My letter to Gov McRory

Dear Governor,
I was quite excited to see Pearl Jam play in Raleigh, unfortunately due to your recently enacted curtailing of freedom for transgender people and your bigoted laws restricting their activities our favorite band has cancelled their appearance and we are stuck with the bill for our travel. Since this is truly your fault I hold you responsible and would like you to rescind the bigoted laws you have passed and refund my travel expenses. You can contact me at the above email to discuss your method of repayment.
The lives of transgender people are difficult in the best of circumstances, due to constantly being targets of descriminaton the suicide rate is very high as is the rate of hate crimes and violence agaist them. It is unacceptable for a governmental of the people to further contribute to their harassment and descriminaton. Imagine, just for a moment, spending every waking hour feeling like you were born into the wrong body, fearing physical violence by small minded bigots, and then add to that a state government making descriminaton against you the law of the land.
Please do the right thing, these are good people trying and struggling to get through life and you are further burdening them.
Please do the right thing. Stop legalizing hatred.
Joshua L Busch, MD
Cara A Oliver, MD


  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592
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  • I see where you are coming from here. I really do. Educate me on this, though because I've only partially read into this law. From what I'm seeing, people who identify as the opposite sex publicly can go into a bathroom. When I process this, my mind immediately goes to my daughters. So my 11 year old daughter who's 5 foot nothing and 90 pounds might have to share a bathroom with a man who weighs 240 and has 5 o clock shadow just because he has identified as a woman on social media or where ever. I don't know if this person is a pedophile or the next Gandhi. I'm a man so I can't go into that bathroom to make sure she's safe. I'm not disagreeing, but I'm worried about this because many times I've seen these non discrimination laws exploited by the criminal element for their own purposes. The gray area in this law seems too much for me to handle as a dad. I know it has other aspects to it, but this part worries me. There are sick people in this world, both male and female. I just don't agree with widening access like this.
    I'm still alive..
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592
    Jason....right man can dress up like a woman and prey on your daughter. Pedophila and rape are currently against the law.

    What this law person born male who has a sex change to become female, NOW has to use the mens room. Or....a woman who had a sex change to become a man, now has to use the womens room.

    Among other garbage.
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  • Why are people so concerned about trans folks possibly being pedophiles? I've seen this ridiculous statement in a few threads. Gender identity is not some sick perverted sexual perpetrating disorder. Pedophiles? Its straight white men without gender issues you should be worried about. Need proof? I can share a slew of police reports here or get you in touch with my friend who investigates child abuse for the state patrol.
  • Why are people so concerned about trans folks possibly being pedophiles? I've seen this ridiculous statement in a few threads. Gender identity is not some sick perverted sexual perpetrating disorder. Pedophiles? Its straight white men without gender issues you should be worried about. Need proof? I can share a slew of police reports here or get you in touch with my friend who investigates child abuse for the state patrol.

    Its not ridiculous, in my mind. Laws are made to protect. Yes. Protect that 240 pound man. But what about my daughter. In protecting his feelings you open her up to physical threats. I am not implying that transgenders are pedophiles. I'm saying pedophiles can and will use this to their advantage. Criminals are smart. They exploit loopholes and gray areas.
    That is my concern.
    I'm still alive..
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592
    Right, agreed. People THINK that this outlaws men from dressing as women and absuing little girls.

    What this law ACTUALLY does is make transwomen have to use the mens room. And transmen have to use the womens room. Which....not only makes it WORSE for all the little girls out there....its inherently dangerous and bigoted to make a transwoman use the mens room, because at birth she had a penis. Or to make a transman use the womens room.

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  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592

    Why are people so concerned about trans folks possibly being pedophiles? I've seen this ridiculous statement in a few threads. Gender identity is not some sick perverted sexual perpetrating disorder. Pedophiles? Its straight white men without gender issues you should be worried about. Need proof? I can share a slew of police reports here or get you in touch with my friend who investigates child abuse for the state patrol.

    Its not ridiculous, in my mind. Laws are made to protect. Yes. Protect that 240 pound man. But what about my daughter. In protecting his feelings you open her up to physical threats. I am not implying that transgenders are pedophiles. I'm saying pedophiles can and will use this to their advantage. Criminals are smart. They exploit loopholes and gray areas.
    That is my concern.
    Explain how previously this endangered your daughter? Explain how this law protects your daughter. Because i honestly dont understand.

