I honestly don't know whether I am...I suppose I could look up the threasholds, but I guess I'll either get it or I won't. I don't need it. But since he's trying to buy my vote with taxpayer dollars, I'll take it. And vote for Biden. Sucker.
If you make over 98K you get zilcho unless you are married and have some under 18 yo kids.
Married. No kids. Neither my wife nor I make 98K. But combined we make more.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Not getting a check
The love he receives is the love that is saved
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
I honestly don't know whether I am...I suppose I could look up the threasholds, but I guess I'll either get it or I won't. I don't need it. But since he's trying to buy my vote with taxpayer dollars, I'll take it. And vote for Biden. Sucker.
If you make over 98K you get zilcho unless you are married and have some under 18 yo kids.
Married. No kids. Neither my wife nor I make 98K. But combined we make more.
Combined if you file together and make under 150k you should get full. Under 198k you would get a smaller amount I believe.
The IRS site said to check back today to add your bank info for direct deposit. We've had to pay the last couple of years, so they don't have our info on file. We meet the criteria and I went to the site today to enter our info in. This is what it said:
Payment Status Not Available
According to information that we have on file, we cannot determine your eligibility for a payment at this time.
I've already heard buffoon followers suggesting trump dosen't deserve ANY blame at all for the current economy also refer to these as trump checks. And that was before it was announced that his stupid name was even going to be on them. You know he had to also inquire about putting a picture of his stupid smug arrogant face on there too...you just know he did.
Of course these are the same idiots who are angered at the Democratic party politicizing this pandemic in any way while believing their messiah is not doing the same.
They are "Trump Checks" though. He wants his name on them. Did he really want his face on there though?
My point, is that to call them "trump checks" is to politicize them. In a world where the right is (or was) criticizing the left for politicizing his handling of the situation.
For example: The day PJ postponed their tour, I tell a Trumper coworker about it. He proceeds to go into a rant on how it isn't that big of a deal and it is just a hoax being blown out of proportion to make Trump look bad (i.e. politicizing the pandemic). Fast forward 2 or 3 weeks once the stimulus package is announced: the same guy says "I can't wait until get my Trump check." Now, knowing his financial situation to a reasonable degree through his own admissions, I know he is not heavily reliant on that money at the current moment. He was simply looking for a reason to use the phrase "Trump check" in order to associate the money with Trump and only Trump. Additionally, this is the first time a presidents name will have been on such a check. During a pandemic. In an election year. While approval ratings are dipping. With an egomaniac in office. I simply feel as though that is politicizing it.
Of course, there are now countless hours of footage over the last 2 months of the orange buffoon himself politicizing it, so there is also that.
Thank god for direct deposit (I got mine today too). I wouldn't want to hold a fucking "Trump check" in my hand.
Sadly though, this politicization of it all might have some impact electorally, if only a small one. There will be people out there that think Trump sent them $1,200 because he's such a swell guy or whatever.
Speaking of stimulus checks, I know we got one during the Bush administration, but did we get one with Obama? I think people did but I can't remember. I know for sure I got one from Bush because I remember joking that Bush was buying my weed for me, but I don't think I got one with Obama. I did have a much higher paying job by then though so maybe I didn't qualify for Obama's? I don't remember.
I got a check from Obama’s- wasn’t much if I remember, a few hundred bucks I think
Team Trump Treason falling back on “had we done nothing, the numbers would be 1.6 or 2.2 million and I said cut it in half. And blah, blah, blah.........”
Some on here will fall for it because people still fall off of turnip carts, apparently.
What cart did you fall off of? I don’t see any trump supporters in here yet you comment like they are running rampant. The “some” that you speak of just don’t throw a tantrum every time he speaks because we recognize the problems in this country don’t stem from one single person.
Its the denial of facts, history, common knowledge, readily available information in this age of instant access and the "both sides are the same," refrain. You (general you) don't have to be a Team Trump Treason supporter to be ignorant of reality.
Placing yourself in a box that only caters to your ideals is being ignorant of reality. You think one side is squeaky clean and I think they both have their faults. Which do think is more realistic?
