is really funny!
And at the same time sad: it reflects how pathetic McDonald Rump is- this is his script over and over again lol.
You know, when he pulls out of that "worst deal in history" (aka the Iran Nuclear Deal) TOMORROW they can get nukes ASAFP.
If this deal is SO BAD, why isn't there an ALTERNATIVE DEAL that his crack team has been working on?
Oh yeah...There's NO PLAN. What a fucking moron.
Undo Obama stuff.
There is a plan,a great plan in fact. Many plans. A much better plan. Much much better. Probably the greastest plan ever. Its a bad deal. We got a bad deal. Its a bad deal, okay? This plan will be so much better than the other plan. This plan is so great it will go down as, probably, the greatest of the great plans of all time ever. When I say plan, I mean deal. Its a bad deal. We got a bad deal. Were gonna have to have a better deal and a better plan. Much better for America. We got a bad deal here folks. Bad deal, bad plan. We are going to get such a better deal. Believe me folks, its much better. Did I mention smarter plan? We going to have a smart plan that is a good deal and a great plan. Smarter deal. Smarter plan. Much, much smarter. Youre going to be schoked at how much smarter this plan will be. Believe me folks. Believe me. Much smarter plan and better for America. Believe me, youre gonna love it.
This is pretty much Donny’s last 20 tweets strung together.
Team Mueller is not distracted. Team Mueller is quietly going about following the money, from Russia with Love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
1) How much $ 2) Where in Russia? 3) Why "with love" how does that fit? 4) How long in duration is said Ptape? 5) Isn't it actually Pee Tape or Urine Tape? I mean PTape could stand for Professional Tape or Poop tape. 6) Mueller can impeach the president?
1. On Friday, Mr. Prigozhin was one of 13 Russians indicted by a federal grand jury for interfering in the American election.
According to the indictment, Mr. Prigozhin, 56, controlled the entity that financed the troll factory, known as the Internet Research Agency, which waged “information warfare against the United States” by creating fictitious social-media personas, spreading falsehoods and promoting messages supportive of Donald J. Trump and critical of Hillary Clinton. He has denied involvement.
The special counsel Robert Mueller's team is questioning Russian oligarchs as it investigates whether Russian money was illegally funneled into Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign or inauguration, CNN reported.
Mueller is also investigating whether wealthy Russians used Americans or American companies as conduits to funnel money to the US in support of Trump.
At least one US organization has drawn scrutiny over whether a wealthy Russian banker used it to channel money to the Trump campaign.
At least six Russians allied with President Vladimir Putin attended Trump's inauguration — one of whom had two US associates who donated over $1 million to Trump's inaugural committee.
Earlier this year, it emerged that the FBI was investigating whether Alexander Torshin, a prominent Russian banker and politician with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, used the National Rifle Association to illegally send money to the Trump campaign.
The NRA said it spent a record $55 million on the 2016 elections, most of which came from a sector of the organization that isn't required to disclose its donors. About $30 million of that was spent on backing Trump or opposing the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.
The NRA has emphasized — and news reports have confirmed — that Torshin, not the organization, is under investigation by the FBI.
Torshin attended the NRA's convention every year from 2012 to 2016 — occasionally with Maria Butina, his longtime assistant who's also a gun-rights advocate — and has met every NRA president since 2012, according to NPR.
Natalia Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin, the two Russian lobbyists who met with top Trump campaign officials in June 2016 offering dirt on Clinton, were there.
A wealthy Russian pharmaceutical executive named Alexey Repik and his wife were also there, as was the energy tycoon Viktor Vekselberg.
Vekselberg is said to be closely aligned with Putin, with whom he frequently meets to discuss business.
Citing federal filings, The Washington Post reported that two of Vekselberg's US associates donated a combined $1.25 million to Trump's inaugural committee.
2. Moscow, St. Petersburg
3. Seems to be a whole lot of Russian love for Team Trump Treason, not only for illegally funneling campaign cash to his coffers but also in the form of material support, which is an in kind contribution of value, also illegal. And lets not forget the rubles spent on condos and Team Trump Treason properties.
4. 69:27 if you count the 9 minutes it took Team Trump Treason to disrobe.
5. You got me there.
6. No, but he can file charges and lay out the evidence for the House to deem that he should be impeached and the Senate should hold a trial. Were you alive during the Clinton years? See Clinton, William Jefferson; Lewinsky, Monica; White Water; Starr, Kenneth, Special Counsel.
I like it...though I was hoping for a google maps link for #2.
In other news this country will vote him back in 2020 I’m convinced of it .. 1- the Republican base doesn’t give a hoot if he lies , cheats , steals .. 2- there is no opposition party with a clear message against this administration.. i know I’m being simplistic but I just don’t see any push back within the hierarchy of the GOP they’ve made up their minds to just go for the ride with this bafoon...
