Didn't vote for the guy. Don't like how he is such a dick all the time to people as a leader of this country when he's acting like a jackass at his rallies that turn into these spectacles of suck ups wanting to lick his shoes. The whole Russia thing seems crazy strange. I think the report probably shows that Russia did a lot to help him via social media because they could and it's easy and inexpensive. Did it cause him to win? No clue. Maybe? But he should be saying "no way, we're going to make sure nobody interferes with our elections" instead he denies any issue at all and acts like it invalidates his presidency.
If anything, the report is probably embarrassing to him that he was clueless about most of the meddling and that his team was bumbling more than devious and calculating except for self-serving issues. His behavior is weird with Russia, wanting to meet with Putin privately over and over, what the hell is he doing there? We know he doesn't have a real plan, he wings it all the time, is he going in and saying "I'm having fun, what can I do to make you like me?" It wouldn't be a surprise. I doubt it's going to send a bunch of people to jail, if it was doing that, there would already be fireworks. What we'll have is a validation that they were shocked that they won, thought that Trump was going to probably lose the election but start his own Trump branded media play with Bannon at the helm with Donald having a daily rip fest on Hillary and second guess everything she does. Remember how the election was Rigged? He said it was over and over but, he won, so was it rigged for him?
The guy makes up stuff so much and is beholden to nobody if voters are fine with this. He lies so much it's silly, and why people are good with it is beyond me. He doesn't have to be an angel, but Hell, could he try to be a leader rather than a celebrity? This is what a Limbaugh/Hannity presidency is, a lot of finger pointing, name calling and a lot of cheer lines from the right. It's not inspiring, it's trashy.
Trump is the epitome of what the right has begged for since the days of Reagan, a businessman. Well, they thought W Bush was but Trump is the guy. They worship the idea of a businessman running things. It's surprising how little he actually leads, which is what should have been his total strong suit. Where's the business planning, the way to get to a goal and deliver and expect excellence? It's just Donald being Donald and not a surprise.
The problem with Trump as a businessman is the kind of business he is in. He's party of a shady NYC real estate developer industry. They are closer to organized crime that sound business. They tend to strong arm, make backroom deals, get dubious funding for suspect sources since traditional lenders don't like the risk. Trump answered to nobody. His negotiating style was take it or leave it. None of that works in real business, and it doesn't work in government. A CEO of a publicly traded fortune 100 company is someone who is accountable to a board of directors, is a leader and delegater. Is someone who is responsible to the shareholders, so must exercise sound financial judgement. Negotiates mutually beneficial deals with others in good faith. Trump did and does none of that. He doesn't seem to be accountable to anyone, he doesn't have to negotiate in good faith, he isn't interested in fiscal responsibility. He's a shady grifter. He isn't a businessman.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Yes, he's highly partisan and was hired not as the US Attorney General, but as Trump Attorney General, to protect Dear Leader. He lobbied for that role, and so far is performing to Trump's expectations. However, one wrong statement contradicting Dear Leader and he could be sent to whatever Gulag Jeff Sessions is in. But make no mistake, Barr isn't interested in rule of law as AG, he's focused on protecting the interests of Trump.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Question: Do any of you guys/girls think Trump's proposed border-wall is racist? Just the border wall. Not other Trumpisms that may or may not be racist. No Stephen Miller or how the separated families at the border have been treated. Just the concept of a border-wall. Do you think it's racist?
No, I think it's dumb and ineffective. It's also akin to the Berlin Wall which was a symbol of tyranny and isolation.
How is it anything like the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall. Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
Question: Do any of you guys/girls think Trump's proposed border-wall is racist? Just the border wall. Not other Trumpisms that may or may not be racist. No Stephen Miller or how the separated families at the border have been treated. Just the concept of a border-wall. Do you think it's racist?
No, I think it's dumb and ineffective. It's also akin to the Berlin Wall which was a symbol of tyranny and isolation.
How is it anything like the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall. Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
Question: Do any of you guys/girls think Trump's proposed border-wall is racist? Just the border wall. Not other Trumpisms that may or may not be racist. No Stephen Miller or how the separated families at the border have been treated. Just the concept of a border-wall. Do you think it's racist?
No, I think it's dumb and ineffective. It's also akin to the Berlin Wall which was a symbol of tyranny and isolation.
