I find myself agreeing w/ a lot of Bill Maher's takes, but I can't watch his show. He's way too smug, and a bit of a creep too IMO.
he's incredibly smug. that's part of what turns me off. i was quite surprised he just rolled over and let kellyanne have her way with him.
I disagree. He challenged her on a number of points. But he also let her do her spin machine too. The interview was a reflection of her, not him, imo.
When the show only has liberals on, it's boring. I'm talking specifically about the panel.
He didn't challenge her on anything really significant. and when he did it was a "well, um, don't you think, um...." weak ass phrasing.
it's funny to me that the interview is a reflection on her in this instance, and no accountability to him, but when someone like Joe Rogan has someone like that on, he's being irresponsible.
she is the Mother of Alternative Facts. of this admin being allowed to say it's wednesday when it's clearly tuesday. she shouldn't get any type of pass. you knew from the first thing he said to her "thanks for coming on my show, i know you could have chosen any number of shows to do". it was pandering. and it was trash. that woman deserves nothing but to be eviscerated fully and completely at every turn.
I don't like that type of liberal-only format either. i found kuric and that guy from kentucky boring since it was just a masturbation session. but surely he could get other high level conservatives on his show if they want to spread their message. it just doesn't always have to be these spinsters of evil.
if he's going to go soft on conservatives just to attract them as guests, i think he can probably expect to lose a lot of viewers.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I find myself agreeing w/ a lot of Bill Maher's takes, but I can't watch his show. He's way too smug, and a bit of a creep too IMO.
He is a poor interviewer. It is to the point where it's really bad now. I was anticipating some back and forth but he let that lady walk all over him. I understand wanting to have "conservatives" on, but what is the point if you're just gonna lay down and not challenge them on their ridiculous points?
Agreed he could of challenged her a bit more sternly, if these folks who were part of the administration and stood by to watch it all unfold and can just go on as if nothing happened I don’t want to see them or hear from them unless it’s in court hearings!
I find myself agreeing w/ a lot of Bill Maher's takes, but I can't watch his show. He's way too smug, and a bit of a creep too IMO.
he's incredibly smug. that's part of what turns me off. i was quite surprised he just rolled over and let kellyanne have her way with him.
I disagree. He challenged her on a number of points. But he also let her do her spin machine too. The interview was a reflection of her, not him, imo.
When the show only has liberals on, it's boring. I'm talking specifically about the panel.
He didn't challenge her on anything really significant. and when he did it was a "well, um, don't you think, um...." weak ass phrasing.
it's funny to me that the interview is a reflection on her in this instance, and no accountability to him, but when someone like Joe Rogan has someone like that on, he's being irresponsible.
she is the Mother of Alternative Facts. of this admin being allowed to say it's wednesday when it's clearly tuesday. she shouldn't get any type of pass. you knew from the first thing he said to her "thanks for coming on my show, i know you could have chosen any number of shows to do". it was pandering. and it was trash. that woman deserves nothing but to be eviscerated fully and completely at every turn.
I don't like that type of liberal-only format either. i found kuric and that guy from kentucky boring since it was just a masturbation session. but surely he could get other high level conservatives on his show if they want to spread their message. it just doesn't always have to be these spinsters of evil.
if he's going to go soft on conservatives just to attract them as guests, i think he can probably expect to lose a lot of viewers.
I thought the intro was odd as well, but it seemed to me that there was some sort of agreement in advance. She had her talking points about the riot ready to go and she dropped them immediately. I'm pretty sure these types of agreements happen all the time on interviews.
I find myself agreeing w/ a lot of Bill Maher's takes, but I can't watch his show. He's way too smug, and a bit of a creep too IMO.
he's incredibly smug. that's part of what turns me off. i was quite surprised he just rolled over and let kellyanne have her way with him.
I disagree. He challenged her on a number of points. But he also let her do her spin machine too. The interview was a reflection of her, not him, imo.
When the show only has liberals on, it's boring. I'm talking specifically about the panel.
He didn't challenge her on anything really significant. and when he did it was a "well, um, don't you think, um...." weak ass phrasing.
it's funny to me that the interview is a reflection on her in this instance, and no accountability to him, but when someone like Joe Rogan has someone like that on, he's being irresponsible.
she is the Mother of Alternative Facts. of this admin being allowed to say it's wednesday when it's clearly tuesday. she shouldn't get any type of pass. you knew from the first thing he said to her "thanks for coming on my show, i know you could have chosen any number of shows to do". it was pandering. and it was trash. that woman deserves nothing but to be eviscerated fully and completely at every turn.
I don't like that type of liberal-only format either. i found kuric and that guy from kentucky boring since it was just a masturbation session. but surely he could get other high level conservatives on his show if they want to spread their message. it just doesn't always have to be these spinsters of evil.
if he's going to go soft on conservatives just to attract them as guests, i think he can probably expect to lose a lot of viewers.