In other news this country will vote him back in 2020 I’m convinced of it .. 1- the Republican base doesn’t give a hoot if he lies , cheats , steals .. 2- there is no opposition party with a clear message against this administration.. i know I’m being simplistic but I just don’t see any push back within the hierarchy of the GOP they’ve made up their minds to just go for the ride with this bafoon...
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
In other news this country will vote him back in 2020 I’m convinced of it .. 1- the Republican base doesn’t give a hoot if he lies , cheats , steals .. 2- there is no opposition party with a clear message against this administration.. i know I’m being simplistic but I just don’t see any push back within the hierarchy of the GOP they’ve made up their minds to just go for the ride with this bafoon...
I think we'll find a way in 2020. However, I do agree that the Dems being our best hope doesn't inspire much confidence.
In other news this country will vote him back in 2020 I’m convinced of it .. 1- the Republican base doesn’t give a hoot if he lies , cheats , steals .. 2- there is no opposition party with a clear message against this administration.. i know I’m being simplistic but I just don’t see any push back within the hierarchy of the GOP they’ve made up their minds to just go for the ride with this bafoon...
I think we'll find a way in 2020. However, I do agree that the Dems being our best hope doesn't inspire much confidence.
I hope you are correct you think it would be easy for Dems to come up with a clear message but here we are 6 months before mid elections and I haven’t heard anything from them were in the hell is Tom Perez he should be on TV everyday pointing out the joke the GOP has become!
In other news this country will vote him back in 2020 I’m convinced of it .. 1- the Republican base doesn’t give a hoot if he lies , cheats , steals .. 2- there is no opposition party with a clear message against this administration.. i know I’m being simplistic but I just don’t see any push back within the hierarchy of the GOP they’ve made up their minds to just go for the ride with this bafoon...
I think we'll find a way in 2020. However, I do agree that the Dems being our best hope doesn't inspire much confidence.
I hope you are correct you think it would be easy for Dems to come up with a clear message but here we are 6 months before mid elections and I haven’t heard anything from them were in the hell is Tom Perez he should be on TV everyday pointing out the joke the GOP has become!
Anyone who is considering running for President is waiting to see how the mid terms play out, what resonates with voters and what their support will be in the new Congress. Also, what’s going to be the issues to run on. Will it be health care? The economy? Some aspect of either? The budget and deficit? World relations, etc.? Nobody in their right mind would get out in front of any or all of those issues with two and a half years before the election.
Plus, you need to wait and see who the Big Money is going to back because its going to take large sums of money to be successful. If you want to get better qualified candidates, you need to take the money out of politics. "Corporations are people, my friend."
In other news this country will vote him back in 2020 I’m convinced of it .. 1- the Republican base doesn’t give a hoot if he lies , cheats , steals .. 2- there is no opposition party with a clear message against this administration.. i know I’m being simplistic but I just don’t see any push back within the hierarchy of the GOP they’ve made up their minds to just go for the ride with this bafoon...
I think we'll find a way in 2020. However, I do agree that the Dems being our best hope doesn't inspire much confidence.
I hope you are correct you think it would be easy for Dems to come up with a clear message but here we are 6 months before mid elections and I haven’t heard anything from them were in the hell is Tom Perez he should be on TV everyday pointing out the joke the GOP has become!
Anyone who is considering running for President is waiting to see how the mid terms play out, what resonates with voters and what their support will be in the new Congress. Also, what’s going to be the issues to run on. Will it be health care? The economy? Some aspect of either? The budget and deficit? World relations, etc.? Nobody in their right mind would get out in front of any or all of those issues with two and a half years before the election.
I understand but team treason has already started he is in campaign mode already , the fact is most Johnny come lately voters care about one thing one thing only their 403’s that will be the determining factor people care more about the bottom $$$$ then if the POTUS is banging porn actresses or dining with Russians .. I hope you are right and I’m proven wrong !
In other news this country will vote him back in 2020 I’m convinced of it .. 1- the Republican base doesn’t give a hoot if he lies , cheats , steals .. 2- there is no opposition party with a clear message against this administration.. i know I’m being simplistic but I just don’t see any push back within the hierarchy of the GOP they’ve made up their minds to just go for the ride with this bafoon...
I think we'll find a way in 2020. However, I do agree that the Dems being our best hope doesn't inspire much confidence.
I hope you are correct you think it would be easy for Dems to come up with a clear message but here we are 6 months before mid elections and I haven’t heard anything from them were in the hell is Tom Perez he should be on TV everyday pointing out the joke the GOP has become!
