*** Wrigley 2 Chicago, IL Fanviews Here 8/22/16 ***



  • HH140540HH140540 Atlanta Posts: 549
    Lukin paused by EV throwing a dude out!
  • darwinstheorydarwinstheory LaPorte, IN Posts: 6,777
    Tonight was...aight

    "A smart monkey doesn't monkey around with another monkey's monkey" - Darwin's Theory
  • vitovito Chicago Posts: 2,029
    edited August 2016
    So over the last 2 nights at Wrigley I got to see almost 6.5 hours of PJ music, 70 songs, 63 of which were not repeated with perfect weather w/ 42,000 people each night(SRO) in a baseball stadium that is a National Landmark! If you were there and that wasn't enough for you, then shame on you!! And if you weren't there and want to post something negative then just STFU!!! Thank you EV, MM, SG, JA, MC & BG you guys have taken me on this crazy journey for 25 years and the ride has been nothing short of fabulous!!!!
    PJ20 NIGHT 1 Alpine Valley Music Theatre 2011
    PJ20 NIGHT 2 Alpine Valley Music Theatre 2011
    CHICAGO 1 Wrigley Field 2016 
    CHICAGO 2 Wrigley Field 2016
    CHICAGO 1 Wrigley Field 2018
    CHICAGO 2 Wrigley Field 2018
    BOSTON 2 Fenway Park 2018
    Eddie Vedder Auditorium Theatre CHICAGO 2008

  • Emerald772Emerald772 Chicago, IL Posts: 76
    So much fun. The energy tonight was uncontainable. I never want this weekend to end.
    08-29/31-24 Wrigley Field;  09-05/07-23 UC;  09-17-22 Bourbon and Beyond KY;  08-18/20-18 Wrigley Field;  08-20/22-16 Wrigley Field;  10-20-14 Bradley Center WI;  07-22-13 Wrigley Field;  09-03/04-11 Alpine Valley WI (PJ20);  06-28-11 Chicago Theater EV solo;  08-23/24-09 United Center;  08-21/22-08 Auditorium Theater (EV solo);  08-04-07 Grant Park;  08-02-07 The Vic;  05-16/17-06 UC;  09-19-05 Air Canada Centre ON; 10-05-04 Fox Theatre MO (VfC); 06-18-03 UC;  04-23-03 Assembly Hall;  09-05-00 Post-Gazette Pavilion PA;  06-26-98 Alpine Valley WI; 07-11-95 Soldier Field
  • arduplardupl Scranton, PA Posts: 11
    Throw Your Arms Around Me. Wow. Total flash back to my 90's bootlegs. Awesome
    "I know I was born and I know that I'll die. The in between is mine"
  • That was fucking awesome

    Absolutely F-ing awesome!
  • doctorvikdoctorvik granger, IN Posts: 123
    Wow. That was awesome. oceans. Bry. Throw arms. Got a feeling. Of the earth. Stone singing. Crazy Mary. Time going into rocking free world . Wow
  • vito said:

    So over the last 2 nights at Wrigley I got to see almost 6.5 hours of PJ music, 70 songs, 63 of which were not repeated with perfect weather w/ 42,000 people each night(SRO) in a baseball stadium that is a National Landmark! If you were there and that wasn't enough for you, then shame on you!! And if you weren't there and want to post something negative then just STFU!!! Thank you EV, MM, SG, JA, MC & BG you guys have taken me on this crazy journey for 25 years and the ride has been nothing short of fabulous!!!!

    Well put, the whole experience was beyond words for me right now.
  • Most aggressive, fast paced, put your seat backs and tray tables in an upright and locked position set I've seen by far.
  • VatesVates Posts: 1
    First post ever!
    Amazing show and was lucky enough to get a glass of Eddie's wine!
    Top 2 set list's I've seen! (Toss up with Moline)
    Thanks again great to be apart of both nights
  • ehbaconehbacon Posts: 1,971

    They say don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened. I will admit i shed a tear when i saw the lights go on. Such an amazing weekend.

