The dearly departed WBCN in Boston played it front to back at like 9am on release day. I drove over to Newbury Comics on my lunchbreak to buy it. I had been a first five albums guy up until that point. Neither Binaural nor Riot Act really clicked for me. ST/Avocado was different. Loved it on the first listen and every listen since. Wasted Reprise is the only thing that maybe you could say was filler. Otherwise every track is great.
Got into the band during the Riot Act era so this was the first one I remember waiting for, and it didn't disappoint. Such a great record. And getting a full Life Wasted at the Ohana Encore show in 2021 was very special, didn't expect them to pull that one out.
Got into the band during the Riot Act era so this was the first one I remember waiting for, and it didn't disappoint. Such a great record. And getting a full Life Wasted at the Ohana Encore show in 2021 was very special, didn't expect them to pull that one out.
I remember waiting in line at Tower Records? in NYC to get the Irving Plaza ticket. Everyone around was listening to the leak or had received the album in the mail (my 10C one hadn't arrived yet) and I waited until I got the cd and listened driving back home. Drove back what 2 days later for the show. Crazy times
Wouldn't it be funny if the world ended in 2010, with lots of fire?
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
I went to Best Buy to pick up the normal package one and tool 10,000 days. Everybody in line had both CDs!
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..