Stop Bullying Corey Feldman

Lol. This might be one of the worst songs ever. Still the poor guy says he can't get out of bed over the online bullying he is getting. Deserved or not deserved?

Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's
Fuckus rules all
Fuckus rules all
But Cmon Corey.....get with it, I wish I was 6'6 and could dunk and shoot B ball, you don't see me making an ass out of myself trying to catch on with an NBA team
He knows he sucks, he has to
I watched that clip from work last week, with no sound. Still haven't actually heard it.
Not sure if my "what in the fuckity fuck was that?" reaction would have been different with audio. It looked kind of like he was channeling Christopher Walken doing Weapon of Choice, but on the ground and with "vocals".
bullying is terrible but sometimes the best way to not have it happen is to not put yourself in those situations. i don't know, maybe that's too simplistic view by me by at least online it should be fairly easy to ignore it.
and dankind terrible but i have to admit i chuckled out loud reading your comment about MJ.
For the record, Feldman still says that he doesn't think that MJ had any pedophilia tendencies but that their companionship ended because of MJ's "dark side" or some such vague language.
Feldman was one of many boys who was molested by Hollywood perverts, though, about which he speaks pretty openly--not naming names, of course, for fear of defamation lawsuits (which is why many interpret the MJ "dark side" statement to be a veiled accusation).
Anyway, it's just a bunch of jerks on the internet, Corey. You've braved much worse paths.
Fuck, 'em, dude. Keep being you.
Sorry, the thread title demanded it, lol.
I do kind of feel sorry for Corey Feldman though. I mean, at least he's trying... kind of.
And MJ was awesome as was "actor" Corey Feldman. When you grow up with that kind of filmography, I'll let a cheesy live dance track in your 40's slide.......
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
we will find a way, we will find our place
-EV 8/14/93
Nothing to be ashamed of. Not my cup of tea. Certainly bullying is stupid to begin with, but how is this any worse than 3/4 of the music out there today?
oh and someone should tell him about autotune - wow those backups were something
I do have to say I watched Dream a Little Dream more times than I should've, but that was because I kept trying to figure out just what the hell was going on. I finally settled on everyone involved was on drugs and needed money for more drugs.
Really liked him (and Sheen!) in Lucas though.
we will find a way, we will find our place
we will find a way, we will find our place