Anyone who is considering running for President is waiting to see how the mid terms play out, what resonates with voters and what their support will be in the new Congress. Also, what’s going to be the issues to run on. Will it be health care? The economy? Some aspect of either? The budget and deficit? World relations, etc.? Nobody in their right mind would get out in front of any or all of those issues with two and a half years before the election.
I understand but team treason has already started he is in campaign mode already , the fact is most Johnny come lately voters care about one thing one thing only their 403’s that will be the determining factor people care more about the bottom $$$$ then if the POTUS is banging porn actresses or dining with Russians .. I hope you are right and I’m proven wrong !
Thats the beauty of wallet and pocket book issues. Just wait until the voters realize that that tax cut they were supposed to get is eliminated by the tax changes that they didn't realize affected them, oil and gas prices continue to rise, particularly if there are tensions with Iran, leading to rising consumer prices, wages don't increase, they haven't yet, agricultural exports decline because of Team Trump Treason's stupid trade policies and health care premiums go back to double digit increases and folks who had Obamacare don't have health insurance. Its a perfect shit storm that can occur for those voters who only vote their wallet or pocket book. There has been unprecedented growth in the US economy and two and half years is plenty of time for it to tank. And then what? Another $1.3 trillion tax cut for the 1%?
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
You know, when he pulls out of that "worst deal in history" (aka the Iran Nuclear Deal) TOMORROW they can get nukes ASAFP.
If this deal is SO BAD, why isn't there an ALTERNATIVE DEAL that his crack team has been working on?
Oh yeah...There's NO PLAN. What a fucking moron.
Undo Obama stuff.
There is a plan,a great plan in fact. Many plans. A much better plan. Much much better. Probably the greastest plan ever. Its a bad deal. We got a bad deal. Its a bad deal, okay? This plan will be so much better than the other plan. This plan is so great it will go down as, probably, the greatest of the great plans of all time ever. When I say plan, I mean deal. Its a bad deal. We got a bad deal. Were gonna have to have a better deal and a better plan. Much better for America. We got a bad deal here folks. Bad deal, bad plan. We are going to get such a better deal. Believe me folks, its much better. Did I mention smarter plan? We going to have a smart plan that is a good deal and a great plan. Smarter deal. Smarter plan. Much, much smarter. Youre going to be schoked at how much smarter this plan will be. Believe me folks. Believe me. Much smarter plan and better for America. Believe me, youre gonna love it.
This is pretty much Donny’s last 20 tweets strung together.
I sincerely thought it was an actual quote.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
Does anyone here think Putin on the ritz is loving this? Who benefits the most from higher oil prices?
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
Does anyone here think Putin on the ritz is loving this? Who benefits the most from higher oil prices?
Russia benefits from this for sure. Not only because it decreases the world oil supply, but this will move Iran further from teh West, and towards the East. You can bet he will exploit this in through whatever deep channels they have with the Iranian government.
Libs are pissed off. This, therefore, is already successful!
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
Does anyone here think Putin on the ritz is loving this? Who benefits the most from higher oil prices?
Russia benefits from this for sure. Not only because it decreases the world oil supply, but this will move Iran further from teh West, and towards the East. You can bet he will exploit this in through whatever deep channels they have with the Iranian government.
Nothing like a little saber rattling to take the attention off the Team Mueller investigation, eh? That said, Iran can and will make our lives difficult in the Middle East. Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen. This is their backyard and sandbox and they've had enough of western interference in their affairs, see Iran 1953 to 1979. The Obama Administration's reasoning was to use this as an opportunity to build trust, begin negotiations and open relations. Obama was looking at the long view, knowing the Iranian population is young, educated and in love with western culture. Unfortunately, Team Trump Treason just shut the door and took us back 20 to 30 years. Good luck with that, particularly with no alternative being offered. The US has absolutely no credibility left when it comes to agreements and treaties, whether trade, "denuclearization," cooperative efforts on the environment, etc. None. I wouldn't enter into a purchase and sale agreement for my house with this administration as they'd probably change the terms before or at the closing.
I can't wait for BS to chime in with his pro-Israel pride in Team Trump Treason doing what's best for Israel and Putin on the ritz.
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
Does anyone here think Putin on the ritz is loving this? Who benefits the most from higher oil prices?
Russia benefits from this for sure. Not only because it decreases the world oil supply, but this will move Iran further from teh West, and towards the East. You can bet he will exploit this in through whatever deep channels they have with the Iranian government.
Maybe, but remember that the rest of the West is distancing itself from the USA and vice versa. Only America is pulling out, everyone else is planning on attempting to work something out so that things don't go to shit. Really, this might further distance the US from everyone else rather than distance Iran from the West.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
Does anyone here think Putin on the ritz is loving this? Who benefits the most from higher oil prices?