    I am a father of two daughters, and am 100% against this law.
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    Nuclear fission
  • Vedd Hedd said:

    Jason....right man can dress up like a woman and prey on your daughter. Pedophila and rape are currently against the law.

    What this law person born male who has a sex change to become female, NOW has to use the mens room. Or....a woman who had a sex change to become a man, now has to use the womens room.

    Among other garbage.

    I was under the impression that all they had to do was identify. Not go though an operation. Am I wrong on that? If so my point is based on misinformation and I'll concede with apologies.
    I'm still alive..
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592
    "Identify" does not equal "i feel like dressing as a woman today".

    So, a transwoman might still be pre-surgery....(or never able to afford the surgery)but she lives her life as a woman.

    Under this law....when you go to the bathroom, transwomen (penis or not) should legally be using the bathroom with you. Does that make you comfortable?

    Or put it this way. A transman (woman to man) may not have surgery to get a vagina, but still identify as a man. Do you want that man to use the bathroom with your daughters?

    But worse....lets say a transwoman used the mens room....what might happen to her in that bathroom? Is a transwoman more or less likely to be ridiculed when using the womans room or the mens room?
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  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592
    And "identify " does not mean....i am a man, i dress and live as a man....but i want to spy on girls so i am going to identify as a woman today.
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  • Right, Vedd Hedd. It doesn't equate in a court of law. I'm speaking to practical application. Can I quiz a person headed into the bathroom? No. I can't question. It would be discriminatory. I would have to look at that man going into the bathroom and assume everything is peaches and cream and all is well with the world. I don't know where you live, but in Florida all is not well. I'm still charged with protecting my daughters to my best ability, discrimination laws be damned. If I hurt someones feelings in the process, so be it. Again I see the plight. I can tell my daughter to hold it till we get home because I'm jaded with what I've seen in life, but why should I? I'll agree Its a tough argument to win.
    I'm still alive..
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592
    First off, as a father of 2 daughters....i want more family bathrooms.

    Went to a ballgame the other day...and here were my 2 choices....

    Send her to the womens room...where i i have to trust everyone will be nice to her, and she gets out safe....or...take her with me to the mens room....which is a disgusting place with 30 drunk smelly men yelling profanities.

    So...a family bathroom would solve this.

    Now...think of a transwoman....where does she go? The.mens room? According to this law....thats where she has to go. But if she went to the womens room....yeah, a bigoted woman could report her.

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  • AmishGuy91AmishGuy91 Posts: 832
    Guess I've had my anger directed at the wrong place...I thought it was Pearl Jam that cancelled the Pearl Jam concert
  • I like that. Instead of family, call it unisex. Free for all if your not shy about who you share a bathroom with or if it is a single. Who cares. Personally, I'd go with whichever has the shortest line.
    I'm still alive..
  • Vedd Hedd said:

    Why are people so concerned about trans folks possibly being pedophiles? I've seen this ridiculous statement in a few threads. Gender identity is not some sick perverted sexual perpetrating disorder. Pedophiles? Its straight white men without gender issues you should be worried about. Need proof? I can share a slew of police reports here or get you in touch with my friend who investigates child abuse for the state patrol.

    Its not ridiculous, in my mind. Laws are made to protect. Yes. Protect that 240 pound man. But what about my daughter. In protecting his feelings you open her up to physical threats. I am not implying that transgenders are pedophiles. I'm saying pedophiles can and will use this to their advantage. Criminals are smart. They exploit loopholes and gray areas.
    That is my concern.
    Explain how previously this endangered your daughter? Explain how this law protects your daughter. Because i honestly dont understand.