One side does better than the other. Way better. I’ll let you figure out which side that is.
I can only assume the other side might not agree with that statement. So who is right? I don’t see much changing with this being the stance from the majority on both sides.
There are facts. And there is history. And there is documentation of a great number of things. And from these, comparisons can be made. Administrations don’t happen in vacuums. You (general you) can choose to be ignorant of all of those things at your peril.
Okay. Facts. History. Documentation. Got it.
I forgot to add personal experience with things like CPI, wage/salary gains, unemployment rates, number of jobs created, interest rates, stock market performance as it relates to retirement funds, 401K, American service personnel deaths in foreign misadventures and the attempts or successes in assisting the least fortunate among us. What do you use as measures of comparison?
All of those things are great comparison points, but to think that they have only been in good standing due to one party is nonsense. How quickly people forget many of those were fairing well until they couldn’t be, you know because of this pandemic.
I said one side does better. Way better. Do you believe the economy turned around on January 20, 2017? Yea, the pandemic that Team Trump Treason should have known about and did little to mitigate, until it was too late (regardless, adding $1.7 trillion to the debt for a tax cut during an economic boon, yea, that's smart). They knew at the end of November. Well, if Team Trump Treason had read his PDB. But you know, Faux and Friends and ratings.
The IRS site said to check back today to add your bank info for direct deposit. We've had to pay the last couple of years, so they don't have our info on file. We meet the criteria and I went to the site today to enter our info in. This is what it said:
Payment Status Not Available
According to information that we have on file, we cannot determine your eligibility for a payment at this time.
That’s what I got as well, which is crazy because we did a bank transfer to pay what we owed so they should have all the info they need. Not surprised that a government program that was rushed through is having problems though.
Alternative facts. Way to go Kelly Ann CONway. During a pandemic that’s cost at least 25,000 American lives and many more before it’s over. Alternative facts. What a way to run a country. Both sides are the same.
Truly, A person who voted Republican until the party lost their minds and allowed a reality show fraud to be the representative.
Is now a bad time to point out that Reagan was an actor who had dementia?
Better late than never I guess....
He wasn't a fucking maniac. But, you know, clip clop and all.
You know who was a fucking maniac?
Nixon. Nixon was a fucking maniac.
But Obama wore a tan suit and Clinton got a hummer, so I guess we'll call it even?
You know, both sides and all.....
I really get annoyed by how people down play the Clinton blowjob with an intern. It's a disgusting abuse of power, no matter how many times I hear the rebuttal of it being consensual. It wasn't ok and was just another sign of his philandering way with women, even as president. Get a grip dude. You're the president. I would expect to be fired for that type of behavior and royally disgraced as a person for awhile.
That's just like, your opinion man
Clinton was acquitted
But Clip-Clop, Trump was acquitted too! What type of defense is that for Clinton? Unless you think both sides are the same. You do don’t you? Ugh...nice horseshoes.
Clinton's acquittal was bi-partisan
tRUmp's was along party lines
totes different
Thinking what Clinton did was ok, immediately dismissing claims against Biden. These are actions that make you seem like a joke. You cannot think logically when it comes to politics. The parties blind you.
What is there to think about? During my lifetime, our country has performed better by any and all metrics when Democrats are in power.
Science, Technology & Knowledge
International Peace and Security
World Order
Planet and Climate
Prosperity and Equality
Health and Wellbeing
These are the issues Democrats believe in, and make the world a better place. These are the issues Republicans reject in favor of oppression, personal gain and consolidated power.
Voting Republicans into power has only brought our country:
unstable government
poor economies
lack of economic and personal freedoms
Every. Fucking. Time.
Again with this. I didn’t say one was better than the other. Did I? All I said was just because a person is a Dem , doesn’t mean they can do no wrong. These are still powerful men and some of them do dumb shit. R or D. That’s not the point. To be immediately dismissive because you side with that party is dumb and irresponsible. It doesn’t make you any better than the R who voted against impeachment, even though they knew deep down it was wrong.
