One thing I have learned the last few days, the death of the compassionate, tolerant liberal has never been more obvious.
We'll be here for ya. A soft place to rest your head and ease your fears about the white race being destroyed.
Don't worry about me snowflake. I will still thrive no matter who you select as your leader.
Yes, you and I will both thrive, thanks to a balance of private and public entities structured around a set of laws that creates a more even playing field than without them.
One thing I have learned the last few days, the death of the compassionate, tolerant liberal has never been more obvious.
We'll be here for ya. A soft place to rest your head and ease your fears about the white race being destroyed.
Don't worry about me snowflake. I will still thrive no matter who you select as your leader.
Yes, you and I will both thrive, thanks to a balance of private and public entities structured around a set of laws that creates a more even playing field than without them.
One thing I have learned the last few days, the death of the compassionate, tolerant liberal has never been more obvious.
We'll be here for ya. A soft place to rest your head and ease your fears about the white race being destroyed.
Don't worry about me snowflake. I will still thrive no matter who you select as your leader.
Yes, you and I will both thrive, thanks to a balance of private and public entities structured around a set of laws that creates a more even playing field than without them.
LOL, ok.
Well... how do you eke out your subsistence without relying on the services these entities and laws afford?
Are you Grizzly Adams living in a remote section of wilderness growing and killing everything you eat? Deer skin clothing? Etc?
One thing I have learned the last few days, the death of the compassionate, tolerant liberal has never been more obvious.
We'll be here for ya. A soft place to rest your head and ease your fears about the white race being destroyed.
Don't worry about me snowflake. I will still thrive no matter who you select as your leader.
Yes, you and I will both thrive, thanks to a balance of private and public entities structured around a set of laws that creates a more even playing field than without them.
LOL, ok.
If that's your comeback, then it says a lot.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
One thing I have learned the last few days, the death of the compassionate, tolerant liberal has never been more obvious.
We'll be here for ya. A soft place to rest your head and ease your fears about the white race being destroyed.
Don't worry about me snowflake. I will still thrive no matter who you select as your leader.
Yes, you and I will both thrive, thanks to a balance of private and public entities structured around a set of laws that creates a more even playing field than without them.
LOL, ok.
If that's your comeback, then it says a lot.
Nope not really, it just gets old trying to help peoole live without their overlords controlling their every move. But I guess now you get to deal with a guy you hate. Have fun.
One thing I have learned the last few days, the death of the compassionate, tolerant liberal has never been more obvious.
We'll be here for ya. A soft place to rest your head and ease your fears about the white race being destroyed.
Don't worry about me snowflake. I will still thrive no matter who you select as your leader.
Yes, you and I will both thrive, thanks to a balance of private and public entities structured around a set of laws that creates a more even playing field than without them.
LOL, ok.
If that's your comeback, then it says a lot.
Nope not really, it just gets old trying to help peoole live without their overlords controlling their every move. But I guess now you get to deal with a guy you hate. Have fun.
I'd tell you what I really think, but my overlord says no.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
I guess you don't have any women in your life because that's what is under assault women's rights , were you not born to a woman don't you know any that will be affected by these laws that this Bafoon will put in place ...
One thing I have learned the last few days, the death of the compassionate, tolerant liberal has never been more obvious.
We'll be here for ya. A soft place to rest your head and ease your fears about the white race being destroyed.
Don't worry about me snowflake. I will still thrive no matter who you select as your leader.
Yes, you and I will both thrive, thanks to a balance of private and public entities structured around a set of laws that creates a more even playing field than without them.
LOL, ok.
If that's your comeback, then it says a lot.
Nope not really, it just gets old trying to help peoole live without their overlords controlling their every move. But I guess now you get to deal with a guy you hate. Have fun.
Really someone is controlling me uhmm I thought I detected a device in my brain telling me to fight oppression, racism, and everything this current administration stands for ...
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
You guys have a strange imagination, still trying to figure out what right a woman has lost.
Are we talking about the rights women have lost around the world due to religion and instead just pretend it is going on here?
One thing I have learned the last few days, the death of the compassionate, tolerant liberal has never been more obvious.
We'll be here for ya. A soft place to rest your head and ease your fears about the white race being destroyed.
Don't worry about me snowflake. I will still thrive no matter who you select as your leader.
Yes, you and I will both thrive, thanks to a balance of private and public entities structured around a set of laws that creates a more even playing field than without them.
LOL, ok.
If that's your comeback, then it says a lot.
Nope not really, it just gets old trying to help peoole live without their overlords controlling their every move. But I guess now you get to deal with a guy you hate. Have fun.
My overlord is still learning to pee in the toilet and can't really speak yet. The president also signed memorandums freezing most federal government hiring, though he noted an exception for the military, and reinstating a ban on providing federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide information on the option. The regulation, known as the “Mexico City Policy,” has been a political volleyball, instituted by Republican administrations and rescinded by Democratic ones since 1984.
The first president ever who officially has a cheerleading squad with him everywhere he goes to make sure his ego doesn't get bruised. I was wondering about this when I heard all the clapping at the media comment. Seemed odd.
The first president ever who officially has a cheerleading squad with him everywhere he goes to make sure his ego doesn't get bruised. I was wondering about this when I heard all the clapping at the media comment. Seemed odd.
I read something just now about conversations within the CIA about if they get a good nugget of info on Russia/Putin and if trump asked for the source they don't feel they can trust him to tell him the source. This is going to be a yuge shit show.
Are you Grizzly Adams living in a remote section of wilderness growing and killing everything you eat? Deer skin clothing? Etc?
Are we talking about the rights women have lost around the world due to religion and instead just pretend it is going on here?
Even he thinks that's just wacky lol
Trump to Lawmakers: 'Illegals' Cost Me the Popular Vote
SNL needs lessons from this.
The president also signed memorandums freezing most federal government hiring, though he noted an exception for the military, and reinstating a ban on providing federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide information on the option. The regulation, known as the “Mexico City Policy,” has been a political volleyball, instituted by Republican administrations and rescinded by Democratic ones since 1984.
Without evidence, Trump tells lawmakers 3 million to 5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote
It's sad how bent out of shape he is that he lost the popular vote and less people watched his inauguration than Obamas.