I thought the intro was odd as well, but it seemed to me that there was some sort of agreement in advance. She had her talking points about the riot ready to go and she dropped them immediately. I'm pretty sure these types of agreements happen all the time on interviews.
100%. obviously there must have been non-starters as well like her husband/personal life, but to be honest, i wouldn't have her on if he had to sacrifice his principles. maybe he doesn't think she's as bad as the rest of us do, i don't know, i haven't watched a full episode of his in years. i only watched this one as i recently subscribed to crave/hbo and noticed his show was on there to stream, and knew she had been on.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I find myself agreeing w/ a lot of Bill Maher's takes, but I can't watch his show. He's way too smug, and a bit of a creep too IMO.
he's incredibly smug. that's part of what turns me off. i was quite surprised he just rolled over and let kellyanne have her way with him.
I disagree. He challenged her on a number of points. But he also let her do her spin machine too. The interview was a reflection of her, not him, imo.
When the show only has liberals on, it's boring. I'm talking specifically about the panel.
He didn't challenge her on anything really significant. and when he did it was a "well, um, don't you think, um...." weak ass phrasing.
it's funny to me that the interview is a reflection on her in this instance, and no accountability to him, but when someone like Joe Rogan has someone like that on, he's being irresponsible.
she is the Mother of Alternative Facts. of this admin being allowed to say it's wednesday when it's clearly tuesday. she shouldn't get any type of pass. you knew from the first thing he said to her "thanks for coming on my show, i know you could have chosen any number of shows to do". it was pandering. and it was trash. that woman deserves nothing but to be eviscerated fully and completely at every turn.
I don't like that type of liberal-only format either. i found kuric and that guy from kentucky boring since it was just a masturbation session. but surely he could get other high level conservatives on his show if they want to spread their message. it just doesn't always have to be these spinsters of evil.
if he's going to go soft on conservatives just to attract them as guests, i think he can probably expect to lose a lot of viewers.
I thought the intro was odd as well, but it seemed to me that there was some sort of agreement in advance. She had her talking points about the riot ready to go and she dropped them immediately. I'm pretty sure these types of agreements happen all the time on interviews.
100%. obviously there must have been non-starters as well like her husband/personal life, but to be honest, i wouldn't have her on if he had to sacrifice his principles. maybe he doesn't think she's as bad as the rest of us do, i don't know, i haven't watched a full episode of his in years. i only watched this one as i recently subscribed to crave/hbo and noticed his show was on there to stream, and knew she had been on.
I record it, check the panel and if it's bad, just skip to New Rules which is usually good.
I love Maher. I am seeing a lot of complaints about Conway though. I thought the interview seemed pretty normal for him.
Honestly I think he likes to trot those idiots out for us to see in a non Fox news environment. Like going to the zoo.
He and Kelly Ann CONway go way back and are friends, apparently. That said, that POS shouldn't get a pass and is partly responsible for the train wreck of the past 4 years. She shouldn't be given any platform for her alternative facts and contributions to white supremacy. Get lost Kelly Ann.
I find myself agreeing w/ a lot of Bill Maher's takes, but I can't watch his show. He's way too smug, and a bit of a creep too IMO.
he's incredibly smug. that's part of what turns me off. i was quite surprised he just rolled over and let kellyanne have her way with him.
I disagree. He challenged her on a number of points. But he also let her do her spin machine too. The interview was a reflection of her, not him, imo.
When the show only has liberals on, it's boring. I'm talking specifically about the panel.
He had Santorum on the panel before. And that Milo guy. Seems few and far between though.
I’ve always like Maher. But I totally understand any complaints about his smugness. And I do think he challenges the conservative-leaning guests. Kelly Ann is hopeless so it’s probably not worth a bother. But usually he’s pretty good with pushing back. Pushing back against both conservative and liberal guests actually. I’ll take that over a liberal appearing on MSNBC or a conservative on Fox News.
I find myself agreeing w/ a lot of Bill Maher's takes, but I can't watch his show. He's way too smug, and a bit of a creep too IMO.
he's incredibly smug. that's part of what turns me off. i was quite surprised he just rolled over and let kellyanne have her way with him.
I disagree. He challenged her on a number of points. But he also let her do her spin machine too. The interview was a reflection of her, not him, imo.
When the show only has liberals on, it's boring. I'm talking specifically about the panel.
He had Santorum on the panel before. And that Milo guy. Seems few and far between though.
