Merch madness has caught up to the flippers!
Just got one of the $140 Boston Jerseys for $115 and only $7.99 shipping to Canada! That flipper must be pissed haha
UBC 92, Vancouver 93, Vancouver 98, Seattle 02, Vancouver 03, Vancouver 05, Gorge 06, Gorge 06,Seattle 09,Seattle 09, Vancouver09, Montreal 11, Toronto 11,Toronto 11, Vancouver 11,Vancouver 13, Seattle 13
Who is wrong and who’s right
I dont feel bad i bought it off crazymarypj and they had 5 up plus probably 20 other boston items.
I'll also say shout out to Santos and the rest of the merch crew for doing such a great job with the Fenway stuff. They made appropriate run sizes and the real fans have had plenty of opportunities to get what they want. Well done on their part.