    I am a father of two daughters, and am 100% against this law.
    I'm a father of two daughters and I have no real dog in this fight because I don't live in NC, but I wouldn't fight it if it came to Florida. My daughter has not been previously endangered because standard rules apply to bathrooms in Florida. My daughters haven't had an issue with things the way they are and that convinces me to keep it that way. Now..if she comes to me tomorrow and wants to have the transgender conversation, then I'll have to reevaluate. Until, then I'm going with what works in my circle. Again, I see people with different situations. I'm not disagreeing, just speaking up with my concerns.
    I'm still alive..
  • tittiestitties Posts: 1

    Guess I've had my anger directed at the wrong place...I thought it was Pearl Jam that cancelled the Pearl Jam concert

    I don't care what's in your head or in your pants. If you have to whip it out to go, you need a urinal. If not, close and lock the stall because no one wants to see you wipe. Since when do we need to publicly announce what is going on behind closed doors? My daughters will NOT be using the bathroom with anyone that even looks like a man. Call me a bigot but my daughters will not be raped or traumatized in a public bathroom because someone needs to make a statement, therefore opening the door to anyone that feels the inclination to use that excuse as their ploy. This discussion is ridiculous. Pearl Jam is pompous. When do their fans stop being pansies and fight back for being forced to follow Pearl Jam's political views? I'm with AmishGuy91 - Fuck NC politicians, not your fans. Learn to make a statement without hurting those that fill your "murses."

    From another doctor - that knows how to spell!
  • tdawetdawe Posts: 2,091
    Hi Jason. A few thoughts:

    1. There's no evidence whatsoever that the "loophole or gray area" that this law purports to close was or is actually being exploited by any criminals. I suppose one could argue that that's only because the loophole/gray area didn't really exist before, and that the various municipalities of North Carolina were about to foolishly create it and open the pedophile floodgates before Pat McRory and the crime fighters in the NC state legislature stepped in to save them from themselves. But in order to do so, one would have to invest your 240 pound sex offender straw man with an awfully crippling fear of getting a ticket for loitering in the wrong lavatory.

    2. To the extent that sexual harassment and assault in bathrooms is an actual societal problem, we have other laws that address that behavior, laws that are not based on or limited by the gender identity of the perpetrator, and certainly not by the degree to which he or she resembles the silhouette outside of the bathroom door. If there's some sort of problematic behavior occurring that those laws are not sufficiently addressing, the correct answer is to revise or update those laws, ideally in a way that does not have the primary effect of humiliating large numbers of innocent people. In other words, if lawmakers were concerned about protecting people from harassment or assault in public bathrooms, they'd pass laws prohibiting harassing or assaulting people in public bathrooms.

    3. If, on the other hand, they were concerned with scoring political points by whaling on a minority group that a lot of people still think of as icky and weird, they'd pass something like HB2. I recognize and appreciate that, in thinking about this issue, you're careful to keep in mind that your straw man with the 5 o'clock shadow is not actually a transsexual - however, it's no accident that that's a distinction you had to make in the first place. The people behind these laws see trans folks as sexual deviants and/or predators, and want you to do the same. The unique and internal nature of gender identity issues make them difficult for cis people to empathize with, and that makes the transgender community an easy target.

    4. Even if we accepted the premise that allowing people to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity makes your daughter marginally less safe, and further accepted that there is simply no other, better way to ameliorate that incremental risk, we'd still have to contend with the question of whether the discrimination incurred as the cost of that safety is something that we, as a society, can tolerate. Your position (and I'm putting words in your mouth here) that the additional risk to your daughter in unacceptable regardless of the law's impact on other people is understandable on an emotional level but, I hope you'll agree, untenable in a society that regards other values (e.g. equality) as just as important as safety. In the real world this balancing of priorities is a question of constitutional law that is a little too deep for the Pearl Jam message board, but I'm sure you don't mean that eliminating all bathroom dangers to you daughter is worth any cost whatsoever (in that case, the law you'd want is one that says only she can use public restrooms), so it's important to be clear that what you're really saying is that you've balanced the rights and dignity of trans people against a purely hypothetical threat to your daughter, and come to the conclusion that you're willing to disregard the rights and dignity of this specific set of people in favor of protecting her from that hypothetical threat.