I’ve always like Maher. But I totally understand any complaints about his smugness. And I do think he challenges the conservative-leaning guests. Kelly Ann is hopeless so it’s probably not worth a bother. But usually he’s pretty good with pushing back. Pushing back against both conservative and liberal guests actually. I’ll take that over a liberal appearing on MSNBC or a conservative on Fox News.
i guess that's what i was expecting from him, and i came away disappointed.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I love Maher. I am seeing a lot of complaints about Conway though. I thought the interview seemed pretty normal for him.
Honestly I think he likes to trot those idiots out for us to see in a non Fox news environment. Like going to the zoo.
He and Kelly Ann CONway go way back and are friends, apparently. That said, that POS shouldn't get a pass and is partly responsible for the train wreck of the past 4 years. She shouldn't be given any platform for her alternative facts and contributions to white supremacy. Get lost Kelly Ann.
so what are we at, about 44 hours until it is over?
Over nah the reserves might have to stationed permanently at capitol buildings! What happens next week after the inauguration is over? These idiots can always race back to create havoc..
I guess the question is, is he going to self pardon himself?
During his taped farewell address. What a POS, pathetic and weak CIC. I’d be embarrassed to serve under Tricky Team Trump Treason Tax Cheat. Embarrassed.
The self-pardon trap that may catch our rogue President Trump
Joe Biden’s pick for attorney general, Merrick Garland, is a man of the law. He may consider it important to establish, against Trump’s self-pardon, that no one, including a president, is above the law.
Philip Allen Lacovara, Jeffrey Abramson, and Dennis Aftergut
Opinion contributors
Be careful what you wish for, Mr. President: Any attempt to pardon yourself for federal crimes may increase the likelihood that the Department of Justice will indict you.
DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel concluded in 1974 that a “President cannot pardon himself.” But courts have had no occasion to affirm that conclusion. The only way for the Justice Department to have the issue resolved is to indict Trump notwithstanding any grant of self-clemency.
There is a menu of recent federal Trump crimes to choose from — his pressuring the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” enough votes to overturn the state’s election result would seem to violate federal law making it a crime to attempt to deprive citizens of their right to a fair and impartially conducted election. Trump’s call to an angry mob to march on the Capitol has every appearance of violating federal law defining a “seditious conspiracy” as one that uses “force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States” or to “hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States.”
The absurdity of a self-pardon
The current Acting Attorney General, Jeffrey Rosen, cannot be counted on to back the long-standing DOJ position against self-pardons in his waning days in charge.
But Joe Biden’s pick for Attorney General, Merrick Garland, is a man of the law. He may consider it important to establish, against Trump’s self-pardon, that no one, including a president, is above the law. Wednesday’s events make it exponentially more difficult to avoid holding Trump to account.
The strongest argument in favor of the right to self-pardon is that the Constitution’s Article II grants the president power to issue pardons “except in cases of impeachment.” According to the argument, since the Constitution specifies this sole limit on the power, the president can do whatever else he wants with it, including pardoning himself.
But consider the absurdity — a president could pardon himself for bribery or treason or fomenting insurrection, the very crimes for which he was impeached the week before. And then re-commit the same acts and pardon himself again.
Even ardent textualists, intent on reading the Constitution strictly according to its words, should recognize what the DOJ concluded in 1974 and others have recently agreed: The framers of a Constitution designed to enshrine the rule of law cannot have contemplated allowing anyone to “be judge in his or her own case.” In warning against such a rule, John Locke, the 18th Century political philosopher in whose works the founders were steeped, explained that, “self-love will make men partial to themselves and their friends: and hence . . . nothing but confusion and disorder will follow.”
Locke’s observation could easily be mistaken for a crystal ball.
Even Richard Nixon declined to pardon himself for his Watergate crimes. Instead, facing certain impeachment and conviction, he resigned, triggering the 25th Amendment provision that the vice president becomes president in such circumstances. As president, Gerald Ford then pardoned Nixon for federal crimes he may have committed — an act of misplaced generosity which cost him the White House in the 1976 election.
If Trump is intent on protecting himself by a pardon, better to resign and have Pence follow Ford’s precedent. But that would require Trump to abandon his primary motivation — to appear, like Oz, all-powerful.
Even Trump's cult is against him
If past is prologue, Trump will subordinate even self-interest to his lust for power. That flaw may well hoist him on his own petard.
Just as Oliver Wendell Holmes famously wrote that “hard cases make bad law,” clear cases of extreme official conduct can lead judges to speak boldly with one voice. So it was with Nixon’s attempt to withhold incriminating tapes, resulting in the 8-0 Supreme Court decision in United States v. Nixon.
And so it is that Trump’s mob incitement to storm the Capitol could easily compel a strong judicial affirmation of the limits of Executive power. Judge and AG-designate Garland understands these things, which may add to his willingness to prosecute.
