You don’t ridicule, offend and denigrate every institution of this republic, particularly the military and intelligence services, and continue to act like a NYC real estate hot shot without paying a price. People bled and died so Team Trump Treason could be a fat, rich, obnoxious prick who happened to get elected, with a little collusion. Some people don’t take kindly to such treasonous behaviors.
You forgot that he is a loud and proud racist and xenophobe. Which makes some on here happy
You don’t ridicule, offend and denigrate every institution of this republic, particularly the military and intelligence services, and continue to act like a NYC real estate hot shot without paying a price. People bled and died so Team Trump Treason could be a fat, rich, obnoxious prick who happened to get elected, with a little collusion. Some people don’t take kindly to such treasonous behaviors.
You forgot that he is a loud and proud racist and xenophobe. Which makes some on here happy
Yes but how many black, Hispanic and Muslim Americans have been killed in action serving our intelligence and armed services since 9/11? Did you see the soldiers standing next to Team Trump Treason at the NCAA game while he pretended to sing along with the national anthem? No self respecting member of the armed or intelligence services respects this racist fuck of a CIC. Hate to break it You Donny, we all bleed red.
Just imagine for a second if Hillary didn’t testify before the Benghazi committee or sit with the FBI for an interview where extensive notes were taken and released.
This should make tomorrow's "Fake News Awards" even more interesting to watch. And to think, less than a year ago all of the headlines were going to dry up and blow away and the stable genius was going to brilliantly lead the country and world to brilliant brilliance. Because Team Trump Treason was "necessary." So, does Sloppy Steve clam up and get indicted or does he spill the beans and throw Team Trump Treason under the bus. He's been ruined so what does he have left to lose?
Significant grand jury activity may undermine the case that White House officials have made for months: that they believe the inquiry is coming to an end and are convinced that the president will be cleared. Mr. Mueller has told Mr. Trump’s lawyers that he will probably want to question the president before the investigation concludes, but no interview has been scheduled.
Mr. Bannon has limited firsthand knowledge about two key issues within Mr. Mueller’s purview — the president’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, a decision made without Mr. Bannon present, and the drafting of a misleading statement about the subject of the June 2016 meeting with Russians, in which they promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
But even Mr. Bannon’s secondhand knowledge could be used to draw a contrast with statements from people with firsthand knowledge whom Mr. Mueller has already interviewed. And Mr. Bannon was directly involved in a number of other major moments, including the decision-making around the firing of Michael T. Flynn, the president’s first national security adviser, who was dismissed after he lied to Vice President Mike Pence about phone calls with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition.
Mr. Bannon also helped run the transition after Chris Christie, the outgoing governor of New Jersey, was fired as head of that team. And Mr. Bannon was the chief executive of the Trump campaign in October 2016 when WikiLeaks began releasing thousands of stolen personal emails from the hacked account of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, John D. Podesta.
In “Fire and Fury,” Mr. Bannon was quoted by the author, Michael Wolff, as suggesting that Donald Trump Jr.; the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner; and Paul Manafort, his campaign chairman at the time, were “treasonous” and “unpatriotic” for attending the meeting with Russians at Trump Tower. Mr. Bannon said that he believed there was “zero” chance that the younger Mr. Trump did not take them to meet his father, who has said he knew nothing about the meeting.
Its old news but its relevant with Bannon being subpoened and testifying up on the Hill today. And, don't forget to follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
If “there’s nothing to hide” and Team Trump Treason is or was willing to speak with Team Mueller, then why the gag order from the White House on Sloppy Steve? Because there’s nothing to hide, right?
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock goes the impeachment clock. Follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment. It’s coming folks. A few more months before 3D will really be D’ing, super D hard.
Unprecedented levels of complicity, cover up and collusion, the 3C's C'ing, if you will.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Steve Bannon’s attorney relayed questions, in real time, to the White House during a House Intelligence Committee interview of the former Trump chief strategist, people familiar with the closed-door session told The Associated Press.
As lawmakers probed Bannon’s time working for President Donald Trump, Bannon’s attorney Bill Burck was asking the White House counsel’s office by phone during the Tuesday session whether his client could answer the questions. He was told by that office not to discuss his work on the transition or in the White House.
