*** Wrigley 1 Chicago, IL Fanviews Here 8/20/16 ***

Pearl Jam
Wrigley Field
Chicago, IL
August 20, 2016
Show One
Walk On Music: Baba O’Riley (Lifehouse Elements version)
Band On Stage: 8:02
Band Off Stage: 11:19
01. Low Light
02. Release
(Ed talks while the song Release starts. He says, “Last time it felt like a once in a lifetime experience. When the lightning hit today I thought we were gonna have the same experience again but it looks like the weather is on our side.” EV looks into the audience for a guy named John. When he spots him he says John was the first in line two…” He sees John show four fingers..”Four days, He lined up four days ago to hear this song. He has been going through some hard times. We wanna help him out so help us sing it..”)
03. Rain-(Lennon, McCartney)
04. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town (Ed asks the audience to “sing this one for Jillian during the sing a long section) Jillian died in an automobile accident. Members of her family are attending the show.
05. Do The Evolution (Mike and Jeff do their guitar picks communion)
06. Last Exit
07. Lightning Bolt (during the intro Ed ask Kille to show him the audience. He then says, “Gutsy move playing this, gutsy! This is a reference to the earlier storms and the previous Wrigley show that was halted for several hours because of weather leading the band to get permission from the city to play past curfew)
(Ed checks on the audience. Makes sure they have enough room. He says they have a lot of time and thanks the venue. He talks about seeing Bruce Springsteen four years ago. He notes that it didn’t storm at Bruce’s show because not even God would throw lightning at Bruce. He relates Bruce’s story about ghosts that was really about all the people who still live in us even though they are no longer near us or with is. Ed says he wishes that those great players and friends and family that have passed could be around to witness the Cub’s season. “But this song specifically goes out to the fantastic Mrs. Fox.”)
08. Sad
(this one is for Lake Michigan on a windy day)
09. Amongst The Waves
(You might not have said hi to him yet but I know you want to. That is Mr. Mike McCready on a Fender Stratocaster)
10. Even Flow
(There is no one like Mike McCready. Mike swings his guitar neck (without removing the guitar like a baseball bat. And Matt Cameron is one of kind as well.
Ed mentions that there is something special going on north of us. Ed notes that they know somebody who had worked with The Tragically Hip on a few albums and that Ed got to meet Gordon from the band. He talks about Gordon’s health and how the band heroically decided to go out and tour. He wants the audience to send their positive energy to the Gordon and the band. (The engineer they know is Adam Kasper who worked on a couple of albums with The Tragically Hip and several Pearl Jam albums)
11. Light Years
12. I Got ID
13. Mind Your Manners
14. Unthought Known
15. Masters Of War-(Dylan) (during the instrumental break Mike rubs his Tele against his mic stand and beats it against the ground during the outro. He lays it face down and manipulates his pedals including his wah then he gets up and presses it against his amp and cabinet)
16. I Am A Patriot-(Van Zandt) {Fast Version with band)
(after the song Ed says he was looking for someone named Kyle Johnson. “Where are you Kyle? I tried to reach you but you weren’t answering your email. If you are here make your way over to the side and show them your military ID. Let’s see if that works..)
17. Daughter/W.M.A tag-(Ed also sings “people leave your guns at home, people leave your guns alone”)
18. Jeremy
19. Better Man /Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling) (Ed sings “ohhhhh,,am I hearing everybody? The audience picks up and sings a sustained “ohhhhhhh” then the song kicks back in. Mike runs laps around his pedal board. Ed says he has spotted a person that he says is the type of person that this song is about. It is not about being a victim. There is this woman down there. Legs can you get her. Ed points out a guy wearing a t-shirt that says Janet Fucking Weiss. She is the drummer for Sleater-Kinney and friend of Matt Cameron. He then spends a few moments teasing a guy with a Whitesnake shirt. Ed hopes it is being worn with a sense of irony but the guy shakes his head no and points at Mike McCready. Ed warns the guy to not blame that shirt on Mike McCready. He teases the guy a little more before he finally gets to the woman he wants to point out. She is wearing a t-shirt that says “unfuckwithable” Ed loves the shirt and sentiment. We should all be unfuckwithable. )
Encore Break One
(Ed chats for a second about where he used to sit. He then gets the audience to do the wave just by cheering. He asks for an “Audio Wave” and the stadium complies. Ed talks about the next song and how it wrote itself. He and Jeff take swigs from Ed’s oversize bottle of wine with a 21 on the label. Jeff takes the first sip and gets some cork. Ed’s sip is perfect and he thanks Jeff for clearing it out for him. He talks about sitting next to the bee girl from the “No Rain” video. He hopes she is doing well but he was a bit concerned when he saw the interaction with her mom. He also mentions that he was concerned for the 12 year old boy from the Jeremy video. He talks about how prevalent it is nowadays and he wants to make sure that young kids today are unfuckwithable.)