How is it anything like the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall. Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
Question: Do any of you guys/girls think Trump's proposed border-wall is racist? Just the border wall. Not other Trumpisms that may or may not be racist. No Stephen Miller or how the separated families at the border have been treated. Just the concept of a border-wall. Do you think it's racist?
No, I think it's dumb and ineffective. It's also akin to the Berlin Wall which was a symbol of tyranny and isolation.
How is it anything like the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall. Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
no off course walls are not racist lol yeah ok
that's not what I said, so lol yeah ok.
Ok stand corrected let me ask itvthis way , are walls separating countries Racist at all ?
Question: Do any of you guys/girls think Trump's proposed border-wall is racist? Just the border wall. Not other Trumpisms that may or may not be racist. No Stephen Miller or how the separated families at the border have been treated. Just the concept of a border-wall. Do you think it's racist?
No, I think it's dumb and ineffective. It's also akin to the Berlin Wall which was a symbol of tyranny and isolation.
How is it anything like the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall. Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
no off course walls are not racist lol yeah ok
that's not what I said, so lol yeah ok.
Ok stand corrected let me ask itvthis way , are walls separating countries Racist at all ?
Question: Do any of you guys/girls think Trump's proposed border-wall is racist? Just the border wall. Not other Trumpisms that may or may not be racist. No Stephen Miller or how the separated families at the border have been treated. Just the concept of a border-wall. Do you think it's racist?
No, I think it's dumb and ineffective. It's also akin to the Berlin Wall which was a symbol of tyranny and isolation.
How is it anything like the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall. Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
no off course walls are not racist lol yeah ok
that's not what I said, so lol yeah ok.
Ok stand corrected let me ask itvthis way , are walls separating countries Racist at all ?
It's not racist. If there were hundreds of thousands of people illegally entering the country from the northern border, the same people that support a wall between Mexico and the U.S. would support a wall between Canada and the U.S. And that's not to suggest that illegal immigrants come only from Mexico. People do come from the northern border, as well as people that overstay their Visas. But those pale in comparison to the amount of people that illegally cross the southern border. I don't think Trump's proposed wall is the best answer to this problem. But I don't think the idea is racist either.
It's not racist. If there were hundreds of thousands of people illegally entering the country from the northern border, the same people that support a wall between Mexico and the U.S. would support a wall between Canada and the U.S. And that's not to suggest that illegal immigrants come only from Mexico. People do come from the northern border, as well as people that overstay their Visas. But those pale in comparison to the amount of people that illegally cross the southern border. I don't think Trump's proposed wall is the best answer to this problem. But I don't think the idea is racist either.
I don’t actually believe that people currently supporting a border wall between the USA and Canada would also support a wall between Canada and the US, even if the same level of migration was seen. There is clearly racist language being used to describe the undesirability of the migrants from the south as disease-laden criminals that I frankly don’t believe would be at play if we were talking about Canadians.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Imagine if this goes through. Then imagine instead of “catch and kill” we get “catch and release?” Imagine still if the focus of catch and release is on repubs and their lecherous ways and catch and kill benefits dems? Oh how the tables may have been turned.
It's not racist. If there were hundreds of thousands of people illegally entering the country from the northern border, the same people that support a wall between Mexico and the U.S. would support a wall between Canada and the U.S. And that's not to suggest that illegal immigrants come only from Mexico. People do come from the northern border, as well as people that overstay their Visas. But those pale in comparison to the amount of people that illegally cross the southern border. I don't think Trump's proposed wall is the best answer to this problem. But I don't think the idea is racist either.
I don’t actually believe that people currently supporting a border wall between the USA and Canada would also support a wall between Canada and the US, even if the same level of migration was seen. There is clearly racist language being used to describe the undesirability of the migrants from the south as disease-laden criminals that I frankly don’t believe would be at play if we were talking about Canadians.
I don't think that language would be used either in describing Canadians. But I still think the concept of a border-wall preventing mass illegal immigration would be supported for either border by the people that support Trump's wall.
Question: Do any of you guys/girls think Trump's proposed border-wall is racist? Just the border wall. Not other Trumpisms that may or may not be racist. No Stephen Miller or how the separated families at the border have been treated. Just the concept of a border-wall. Do you think it's racist?
No, I think it's dumb and ineffective. It's also akin to the Berlin Wall which was a symbol of tyranny and isolation.
How is it anything like the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall. Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
no off course walls are not racist lol yeah ok
that's not what I said, so lol yeah ok.