Russia benefits from this for sure. Not only because it decreases the world oil supply, but this will move Iran further from teh West, and towards the East. You can bet he will exploit this in through whatever deep channels they have with the Iranian government.
Maybe, but remember that the rest of the West is distancing itself from the USA and vice versa. Only America is pulling out, everyone else is planning on attempting to work something out so that things don't go to shit. Really, this might further distance the US from everyone else rather than distance Iran from the West.
Just the US leading from behind again. When the British, Dutch and French oil and gas companies are in Iran developing reserves and making money, Exxon/Mobil will be begging Team Trump Treason to get back in. But, it'll be too late.
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
Does anyone here think Putin on the ritz is loving this? Who benefits the most from higher oil prices?
Russia benefits from this for sure. Not only because it decreases the world oil supply, but this will move Iran further from teh West, and towards the East. You can bet he will exploit this in through whatever deep channels they have with the Iranian government.
Nothing like a little saber rattling to take the attention off the Team Mueller investigation, eh? That said, Iran can and will make our lives difficult in the Middle East. Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen. This is their backyard and sandbox and they've had enough of western interference in their affairs, see Iran 1953 to 1979. The Obama Administration's reasoning was to use this as an opportunity to build trust, begin negotiations and open relations. Obama was looking at the long view, knowing the Iranian population is young, educated and in love with western culture. Unfortunately, Team Trump Treason just shut the door and took us back 20 to 30 years. Good luck with that, particularly with no alternative being offered. The US has absolutely no credibility left when it comes to agreements and treaties, whether trade, "denuclearization," cooperative efforts on the environment, etc. None. I wouldn't enter into a purchase and sale agreement for my house with this administration as they'd probably change the terms before or at the closing.
I can't wait for BS to chime in with his pro-Israel pride in Team Trump Treason doing what's best for Israel and Putin on the ritz.
Long view, wtf is that bullshit? It's all about what helps Donald with his whacked & clueless base
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
Does anyone here think Putin on the ritz is loving this? Who benefits the most from higher oil prices?
Russia benefits from this for sure. Not only because it decreases the world oil supply, but this will move Iran further from teh West, and towards the East. You can bet he will exploit this in through whatever deep channels they have with the Iranian government.
Maybe, but remember that the rest of the West is distancing itself from the USA and vice versa. Only America is pulling out, everyone else is planning on attempting to work something out so that things don't go to shit. Really, this might further distance the US from everyone else rather than distance Iran from the West.
I think that's right...
It's so Orwellian it's scary, claim to make MAGA, but in reality they are only weakening America's by destroying credibility, respect, trust, and influence globally...
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
Does anyone here think Putin on the ritz is loving this? Who benefits the most from higher oil prices?
Russia benefits from this for sure. Not only because it decreases the world oil supply, but this will move Iran further from teh West, and towards the East. You can bet he will exploit this in through whatever deep channels they have with the Iranian government.
Maybe, but remember that the rest of the West is distancing itself from the USA and vice versa. Only America is pulling out, everyone else is planning on attempting to work something out so that things don't go to shit. Really, this might further distance the US from everyone else rather than distance Iran from the West.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
This is really funny!
And at the same time sad: it reflects how pathetic McDonald Rump is- this is his script over and over again lol.
Besieged by the media and legal bills, and feeling abandoned by Washington, friends say Cohen is in a “dangerous place.”
Today he will announce that he will scrap it that’s my bet !
1- the Republican base doesn’t give a hoot if he lies , cheats , steals ..
2- there is no opposition party with a clear message against this administration..
i know I’m being simplistic but I just don’t see any push back within the hierarchy of the GOP they’ve made up their minds to just go for the ride with this bafoon...
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
You've got my vote!
Plus, you need to wait and see who the Big Money is going to back because its going to take large sums of money to be successful. If you want to get better qualified candidates, you need to take the money out of politics. "Corporations are people, my friend."
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I hope you are right and I’m proven wrong !
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Buy oil today before 2PM. Prices will likely skyrocket.
This is a huge mistake but so typical of a "anything that black guy did was bad" strategy. There is lip service around winning the youth of Iran, but what we are doing here will have the opposite effect. Iran signed the deal and had sanctions removed, now we are putting them back on. Who do we think the youth will blame?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
My Attorney Guiliani Aided and Abetted
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
I can't wait for BS to chime in with his pro-Israel pride in Team Trump Treason doing what's best for Israel and Putin on the ritz.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Democrats just previewed their secret weapon against Republicans in the 2018 midterms - Vox
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
It's so Orwellian it's scary, claim to make MAGA, but in reality they are only weakening America's by destroying credibility, respect, trust, and influence globally...