20. Bee Girl
(Ed says we found the Army Sergeant Kyle Johnson. He was apparently in Kentucky. His girlfriend, Amy, surprised him with tickets. Ed says they wanted to get them better seats. So they are placed onstage for the next song Ed. During the instrumental intro Kyle appears to proposes to Amy. Ed serenades them.)
21. Just Breathe
This song is by one of dearest friends and he loved the Yankee’s but his National League team was the Cubs. And this song isn’t about marriage but I am going to dedicate it to Kyle and Amy.
22. I Believe In Miracles-(Ramone, Ray) (Acoustic version)
(this number is an old one and was written during my first year in Seattle. It had snowed which it doesn’t do much in there and it reminded me of being here in the winter and waiting for the El train and worrying about freezing to death. Wishing I had enough money for a cab.)
23. Let Me Sleep
(Ed introduces friend of the band and in particular Mike McCready as 'A man of incredible courage. Mr. Steve Gleason.' Steve comes out and talks about the sacred ground of Wrigley and overcoming adversity. He notes that he and Mike have been friends for 15 years. This next song is one of his favorites. He quotes the song saying “ 'how we choose to feel is how we are' and personally, I feel fucking awesome. Tell them boys.” Gleason speaks through a box by writing things out in advance or live by typing using eye movement. )
23. Inside Job
(Ed thanks Steve and his family again. He says he was thinking of this story when he thought they might play the next song. He talks about a white German wine and walking around. Looking at the sky and seeing a whole world of possibilities but what were the options?)
24. Comfortably Numb-(Gilmour, Waters) (Ed joins Boom on his riser and plays piano for the outro solo)
25. Interstellar Overdrive-(Barrett, Mason, Waters, Wright)
26. Corduroy
27. Porch
Encore Break Two
(Ed comes from break and greets the audience. He says “the weather is good and they haven’t kicked us out yet but they will. There are 43 bars within one block of this building so if you need to go just let me know but if was up to us just to let you know we would like to keep rocking.)
28. Go
29. Black
“Rockford’s Best!”
30. Surrender-(Nielsen)
31. Alive (Ed throws baseballs into the crowd during the solo)
After a short encore Ed comes back out wearing a Cubs jersey. He talks about how music saved their lives. He thanks the City of Chicago for letting them play until 2 am at the last show. He mentions many of the people from the city and the Cubs who had helped out with that. He mentions his favorite player José Cardenal. He talks for awhile about his favorite players growing up. He brings out Ron Santo’s children and he brings out José
32. All The Way (Ed solo acoustic)
33. Baba O’Riley-(Townshend) Jeff appears to be wearing a ski mask with bunny ears.
Please share your experiences of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.
Please keep the Fanview threads for Fanviews. It's ok to begin another thread on discussions of other topics and/or debates.
Thank you!
Thanks John for the set list & notes.
Wrigley Field
Chicago, IL
August 20, 2016
Show One
Walk On Music: Baba O’Riley (Lifehouse Elements version)
Band On Stage: 8:02
Band Off Stage: 11:19
01. Low Light
02. Release
(Ed talks while the song Release starts. He says, “Last time it felt like a once in a lifetime experience. When the lightning hit today I thought we were gonna have the same experience again but it looks like the weather is on our side.” EV looks into the audience for a guy named John. When he spots him he says John was the first in line two…” He sees John show four fingers..”Four days, He lined up four days ago to hear this song. He has been going through some hard times. We wanna help him out so help us sing it..”)
03. Rain-(Lennon, McCartney)
04. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town (Ed asks the audience to “sing this one for Jillian during the sing a long section) Jillian died in an automobile accident. Members of her family are attending the show.
05. Do The Evolution (Mike and Jeff do their guitar picks communion)
06. Last Exit
07. Lightning Bolt (during the intro Ed ask Kille to show him the audience. He then says, “Gutsy move playing this, gutsy! This is a reference to the earlier storms and the previous Wrigley show that was halted for several hours because of weather leading the band to get permission from the city to play past curfew)
(Ed checks on the audience. Makes sure they have enough room. He says they have a lot of time and thanks the venue. He talks about seeing Bruce Springsteen four years ago. He notes that it didn’t storm at Bruce’s show because not even God would throw lightning at Bruce. He relates Bruce’s story about ghosts that was really about all the people who still live in us even though they are no longer near us or with is. Ed says he wishes that those great players and friends and family that have passed could be around to witness the Cub’s season. “But this song specifically goes out to the fantastic Mrs. Fox.”)