Truly, A person who voted Republican until the party lost their minds and allowed a reality show fraud to be the representative.
Is now a bad time to point out that Reagan was an actor who had dementia?
Better late than never I guess....
He wasn't a fucking maniac. But, you know, clip clop and all.
You know who was a fucking maniac?
Nixon. Nixon was a fucking maniac.
But Obama wore a tan suit and Clinton got a hummer, so I guess we'll call it even?
You know, both sides and all.....
I really get annoyed by how people down play the Clinton blowjob with an intern. It's a disgusting abuse of power, no matter how many times I hear the rebuttal of it being consensual. It wasn't ok and was just another sign of his philandering way with women, even as president. Get a grip dude. You're the president. I would expect to be fired for that type of behavior and royally disgraced as a person for awhile.
That's just like, your opinion man
Clinton was acquitted
But Clip-Clop, Trump was acquitted too! What type of defense is that for Clinton? Unless you think both sides are the same. You do don’t you? Ugh...nice horseshoes.
Clinton's acquittal was bi-partisan
tRUmp's was along party lines
totes different
Thinking what Clinton did was ok, immediately dismissing claims against Biden. These are actions that make you seem like a joke. You cannot think logically when it comes to politics. The parties blind you.
What is there to think about? During my lifetime, our country has performed better by any and all metrics when Democrats are in power.
Science, Technology & Knowledge
International Peace and Security
World Order
Planet and Climate
Prosperity and Equality
Health and Wellbeing
These are the issues Democrats believe in, and make the world a better place. These are the issues Republicans reject in favor of oppression, personal gain and consolidated power.
Voting Republicans into power has only brought our country:
unstable government
poor economies
lack of economic and personal freedoms
Every. Fucking. Time.
Again with this. I didn’t say one was better than the other. Did I? All I said was just because a person is a Dem , doesn’t mean they can do no wrong. These are still powerful men and some of them do dumb shit. R or D. That’s not the point. To be immediately dismissive because you side with that party is dumb and irresponsible. It doesn’t make you any better than the R who voted against impeachment, even though they knew deep down it was wrong.
So....both sides are bad?
Good people and bad people. That’s how the world works regardless of race, sex, religion , political parties etc.
Team Trump Treason falling back on “had we done nothing, the numbers would be 1.6 or 2.2 million and I said cut it in half. And blah, blah, blah.........”
Some on here will fall for it because people still fall off of turnip carts, apparently.
What cart did you fall off of? I don’t see any trump supporters in here yet you comment like they are running rampant. The “some” that you speak of just don’t throw a tantrum every time he speaks because we recognize the problems in this country don’t stem from one single person.
Its the denial of facts, history, common knowledge, readily available information in this age of instant access and the "both sides are the same," refrain. You (general you) don't have to be a Team Trump Treason supporter to be ignorant of reality.
Placing yourself in a box that only caters to your ideals is being ignorant of reality. You think one side is squeaky clean and I think they both have their faults. Which do think is more realistic?
One side does better than the other. Way better. I’ll let you figure out which side that is.
I can only assume the other side might not agree with that statement. So who is right? I don’t see much changing with this being the stance from the majority on both sides.
There are facts. And there is history. And there is documentation of a great number of things. And from these, comparisons can be made. Administrations don’t happen in vacuums. You (general you) can choose to be ignorant of all of those things at your peril.
Okay. Facts. History. Documentation. Got it.
I forgot to add personal experience with things like CPI, wage/salary gains, unemployment rates, number of jobs created, interest rates, stock market performance as it relates to retirement funds, 401K, American service personnel deaths in foreign misadventures and the attempts or successes in assisting the least fortunate among us. What do you use as measures of comparison?
All of those things are great comparison points, but to think that they have only been in good standing due to one party is nonsense. How quickly people forget many of those were fairing well until they couldn’t be, you know because of this pandemic.
