Am I wrong to be mad?

So my husband said some very hurtful things to me a couple of days ago. We stopped speaking. Today was day 3 and he texted me this morning saying he feels bad and wants to apologize but doesn't know how. He texted me from down the hall. As in, 20 feet away from me. As he walked by me, I gave him a hug to show him that I'm open to resolving this. And to comfort him because I hate when he's upset. He went through the entire day without talking to me. So in the end, he hurt me immensely, couldn't be bothered to have a face to face conversation with me, never apologized, and I ended up comforting him. What the fuck is wrong with me? Or am I wrong to be mad?
I know that feeling of attempting resolution, both on the giving and receiving ends. Oh how it can fuck with the psyche.
Time, even just a bit, does wonders. Eases anger, opens the windows.
Cross-breezes and breaths.
You made me think of Hail Hail...bandaged hand in hand.
I probably added nothing of value to this, but know you both are in my heart.
we will find a way, we will find our place
Are you open to counseling? Sometimes a a few sessions with a good mediator can make a big difference in getting things back on track. My only advice is to find a good, reputable counselor who wants to help you, not bleed your bank account. Good counseling should aim to get at the heart of the matter fairly quickly and not string you along. Go for win/win as well.
We have some good counselors on board here. I hope some of them chime in.
Best wishes to you both, RogueStoner.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
1) That your hubby did exactly what he said he did. Tried to say something that he knew would hurt you. Which is both spiteful and childish. But my guess is he did not mean the things he said.
And 2) you are not worthless to him. I'd be willing to bet he'd be close to dead if it wasn't for you and that he probably feels like a complete scum bag.l for saying that to you. That's why it's difficult for him to look you in the eye. He's embarrassed and ashamed.
It's ok to be mad at him. I think you can see he's sorry. Give him a chance to apologize. He will. The kobe ring thing is a joke.
we will find a way, we will find our place
Your husband knows he's wrong and the text he sent shows that he is hurt, embarrassed, maybe ashamed of himself. He knows he's wrong.
Hoping for the best.
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
He needs to apologize and it is going to be very hard for him. It is very difficult to remove ones foot from mouth and eat crow at the same time especially if your pride is in the way. When the hurt goes this deep there needs to be the apology, but you also need to hear it as much as he needs to say it.
I hope that both of you can sit down and have a discussion soon to begin the healing process.
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
He knows he's a bum without you.
we will find a way, we will find our place
Always shoulders and warmth here for you both.
When the foundation is there, it allows for pulling back in.
Best of luck.
Not that I would ever do that. Ha ha!
Hang in there.