Ok stand corrected let me ask itvthis way , are walls separating countries Racist at all ?
Race has nothing to do with my comment, I'm not sure why you keep responding to me about race. All I said was that a border wall and the Berlin Wall are not the same thing. And they aren't. A border wall outlines a country hen the Berlin Wall divided a country and was designed to kill those who try to leave. I'm not sure why I have to explain that, I certainly hope you are familiar with the Berlin Wall and what is was.
It's not racist. If there were hundreds of thousands of people illegally entering the country from the northern border, the same people that support a wall between Mexico and the U.S. would support a wall between Canada and the U.S. And that's not to suggest that illegal immigrants come only from Mexico. People do come from the northern border, as well as people that overstay their Visas. But those pale in comparison to the amount of people that illegally cross the southern border. I don't think Trump's proposed wall is the best answer to this problem. But I don't think the idea is racist either.
I don’t actually believe that people currently supporting a border wall between the USA and Canada would also support a wall between Canada and the US, even if the same level of migration was seen. There is clearly racist language being used to describe the undesirability of the migrants from the south as disease-laden criminals that I frankly don’t believe would be at play if we were talking about Canadians.
I don't think that language would be used either in describing Canadians. But I still think the concept of a border-wall preventing mass illegal immigration would be supported for either border by the people that support Trump's wall.
A country has a right to fortify its border and prevent illegal immigration. If there was an illegal immigration problem from the US to Canada, I wouldn't object on moral grounds (though I would object from other perspectives).
It's actually possible to make an argument that the wall is a very progressive yet economically foolish initiative for the same reason - fewer undocumented immigrants will be looking to work too hard for too little earnings for jobs not wanted by the vast majority of Americans, leading to rising costs for businesses and higher product/service prices for consumer.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Question: Do any of you guys/girls think Trump's proposed border-wall is racist? Just the border wall. Not other Trumpisms that may or may not be racist. No Stephen Miller or how the separated families at the border have been treated. Just the concept of a border-wall. Do you think it's racist?
No, I think it's dumb and ineffective. It's also akin to the Berlin Wall which was a symbol of tyranny and isolation.
How is it anything like the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall. Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
no off course walls are not racist lol yeah ok
that's not what I said, so lol yeah ok.
Ok stand corrected let me ask itvthis way , are walls separating countries Racist at all ?
Race has nothing to do with my comment, I'm not sure why you keep responding to me about race. All I said was that a border wall and the Berlin Wall are not the same thing. And they aren't. A border wall outlines a country hen the Berlin Wall divided a country and was designed to kill those who try to leave. I'm not sure why I have to explain that, I certainly hope you are familiar with the Berlin Wall and what is was.
It's not racist. If there were hundreds of thousands of people illegally entering the country from the northern border, the same people that support a wall between Mexico and the U.S. would support a wall between Canada and the U.S. And that's not to suggest that illegal immigrants come only from Mexico. People do come from the northern border, as well as people that overstay their Visas. But those pale in comparison to the amount of people that illegally cross the southern border. I don't think Trump's proposed wall is the best answer to this problem. But I don't think the idea is racist either.
I don’t actually believe that people currently supporting a border wall between the USA and Canada would also support a wall between Canada and the US, even if the same level of migration was seen. There is clearly racist language being used to describe the undesirability of the migrants from the south as disease-laden criminals that I frankly don’t believe would be at play if we were talking about Canadians.
I don't think that language would be used either in describing Canadians. But I still think the concept of a border-wall preventing mass illegal immigration would be supported for either border by the people that support Trump's wall.
A country has a right to fortify its border and prevent illegal immigration. If there was an illegal immigration problem from the US to Canada, I wouldn't object on moral grounds (though I would object from other perspectives).
It's actually possible to make an argument that the wall is a very progressive yet economically foolish initiative for the same reason - fewer undocumented immigrants will be looking to work too hard for too little earnings for jobs not wanted by the vast majority of Americans, leading to rising costs for businesses and higher product/service prices for consumer.
It is economically foolish for other reasons, too, not least of which the extraordinary cost for something that will not achieve its objectives - unless the only objective is to placate voters, which may indeed be the case.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
It's not racist. If there were hundreds of thousands of people illegally entering the country from the northern border, the same people that support a wall between Mexico and the U.S. would support a wall between Canada and the U.S. And that's not to suggest that illegal immigrants come only from Mexico. People do come from the northern border, as well as people that overstay their Visas. But those pale in comparison to the amount of people that illegally cross the southern border. I don't think Trump's proposed wall is the best answer to this problem. But I don't think the idea is racist either.