I said one side does better. Way better. Do you believe the economy turned around on January 20, 2017? Yea, the pandemic that Team Trump Treason should have known about and did little to mitigate, until it was too late (regardless, adding $1.7 trillion to the debt for a tax cut during an economic boon, yea, that's smart). They knew at the end of November. Well, if Team Trump Treason had read his PDB. But you know, Faux and Friends and ratings.
I clearly stated that many of your talking points were fairing well prior to the world shutting down. I don't care who you have to give credit to for that happening, but it was happening. If I had some cool catch phrases I would use them here, but I don't.
I honestly don't know whether I am...I suppose I could look up the threasholds, but I guess I'll either get it or I won't. I don't need it. But since he's trying to buy my vote with taxpayer dollars, I'll take it. And vote for Biden. Sucker.
If you make over 98K you get zilcho unless you are married and have some under 18 yo kids.
Married. No kids. Neither my wife nor I make 98K. But combined we make more.
150-200 joint you get a reduced amount. Under 150 family is the full amount I believe. I think that's true if you made 110 and your wife made 30, as an example, but not certain.
Truly, A person who voted Republican until the party lost their minds and allowed a reality show fraud to be the representative.
Is now a bad time to point out that Reagan was an actor who had dementia?
Better late than never I guess....
He wasn't a fucking maniac. But, you know, clip clop and all.
You know who was a fucking maniac?
Nixon. Nixon was a fucking maniac.
But Obama wore a tan suit and Clinton got a hummer, so I guess we'll call it even?
You know, both sides and all.....
I really get annoyed by how people down play the Clinton blowjob with an intern. It's a disgusting abuse of power, no matter how many times I hear the rebuttal of it being consensual. It wasn't ok and was just another sign of his philandering way with women, even as president. Get a grip dude. You're the president. I would expect to be fired for that type of behavior and royally disgraced as a person for awhile.
That's just like, your opinion man
Clinton was acquitted
But Clip-Clop, Trump was acquitted too! What type of defense is that for Clinton? Unless you think both sides are the same. You do don’t you? Ugh...nice horseshoes.
Clinton's acquittal was bi-partisan
tRUmp's was along party lines
totes different
Thinking what Clinton did was ok, immediately dismissing claims against Biden. These are actions that make you seem like a joke. You cannot think logically when it comes to politics. The parties blind you.
What is there to think about? During my lifetime, our country has performed better by any and all metrics when Democrats are in power.
Science, Technology & Knowledge
International Peace and Security
World Order
Planet and Climate
Prosperity and Equality
Health and Wellbeing
These are the issues Democrats believe in, and make the world a better place. These are the issues Republicans reject in favor of oppression, personal gain and consolidated power.
Voting Republicans into power has only brought our country:
unstable government
poor economies
lack of economic and personal freedoms
Every. Fucking. Time.
Again with this. I didn’t say one was better than the other. Did I? All I said was just because a person is a Dem , doesn’t mean they can do no wrong. These are still powerful men and some of them do dumb shit. R or D. That’s not the point. To be immediately dismissive because you side with that party is dumb and irresponsible. It doesn’t make you any better than the R who voted against impeachment, even though they knew deep down it was wrong.
So....both sides are bad?
Good people and bad people. That’s how the world works regardless of race, sex, religion , political parties etc.
If there's bad people on both sides, how do I know which side to vote for then?
Maybe I'll just sit this one out, or vote 3rd party instead....
If I were making 99k a year or 199k combined, Im not too worried about the tiny IRS check...
I think it depends on where you live though. If I was making 99k in the middle of South Dakota, I'd be faring pretty well, but in the middle of LA, not so much. That's why these checks are pretty pointless for the most part, besides the fact that they will just be hoarded by most people instead of spent. Mine is going right to savings and pumping up the family emergency fund. Some day it will make it in to the economy, but not any time soon.
Married. No kids. Neither my wife nor I make 98K. But combined we make more.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Payment Status Not Available
According to information that we have on file, we cannot determine your eligibility for a payment at this time.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
So....both sides are bad?
Hampton 2016
And if I did I would donate it to the Biden campaign
Maybe I'll just sit this one out, or vote 3rd party instead....