What was that? Follow the money, did you say, dear boy? You don't say? Reminds me of that time when my casino and airline I was involved in were failing? Oh dear, why do you ever think they'd follow the money? Why, where could it possibly lead? Impeachment?! You don't say dear boy! Now, now, now before we get too excited, it'll help to know which way the money trail is going, right o? I mean, you do have to know whether it was from Team Trump Treason to Boris and Natasha or from Boris and Natasha to Team Trump Treason. Well, i suppose it doesn't really matter because its still just a trail. But all trails must come to an end, right dear boy? I mean, they can't possibly go on forever, right? In teresting to say the least. And here I thought, dear, dear boy, that the headlines and trail would go cold way back in November, what with all that talk of unmasking and tapped wires and such. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a croquet match to participate in. Be a love and have a Sloe Gin Fizz delivered to Centre Court. Tally ho!
No, Bannon’s greatest value to the Russia investigators may be what he knew after the election. As the president’s senior strategist with full access to the president, he could answer a host of questions, including:
What does he know about the transition contacts between Russians and Jared Kushner (at least two we know of, including one meeting with the chief of a sanctioned Russian bank)? Between Michael Flynn and Russia?
What discussion was had about sanctions and a new policy toward Russia during the transition?
Why the delay in firing Flynn after Sally Yates informed the White House that Flynn had lied to Vice President Pence about his Russian contacts?
What does Bannon know about President Trump’s request to then-FBI Director James B. Comey to let the Flynn probe go?
Why did Kushner push for Comey to be fired? Why was Trump so agitated that he felt it necessary to fire Comey?
What does Bannon know about drafting the statement to explain the June 9, 2016, meeting?
Were any policy initiatives after the inauguration undertaken because of prior conversations/contacts during the campaign or election?
What did Bannon know about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s decision to recuse himself from the Russia probe and about efforts to stop that from happening?
Bannon, according to Wolff’s book, also suggested Trump was actually worried about investigators finding out about alleged financial improprieties. “This is all about money laundering,” Bannon supposedly told Wolff. “Their path to [expletive] Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr. and Jared Kushner.” He added, “It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner stuff.” And that raises even more questions:
Who, if anyone, expressed concern about Trump’s finances?
Was he referring to the timely loan from Deutsche Bank to Kushner just before the election?
Who was allegedly involved in “money laundering”? Did this go back to the 1990s, when many U.S. banks cut off Trump? Does it concern Russian oligarchs who purchased properties?
Was Trump lying when he said he had no deals in Russia?
In front of the special counsel, Bannon likely will not be able to assert executive privilege (otherwise he gets dragged before the grand jury). As the first person in Trump’s inner circle to be questioned by Mueller, Bannon will serve as a guide for the special counsel as he pursues the case. Even if Bannon does not possess a wealth of information, he may know critical tidbits or point Mueller toward those who do have firsthand knowledge, say, of Trump’s finances. Whether Bannon sheds light on the Trump team’s inexplicable efforts to conceal the extent of Russian connections during the campaign and transition, or on the Trump family finances, remains to be seen. Trump, in any event, may come to regret taking away Bannon’s job and then his post-White House livelihood.
It’s absurd that this administration has done zero nada zilch to make sure our elections are secured , Russia DNA is all over the WH and the GOP have let it happen!!!
Obstruction of justice charges will be part and parcel of Team Mueller's report and one of the impeachment charges. Seeing how he interviewed Sessions, figure a couple more weeks of making Team Trump Treason sweat before he requests an interview? Maybe after Davos?
Obstruction of justice charges will be part and parcel of Team Mueller's report and one of the impeachment charges. Seeing how he interviewed Sessions, figure a couple more weeks of making Team Trump Treason sweat before he requests an interview? Maybe after Davos?
Obstruction of justice charges will be part and parcel of Team Mueller's report and one of the impeachment charges. Seeing how he interviewed Sessions, figure a couple more weeks of making Team Trump Treason sweat before he requests an interview? Maybe after Davos?
Obstruction of justice charges will be part and parcel of Team Mueller's report and one of the impeachment charges. Seeing how he interviewed Sessions, figure a couple more weeks of making Team Trump Treason sweat before he requests an interview? Maybe after Davos?
dot connecting DC, DC'ing
Where are my rubles, comrade?
if you cant beat'em delete'em Lerner IRS "but her emails!" DWS - hard drives, voting records FBI DOJ - 50,000 "insurance" texts
Case in point of what I was talking about in the other Trump supporter's thread. This bogus Nunes memo simply exists to distract these folks from the real investigation. Poor ol' JC is falling for it hook line and sinker. Shame.
