*Pearl Jam ~ Slovenia*



  • Thx za nasvete in dobrodošlico. Človek se kar domačega počuti ob tako lepem sprejemu he he :D
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Se z moje strani en lep pozdrav.

    Drugace pa sem tudi sam narocal veliko prek goods in morm rect da je vse kul pa se dokaj ugodno. Fora je potem edin ce ti v Slo carinjo al ne, to pa je kokr sm zvedu odvisno od srece... Se prav ce ti, potem se neki placas.
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    ...in zneska
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Imas prav, vendar ti za sigurno ne carinijo le ce znesek ni vecji od 22€.
    Jaz pa sem imel 3 narocila ki so imela vecji znesek in sem placal carino samo za enega(ki pa ni bil najvecji znesek). Po tem sklepam da imas v vecini opraviti s sreco. :)

    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Evo prvi official bootlegi se ze dobijo na netu....
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Strus wrote:
    Imas prav, vendar ti za sigurno ne carinijo le ce znesek ni vecji od 22€.
    Jaz pa sem imel 3 narocila ki so imela vecji znesek in sem placal carino samo za enega(ki pa ni bil najvecji znesek). Po tem sklepam da imas v vecini opraviti s sreco. :)


    Zgleda, da imajo neenotna merila. Sama sem že višji znesek pa nisem nič carine plačala (nikoli). Res, ne vem v čem je fora. Dobim pa velikokrat iz Malma na Švedskem (tak je poštni zaznamek).
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Ravno najavljeno >Eddie Vedder solo tour - 2nd leg

    Ne vem, če bo plata do konc leta pri tem tempu :D
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Eh ITW je skupaj spravu v manj kot enem mesecu.
    Za drugi del turneje se je že nekaj časa šušljalo.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Upam da se bo kmalu kaka evropa šušljala...
    Ceprav dajem prednost albumu ;)
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    In Evropa se šušlja!
    V temi o VH1 in Whojih sem prebrala, da je nek Julien šel v backstage, kjer mu je, mislim da Stone, povedal, da drugo leto razmišljajo o Evropi, ampak severni - omenil naj bi Anglijo, Švedsko, Finsko in St. Petersburg. Hmm..ne bo nam lahko, sploh, če bo zima :) Srčno upam, da jih zanese še vsaj malo južneje...

    Po morju začnem šparat..pol pa kombi al kak smo rekli :D
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Yup! Jst sm slišal, da je Mike nekomou reku, da razmišljajo o festivalski turneji poleti. Pozimi pa baje Avstralija.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Slovenija! Slo-ve-ni-ja! Slo-ve-ni-ja!
    Kdaj naj začnemo lobirat? :D
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Ma Slovenija bi bilo res prekrasno!

    Drugace pa sem jaz tudi za kombi :)

    aja, btw, ce kdo kopuje kitaro

    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • mnarob3mnarob3 Posts: 235
    update folks

    iz Given to fly:

    Mike @ 13 Coins Resturant /Sea Tac !!
    Hey Guys.

    My lucky rat bastard of a cousin works at 13 Coins restaurant @ Sea Tac and just served Mike McCready breakfast!!

    Anyways…here’s the scoop.

    1) Mike likes Eggs Benedict
    2) All the band members are back in Seattle and recording!!
    3) Boom is still a member
    4) Brendon O’ Brien is producing and playing on the new album!!
    5) Bridge School is a go!!
    6) No fall tour
    7) Mike thought they played great for the VH1 performance but thought they were they were “off” @ Bonnaroo
    8) Mike is super cool and a really good tipper

    *~~bologna 14.9.2006~~*~~vienna 25.9.2006~~*~~zagreb 26.9.2006~~
    *~~munich 12.6.2007~~*~~chorzow 13.6.2007~~*
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    A ima kdo koncert od REM iz Ljubljane 2005? Js sem ga zgubu.
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    A mi lahko kdo zracuna kdaj je nas cajt ce prodajat zacnejo posterje v ponedeljek ob 10am.

    A to pase pod LA?
    0:00:00 a.m. Monday August 18, 2008 in America/Los_Angeles converts to
    07:00:00 p.m. Monday August 18, 2008 in Europe/Rome
    Po tem takem ob 7ih zvecer?
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Tu imaš konverter:

    praktična zadevca za take stvari ;)
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Mogla sm nekaj napisat, da vidim, če smo še tu. In smo!
    Nekaj se govori, da so (tuje države z lastnimi topici) zbrisali ali vrgli v All encompasing trip.

