ISO Moline Poster...what do you want for it?

Here is a hail hail Mary. Like everyone else in the world it seems, I too am after the elusive Moline poster. It is the only one missing from my collection, and that sucks. I'll be at Monday's Wrigley show, and I will wait in line to get you what you want to make a trade. If someone is interested in some stuff from Wrigley, let's see what we can work out. Of course if I can't get what you're after, I'm SOL. If interested, shoot me a PM, and we'll see what's what.

I also have these posters if anyone is interested

Thomas's Fenway Poster Artist Proof S/N (whenever it shows up)
Dusseldorf '07
Los Angeles '06


  • Horse2345Horse2345 Posts: 3,291
    They're up over $400 now, very tempting to sell
    UBC 92, Vancouver 93, Vancouver 98, Seattle 02, Vancouver 03, Vancouver 05, Gorge 06, Gorge 06,Seattle 09,Seattle 09, Vancouver09, Montreal 11, Toronto 11,Toronto 11, Vancouver 11,Vancouver 13, Seattle 13
  • No joke. That's why I'm hoping to see some lists of merch I could pick up.
  • Dang...I thought I'd at least get some "crazy" offers. 10 posters and a box of cards all signed...ha. I guess I'd hang on to my Moline too.
    Still time though.
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