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    Hillary has a big lead in Ohio.
    CNN says that if Trump doesn't win this it is game over for him.
    Is this true?
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    Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,664
    mrussel1 said:

    JC29856 said:

    Fl 19% in Hilliary up 170k

    Really low reporting from South Florida. Good sign. What are the pundits saying?
    Good news for Clinton. Only early vote being reported in south Florida and she is up 10 in hillsborough
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    mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 28,877

    Hillary has a big lead in Ohio.
    CNN says that if Trump doesn't win this it is game over for him.
    Is this true?

    Yes. Really is the same with Florida I would think. As a democrat, I'm not confident here. If she wins, it's all ground game. She hasn't led consistently this whole cycle.
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    Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,664
    Conway is onto "proud we have kept this competitive"
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    The modelling and polling are expecting Trump to lose FL.
    The votes don't have him losing yet.
    Is that a fair assessment?
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    Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,664

    The modelling and polling are expecting Trump to lose FL.
    The votes don't have him losing yet.
    Is that a fair assessment?

    Polling has it at a toss up.

    Votes do not have him losing yet, you are correct
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    mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 28,877

    The modelling and polling are expecting Trump to lose FL.
    The votes don't have him losing yet.
    Is that a fair assessment?

    Barely any votes from Miami, Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. Those are huge counties, biggest in the state. And bright blue. He needed a lead before those start hitting
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    In NC
    he can run up healthy margins if the suburban vote that has yet to come in swings his way.
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    Donald has taken the lead in Florida with 80% in.
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    CM189191CM189191 Minneapolis via Chicago Posts: 6,813
    mrussel1 said:

    I'm on a plane waiting to take off to phx. I didn't expect to know for a while, but an early FL call could be all she wrote for HRC. If it goes the other way then long night.

    I'm flying from Minneapolis to Dallas right now. I think the mood in these two cities is going to be very different tonight.
    WI 6/27/98 WI 10/8/00 MO 10/11/00 IL 4/23/03 MN 6/26/06 MN 6/27/06 WI 6/30/06 IL 8/5/07 IL 8/21/08 (EV) IL 8/22/08 (EV) IL 8/23/09 IL 8/24/09 IN 5/7/10 IL 6/28/11 (EV) IL 6/29/11 (EV) WI 9/3/11 WI 9/4/11 IL 7/19/13 NE 10/09/14 IL 10/17/14 MN 10/19/14 FL 4/11/16 IL 8/20/16 IL 8/22/16 IL 08/18/18 IL 08/20/18 IT 07/05/2020 AT 07/07/2020
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    PJfanwillneverleave1PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 12,885
    edited November 2016
    mrussel1 said:

    The modelling and polling are expecting Trump to lose FL.
    The votes don't have him losing yet.
    Is that a fair assessment?

    Barely any votes from Miami, Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. Those are huge counties, biggest in the state. And bright blue. He needed a lead before those start hitting
    Will these counties hurt him if he is tied? She has to make bigger margins before they come in.
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    mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 28,877
    CM189191 said:

    mrussel1 said:

    I'm on a plane waiting to take off to phx. I didn't expect to know for a while, but an early FL call could be all she wrote for HRC. If it goes the other way then long night.

    I'm flying from Minneapolis to Dallas right now. I think the mood in these two cities is going to be very different tonight.
    I bet you're right. Doomsday preppers well be at Defcon 5 in TX.
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    InHiding80InHiding80 Upland,CA Posts: 7,623

    Reports of harrassment from Trump supporters at polling stations.

    Some blocking doors

    One was apparently arrested after he had a sign that said "Fags vote dem" and had a gun...

    If we want to start with rigging rumors...

    How Muslim of the Muslim hating Trumphadist.
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    Very much so. Another big question is if the early and absentee votes are factored into the results being shown. Typically they are the last ballots counted after the ballots from the actual precincts are in. I think those will go heavily for Clinton, so it's still in play.
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    88% FL votes in
    Trump leading by 13500
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    SC, Alabama win.
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    91% votes in FL
    Trump leading
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    Operation DWS going into effect in Florida
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    CNN let it slip that VA is a win for Trump.
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    1/2 votes yet to come in from palm beach where Hillary is favoured.
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    Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,664

    CNN let it slip that VA is a win for Trump.

    With the north?
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    1/2 votes yet to come in from palm beach where Hillary is favoured.

    Are there more places where Trump can make up from counties left yet to report in dade and palm?
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    Here come the fancy streaks as damage control.
    Trump wins VA.
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    1/2 votes yet to come in from palm beach where Hillary is favoured.

    Are there more places where Trump can make up from counties left yet to report in dade and palm?
    Panhandle is the best bet. FL is looking more and more possible for Trump.
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    No Repub has ever won the whitehouse w/out Ohio.
    Should be interesting.
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    1/2 votes yet to come in from palm beach where Hillary is favoured.

    Are there more places where Trump can make up from counties left yet to report in dade and palm?
    Panhandle is the best bet. FL is looking more and more possible for Trump.
    Lived in the panhandle for awhile.
    I can certainly attest for the all kinds of people you come across there.
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    Trump making this real real close. Wasn't this election supposed to be decided early?
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    Broward County is strong.
    Listen up yall, because on election day we'll see whose banned in the usa.
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    Lot of big states closing in five minutes. It could swing very quickly and be an early night...but I'm not betting on it. The fact that Georgia and Missouri haven't been called is a little troublesome to the R's. Having said that, Virginia being out this long is troubling to D's.
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    VA will be called Trump.
This discussion has been closed.