I don’t actually believe that people currently supporting a border wall between the USA and Canada would also support a wall between Canada and the US, even if the same level of migration was seen. There is clearly racist language being used to describe the undesirability of the migrants from the south as disease-laden criminals that I frankly don’t believe would be at play if we were talking about Canadians.
I don't think that language would be used either in describing Canadians. But I still think the concept of a border-wall preventing mass illegal immigration would be supported for either border by the people that support Trump's wall.
A country has a right to fortify its border and prevent illegal immigration. If there was an illegal immigration problem from the US to Canada, I wouldn't object on moral grounds (though I would object from other perspectives).
It's actually possible to make an argument that the wall is a very progressive yet economically foolish initiative for the same reason - fewer undocumented immigrants will be looking to work too hard for too little earnings for jobs not wanted by the vast majority of Americans, leading to rising costs for businesses and higher product/service prices for consumer.
It is economically foolish for other reasons, too, not least of which the extraordinary cost for something that will not achieve its objectives - unless the only objective is to placate voters, which may indeed be the case.
Agreed, but I wanted to make that focused argument at risk of it being diluted.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
“I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” Trump told reporters Thursday. “It’s not my thing.”
“I know nothing about WikiLeaks” is patently false. While “my thing” is a subjective phrase open to interpretation, it’s pretty difficult to argue that WikiLeaks hasn’t been Trump’s thing.
In fact, Trump mentioned WikiLeaks more than 100 times in just the final month of the 2016 campaign, according to Factba.se. Many of those times, he expressed admiration for the anti-secrecy group’s work. “This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable,” he said once. “Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks,” he said another time. Yet another time: “Oh, we love WikiLeaks. Boy, they have really — WikiLeaks! They have revealed a lot.”
Trump’s decision to play down his past embrace of WikiLeaks is no surprise. In fact, it’s his M.O. Whenever anyone around him gets in trouble — be it Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos or Michael Cohen — he and his White House tend to minimize their proximity to him, no matter how implausibly. Foreign policy advisers become “coffee boys.” Campaign chairmen who ran the heart of his 2016 campaign become people who “played a very limited role for a very limited amount of time.”
But Trump unquestionably made WikiLeaks a prominent feature of his stump speech in the closing days of the 2016 campaign, bear-hugging its disclosures and arguing it was performing an important service. The media trafficked in these disclosures, too, but Trump went a step further in actually praising WikiLeaks. As with Russia, he adopted an enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend approach. Even after he became president and his own intelligence community essentially accused WikiLeaks of being a front for the Russian government, Trump declined to harshly judge either one.
“I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” Trump told reporters Thursday. “It’s not my thing.”
“I know nothing about WikiLeaks” is patently false. While “my thing” is a subjective phrase open to interpretation, it’s pretty difficult to argue that WikiLeaks hasn’t been Trump’s thing.
In fact, Trump mentioned WikiLeaks more than 100 times in just the final month of the 2016 campaign, according to Factba.se. Many of those times, he expressed admiration for the anti-secrecy group’s work. “This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable,” he said once. “Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks,” he said another time. Yet another time: “Oh, we love WikiLeaks. Boy, they have really — WikiLeaks! They have revealed a lot.”
Trump’s decision to play down his past embrace of WikiLeaks is no surprise. In fact, it’s his M.O. Whenever anyone around him gets in trouble — be it Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos or Michael Cohen — he and his White House tend to minimize their proximity to him, no matter how implausibly. Foreign policy advisers become “coffee boys.” Campaign chairmen who ran the heart of his 2016 campaign become people who “played a very limited role for a very limited amount of time.”
But Trump unquestionably made WikiLeaks a prominent feature of his stump speech in the closing days of the 2016 campaign, bear-hugging its disclosures and arguing it was performing an important service. The media trafficked in these disclosures, too, but Trump went a step further in actually praising WikiLeaks. As with Russia, he adopted an enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend approach. Even after he became president and his own intelligence community essentially accused WikiLeaks of being a front for the Russian government, Trump declined to harshly judge either one.
SDNY is digging deep. It’s amazing the level of criminality between the Team Trump Treason and Jared Dear Boy families. It’s like they’re two of the five families of NY/NJ. Fredo goes to Washington.
