Suggestions of where to stay for MSG?

in The Porch
Apologize if this has been discussed elsewhere (send me there if it is), but does anyone have a good recommendation of where to stay for an MSG show? I want to stay in a good area of town (no offense to anyone if all of the area is good - I haven't been to NY and I watch Law and Order), but I also am already breaking the bank for the tickets and airfare. Any suggestions?
well, fuckers, he still stands
Fuckus rules all
Albuquerque, NM Tingley Coliseum July 7, 1998
New York City, NY MSG May 20, 2010
Eddie Vedder Solo Albuquerque, NM November 9, 2012
Wrigley Field July 19, 2013
LA Nov. 23: 24, 2013
Denver 10-22-14
how you prove that one after the agonizing hassle
of purchasing tickets
Check on to get a sense of what you're looking at in terms of cost. Also, there are many neigbourhoods in New York. If you want to walk to MSG, I'm thinking somewhere in Chelsea would work. For example, Hilton Garden Inn in Chelsea has a room for $767 for 3 nights (includes tax), and that's cheap for Manhattan. It's under a 10 minute walk to MSG. Area around MSG isn't that pleasant. It's not unsafe, just very blah.
Do you have hotel points? Amex membership reward points? Now would be the time to whip those out!
Fuckus rules all
And by train-I mean the subway.
From my first show in Hawaii when they opened for RHCP to upcoming 2016 MSG and Wrigley. Seen them in every continent except Africa and Antarctica.