    Kaj pa OI?Smo vtrgali al kaj?! :) Glede na št. prebivalcev smo drugi po kolajnah, za Jamajko. (Pa dve več bi komot še imeli, če bi eni resnično zasrali). Upam, da Pearli gledajo olimpijado in že razmišljajo, da nas obiščejo (yeah right). Konec koncev je bil v L.A. Timesu članek o Slovencih - http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/olympics_blog/2008/08/slovenia-hammer.html

    Slovenija! Pearl Jam! Slovenija!
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • mkumer24mkumer24 Posts: 27
    I'm 50% Slovenian ;-) My grandparents immigrated to the US. I support PJ in Slovenia!!!!!!!!!!!! (even if I won't be able to go.. lol)
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    mkumer24 wrote:
    I'm 50% Slovenian ;-) My grandparents immigrated to the US. I support PJ in Slovenia!!!!!!!!!!!! (even if I won't be able to go.. lol)

    You are more than welcome here ;)
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    mkumer24 wrote:
    I'm 50% Slovenian ;-) My grandparents immigrated to the US. I support PJ in Slovenia!!!!!!!!!!!! (even if I won't be able to go.. lol)

    welcome! feel free to chat with us here! where are you from?
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • mkumer24mkumer24 Posts: 27
    vedderman wrote:
    welcome! feel free to chat with us here! where are you from?

  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    cool! if i ever make a trip to usa i will visit wisconsin too :) by the way, kumer is a classic slovenian surname:) see ya
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    As we anticipated a few weeks ago, Jeff Ament will release a solo record. Titled "Tone", the album is already available for pre-order @ Lous Records online store and is set for release on September 16, 2008, though there is no official confirmation.

    "Tone" is made up of 10 tracks recorded in Montana over 12 years by Jeff Ament with a little help from Richard Stuverud (former Three Fish drummer) and King's X frontman Dug Pinnick, who lends vocals to "Doubting Thomasina". Interesting note: instrumental versions of "The Only Cloud In The Sky" and "The Forest" (credited as "Forest Is My Church") were featured on "Immagine In Cornice" DVD.

    Here are the artwork and full tracklist:

    01. Just Like That
    02. Give Me A Reason
    03. Bulldozer
    04. Relapse
    05. Say Goodbye
    06. The Forest
    07. Life of a Salesman
    08. Doubting Thomasina
    09. Hi-Line
    10. The Only Cloud In The Sky
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Jst mam eno uprasanje.
    In sicer kako podalsas membership? a ko ti potece te oni obvestijio?
    al se da tut pac prej kups in ti avtomaticno podalsajo na tvoj ime?
    zanima me ali lahko kupm membership tudi za drugo osebo? al more ona sama kupt, ker jst sm ze mal pozabu kako to gre. al je moznost kao gift al pa kej tazga?

    najlepsa hvala za odgovore

    PS: ste vidl nove majce ;)
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Kupiš in ti podaljšajo. Pošljejo tudi e-mail ko ma za potečt pol pa maš še 3 mesece časa.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • Metallicin Death Magnetic se je znašel na netu 10 dni pred uradnim izidom ...je kdo že poslušal kak komad? Kaj menite?
    Jaz sem do zdaj slišal Cyanide, My Apocalypse, The Day That Never Comes. Pa moram rečt, da sploh ni slabo :) definitivno boljše od prejšnjega albuma.
  • Inside_Job wrote:
    Metallicin Death Magnetic se je znašel na netu 10 dni pred uradnim izidom ...je kdo že poslušal kak komad? Kaj menite?
    Jaz sem do zdaj slišal Cyanide, My Apocalypse, The Day That Never Comes. Pa moram rečt, da sploh ni slabo :) definitivno boljše od prejšnjega albuma.

    spizdil so cel rif iz Why Go! posluši "The End Of The Line". jim mora pa res zmankovati idej da grejo kopirat 18 let star rif...
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • hmmm...osebno ob prvem poslušanju te pesmi nisem dobil takega občutka.
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    men se pa kr zdi da je prislo do najbrs sicer po nakljucju do istiga rifa, ker ce zacnes komad pri 40sec, je res tko kot why go
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
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