    And a lovely subway ride home on the redline late after the show, if the two guy i was chatting with are on here i was the kid with the backwards super bowl hat :)
    Listen to some of my music here (if you want to): [url="My soundcloud"]
  • MK88178MK88178 Chicago Posts: 523
    Fitting ending to the tour. All year they kept out doing themselves from show to show. Tonight they some how did it again. When the good the bad and the ugly came on I knew my face was destined to be melted. Great show, great tour! Until the next one.
  • cjoreacjorea Posts: 69
    Great show. Period.

    Highlights include:

    (i) Oceans.. I actually had trouble listening because I kept thinking about my wife..., and then Tom Ricketts wrongfully thought the seat (or more specifically the row) in front of me was his - he needed the usher :)

    To which I asked, "haven't you ever been here?" Somewhat unfortunately, it was neither of our seat(s) and I had to move later.

    (Ii) Sonic Reducer - that song (and Jeff in particular) f#&king rocked.. the whole band,
    they still do it... for years... i suppose they do that with everything - 25 years and counting?!?!), but that song... man.

    (iii) The dedications and the resulting Crazy Gaspar

    (iv) continuing on the dedications, Man of the Hour - beautiful...

    (v) somehwat dedication influenced... once upon a time, my friends and I traded a trip with my father to Acadia Natl. Park for driving to Augusta in 1996 - he was/is a nature buff, and my friends and I PJ fans... Dennis Rodman had Eddie on his shoulders that night... i think he dropped him.

    Regardless, thanks Dad... Thanks Dennis for not dropping anyone... and thanks Eddie, those dedications were great.. including but not limited to the second I Got a Feeling, and the 'dedication' for the Aussies (Throw Your Arms Around Me) - hauntingly beautiful.

    (vi) Stone talking... In a very sincere way, I like when Stone takes the mic... he was great tonight - Gimme No Lip included - but it wasn't just his singing, e.g. Deep was cool as sh*t

    (vii) Mike was great tonight too... Somewhat unfortunately, he was (for lack of a better set of terms) mystically possessed and absoutely unworldly on Saturday, so my apolgies, but you can't compare apples and oranges - both taste great - orange juice in the morning, and an apple during the day...,  but for whatever reason, I needed Masters of War for 3 hours straight (and/or to be in the room when Bob Dylan listens/sees that version)... don't get me wrong, Mike absolutely rocked: Immortality,...

    But Inside Job (and the absolutely moving intro by Gleason) drove me to tears - there's nothing (and no reason) to compare

    (ix) Matt Cameron... Matt f*#&ing Cameron... Unfortunately he, didn't compare to Ray rocking in the free world

    (ix) in the end, I think these four shows (Fenway and Wrigley) will melt somehwere in the apparent abyss that has become my mind - they were collectively this long extended dream, a beautiful glimpse into my past, present, and future and how PJ has influenced it in so many ways - not to mention, on two different instances of "sacred grounds"

    my only complaint is that my wife who I met at a show in Berlin, and our son who goes to Friday day games at Wrigley with his father (i.e. me), weren't there tonight.

    This show was for them..., for my son, walking up to see Wrigley with a giant stage in the middle and asking WTF is this and where is Cubbie Bear (his face says it all - he's only 2)... to playing catch in CF... watching Eddie perorm Go All the Way (pre-show)... and then singing Oceans with mom.

    If (and when) this band does this again - please do, this was great!!!! - can we please get an all access pass? If I spend 4 more minutes in the vicinity a chicago scalper, I'm going to punch someone (i.e. he or she).

    Regardless, thanks so much... to the band... and everyone else involved.

    This was great, across the board.

  • unikunkaunikunka Posts: 87
    Absolutely amazing. Was 4th row dead center in front of Ed.

