Pearl Jam, Orlando, TelluRIDE, Gay Pride, Hate Crimes-A short story and plea!!!

prljmr316prljmr316 Posts: 162
I just renewed after a couple years absence from Ten Club, lost my seniority, but what do I care. I am lucky!!! I am a life long fan of the band, and think the PJ community is great. I am 37 and gay, have had some tough times lately, am filing for disability for numerous mental/physical ailments, and currently am only getting $189 a month, and some food stamps every month for income. I noticed a couple months back that the band was playing in Telluride. I did not know anything about this. I was checking in on some of the news of
Prince's death, and happened upon the news. I live near Denver, and I was pissed as I have no money, and they will be so close yet so far away. I was fortunate to be at PJ24, but had to leave during Last Kiss, as my friend got too drunk and was embarrassingly tossed out of Pepsi Center. Was I, no, but I felt I should watch over him, make sure he was safe. So I sacrificed half the show. It was still worth the price of admission, and my first and only 10C tickets. Anyways I digress. So, I made it happen. I spend very little time online or with social media. I realize it is a necessity for some, I dislike being attached to a screen, and honestly do not have much access to one. This said I learned how to use ebay to sell off old vintage LEGO's from the early 1990's. So to TelluRIDE I am going, Illium Valley Car and Camping
Pass in hand. I am going alone this time!!! No idiot friends to ruin this one. Only thing in my way is if my Maroon 1996 Volvo 850 Sedan were to have car trouble. So please my only plea, for me anyways, is if you see this car with it's hood open, en route from Denver to Telluride, please pick me up, I do not want to miss this show!!! I am blessed to be going. Also, I can offer a free ride to and from for 1-2 people willing to travel in a 1996 Volvo, also I am a smoker of tobacco/420, so if you have allergies, probably won't work. Oh, and don't cost me the show with any drama!!! So I am hyped. will be my 5th PJ show, all in Colorado.
Now Orlando hit me hard. Do I know anyone directly affected, no. However please keep these people in our hearts and minds, especially when the spotlight fades, they will need our help. I just so happen to have worked with Dylan Klebold the Columbine killers brother, at the time of the shooting. Did I know him well, or talk about what had happened, no, I respected his privacy, and still do. That said, we need to do better as a society, all around. The hate is beyond ridiculous. This event has made me realize that we need to be strong, stand up for ourselves. This is something I have a problem doing, I don't speak out, I am not loud, I am shy, I always have done for others, not for myself. We need to be proud of who we are, Gay, Straight, Muslim, Catholic, Black, or White, whatever, we deserve to be free of this terror, hate and ignorance, the planet needs better. Orlando helped me learn, I need to live for me, and not be beholden to others opinions or expectations. I can still help others too. So I went to Denver Pridefest for the first time in a decade. It was so great to be out enjoying life, meeting people and being among my own community. A community I have honestly not spent nearly enough time getting to know. I was wearing my PJ Black Tee, not the most romantic, but I was clearly noticed because of the shirt. After leaving Pride I once again was noticed for the shirt by a young man named Carlton, he said to me "Nice shirt" I said thanks, he asks "Did you enjoy pride", I say, "Yes I did". He then hands me a flyer, and asks for a $1 donation to help his fiance, Nate Mancha, whose father was also present, and whose name escapes me, I apologize. I did not know the story, but I gave $5, not much, but what I felt I could afford. I will now be giving more, and I hope people in the PJ community can as well. Please check out the website below. Nate's story should be shared by as many people as can be. We all notice the mass shootings, but this is one of the day to day hate crimes that also needs attention. The injustice of the Colorado Springs government and society needs to be exposed. My sister was recruited by one of these radical religions in the area. I will name them now. Servants of the Holy Family in the Black Forest. They claim to be a Catholic Church, however they are deceitful. They have been excommunicated by the Vatican, and are a hate group. So called Father Ward is their leader, he is no better than an ISIS member. They are violent, abusive, and in my opinion flat out mafia. They divide families, are racist, gun toting, homophobes. If I wind up dead, please investigate them first and foremost. Others have disappeared. Some have tried to sue his corporation, but to know avail. What I have have just described is just a small church in the area, there are enormous cults in this city, and they have infiltrated the local government and police there. Anyway I am a horrible writer, and babbler, so please visit, read Nate's story, this is my plea, it is much more important than my story, you will see why.

Help if you can, end the miscarriage of justice in Colorado Springs, and all around!!!

Also, Thank you to the band for taking a stand in North Carolina.
John Strohmeyer


  • vickisomoyavickisomoya Posts: 184
    32 years for Felony Assault??? Something is really really wrong he didn't kill the guy. Weren't there other witnesses? My god it's just so screwed up. I had no clue there was so much hate for LGBT in your state. So sad.

    Thank you so much for sharing his story and your story, I'm glad you are going to the show. I may take you up on that ride, I'm landing at Denver airport Friday morning. Will PM you!

    take the reigns and
    steer us towards the clear here
    I know it's already been sung
    but it can't be said enough

  • prljmr316prljmr316 Posts: 162
    Thank you for checking out the story. I do not know if there were witnesses, but it appears as if there were not from the brief google search I did. I am proud of my state, Colorado has some very good people here, including many in the military in and around Colorado Springs, but unfortunately, we still need criminal justice reform here, and the Springs is known for it's insanity cults. Not trying to disrespect people of faith, who are good loving people, but this is a fact there.
    Colorado once had the nickname of "The Hate State" in the early 1990's after voters here passed Amendment 2. Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional. I like to think we have come a long way since then, and we have, but hate still lurks just about anywhere. Prisons are numerous here, and while I have thankfully never had to go to one, I have had friends that have. They tell people to either take their plea deal, or piss of the judge by taking something to trial and risk the max sentence. JUDGES, IT IS YOUR JOB TO HEAR TRIALS, TRIALS SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED A NUISANCE TO YOUR DAY, OR YOUR CASE LOAD. My friend developed a meth problem, and was stealing bicycles to support his habit, did he deserve punishment, yes, did he need rehab, yes. Did he deserve a charge of racketeering which carried a potential 48 years in prison, no. Another friend had a DUI accident which resulted in serious injury to the victim, many of the same injuries as Jafari. This friend had a lengthy record, was clearly guilty, and received a 7 year term, he served about 3 years. Where is the justice? Definitely, hit me up if you need a ride to RIDE, just be advised, I do not have a Plan B should it break down. I do not expect it, but anything can happen. We would be stuck hitching a ride at that point, unless you have a Plan B. Lol. Thank you to all who have read this thread and decided to help Nate. Can't wait til Telluride, it will surely be a RIDE!!!
    John Strohmeyer
  • prljmr316prljmr316 Posts: 162
    Just gonna give this a bump as we end Pride month and head into Independence day and the Ride Fest. Thanks everybody for looking.
    John Strohmeyer
  • prljmr316prljmr316 Posts: 162
    A bump before Ride, then I will revise after.
    John Strohmeyer
  • weddingparadeweddingparade Posts: 1,179
    Safe travels
    There is no room for hate and injustice
  • prljmr316prljmr316 Posts: 162
    Thank you weddingparade, maybe i will see you up there.
    John Strohmeyer
  • Have fun all!
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