“I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” Trump told reporters Thursday. “It’s not my thing.”
“I know nothing about WikiLeaks” is patently false. While “my thing” is a subjective phrase open to interpretation, it’s pretty difficult to argue that WikiLeaks hasn’t been Trump’s thing.
In fact, Trump mentioned WikiLeaks more than 100 times in just the final month of the 2016 campaign, according to Factba.se. Many of those times, he expressed admiration for the anti-secrecy group’s work. “This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable,” he said once. “Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks,” he said another time. Yet another time: “Oh, we love WikiLeaks. Boy, they have really — WikiLeaks! They have revealed a lot.”
Trump’s decision to play down his past embrace of WikiLeaks is no surprise. In fact, it’s his M.O. Whenever anyone around him gets in trouble — be it Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos or Michael Cohen — he and his White House tend to minimize their proximity to him, no matter how implausibly. Foreign policy advisers become “coffee boys.” Campaign chairmen who ran the heart of his 2016 campaign become people who “played a very limited role for a very limited amount of time.”
But Trump unquestionably made WikiLeaks a prominent feature of his stump speech in the closing days of the 2016 campaign, bear-hugging its disclosures and arguing it was performing an important service. The media trafficked in these disclosures, too, but Trump went a step further in actually praising WikiLeaks. As with Russia, he adopted an enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend approach. Even after he became president and his own intelligence community essentially accused WikiLeaks of being a front for the Russian government, Trump declined to harshly judge either one.
This morning the president tweeted a screen cap from the Lou Dobbs show showing his approval rating at a whopping 55!
The Lou Dobbs show got the numbers wrong (or did so purposely?). The 55% actually reflects his disapproval rating.
Fucking idiot president get's wrong info from fucking idiot on fox and tweets it out to the rest of the world
The poll, featured on "Lou Dobbs Tonight," showed a 55 percent overall approval rating for the president. However, the 55 percent figure actually represents the number of respondents who said they hold unfavorable views of the president. | Alex Wong/Getty Images
The Fox Business Network issued an on-air correction Thursday after the network aired a poll graphic — later shared online by President Donald Trump — that incorrectly displayed the president's unfavorable rating as his job approval rating.
“It’s been a quite start to the day for President Trump, though he did send out a tweet this morning from the Lou Dobbs show last night on Fox Business," Washington correspondent Blake Burman said on behalf of Fox Business. "That tweet featured a poll that was not entirely accurate, which Fox Business would like to correct."
The Georgetown Politics poll, as featured on Fox Business network's "Lou Dobbs Tonight," showed a 58 percent approval rating for Trump's handling of the economy and a 55 percent overall approval rating for the president.
However, the 55 percent figure actually represents the number of respondents who said they hold unfavorable views of Trump. According to the survey, 41 percent have a favorable view of Trump. Of those polled, 52 percent disapprove of Trump's job as president, compared with the 43 percent who said they approve.
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"According to a poll from Georgetown University, 58 percent of respondents approved of the president’s handling of the economy. That portion of the graphic was right," Burman said. "However, the graphic also showed that 55 percent of the respondents approve of the president, that number is not correct. The 55 percent number was those who have an unfavorable impression of President Trump.”
Fox News White House Correspondent Kevin Corke also issued a similar statement on Fox News.
Trump tweeted a screenshot of the incorrect infographic to his 59.6 million followers, adding "Great news! #MAGA." The president has not taken down his tweet.
Question: Do any of you guys/girls think Trump's proposed border-wall is racist? Just the border wall. Not other Trumpisms that may or may not be racist. No Stephen Miller or how the separated families at the border have been treated. Just the concept of a border-wall. Do you think it's racist?
No, I think it's dumb and ineffective. It's also akin to the Berlin Wall which was a symbol of tyranny and isolation.
How is it anything like the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall. Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
No, the country was already bifurcated for 15 years before the wall was erected.
Barr obliterates honest broker persona with 'spying' comment
No shit.
The Berlin Wall separated a country into 2, that is not like having a border wall.
Suddenly putting up a wall that separates the North from the South and not letting families cross over to visit their children, that would be like the Berlin Wall.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Cant wait to hear all the sniveling about high roads and getting in the gutter and the hypocrisy of it all. Oh dear.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
All I said was that a border wall and the Berlin Wall are not the same thing. And they aren't. A border wall outlines a country hen the Berlin Wall divided a country and was designed to kill those who try to leave. I'm not sure why I have to explain that, I certainly hope you are familiar with the Berlin Wall and what is was.