    The guy who got kicked out was a huge jackass. Early in the night he started shoving a few people. The guy was drunk and his wife/girlfriend got in his face and they were screaming at each other. Nobody knew what was going on but the wife was trying to basically say "you're drunk calm down". A couple of people told him the same and he started pushing again and we called over security. He didn't get booted but he got a stern warning and then started to behave. BTW this was early during Betterman.

    Then what happened during Lukin was two-fold -- a girl flat out passed out in about the 8th row. A guy grabbed her and started heading to the rail. Everyone else immediately started clearing the way and helping. The girl was out cold and it was sorta scary. We all started shouting for help but then the guy carrying the girl got to the asshole from before and the asshole probably thought he was getting pushed and turned around and started going fucking crazy. We were all like "dude this girl is passed out" and he sorta calmed down and the girl for over the rail but by that time the song stopped and he was still pushing/jawing and everyone around him was like "you gotta go". So Ed booted him. The girl who was passed out came to as she went over the rail and seemed ok so that's what ed's comment was about but they were actually total separate incidents.

    Funniest part was assholes wife had to follow him out over the rail looking pissed cause the guy was an ass. There was another incident where he had gone for beers he didn't need mid-show and was jawing at people on the way back when he was shoving his way back up.

    Guy was a jerk but everyone else in the pit was solid and there was great energy all night.
  • pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,100
    Easily the king of the 4 baseball shows
  • EnjoyBeingEnjoyBeing Posts: 131
    bbison said:

    Loved this show to death, killer setlist ... Thought this show had great pace and energy...but no singular moment that matched Masters of War from Saturday.

    I agree. Tonight was amazing. As was last night.

    That said, in all my life of seeing live music, McCready's powerful guitar playing during Masters of War was one of the best musical experiences I've ever witnessed.

  • robbierobbie Posts: 883
    unikunka said:

    Absolutely amazing. Was 4th row dead center in front of Ed.

    The guy who got kicked out was a huge jackass. Early in the night he started shoving a few people. The guy was drunk and his wife/girlfriend got in his face and they were screaming at each other. Nobody knew what was going on but the wife was trying to basically say "you're drunk calm down". A couple of people told him the same and he started pushing again and we called over security. He didn't get booted but he got a stern warning and then started to behave. BTW this was early during Betterman.

    Then what happened during Lukin was two-fold -- a girl flat out passed out in about the 8th row. A guy grabbed her and started heading to the rail. Everyone else immediately started clearing the way and helping. The girl was out cold and it was sorta scary. We all started shouting for help but then the guy carrying the girl got to the asshole from before and the asshole probably thought he was getting pushed and turned around and started going fucking crazy. We were all like "dude this girl is passed out" and he sorta calmed down and the girl for over the rail but by that time the song stopped and he was still pushing/jawing and everyone around him was like "you gotta go". So Ed booted him. The girl who was passed out came to as she went over the rail and seemed ok so that's what ed's comment was about but they were actually total separate incidents.

    Funniest part was assholes wife had to follow him out over the rail looking pissed cause the guy was an ass. There was another incident where he had gone for beers he didn't need mid-show and was jawing at people on the way back when he was shoving his way back up.

    Guy was a jerk but everyone else in the pit was solid and there was great energy all night.

    You had to be right next to me. I was the guy he was shoving and trying to fight during betterman. This guy was not a good drunk. Who can even thonk about fighting when you are 3rd from the rail for Pearl Jam at Wrigley???? I was in WAY to good of a mood to let it bother me, but i felt embarrassed for his wife. Show was OUTSTANDING.
  • Beyonder3000Beyonder3000 St Augustine Fl Posts: 7
    was hoping for more deep cuts not repeats of wrigley 1.......decent show
  • BrainofBGABrainofBGA Australia Posts: 4,451
    Bravo Bravo

    Now onto the next leg of the tour...Australia!

    Melbourne #1 '98
    Melbourne #2 '03
    Melbourne #3 '03
    Melbourne #1 '06
    Melbourne #3 '06
    Melbourne '09
    Melbourne '14
  • Sea said:

    04. Better Man
    (Ed sings the words, “Summer whoa oh oh, Summertime oh”)

    I think he was singing "Summertime Rolls"... the Jane's Addiction song.