08. Sad
(this one is for Lake Michigan on a windy day)
09. Amongst The Waves
(You might not have said hi to him yet but I know you want to. That is Mr. Mike McCready on a Fender Stratocaster)
10. Even Flow
(There is no one like Mike McCready. Mike swings his guitar neck (without removing the guitar like a baseball bat. And Matt Cameron is one of kind as well.
Ed mentions that there is something special going on north of us. Ed notes that they know somebody who had worked with The Tragically Hip on a few albums and that Ed got to meet Gordon from the band. He talks about Gordon’s health and how the band heroically decided to go out and tour. He wants the audience to send their positive energy to the Gordon and the band. (The engineer they know is Adam Kasper who worked on a couple of albums with The Tragically Hip and several Pearl Jam albums)
11. Light Years
12. I Got ID
13. Mind Your Manners
14. Unthought Known
15. Masters Of War-(Dylan) (during the instrumental break Mike rubs his Tele against his mic stand and beats it against the ground during the outro. He lays it face down and manipulates his pedals including his wah then he gets up and presses it against his amp and cabinet)
16. I Am A Patriot-(Van Zandt) {Fast Version with band)
(after the song Ed says he was looking for someone named Kyle Johnson. “Where are you Kyle? I tried to reach you but you weren’t answering your email. If you are here make your way over to the side and show them your military ID. Let’s see if that works..)
17. Daughter/W.M.A tag-(Ed also sings “people leave your guns at home, people leave your guns alone”)
18. Jeremy
19. Better Man /Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling) (Ed sings “ohhhhh,,am I hearing everybody? The audience picks up and sings a sustained “ohhhhhhh” then the song kicks back in. Mike runs laps around his pedal board. Ed says he has spotted a person that he says is the type of person that this song is about. It is not about being a victim. There is this woman down there. Legs can you get her. Ed points out a guy wearing a t-shirt that says Janet Fucking Weiss. She is the drummer for Sleater-Kinney and friend of Matt Cameron. He then spends a few moments teasing a guy with a Whitesnake shirt. Ed hopes it is being worn with a sense of irony but the guy shakes his head no and points at Mike McCready. Ed warns the guy to not blame that shirt on Mike McCready. He teases the guy a little more before he finally gets to the woman he wants to point out. She is wearing a t-shirt that says “unfuckwithable” Ed loves the shirt and sentiment. We should all be unfuckwithable. )
Encore Break One
(Ed chats for a second about where he used to sit. He then gets the audience to do the wave just by cheering. He asks for an “Audio Wave” and the stadium complies. Ed talks about the next song and how it wrote itself. He and Jeff take swigs from Ed’s oversize bottle of wine with a 21 on the label. Jeff takes the first sip and gets some cork. Ed’s sip is perfect and he thanks Jeff for clearing it out for him. He talks about sitting next to the bee girl from the “No Rain” video. He hopes she is doing well but he was a bit concerned when he saw the interaction with her mom. He also mentions that he was concerned for the 12 year old boy from the Jeremy video. He talks about how prevalent it is nowadays and he wants to make sure that young kids today are unfuckwithable.)
20. Bee Girl
(Ed says we found the Army Sergeant Kyle Johnson. He was apparently in Kentucky. His girlfriend, Amy, surprised him with tickets. Ed says they wanted to get them better seats. So they are placed onstage for the next song Ed. During the instrumental intro Kyle appears to proposes to Amy. Ed serenades them.)
21. Just Breathe
This song is by one of dearest friends and he loved the Yankee’s but his National League team was the Cubs. And this song isn’t about marriage but I am going to dedicate it to Kyle and Amy.
22. I Believe In Miracles-(Ramone, Ray) (Acoustic version)
(this number is an old one and was written during my first year in Seattle. It had snowed which it doesn’t do much in there and it reminded me of being here in the winter and waiting for the El train and worrying about freezing to death. Wishing I had enough money for a cab.)
23. Let Me Sleep
(Ed introduces friend of the band and in particular Mike McCready as 'A man of incredible courage. Mr. Steve Gleason.' Steve comes out and talks about the sacred ground of Wrigley and overcoming adversity. He notes that he and Mike have been friends for 15 years. This next song is one of his favorites. He quotes the song saying “ 'how we choose to feel is how we are' and personally, I feel fucking awesome. Tell them boys.” Gleason speaks through a box by writing things out in advance or live by typing using eye movement. )
23. Inside Job
(Ed thanks Steve and his family again. He says he was thinking of this story when he thought they might play the next song. He talks about a white German wine and walking around. Looking at the sky and seeing a whole world of possibilities but what were the options?)
24. Comfortably Numb-(Gilmour, Waters) (Ed joins Boom on his riser and plays piano for the outro solo)
25. Interstellar Overdrive-(Barrett, Mason, Waters, Wright)
26. Corduroy
27. Porch
Encore Break Two
(Ed comes from break and greets the audience. He says “the weather is good and they haven’t kicked us out yet but they will. There are 43 bars within one block of this building so if you need to go just let me know but if was up to us just to let you know we would like to keep rocking.)
28. Go
29. Black
“Rockford’s Best!”
30. Surrender-(Nielsen)
31. Alive (Ed throws baseballs into the crowd during the solo)
After a short encore Ed comes back out wearing a Cubs jersey. He talks about how music saved their lives. He thanks the City of Chicago for letting them play until 2 am at the last show. He mentions many of the people from the city and the Cubs who had helped out with that. He mentions his favorite player José Cardenal. He talks for awhile about his favorite players growing up. He brings out Ron Santo’s children and he brings out José
32. All The Way (Ed solo acoustic)
33. Baba O’Riley-(Townshend) Jeff appears to be wearing a ski mask with bunny ears.
Please share your experiences of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.
Please keep the Fanview threads for Fanviews. It's ok to begin another thread on discussions of other topics and/or debates.
Thank you!
Thanks John for the set list & notes.
Post edited by Sea on
for the least they could possibly do
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
9/18/21 Asbury Park
2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
Band was perfect. Excellent crowd, vibe. Very special night.
GA was a blast. Show sounded like you had headphones on.
They arent done yet, Monday will be phenomenal. Unbelievable tour this year... I Have So Much Fucking Respect For This Band!!!
2000 Tour- Saratoga 8/27 Boston 8/29, 8/30
2003 Tour- Albany 4/29 Boston 7/2,7/3,7/11 Philadelphia 7/5,7/6 MSG 7/8,7/9
2004 Tour- Boston 9/28,9/29
2006 Tour- Albany 5/12 Hartford 5/13 Boston 5/24,5/25
2008 Tour- MSG 6/24,6/25 Hartford 6/27 Boston 6/28,6/30 Eddie- Boston 8/1
2009 Tour- Eddie- Albany 6/9 Philly Spectrum- 10/30, 10/31
2010 Tour- Hartford 5/15 MSG 5/20,5/21
2011 Tour- Eddie- Hartford 6/18
2013 Tour- Worcester,MA 10/15,10/16 Hartford 10/25
2016 Tour- MSG 5/1,5/2 FENWAY 8/5,8/7
2018 Tour- Fenway 9/2, 9/4 (My 40th show)!
Wrigley is a shitty place to see a concert if you are in GA.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
So many amazing moments. And there's still Monday to come.
Perfect WEATHER, too.
Mind blown. Voice blown. Can't wait for Monday.
Release (finally!), Sad, Let Me Sleep, Encore Break 3....
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
9/18/21 Asbury Park
2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
Thanks Sea
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Latest story - Declan at Slipknot is up on the website now at www.giventolive.com along with Kayleigh at Foo Fighters, Tony at Stereophonics and more.
Inspired by Pearl Jam, making live music dreams come true.
STL 2014
I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love.
Counting the tags 9 covers tonight, WTF? All were great, but that is a lot of covers
And yes, who came out on Guitar during Baba? Didn't recognize him.
Only gripe for me is that I had a set of speakers in front of my reserved seating blocking my view of the stage. Great setlist, fans, and energy by the band. One more show left and I'm ready for it.
2003 - Champaign, IL
2006 - Chicago, IL 1 & 2
2007 - Chicago, IL Lollapalooza
2009 - Chicago, IL 1 & 2
2010 - St. Louis, MO
2011 - East Troy, WI 1 & 2 (PJ20 Destination Weekend)
2012 - Atlanta, GA, Missoula, MT
2013 - Chicago, IL (Wrigley Field), Dallas, TX, Oklahoma City, OK
2014 - St. Louis, MO, Tulsa, OK, Moline, IL (No Code, IL), Saint Paul, MN, Milwaukee, WI (Yield, WI)
2016 - Greenville, SC (Vs, SC), Raleigh, NC, Columbia, SC, Boston, MA (Fenway Park 1), Chicago, IL (Wrigley Field 1 & 2)
2022 - Nashville, TN, St. Louis, MO, Oklahoma City, OK, Phoenix, AZ, Las Vegas, NV
2023 - St. Paul, MN 2, Fort Worth, TX 2, Austin, TX 1, and Austin, TX 2
2014 - Soundgarden Tinley Park, IL (with Nine Inch Nails)
2017 - Soundgarden Dallas (cancelled) RIP Chris Cornell
2023 - Jerry Cantrell Milwaukee, WI