*Pearl Jam ~ Slovenia*



  • MineMine Posts: 556
    6.7 naj bi bil HJK. Sicer je možno, da bo trajal 2 vikenda, vmes bo pa plac na voljo tako, da bi lahko PJ prišli.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Kaj je to HJK?
    Ta datum se res že vleče...dajmo Udine...
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • hello Mafia :D
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    hello Mafia :D

    greece mafia 8-)
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    ohoho, tule je pa precej pestro! tolk govorite, da ne pridem do besede :D

    a ste slišal, da bodo Soundgarden igrali na download festivalu 25. junija. zdej me pa res ma, da bi šel še v london :P

    http://grungereport.net/2010/01/25/anot ... -festival/
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • vedderman wrote:
    hello Mafia :D

    greece mafia 8-)
    :roll: :roll: :roll:
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • vedderman wrote:
    hello Mafia :D

    greece mafia 8-)
    :roll: :roll: :roll:

    there is only one PJ mafia.....and its Slovenia Mafia, muhahaha
    Ljubljana 19.06.2000
    Zagreb 26.09.2006
    Munchen 12.06. 2007
    Berlin 15.08.2009
    Dublin 22.06.2010
    Belfast 23.06.2010
    Berlin 30.06.2010
    Prague 02.07.2012
    Berlin 04.07.2012
    Berlin 05.07.2012
    Manchester 28.07.2012 - E.V.
    Worcester 15.10.2013
    Worcester 16.10.2013
    Brooklyn 18.10.2013
    Brooklyn 19.10.2013
    Trieste 22.6.2014
    Berlin 26.6.2014
    Milton Keynes 11.7.2014
    Buenos Aires 7.11.2015
    Sao Paulo 14.11.2015
    Rio de Janeiro 22.11.2015
    Chicago Wrigley Field 20.8.2016
    Chicago Wrigley Field 22.8.2016
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Jutri ob 12:30 je tiskovna od heinekena, kjer bo potrjeno, da so PJ naslovniki (yup ravnokar sem si izmislil najbolj budast prevod od kar si je nekdo zmislu "zgoščenko").
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Potrjeno: Pearl Jam, Ben Harper e Skunk Anansie + Gossip e WolfMother

    50€ od jutri na ticketone.it
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Se vidimo tam :)
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Stereotype wrote:
    Se vidimo tam :)
    v drugo gre rado :D
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Mine - kaka je že bla fora z onimi zapestnicami za sektor ob odru takrat? Oni, ko so bli v kampu so jih dobili al tisti, ki so bili dovolj zjutraj?
    Jaz se spomnim, da sem jo sicer izprosla od enega Italijana, ampak to je bla čista sreča (ki pa je nisem mogla vnovčit).
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Prvih 200, ki pride dobi. Odvisno koliko ljudi bo. Leta 2007 pravijo, da si jih dobil do 11ih brez problema.
    Ma sej bomo vzeli sabo kolaž papir (če bojo slučajno barvni letos :D ), škarje in lepilo pa ne bo noben opazu razlike.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Kupljeno! :) (samo tisti, dan ko so Pearli). Cena je 57€.
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    ja, sm slišal da nabijejo še neki gor če kupiš na internetu
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Pri nas bi mogu tudi eventim prodajat karte
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • Živjo,

    a bo kdo od vas šel v berlin z letalom? Germanwings - povratna karta je 90 evrov. gre pa zagreb - berlin - zagreb, in sicer odhod je 29. junij 2010, prihod oa 1. julij 2010.

  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    Mislim, da leti Berlin Air iz Graza in Klagenfurta, povratna karta je bla cca. 60 €.
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • sem preverila, air berlin ne leti v enakem terminu kot germanwings. Lahko greš na pot v sredo, 30. junija, kar je malo riskantno, če je kakšna zamuda, vrneš se pa v četrtek, 1. julija, ampak prestopaš, cena takega leta pa je 204 evre. Kar precej. Lani sem šla z avtom, pa letos pa iščem druge variante ...
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    mi smo šli v munchen in v berlin z kombijem. ampak do berlina je res daleč :P tja še nekak gre ko se veseliš dogodka, nazaj je pa kar muka...
    letos gremo v v dublin, belfast, berlin in benetke. letalska karta benetke-dublin-berlin-klagenfurt je bla cca. 200 eur, kar je zlo pocen. je pa res da berlin air leti z večjimi razmaki datumov. tako da gremo mi ene par dni pred turnejo gor in nazaj 2. julija zjutraj. drugače bi blo dost dražje.
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    Stereotype wrote:
    Kupljeno! :) (samo tisti, dan ko so Pearli). Cena je 57€.

    kako boš šla ti dol? js sem kupu aranžma za 87 eur...
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    @vedderman Ne vem še ...možno tud, da prek koncerti.net...ko bom vedela ti javim...
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Dajmo glasovat za mojo značko :) Na Porchu poiščite... Moje so 12, 13 in 14 - kar je velika napaka -ker se glasovi zdaj lomijo.
    No, meni je najboljša 16, ampak ni preveč berljiv Pearl Jam - pa tako bo mala značka...
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
    hi Slovenia mafia
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Hi Dimitris :) I guess it takes one to recognize the other from the same "kind" ;)
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    Stereotype wrote:
    Hi Dimitris :) I guess it takes one to recognize the other from the same "kind" ;)
    :thumbup: :wave: ;)
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Ste že dobli Deep? Hecn je :)
    Kje ste Slovenci...že odštevate?
    S kom se zdaj vidimo v Benetkah?
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    Stereotype wrote:
    Ste že dobli Deep? Hecn je :)
    Kje ste Slovenci...že odštevate?
    S kom se zdaj vidimo v Benetkah?

    izgleda da trenutno vsi regrat nabirajo :P
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    Stereotype wrote:
    Dajmo glasovat za mojo značko :) Na Porchu poiščite... Moje so 12, 13 in 14 - kar je velika napaka -ker se glasovi zdaj lomijo.
    No, meni je najboljša 16, ampak ni preveč berljiv Pearl Jam - pa tako bo mala značka...

    @stereotype: vidu sem tvoje značke in so res kul. dej mi link in povej za katero naj glasujem ;)
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
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