U.S. lawmakers demand information on EpiPen price increase
U.S. lawmakers demand information on EpiPen price increase
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
we will find a way, we will find our place
This isn't about competition and capitalism, and making it about it does not solve the increasing fleecing of consumers through big pharma and healthcare costs.
It's pure garbage that the healthcare of Americans should be a competition!!! Are you kidding?! Only in AMERICA, do folks go into debt and bankruptcy due to being sick and being robbed blind by unregulated Big Pharma.
I am not trying to exonerate the big pharmaceutical company who is fleecing the consumer. But I'm also pointing out that many of the pro-big govt folks will be running to the govt calling for increased regulation as the solution to this problem, when it is specifically that govt regulation which has created the economic environment in which the company has a monopoly and can act in unethical ways. Epinephrine is cheap. The EpiPen is just a delivery mechanism. If the FDA got out of the way and let other makers of delivery systems into the market, prices would plunge.
how do fuckers who make these types of decisions sleep at night?
from Masters of War but i feel it fits in this case as well.
"is your money that good, do you think it will buy you forgiveness, do you think that it should"
From my experience health insurance was just as bad. My employer switched health coverage. My wife takes medication which is about 3 grand a prescription without insurance. So no way we can afford it if insurance doesn't approve. The new insurance threw us so many loop holes before they would cover it, she ended up going without it for 3 months.
Aside from the prescription, they required a doctor authorization (isn't that what a prescription is?). They gave us a number to provide to our doctor to call. We would call our insurance regularly to make sure it went through and all they would say is "it can take 2 weeks to process, so its not in the computer yet."
After the 2 weeks it changed to "no we don't have anything from your doctor. We gave you the wrong number last time, give him this number."
Another 2-3 weeks went by and same thing, but this time they said to fax it instead. Same thing, another 2-3 weeks went by before giving us a third and different number.
A few days later I called in to check on the status when I got the normal "it can take 2-3 weeks to process, so its not in our computer yet."
I unloaded on them on the phone, explaining how we kept getting the runaround and my wife and gone without her medication for 3 months now as a result, medication needed to control otherwise very debilitating arthritis, and ended the conversation with "if it isn't here tomorrow, you will be hearing from an attorney on my behalf." After than comment I was put on hold for about 30 seconds and she came back and said "it's on the way."
Ridiculous it had to come down to a threat. Our doctor said unfortunately they get that all the time, they drag their feet so they don't have to pay for expensive medication.
How do those people sleep too?
Everyone is correct in that without the massive profits, we would not have any of the outstanding drugs we have today, obviously.
I don't understand these price hikes at all. They are so shortsighted.
I am a massive proponent of performance based pricing.
we will find a way, we will find our place
Any fans of house knows what Im talking about.
we will find a way, we will find our place
People managed MS with interferons for years. They worked, but they caused flu like symptoms, injection site reactions, among many other somewhat tolerable side effects. Then orals come out (with their own tolerability issues for sure), and they are largely just as efficacious and are a significantly lower burden on the patient. Sure they are most expensive, but that goes with the territory of a better drug.
The abuse happens in what you saw with the insurance companies dragging the process out.
That said, it is better for the consumer to only be prescribed drugs that are approved by insurance prior to going to the pharmacist.