    Hope this helps in explaining where opponents of these laws, many of whom have daughters ourselves, are coming from. At the risk of insulting you, I'm afraid that you've been sold a bill of goods by whoever it is that you listen to on these topics, who for their own purposes continue to foster the connection that many people have been taught to make between transgender people and sex offenders.
    Camden 2 2006, Newark 2010, Barclays 2 2013, Central Park 2015, MSG 2 2016, Wrigley 1 2016, Rome 2018, Prague 2018, Asbury Park 2021, EV & Earthlings NYC 1 2022, MSG 2022, Louisville 2022, Dublin 2024, MSG 1 2024, MSG 2 2024
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592
    titties said:

    Guess I've had my anger directed at the wrong place...I thought it was Pearl Jam that cancelled the Pearl Jam concert

    I don't care what's in your head or in your pants. If you have to whip it out to go, you need a urinal. If not, close and lock the stall because no one wants to see you wipe. Since when do we need to publicly announce what is going on behind closed doors? My daughters will NOT be using the bathroom with anyone that even looks like a man. Call me a bigot but my daughters will not be raped or traumatized in a public bathroom because someone needs to make a statement, therefore opening the door to anyone that feels the inclination to use that excuse as their ploy. This discussion is ridiculous. Pearl Jam is pompous. When do their fans stop being pansies and fight back for being forced to follow Pearl Jam's political views? I'm with AmishGuy91 - Fuck NC politicians, not your fans. Learn to make a statement without hurting those that fill your "murses."

    From another doctor - that knows how to spell!
    Wow. Thats really weird.
    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • pjalive21pjalive21 Posts: 2,818
    edited April 2016
    Post edited by pjalive21 on
  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,236

    but I'm worried about this because many times I've seen these non discrimination laws exploited by the criminal element for their own purposes.

    when and where? i am honestly curious and would like you to back up your claim.
  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,236
    titties said:

    Call me a bigot

    ok. you are a bigot.
  • PorchRadioPorchRadio Posts: 233
    Vedd Hedd said:

    "Identify" does not equal "i feel like dressing as a woman today".

    So, a transwoman might still be pre-surgery....(or never able to afford the surgery)but she lives her life as a woman.

    Under this law....when you go to the bathroom, transwomen (penis or not) should legally be using the bathroom with you. Does that make you comfortable?

    Or put it this way. A transman (woman to man) may not have surgery to get a vagina, but still identify as a man. Do you want that man to use the bathroom with your daughters?

    But worse....lets say a transwoman used the mens room....what might happen to her in that bathroom? Is a transwoman more or less likely to be ridiculed when using the womans room or the mens room?

    I think this is the most overlooked aspect. The Trans woman in a men's bathroom has such a high chance of ridicule and hate being thrown their way, so so so much more of a possibility of that happening than someone trying to look at someone's privates (seriously, how often are they in "full exposure" in a public bathroom?) that all this is doing is forcing them into a confrontation.

    I am sad. Only GA of tour. I ultimately agree with it and will just have to deal with visiting friends in NC instead of seeing a show.

    1995 Soldier Field, Chicago
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  • AndySlash said:

    titties said:

    Call me a bigot

    ok. you are a bigot.
    First: ATL2 04/03/1994
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    “I think you won, but I enjoyed the fight” - EV
  • I see where you are coming from here. I really do. Educate me on this, though because I've only partially read into this law. From what I'm seeing, people who identify as the opposite sex publicly can go into a bathroom. When I process this, my mind immediately goes to my daughters. So my 11 year old daughter who's 5 foot nothing and 90 pounds might have to share a bathroom with a man who weighs 240 and has 5 o clock shadow just because he has identified as a woman on social media or where ever. I don't know if this person is a pedophile or the next Gandhi. I'm a man so I can't go into that bathroom to make sure she's safe. I'm not disagreeing, but I'm worried about this because many times I've seen these non discrimination laws exploited by the criminal element for their own purposes. The gray area in this law seems too much for me to handle as a dad. I know it has other aspects to it, but this part worries me. There are sick people in this world, both male and female. I just don't agree with widening access like this.

    What if, what if, what if....
    What if your daughter goes into a bathroom and there is a female paedophile in there? What if you drive to work and get hit by a truck? What if your computer blows up whilst reading this? What if aliens come to earth and save only the LGBT community?

    Its disgusting to claim that anyone who is from the LGBT community or even claiming to be will have links with paedophiles just because they may identify their gender differently. Gender identity does not link to perversions in the same way homosexuality is not directly or even slightly linked to paedophilia. Also do you not think that someone who might "exploit" this would do better than going into a toilet where parents are waiting outside.

    I think you seriously need to re-think your standpoint on this. I understand having your childrens best interests at heart but they are probably more likely to be shot at school or in a cinema than be attacked by a transgendered paedophile.

