Ordered myself one of these.. Looking forward to it
Good for you. So am I. I'm not worried about this purchase I just had some questions that's all. I think the pictures are going to outstanding quality.
a sneak preview of the upcoming "Pearl Jam: The Art of Do the
Evolution" book. It's still a work-in-progress, but these pages will
give you a bit of an idea of the exciting mix of text and art we are
doing in it."
"Here's one of the detailed pencil animation/layout drawings done in Seoul for Do the Evolution."
"Jim Mitchell's powerful storyboard panel and design of a Nazi
concentration camp. This is one of the most visceral scenes in Do the
Evolution and it involved very little actual animation. Jim and the
video's director, Kevin Aliteri, designed this scene to be broken down
on as a "multi-plane" camera shot with 5 different level/layers of
images-the first level of barbed wire fence, the second level of
foreground inmates, the third level of the more distant inmates, the
fourth level of the distant camp buildings and finally the fifth level
of sky. As the camera moves (pans) across the scene the frontal levels
move slightly faster then each layer behind them, creating the strong
illusion of depth and motion."
very rare production layout drawing from Do the Evolution. After the
storyboards were approved by Eddie and Todd, we shipped them, along with
extensive model design packets and timing sheets, to the two studios in
Korea that I had picked to do the layout, animation, ink and paint and
final camera on the video—Sun Min Image Works and Jireh Animation. The
first task at the studio's was to take each
storyboard panel and redraw them as full sized "Layouts". Layouts were
drawn to the actual size of the final art that would be shot by the
camera. They serve as a registered guide for both the animators and the
background artists. Because most of the layouts were never shipped out
to L.A. when the cells were sent here, we only have a few like this one
that surfaced in the package."
"The "Hallelujah Chorus" moment. Kevin Altieri originally conceptualized
and storyboarded something different for this sequence; a shot of
surfers floating in the surf break off the gorgeous California cliffs of
Trestle's Beach while dolphins leap and cavort in the water near them.
But in one of his very rare changes to our writing and story, Eddie had a
different vision in mind. He wanted to see a young girl running across
green fields and carelessly stepping on an ant hill. Kevin boarded this
new sequence as well and the final piece was a very "Miyazki-like"
moment of beauty and serenity."
"I've just added Terry Fitzgerald as another Administrator for the Group.
It's very appropriate as Terry was a co-producer with me on the Do the
Evolution video and a good friend. While I managed the production and
creative team making the video at my studio, Epoch Ink Animation, Terry
ran point for us with Todd MacFarlane and Eddie. He literally traveled
with the band for weeks, reviewing each day's new work from Epoch
after-hours with Eddie (I know, it's a tough gig, eh? ). Here's a picture of Terry reviewing designs for Do the Evolution with Eddie."
This just turned into a Xmas arrival pending no further delays. Received a notice today from Barnes&Noble that the release date has been changed and that they expect to start shipping on 12/19.
This just turned into a Xmas arrival pending no further delays. Received a notice today from Barnes&Noble that the release date has been changed and that they expect to start shipping on 12/19.
My Amazon order says the same thing. I will take it as a good sign that it is still coming out. (Although lately suspicions have begun about 10c offerings that are being advertised)
Seriously - just stop announcing anything anymore until it is produced and ready to ship.
Osaka, Japan (2/21/95), San Diego (7/10/98), Las Vegas (10/22/00), San Diego (10/25/00), Las Vegas (6/6/03), Las Vegas (7/6/06), Los Angeles (7/9/06), VH1 Rock Honors (7/12/08), Ed Solo (7/8/11), Ed Solo (11/1/12), Los Angeles (11/23/13)
Time. When DTE's director, Kevin Altieri, walked into the studio one
morning with this scene storyboarded, we were all blown away. We had no
idea of what it exactly was supposed to mean; God's Hell Hound? The
Death Dog of Fate? Pluto's Pit Bull? But we did know it was cool and
edgy and very clearly in Eddie's mandate for the video.
news! We just passed a milestone in the production of the upcoming
"Pearl Jam: The Art of Do the Evolution book"! We received full approval
of all text and art from Eddie and the band and are now racing ahead to
finish and conform all layout and design and then go to publication. To
celebrate, I thought I'd share another dynamic Chapter page from the
upcoming book. Let me know what you think.
why do they have different page counts?