It's actually possible to make an argument that the wall is a very progressive yet economically foolish initiative for the same reason - fewer undocumented immigrants will be looking to work too hard for too little earnings for jobs not wanted by the vast majority of Americans, leading to rising costs for businesses and higher product/service prices for consumer.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
The Justice Department has revealed that it has charged Julian Assange, who is behind bars in Britain awaiting possible extradition to the United States. This has rendered unhelpful a whole lot of past commentary by President Trump.
Trump’s response: deflect, deflect, deflect.
“I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” Trump told reporters Thursday. “It’s not my thing.”
“I know nothing about WikiLeaks” is patently false. While “my thing” is a subjective phrase open to interpretation, it’s pretty difficult to argue that WikiLeaks hasn’t been Trump’s thing.
In fact, Trump mentioned WikiLeaks more than 100 times in just the final month of the 2016 campaign, according to Factba.se. Many of those times, he expressed admiration for the anti-secrecy group’s work. “This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable,” he said once. “Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks,” he said another time. Yet another time: “Oh, we love WikiLeaks. Boy, they have really — WikiLeaks! They have revealed a lot.”
[Trump disavows past enthusiasm for WikiLeaks after Assange’s arrest]
Trump’s decision to play down his past embrace of WikiLeaks is no surprise. In fact, it’s his M.O. Whenever anyone around him gets in trouble — be it Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos or Michael Cohen — he and his White House tend to minimize their proximity to him, no matter how implausibly. Foreign policy advisers become “coffee boys.” Campaign chairmen who ran the heart of his 2016 campaign become people who “played a very limited role for a very limited amount of time.”
But Trump unquestionably made WikiLeaks a prominent feature of his stump speech in the closing days of the 2016 campaign, bear-hugging its disclosures and arguing it was performing an important service. The media trafficked in these disclosures, too, but Trump went a step further in actually praising WikiLeaks. As with Russia, he adopted an enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend approach. Even after he became president and his own intelligence community essentially accused WikiLeaks of being a front for the Russian government, Trump declined to harshly judge either one.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Trump’s sister quits as judge, prematurely ending probe into whether she committed tax fraud alongside president
Maryanne Trump Barry retires 10 days after judicial conduct probe announced
Family full of crooks.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Somehow this comparison just makes me laugh.
The poll, featured on "Lou Dobbs Tonight," showed a 55 percent overall approval rating for the president. However, the 55 percent figure actually represents the number of respondents who said they hold unfavorable views of the president. | Alex Wong/Getty Images
Fox Business issues correction for botched Trump approval poll
04/11/2019 12:50 PM EDT
The Fox Business Network issued an on-air correction Thursday after the network aired a poll graphic — later shared online by President Donald Trump — that incorrectly displayed the president's unfavorable rating as his job approval rating.
“It’s been a quite start to the day for President Trump, though he did send out a tweet this morning from the Lou Dobbs show last night on Fox Business," Washington correspondent Blake Burman said on behalf of Fox Business. "That tweet featured a poll that was not entirely accurate, which Fox Business would like to correct."
The Georgetown Politics poll, as featured on Fox Business network's "Lou Dobbs Tonight," showed a 58 percent approval rating for Trump's handling of the economy and a 55 percent overall approval rating for the president.
However, the 55 percent figure actually represents the number of respondents who said they hold unfavorable views of Trump. According to the survey, 41 percent have a favorable view of Trump. Of those polled, 52 percent disapprove of Trump's job as president, compared with the 43 percent who said they approve.
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"According to a poll from Georgetown University, 58 percent of respondents approved of the president’s handling of the economy. That portion of the graphic was right," Burman said. "However, the graphic also showed that 55 percent of the respondents approve of the president, that number is not correct. The 55 percent number was those who have an unfavorable impression of President Trump.”
Fox News White House Correspondent Kevin Corke also issued a similar statement on Fox News.
Trump tweeted a screenshot of the incorrect infographic to his 59.6 million followers, adding "Great news! #MAGA." The president has not taken down his tweet.
By the way, he still has that fake poll up on his twitter even after Fox came out and admitted it was a mistake.
No, the country was already bifurcated for 15 years before the wall was erected.