The stain on lawful order that Trump has left is so dark that even in this tribal age, a full quarter of Trump voters agree that action should be taken to immediately remove him from office. Further, 41% of Trump voters now say he has “betrayed the values and interests of the Republican Party.”
When even a cult breaks rank, it reflects broad recognition that the most fundamental principles underlying the Republic and the rule of law are at stake. If a case to consider a Trump self-pardon arises, expect courts to uphold the rule of law and not the man who would be king.
Philip Allen Lacovara was formerly counsel to the Watergate Special Prosecutor and Deputy Solicitor General of the United States for Criminal and National Security Matters. He argued US v Nixon before the Supreme Court. Jeffrey Abramson is professor of Law and Government at the University of Texas at Austin. Dennis Aftergut is a former federal prosecutor and Supreme Court advocate who writes on national affairs.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,802
34:26 to go!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
400k dead, mostly due to a combo of just not giving a fuck and sheer incompetence.
Wednesday 12:01 cant come soon enough. GTFO.
the scary thing is if trump had even tried, just attempted to get a handle on the pandemic, he probably would have won the election.
just done the bare minimum. but he was incapable of even that.
Yes, this was his 9/11, Pearl Harbor type moment. The moment that every president actually dreams about, the one to unite the country and be a leader. It's a hanging curveball, letter high on 3-0. It's as easy as it gets and he fucked it up because he is so short sighted. And the consequences are double the dead than necessary, losing the election, economy in tatters and frankly going down as the worst president in history. Literally. We lived through the worst one. Lucky us.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
400k dead, mostly due to a combo of just not giving a fuck and sheer incompetence.
Wednesday 12:01 cant come soon enough. GTFO.
the scary thing is if trump had even tried, just attempted to get a handle on the pandemic, he probably would have won the election.
just done the bare minimum. but he was incapable of even that.
Yes, this was his 9/11, Pearl Harbor type moment. The moment that every president actually dreams about, the one to unite the country and be a leader. It's a hanging curveball, letter high on 3-0. It's as easy as it gets and he fucked it up because he is so short sighted. And the consequences are double the dead than necessary, losing the election, economy in tatters and frankly going down as the worst president in history. Literally. We lived through the worst one. Lucky us.
Exactly. GW Bush was immensely popular for about 18 months because of 9/11. And probably retained just enough momentum from that to win in 2004. And he really didn't have to do anything. He just took the mic and started talking about how strong we can be together - and I'm not ripping that. It's just what it is. In the immediate aftermath, he acted like a leader and tried to help us work through it (he eventually exploited it in terrible ways...but his immediate response made him Teflon for a while).
Trump didn't have to do anything all that unique or challenging. People would not be all that hard on him for most of the tangible things he's done and not done during this time. The reason he's going to be badly remembered is that he couldn't complete the simple task of even appearing to try to unite us. All it would have taken is a couple of speeches and a few mentions (including tweets) of "look out for each other and wear your mask" and all the middle-of-the-road and apolitical types that don't really understand how unfit he was would have appreciated it. Oh, and fewer people would be dead. And behind the scenes he could still have chosen the economy over health/safety (i.e., he could continue to think the choice was black and white with no room for nuance) and the impact on his image would have been negligible because he would have shown that very simple, largely intangible, leadership. He Bill Bucknered his opportunity to have a much better legacy and, probably, to be re-elected.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
-EV 8/14/93
When the show only has liberals on, it's boring. I'm talking specifically about the panel.
it's funny to me that the interview is a reflection on her in this instance, and no accountability to him, but when someone like Joe Rogan has someone like that on, he's being irresponsible.
she is the Mother of Alternative Facts. of this admin being allowed to say it's wednesday when it's clearly tuesday. she shouldn't get any type of pass. you knew from the first thing he said to her "thanks for coming on my show, i know you could have chosen any number of shows to do". it was pandering. and it was trash. that woman deserves nothing but to be eviscerated fully and completely at every turn.
I don't like that type of liberal-only format either. i found kuric and that guy from kentucky boring since it was just a masturbation session. but surely he could get other high level conservatives on his show if they want to spread their message. it just doesn't always have to be these spinsters of evil.
if he's going to go soft on conservatives just to attract them as guests, i think he can probably expect to lose a lot of viewers.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Honestly I think he likes to trot those idiots out for us to see in a non Fox news environment. Like going to the zoo.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
-EV 8/14/93
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The self-pardon trap that may catch our rogue President Trump
Joe Biden’s pick for attorney general, Merrick Garland, is a man of the law. He may consider it important to establish, against Trump’s self-pardon, that no one, including a president, is above the law.
Even Trump's cult is against him
Wednesday 12:01 cant come soon enough. GTFO.
not giving a fuck trickles down to many of fucksticks supporters too
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
just done the bare minimum. but he was incapable of even that.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley