ISO: Tragically Hip Hamilton

maynardsuxmaynardsux Posts: 1,096
edited August 2016 in Lost Dogs
Hi, I know its a long shot, but I'm looking for 2 tickets for this show on Tuesday, Aug.16th....willing to pay a little extra but can't justify paying what the majority are asking for on the scalper's secondary market saddens me to see how Ticketmaster (and Stub Hub) have in essence managed to monopolize an illegal process (scalping) and priced out fans of particular bands for becomes further amusing to me when every FS ad you find starts with "just trying to get what I paid", "I'm not a scalper" or "something has come up and I can no longer go" but refusing to budge on their asking price (are we to truly believe that you paid that amount for tickets to a show that you potentially couldn't go to?) to make matters worse, the idiot ISO people create the bidding war by including their asking price in their and demand is a funny thing....the mark-up for these shows makes me appreciate even more what we have here in the 10C community...that's my rant, any help is much appreciated....thanks!
'93 Toronto
'94 Detroit
'10 Columbus
'11 Detroit (Eddie solo), Toronto 1 and 2, Ottawa, Hamilton
'13 London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
'14 Detroit
'16 Ottawa, Toronto 1 and 2, Chicago 1 and 2
'18 Chicago 1 and 2
'22 Hamilton, Toronto


  • GP179117GP179117 Posts: 362
    just watch the Kingston show on tv next saturday
    Tempers are wearing thin. Let's hope some robot doesn't kill everybody.
  • maynardsuxmaynardsux Posts: 1,096
    Can't, I'll be at Wrigley
    '93 Toronto
    '94 Detroit
    '10 Columbus
    '11 Detroit (Eddie solo), Toronto 1 and 2, Ottawa, Hamilton
    '13 London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    '14 Detroit
    '16 Ottawa, Toronto 1 and 2, Chicago 1 and 2
    '18 Chicago 1 and 2
    '22 Hamilton, Toronto
  • maynardsuxmaynardsux Posts: 1,096
    '93 Toronto
    '94 Detroit
    '10 Columbus
    '11 Detroit (Eddie solo), Toronto 1 and 2, Ottawa, Hamilton
    '13 London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    '14 Detroit
    '16 Ottawa, Toronto 1 and 2, Chicago 1 and 2
    '18 Chicago 1 and 2
    '22 Hamilton, Toronto
  • Horse2345Horse2345 Posts: 3,291
    They have been releasing more tickets for pretty much every show close to day of.
    UBC 92, Vancouver 93, Vancouver 98, Seattle 02, Vancouver 03, Vancouver 05, Gorge 06, Gorge 06,Seattle 09,Seattle 09, Vancouver09, Montreal 11, Toronto 11,Toronto 11, Vancouver 11,Vancouver 13, Seattle 13
  • maynardsuxmaynardsux Posts: 1,096
    '93 Toronto
    '94 Detroit
    '10 Columbus
    '11 Detroit (Eddie solo), Toronto 1 and 2, Ottawa, Hamilton
    '13 London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    '14 Detroit
    '16 Ottawa, Toronto 1 and 2, Chicago 1 and 2
    '18 Chicago 1 and 2
    '22 Hamilton, Toronto
  • Horse2345Horse2345 Posts: 3,291
    Tickets just released.
    UBC 92, Vancouver 93, Vancouver 98, Seattle 02, Vancouver 03, Vancouver 05, Gorge 06, Gorge 06,Seattle 09,Seattle 09, Vancouver09, Montreal 11, Toronto 11,Toronto 11, Vancouver 11,Vancouver 13, Seattle 13
  • maynardsuxmaynardsux Posts: 1,096
    thanks, tried, but got shut out....again lol
    '93 Toronto
    '94 Detroit
    '10 Columbus
    '11 Detroit (Eddie solo), Toronto 1 and 2, Ottawa, Hamilton
    '13 London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    '14 Detroit
    '16 Ottawa, Toronto 1 and 2, Chicago 1 and 2
    '18 Chicago 1 and 2
    '22 Hamilton, Toronto
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