Sorry, I didn't see your reply until now. I hope that is/the reason.
Good for you. So am I.
I'm not worried about this purchase I just had some questions that's all. I think the pictures are going to outstanding quality.
Page count 200.
Given the ok to share here
@ Joe P
"Here's a sneak preview of the upcoming "Pearl Jam: The Art of Do the Evolution" book. It's still a work-in-progress, but these pages will give you a bit of an idea of the exciting mix of text and art we are doing in it."
"Here's one of the detailed pencil animation/layout drawings done in Seoul for Do the Evolution."
"Jim Mitchell's powerful storyboard panel and design of a Nazi concentration camp. This is one of the most visceral scenes in Do the Evolution and it involved very little actual animation. Jim and the video's director, Kevin Aliteri, designed this scene to be broken down on as a "multi-plane" camera shot with 5 different level/layers of images-the first level of barbed wire fence, the second level of foreground inmates, the third level of the more distant inmates, the fourth level of the distant camp buildings and finally the fifth level of sky. As the camera moves (pans) across the scene the frontal levels move slightly faster then each layer behind them, creating the strong illusion of depth and motion."
"A very rare production layout drawing from Do the Evolution. After the storyboards were approved by Eddie and Todd, we shipped them, along with extensive model design packets and timing sheets, to the two studios in Korea that I had picked to do the layout, animation, ink and paint and final camera on the video—Sun Min Image Works and Jireh Animation. The first task at the studio's was to take each storyboard panel and redraw them as full sized "Layouts". Layouts were drawn to the actual size of the final art that would be shot by the camera. They serve as a registered guide for both the animators and the background artists. Because most of the layouts were never shipped out to L.A. when the cells were sent here, we only have a few like this one that surfaced in the package."
"The "Hallelujah Chorus" moment. Kevin Altieri originally conceptualized and storyboarded something different for this sequence; a shot of surfers floating in the surf break off the gorgeous California cliffs of Trestle's Beach while dolphins leap and cavort in the water near them. But in one of his very rare changes to our writing and story, Eddie had a different vision in mind. He wanted to see a young girl running across green fields and carelessly stepping on an ant hill. Kevin boarded this new sequence as well and the final piece was a very "Miyazki-like" moment of beauty and serenity."
Lots & lots more over @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/158982971331463/
@ Joe P
"I've just added Terry Fitzgerald as another Administrator for the Group. It's very appropriate as Terry was a co-producer with me on the Do the Evolution video and a good friend. While I managed the production and creative team making the video at my studio, Epoch Ink Animation, Terry ran point for us with Todd MacFarlane and Eddie. He literally traveled with the band for weeks, reviewing each day's new work from Epoch after-hours with Eddie (I know, it's a tough gig, eh?
). Here's a picture of Terry reviewing designs for Do the Evolution with Eddie."
@Joe P
Dinner Time. When DTE's director, Kevin Altieri, walked into the studio one morning with this scene storyboarded, we were all blown away. We had no idea of what it exactly was supposed to mean; God's Hell Hound? The Death Dog of Fate? Pluto's Pit Bull? But we did know it was cool and edgy and very clearly in Eddie's mandate for the video.
"A pencil animation drawing of our favorite girl. This was drawn at Sun Min Image Works in Seoul, Korea."
Joe Pearson
Good news! We just passed a milestone in the production of the upcoming "Pearl Jam: The Art of Do the Evolution book"! We received full approval of all text and art from Eddie and the band and are now racing ahead to finish and conform all layout and design and then go to publication. To celebrate, I thought I'd share another dynamic Chapter page from the upcoming book. Let me know what you think.