Obstruction of justice charges will be part and parcel of Team Mueller's report and one of the impeachment charges. Seeing how he interviewed Sessions, figure a couple more weeks of making Team Trump Treason sweat before he requests an interview? Maybe after Davos?
dot connecting DC, DC'ing
Where are my rubles, comrade?
if you cant beat'em delete'em Lerner IRS "but her emails!" DWS - hard drives, voting records FBI DOJ - 50,000 "insurance" texts
If no one cared about 22,000,000 deleted emails involving the war with Iraq and killing 100s of thousands of people, why should anyone care about this? Bush Cheney set the legal standard for nefariousness, just one of their many presents from their pandora’s Box of “creating their own reality.” Chickens coming home to roost.
Which makes some on here happy
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Hopefully Mueller gets to talk to him soon, if he hasn't already.
Well.....son of a von druke, would you look at this:
Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation
-EV 8/14/93
Significant grand jury activity may undermine the case that White House officials have made for months: that they believe the inquiry is coming to an end and are convinced that the president will be cleared. Mr. Mueller has told Mr. Trump’s lawyers that he will probably want to question the president before the investigation concludes, but no interview has been scheduled.
Mr. Bannon has limited firsthand knowledge about two key issues within Mr. Mueller’s purview — the president’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, a decision made without Mr. Bannon present, and the drafting of a misleading statement about the subject of the June 2016 meeting with Russians, in which they promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
But even Mr. Bannon’s secondhand knowledge could be used to draw a contrast with statements from people with firsthand knowledge whom Mr. Mueller has already interviewed. And Mr. Bannon was directly involved in a number of other major moments, including the decision-making around the firing of Michael T. Flynn, the president’s first national security adviser, who was dismissed after he lied to Vice President Mike Pence about phone calls with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition.
Mr. Bannon also helped run the transition after Chris Christie, the outgoing governor of New Jersey, was fired as head of that team. And Mr. Bannon was the chief executive of the Trump campaign in October 2016 when WikiLeaks began releasing thousands of stolen personal emails from the hacked account of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, John D. Podesta.
In “Fire and Fury,” Mr. Bannon was quoted by the author, Michael Wolff, as suggesting that Donald Trump Jr.; the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner; and Paul Manafort, his campaign chairman at the time, were “treasonous” and “unpatriotic” for attending the meeting with Russians at Trump Tower. Mr. Bannon said that he believed there was “zero” chance that the younger Mr. Trump did not take them to meet his father, who has said he knew nothing about the meeting.
What did you mean by that Sloppy Steve?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Steve Bannon’s attorney relayed questions, in real time, to the White House during a House Intelligence Committee interview of the former Trump chief strategist, people familiar with the closed-door session told The Associated Press.
As lawmakers probed Bannon’s time working for President Donald Trump, Bannon’s attorney Bill Burck was asking the White House counsel’s office by phone during the Tuesday session whether his client could answer the questions. He was told by that office not to discuss his work on the transition or in the White House.
"Nothing to hide." There was no collusion, collusion, collusion, collusion, collusion, collusion, collusion.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Eric Trump: 'My father sees one color, green' - CNN
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
No, Bannon’s greatest value to the Russia investigators may be what he knew after the election. As the president’s senior strategist with full access to the president, he could answer a host of questions, including:
Bannon, according to Wolff’s book, also suggested Trump was actually worried about investigators finding out about alleged financial improprieties. “This is all about money laundering,” Bannon supposedly told Wolff. “Their path to [expletive] Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr. and Jared Kushner.” He added, “It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner stuff.” And that raises even more questions:
In front of the special counsel, Bannon likely will not be able to assert executive privilege (otherwise he gets dragged before the grand jury). As the first person in Trump’s inner circle to be questioned by Mueller, Bannon will serve as a guide for the special counsel as he pursues the case. Even if Bannon does not possess a wealth of information, he may know critical tidbits or point Mueller toward those who do have firsthand knowledge, say, of Trump’s finances. Whether Bannon sheds light on the Trump team’s inexplicable efforts to conceal the extent of Russian connections during the campaign and transition, or on the Trump family finances, remains to be seen. Trump, in any event, may come to regret taking away Bannon’s job and then his post-White House livelihood.
I smell a Pulitzer. I love the smell of money.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Certainly not their complicity.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
DC, DC'ing
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Lerner IRS
"but her emails!"
DWS - hard drives, voting records
FBI DOJ - 50,000 "insurance" texts
Case in point of what I was talking about in the other Trump supporter's thread. This bogus Nunes memo simply exists to distract these folks from the real investigation. Poor ol' JC is falling for it hook line and sinker. Shame.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.