    * Oscar Mayer Theater - 1991 * Eagle's Ballroom 1991 * R and R Station - 1992 * Marquette University 1992 * World Music Amphitheater - 1992 * Alpine Valley - 1992 * Alpine Valley - 2000 * Aladdin Theater x2 - 1993 * Chicago Stadium - 1994 * New Regal Theater - 1994 * St. Louis x2 - 1994 * Ann Arbor - 1994 * Bridge School - 1994 * Summerfest x2 - 1995 * Summerfest x2 - 2006 * Soldier Field - 1995 * Molson Park - 1998 * United Center - 2006 * United Center - 2009 * Cleveland - 2010 * Alpine Valley x2 - 2011 * Winnipeg 2011 * Saskatoon 2011 * Wrigley 2013 * Phoenix 2013 * Wrigley 2016 x2 *
  • DS80666DS80666 Posts: 44
    Both special shows for very different reasons. If you only were able to see one of them, don't be disappointed you missed one, be grateful you saw one. Not often you have an experience that will remember the rest of your life.

    Thank you Pearl Jam, thank you so much!!!

    Until next time my friends...
  • I had one of the great weekends of my life. i was 3 rows deep on Saturday, where i saw a great set list and got a pick from Mike. But Monday was amazing. Lucky enough to go GA again but with my older brother and i hung out in the back with some beers. I was having a great time. I saw myself on the jumbotron during the Given to Fly Montage. (it was me waiting in line on saturday) I heard Oceans, Animal, Blood, Dont Gimme No Lip, Sonic Reducer, Black, Red, And Yellow with Rodman. But the crown of the night was When Ed poured my cup full of wine during Crazy Mary. My first 2 GA shows and the band treated me well. I thought we would get Crown of Thorns or Hunger Strike but maybe that would have been too much. Tonight Was Amazing!!!
  • Red MosqitoRed Mosqito Posts: 1,239
    While I was reflecting back on tonights show it totally dawned on me that this was the first time I've ever heard Stone sing live in my 24+ years of following this band. That alone makes this an epic performance for me!
  • pjman75pjman75 Indiana Posts: 849
    stlhawk said:

    whoa... speechless... Thank u PJ and 10C.

    This. Nothing more available in my melted brain at this time. Thank you Section 34 for being the most fun fans I've ever seen a show with. To be continued...
    I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love.

    8/17/98 Noblesville, 8/18/00 Noblesville, 6/5/03 San Diego, 6/22/03 Noblesville, 9/11/05 Kitchener, 5/7/10 Noblesville, 9/15/11 Hamilton, 11/21/12 Memphis (Ed w/ Glen), 7/19/13 Wrigley, 10/11/13 Pittsburgh, 10/01/14 Cincinnati, 10/03/14 Saint Louis, 4/16/16 Greenville, 4/26/16 Lexington, 5/1/16 NYC, 5/2/16 NYC, 8/20/16 Wrigley, 8/22/16 Wrigley (For Hank), 8/18/18 Wrigley, 8/20/18 Wrigley (For Hank), 9/18/22 Saint Louis, 9/5/23 Chicago, 9/7/23 Chicago
  • tylermooretylermoore St. Joseph, MI Posts: 1,059
    i mean. Just speechless after this weekend. Night 2 left me dazed. I couldn't believe I watched such an epic show. I couldn't ask for anything else. I started tearing up during YL just because the weekend I knew was at its end...then they played I've got a feeling to end the night and I mean I lost it. That's always been my favorite cover by them and I thought I would never ever hear that song. Let alone some of the others I got to hear this weekend. I couldn't be any happier right now. Thank you Pearl jam and Wrigley. The only thing that could make this year better is the cubbies winning the would series.
  • raindog80raindog80 Reggio Emilia, Italy Posts: 1,187
    edited August 2016
    Sea said:

    Pearl Jam
    Walk On Music: 8:00. Il Buono, Il Cattivo, Il Brutto (The Good, The Bad And The Ugly)-Ennio Morricone)

    In Italy is "Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo".
    Reminds me the "Immagine in Telaio" story :D

    BTW, epic show!


