Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Teaser trailer was released yesterday. Looks darker and grittier than The Force Awakens. Any thoughts or opinions leading up to December 16th?

Las Cruces, NM Pan Am Center September 14, 1995
Albuquerque, NM Tingley Coliseum July 7, 1998
New York City, NY MSG May 20, 2010
Eddie Vedder Solo Albuquerque, NM November 9, 2012
Wrigley Field July 19, 2013
LA Nov. 23: 24, 2013
Denver 10-22-14
Albuquerque, NM Tingley Coliseum July 7, 1998
New York City, NY MSG May 20, 2010
Eddie Vedder Solo Albuquerque, NM November 9, 2012
Wrigley Field July 19, 2013
LA Nov. 23: 24, 2013
Denver 10-22-14
'nuff said.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
My guess is the year 2021
Moff Tarkin!
Trailer is good.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Perhaps we will meet Snoke in this movie. Maybe he tried to take Vader out or Vader took an apprentice to overtake the Emperor, and that was Snoke.
Would be really cool if we meet Snoke and don't know it until later, though those of us who think out every plausible scenario will guess it.
definitely no yoda ...
Albuquerque, NM Tingley Coliseum July 7, 1998
New York City, NY MSG May 20, 2010
Eddie Vedder Solo Albuquerque, NM November 9, 2012
Wrigley Field July 19, 2013
LA Nov. 23: 24, 2013
Denver 10-22-14
I am sure they will speed it up a bit and get a little more martial artsy with him, if they are smart.
The one thing the prequels excelled at was increasing the intensity and enjoyability of the lightsaber duels. It made watching the original saber battles almost painful.
The new series needs to track the same way the prequels did, the fighting needs to get faster, more acrobatic, and with more force powers.
A nice battle of wills somewhere between Galdalf and the Balrog on the bridge of Khazad Dum and Harry with Voldemort struggling with connected wands would be a nice touch.
what they did with yoda in the prequels was make him the singular most bad ass character of all time!
Anakin and obi were harass though
Albuquerque, NM Tingley Coliseum July 7, 1998
New York City, NY MSG May 20, 2010
Eddie Vedder Solo Albuquerque, NM November 9, 2012
Wrigley Field July 19, 2013
LA Nov. 23: 24, 2013
Denver 10-22-14
For Rogue One, go closer to the originals but keep the action standards current.
For the rest of the series, let's get a real look at Rey and Kylo as they train hard and improve in the Force, that will make their next showdown more anticipated and appreciated. I would like to see them take the next movie up immediately where the Force Awakens stopped, but that isn't something that one should expect from a Star Wars movie. It will probably start after they have trained for a few years.
Edit* Jedi are supposed to be freaking ninja masters with super focus and superhuman reflexes, original Darth was just too slow and clumsy. Maybe Darth Maul was a little too showy, but shouldn't a Jedi at least be faster than a barely choreographed 7 foot tall guy wearing a cumbersome costume?
2nd edit* Vader seems to be about the same speed as the Hound, who wears at least 50lbs of steel armor and swings at least a 20lb sword.
the force awakens - felt too much like the original trilogy, booooo
can't have it both ways. i love me my star wars, and the more star wars the better in my opinion. rogue one will look and feel exactly like the force awakens, and that's not a bad thing.
oh, vader was just a 75 year old brit
'The suit provided a suite of life-support systems and gave Vader relatively free movement without having to use a hoverchair.
The armor encased Vader completely, creating a hermetic seal to protect his charred skin and lungs. It was also uncomfortable to wear. Vader slowly learned to live with the isolation and anonymity that the suit imposed on him. Vader had to change his lightsaber style to compensate for the weight, bulk, and inflexibility of his armor. The electronics of the suit were sensitive to electrical discharges, though Vader added a limited amount of insulation to the suit after discovering this. To escape the armor's claustrophobic nature, Vader had several pressurized meditation chambers built where he could remove his mask and suit and still survive. Vader longed to be less dependent on his armor, and tried at times to function without it, but he labored in vain.
Despite the weaknesses imparted by the suit, it also provided a number of strengths. These included greatly enhanced durability and stamina, numerous sensory enhancements, and protection from extremely inhospitable environments and biological weaponry.''s_armor
Man I am dorking out!
the vader/obi wan duel is pretty goofy, i will admit. but almost as goofy as yoda/palpatine's duel in revenge of the sith (completely over the top fight scene). i'd rather see a more realstic duel that we saw in empire -- luke/vader. thought that was good battle of physical combat and force.
edit: and rewind to to a new hope. yoda didn't exist, luke was just a farm boy, ben was the only jedi we knew of. didn't know what luke's path would be as a new hope was suppose to be a one and done movie.
Boba Fett is the most overrated and overinflated character ever, and D'Jango was little better!