How, if at all, has this year's US presidential election affected your...
How, if at all, has this year's US presidential election affected your outlook on US politics and your party affiliation?
This is just an "I'm curious" thread and what's great about that is, for once, we all get to be right! And you, those of you who are not Americans can throw in your two cents from an outside perspective but remember you are probably hearing all this US politics nonsense from a differing perspective outside the states.
My take is, this years presidential election is doing much to push me away from the Republicrat/Democan party of one by none. I stayed registered Democrat to vote for Bernie (all for not) and am going back to Green which has long made more sense to me (you know, with my silly belief that we should focus on having a planet suitable for human-- and other large mammal- habitation). I'm convinced more than ever that the Dems and Reps are a unified facade of sorts. I'm convinced more than ever that Americans in general are becoming less informed, less educated, less aware and will continue to distance themselves from the world of politics, taking interest only what seems to fit their style and only getting involved when it comes time to wave flags, plaster bumper stickers, and rant on line or in the grocery store about they latest personality they think will represent them the best.
My only consolation out of all this is, as Leeze so well pointed out elsewhere, that out of all this mess a new creative boon will occur, just as it did in the US around the time of the war in Vietnam and as it did in England in the mid to late 70's when that place was piled high with trash and a decadence only the elite enjoyed. It will be fascinating to see all this creativity unfold!
Your take?
This is just an "I'm curious" thread and what's great about that is, for once, we all get to be right! And you, those of you who are not Americans can throw in your two cents from an outside perspective but remember you are probably hearing all this US politics nonsense from a differing perspective outside the states.
My take is, this years presidential election is doing much to push me away from the Republicrat/Democan party of one by none. I stayed registered Democrat to vote for Bernie (all for not) and am going back to Green which has long made more sense to me (you know, with my silly belief that we should focus on having a planet suitable for human-- and other large mammal- habitation). I'm convinced more than ever that the Dems and Reps are a unified facade of sorts. I'm convinced more than ever that Americans in general are becoming less informed, less educated, less aware and will continue to distance themselves from the world of politics, taking interest only what seems to fit their style and only getting involved when it comes time to wave flags, plaster bumper stickers, and rant on line or in the grocery store about they latest personality they think will represent them the best.
My only consolation out of all this is, as Leeze so well pointed out elsewhere, that out of all this mess a new creative boon will occur, just as it did in the US around the time of the war in Vietnam and as it did in England in the mid to late 70's when that place was piled high with trash and a decadence only the elite enjoyed. It will be fascinating to see all this creativity unfold!
Your take?
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Post edited by brianlux on
Edit: I reworded the thread to make it more clear, thanks!
Yup, a big fat juicy clusterfuck.
I'm registered Independent and am probably somewhat right of center. I'm comfortable with my stances but tired of the whole party affiliation thing. This country is a melting pot, why not have the parties do the same? One huge group of people who maybe shouldn't have to identify themselves as A, B, C, etc.
By the way, I've never waved a flag but I've certainly saluted it. Some things, some symbols, mean more to some than to others. And that's OK.
What's interesting is that I had been registered Dem but went independent in '96, when I viewed Clinton as selling out to Republicans and backing off their health insurance agenda. I registered back to Dem in order to vote for Bernie. I don't have any fierce loyalty to the Dem party, I just always see their candidates as the better way to go and always vote D.
Thankfully though, the media is really revealing itself this election and how corrupt they are, it's nothing new, but it's really really obvious and pissing people off now. Finally people are catching on to the dirty tactics of the media.
Thankfully though, the media is really revealing itself this election and how corrupt they are, it's nothing new, but it's really really obvious and pissing people off now. Finally people are catching on to the dirty tactics of the media.
Now I know all of you think Free and I are in cahoots or something but how can I not say how much I agree with this! And what a disappointment. We used to have two distinct parties and at times, even some brief forays into third party recognition. The only good out of this, from my perspective, is further interest in other parties.
Taking the high road can work. Why would that be only the citizens? Easy way out to me.
Shouldn't it be demanded of those who are being elected to LEAD this country? Or at least affect its morale?
Integrity applies to all - even moreso when no one is around to know if you've acted unethically - even moreso when in a position of power and effect.
Then again, maybe Puscifer is right...all smoke and mirrors.
im so glad i dont vote and only support Gods kingdom of ruler ship which will happen as Jesus said my kingdom is no part of this world and if it were he would not have been delivered up (John 18;36) But eventually his kingdom with be with the new world and will crush all other kingdoms and it will be a war with the only winner being God and Jesus because the power is from them that exists anywhere in the universe.. (Daniel 2;44,45) (2 Corinthians 4;7)Roman 1;18-(20)-23
The system is beyond repair, only a complete and total destruction will bring about change. Thankfully these two give change the best opportunity for that to happen.
Thankfully though, the media is really revealing itself this election and how corrupt they are, it's nothing new, but it's really really obvious and pissing people off now. Finally people are catching on to the dirty tactics of the media.
All of that is true if dirt and corruption are the only thing you care about, but if you still care about a range of issues the parties are not the same at all. Trump is out there parading his support for trickle down economics, they are trying to defund the biggest provider of free health care for women, they are advocating for draconian laws that would make us a Christian caliphate, they consider global warming a Chinese hoax, and their SCOTUS picks would uphold Citizens United for name of few of the huge differences.
To call the parties the same is just foolish, unless you are speaking only in terms of dirty politics and protecting the big banks.
To call the parties the same is just foolish, unless you are speaking only in terms of dirty politics and protecting the big banks.
Ha! They are totally In cahoots with each other with the media to get what they want: power over the people. This is just one example:
Ha! They are totally In cahoots with each other with the media to get what they want: power over the people. This is just one example:
Ok, cool.
What does that have to do with SCOTUS appointees, Planned Parenthood, global warming, trickle down economics, "religious freedom" laws, gun control, the Iran Deal, etc etc.
You proved my point, the people who consider the parties to be the same are near to obsessed with notions of corruption and have little care for the range of issues that separate the parties.
My disagreement arises when it is suggested that they are all in cahoots and all choices are illusion. That's simply false. If you think the forces behind the GOP aren't desperate for power in a way that is diametrically opposed to the Dems, you aren't seeing clearly.
We have choices, and they matter.
Now, again, what does that have do with SCOTUS appointees, Planned Parenthood, global warming, trickle down economics, "religious freedom" laws, gun control, the Iran Deal, etc etc.????