    Post edited by raindog80 on
    "I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things" - Tom Waits
  • Who I AmWho I Am Posts: 661
    pdalowsky said:

    Easily the king of the 4 baseball shows

    02MAY2003 - State College, PA
    08JUL2003 - New York, NY (L@TG)
    14JUL2003 - Holmdel, NJ
    01OCT2004 - Reading, PA
    01OCT2005 - Atlantic City, NJ
    03OCT2005 - Philadelphia, PA
    27MAY2006 - Camden, NJ
    01JUN2006 - East Rutherford, NJ
    03JUN2006 - East Rutherford, NJ
    30SEP2009 - Universal City, CA
    09OCT2009 - San Diego, CA
    06JUL2011 - Long Beach, CA (EV)
    19JUL2013 - Wrigley Field, IL
    21OCT2013 - Philadelphia, PA
    22OCT2013 - Philadelphia, PA
    27OCT2013 - Baltimore, MD
    29APR2016 - Philadelphia, PA (TEN)
    05AUG2016 - Fenway Park, MA
    07AUG2016 - Fenway Park, MA
    27AUG2016 - Dana Point, CA (Ohana)
    18AUG2018 - Wrigley Field, IL
    20AUG2018 - Wrigley Field, IL
    18SEP2021 - Asbury Park, NJ
    14SEP2022 - Camden, NJ
    09SEP2024 - Philadelphia, PA
    12SEP2024 - Baltimore, MD

  • shmapshmap Posts: 375
    bbison said:

    I will say this: the Monday night asshole contingent in GA >>> the Saturday night crowd. We always worry about the one jerk that spoils it, but were stuck with a dozen well off to Stone's side tonight. Quite a few of us went to the same area tonight, hoping to avoid the sometimes mayhem in the center. Not tonight.

    Where were you over there? I was about six rows back in front of Stone, and during RVM a group of people surged to the front. Being so short, I couldn't see and just assumed that they were being dicks, but they were actually carrying up a guy who'd collapsed. Not sure if that's the incident you had in mind, but that's the context.
  • 2-feign-reluctance2-feign-reluctance TigerTown, USA Posts: 23,348
    Whoo! Damn people!
  • bbisonbbison Posts: 223
    shmap said:

    bbison said:

    I will say this: the Monday night asshole contingent in GA >>> the Saturday night crowd. We always worry about the one jerk that spoils it, but were stuck with a dozen well off to Stone's side tonight. Quite a few of us went to the same area tonight, hoping to avoid the sometimes mayhem in the center. Not tonight.

    Where were you over there? I was about six rows back in front of Stone, and during RVM a group of people surged to the front. Being so short, I couldn't see and just assumed that they were being dicks, but they were actually carrying up a guy who'd collapsed. Not sure if that's the incident you had in mind, but that's the context.
    No, we were farther over. A group of 8-10 decided to do the 755p rush into a well-packed area. When I called the chief a-hole on it he threatened to kill me (and later, a couple of others.) Nice.

    Is this where the show list goes?

    11-26-91 / 8-2-92 / 3-15-94 / 7-9-95 / 7-11-95 / 8-29-98 / 9-1-00 / 10-25-03 
    10-23-04 / 10-22-06 / 10-9-09 / 10-23-10 / 10-3-12 / 7-9-13 / 10-21-13
    11-24-13 / 11-26-13 / 10-17-14 / 10-20-14 / 10-25-14 / 4-8-16 / 4-9-16
     4-28-16 / 4-29-16 / 8-20-16 / 8-22-16 / 8-10-18 / 8-18-18 / 8-20-18
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