    I saw someone on this forum say they weren't going to the Florida shows with their pregnant wife because of the zika virus. The nation of fear is fully realised
    Sealed vinyl is bad vinyl.
    1996 Wmbly London
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    2017 EV LDN 1 / EV LDN 2
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  • titties said:

    Guess I've had my anger directed at the wrong place...I thought it was Pearl Jam that cancelled the Pearl Jam concert

    My daughters will NOT be using the bathroom with anyone that even looks like a man.
    What if it's a lady that unfortunately looks like a man? Or a female body builder? What if the lady has short hair? What if its a man who REALLY looks like a woman? You definitely need to be with your children every single second of every day as god forbid they use a toilet with a transgendered man who is going about his business. Suggest you glue yourself to them until they are 25 so they don't ever encounter someone who is different.

    Sealed vinyl is bad vinyl.
    1996 Wmbly London
    2006 Jools Holland, London / Reading festival
    2007 Wmbly London
    2009 SBE London / O2 London
    2012 MEN 1/ MEN 2 / Berlin 1 / Berlin 2 / EV LDN 1 / EV LDN 2
    2013 NY 1/ NY 2 / Philly 1 / Philly 2
    2014 AMS 1 / AMS 2 / Leeds / MK
    2017 EV LDN 1 / EV LDN 2
    2018 LDN 1 / BCN / LDN 2
    2022 LDN 1 / LDN 2
  • jeffwalshjeffwalsh Posts: 169
    edited April 2016
    The real problem here is that a lot of people have mentally invented what a trans person will look like, and it usually comes across as a bad SNL sketch.

    For example, if you support this law, you are saying you want this "woman" aka a trans man in the women's room with your daughter, as opposed to him using the men's room?!


    And he is a public trans activist, so not an issue to share these images, since he has been going into women's rooms and taking these pics for activism.

    So, that is who you legally WANT to ensure IS required to use the ladies room with your daughters? Just checking. (Not that any harm or foul play would happen to them if they were in there with him, he seems like a sweet guy from my social media interactions with him.
    Post edited by jeffwalsh on
  • jeffwalsh said:

    The real problem here is that a lot of people have mentally invented what a trans person will look like, and it usually comes across as a bad SNL sketch.

    For example, if you support this law, you are saying you want this "woman" aka a trans man in the women's room with your daughter, as opposed to him using the men's room?!


    And he is a public trans activist, so not an issue to share these images, since he has been going into women's rooms and taking these pics for activism.

    So, that is who you legally WANT to ensure IS required to use the ladies room with your daughters? Just checking. (Not that any harm or foul play would happen to them if they were in there with him, he seems like a sweet guy from my social media interactions with him.

    ...and if you listen to rock n roll then you are in league with satan.
    Sealed vinyl is bad vinyl.
    1996 Wmbly London
    2006 Jools Holland, London / Reading festival
    2007 Wmbly London
    2009 SBE London / O2 London
    2012 MEN 1/ MEN 2 / Berlin 1 / Berlin 2 / EV LDN 1 / EV LDN 2
    2013 NY 1/ NY 2 / Philly 1 / Philly 2
    2014 AMS 1 / AMS 2 / Leeds / MK
    2017 EV LDN 1 / EV LDN 2
    2018 LDN 1 / BCN / LDN 2
    2022 LDN 1 / LDN 2
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592
    Bumping for the post with the picture, so people understand.
    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • I don't care that a gay dude who likes other gay dues I work with stands next to me at the urinal, so why would I give a shit if a transman was standing next to me?

    if a male pedophile wants to go to the lengths of dressing up as a woman to get to your/my daughters, they would do it regardless of any stupid law or the absence of it.
    new album "Cigarettes" out Fall 2024!

  • WashedWashed Posts: 736
    I'm a father of 2 and I trust no one in a public toilet when it comes to their safety...grandfatherly white dude, teenage kid, transgender male, Catholic Priest...doesn't matter. This law doesn't protect your children against the sick people that will break that kind of law...if you really want to protect them, protect them by not sending them unaccompanied into a public toilet. Don't hide behind hate-fueled laws that are built upon your lack of understanding of someone different from yourself.
    this city is so filthy, like my mind in ways
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