Man buns, beards and all things hairy

I thought the man bun was over but after being in NYC yesterday I see it's alive and well. Lots of em walking the streets! I'm for it; if it fits the guy obviously. I mean look at thats a nice man bun! But there were a lot that looked just not right.
I also saw some great braids, a few twists and of course a ponytail or two.
How do you all wear your hair? What do you like on guys and ladies? Long, short, up down, blonde brunette, redhead or bright colors, blue, green rainbow? Curious because I think I could grab a bench and people watch just for hairstyles.
I also saw some great braids, a few twists and of course a ponytail or two.
How do you all wear your hair? What do you like on guys and ladies? Long, short, up down, blonde brunette, redhead or bright colors, blue, green rainbow? Curious because I think I could grab a bench and people watch just for hairstyles.
Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
Yesterday I saw a dude with short pigtails. Mantails?
I'm generally not a fan of manbuns but have seen some who can and do pull it off, like the dude from Deeelite.
Guess I like whatever suits the person and doesn't seem forced. Shaved head, Cobain-ish hair, balding, 'fro, dreds.
(no to the Don King look though!)
I wear mine longish, red and wavy/curly.
Tattooed Dissident!
Goddamn my immature mind.
Glitter? Like the glittery pits thing or glittery goatee?
I like beards (and the beardless).
Funny, I've got My Cat From Hell on right now and am fully digging on Jackson's 'burns and beard look.
Glitter is the devil.
I also once told the Mr. I liked redheads. Total mistake. Every time a nice looking ginger walks by I get the stink
Long hair is the preference.
- Christopher McCandless
Hobbes? You'll never be mistaken for that
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
beards... yep
stubble... yep
most partial to dark hair and red hair.
dont mind a bit of length of hair on guys but not sure I could deal with being with a guy whose hair is longer than mine.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I kid I kid, but that does sound just like my hubs!
Tattooed Dissident!
cate! Really? I'd be quite into that.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Never even dated a guy with beard or stach, so I guess I'm not a big fan. Goatees tho I dig.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I pretty much keep a beard year round but I trim it often using a #2 guard. I shave my neck with a blade roughly twice a week, and on the third shave, I'll trim the beard up. I keep it just below my chin line. I tried one time to let my beard grow out; made it 6 weeks and just couldn't stand it anymore. Actually couldn't stand it around the 4 week mark but tried to keep it going.