*Pearl Jam ~ Slovenia*



  • stereotype hvala za za zagreb video!
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Možno je da bo junija Eddie imel concert na trgu svetega marka v benetkah v sklopu dobrodelnih concertoz za Emergency.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Sem ravno prebrala..joj super bi bilo :D..to bi bila rahla kompenzacija za lansko nevihto..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Super bi se prileglo ja
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Stereotype wrote:
    Ne vem, kaj nudiš? :D Če je kaj zanimivega, se priporočam..
    Kako je Munchen? VSe je gor??
    Snemano je od zadaj tako da se našega predela ne vidi v velikih detaljih, se pa vidi kako spravlja zastavo.
    Imam vse Jason A archive, music videos, Audio Archives vse, kr nekaj koncertov iz vseh let.

    Jst upam da ga pripeljejo, ITW je na 34. mestu najbolj prodanih CD-jev v Italiji, ob izidu je bil 22.
    Sm gledal film. Ful mi je všeč režija, zelo ne-hollywoodski pristop na trenutke zgleda kot kašn video dnevnik. Nevrjetno kako krajši se zdi glede na to da traja skoraj 2 uri in pol.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Gledala Oscarje..Ni bil Eddie nominiran za Guaranteed?..očitno, ne..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Stereotype wrote:
    Gledala Oscarje..Ni bil Eddie nominiran za Guaranteed?..očitno, ne..
    Ne ni bil. Kritika in tisk so se precej pritoževali nad tem.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Ma dobro vsaj oni par je dobil z down-to-earth glasbo..ker ono Enchanted (3 nominacije) je meni blo tipično disneyevsko melo-dramatično-do-otročje-veličastno preseravanje..

    In hop on-topic:Bojda PJ aprila v studio... :D
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Kako če bo Eddie na turneji?
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Po turneji..bojda...
    Na nekem ameriškem radiu je bilo rečeno..
    PJ+ O'Brian...slednji je baje znan po tem, da delo poteka zelo hitro...Ni nujno, da bodo že kr album posneli..je pa začetek...(če je res)..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Neki kanadski radio pa pravi da Eddie igra v Torontu maja, eni pa pravijo da cel bend igra na jugu takrat.
    Hitrost je odvisna samo od benda glede na to da delajo vse po svoje in sami. So tudo ko-producenti na vseh albumih.
    ITW je baje nastal v manj kot mesecu.
    Sicer se govori da so v studiju od decembra in na zadnje tudi ta mesec.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • mnarob3mnarob3 Posts: 235
    Sem slišal za govorico!! :D

    ooo nej bo res Brendan O' Brien producent!!! to bo noro vam povem:D
    *~~bologna 14.9.2006~~*~~vienna 25.9.2006~~*~~zagreb 26.9.2006~~
    *~~munich 12.6.2007~~*~~chorzow 13.6.2007~~*
  • jst sem tud pred leti bil ful za to, da bi o'brien bil spet producent, ampak po tem ko sem slišal love reign o'er me, mi je čist vseen če bo spet producent adam kasper... ker komad zveni kot riot act. v bistvu je komplet riot act zmixu o'brien. če bo nov album zvenel vsaj približno tako kot no code ali yield pa sem totalno za o'briena!
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Meni pa je kul O'Brien..
    Tud LROM mi je všeč...čeprav ni kaj bistveno drugačna od Who verzije...
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Glih se mi je Munchen zdownloadal...super!..Spomin imam zdaj popolnoma osvežen. S temi posnetki pa res nimam sreče..ko pride po zastavico in to, Eddija valda ni v kadru..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Stereotype wrote:
    Meni pa je kul O'Brien..
    Tud LROM mi je všeč...čeprav ni kaj bistveno drugačna od Who verzije...
    Kolikor jst vem producenti z njimi itak nimajo dosti posla pri samem aranžiranju komadov.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    Mine wrote:
    Kolikor jst vem producenti z njimi itak nimajo dosti posla pri samem aranžiranju komadov.

    ko so mixal binaural, je imel tchad blake velik problemov in so pol poklical o'briena na pomoč. kaj sploh potem dela producent?
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Načeloma se ukvarja z soundom v tehničnem smislu. Manj spopsobni bendi majo producente ki dejansko tudi pišejo in delajo skoraj vse kar e tiče usmerjevanja. PJ delajo vse sami kar se tiče komadov.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    tako kot pearl jam tako tudi tchad blake ni bil najbolj zadovoljen s soundom na binaural plati:

    "I have mixed feelings about that record. I think it's a good record but in hindsight I don't think I was a great choice for the band. We didn't see eye to eye on many things sonically and we all got a bit frustrated in the making of the music but we persevered and managed to make it work. Brendan O'brien came on board to mix and helped make sense of it all." - tchad blake
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    članek je star leto in pol, ampak sem ga šele dans prebral:

    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • veddermanvedderman Posts: 801
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • mnarob3mnarob3 Posts: 235
    vedderman wrote:

    hvala ti za ta posnetek, dolgo časa smo ga iskal:)
    *~~bologna 14.9.2006~~*~~vienna 25.9.2006~~*~~zagreb 26.9.2006~~
    *~~munich 12.6.2007~~*~~chorzow 13.6.2007~~*
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Hvala za link članka..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • camaroscamaros Posts: 1,003
    is this near slovakia?

    i'm slovak, ok my grandparents are, i was born in the US but love slovakia
    i like sound...
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Well it isn't far...but we are not neighbours.
    I don't blame you. The world is constantly confused. The names are similar and even the flags. But two different counties with different histories.

    Here you go - we are a chicken shaped country in between Italy, Austira, Hungary and Croatia, and you can see where Slovakia is.
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • camaroscamaros Posts: 1,003
    Stereotype wrote:
    Well it isn't far...but we are not neighbours.
    I don't blame you. The world is constantly confused. The names are similar and even the flags. But two different counties with different histories.

    Here you go - we are a chicken shaped country in between Italy, Austira, Hungary and Croatia, and you can see where Slovakia is.

    wow... thank you. i'll be sure to stop by next time get to europe!
    i like sound...
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    ur welcome
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • mnarob3mnarob3 Posts: 235
    Danes ima Jeff rojstni dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ajde, roke u zrak pa skakat! :D
    Vse najboljše Jeff! :)
    *~~bologna 14.9.2006~~*~~vienna 25.9.2006~~*~~zagreb 26.9.2006~~
    *~~munich 12.6.2007~~*~~chorzow 13.6.2007~~*
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Pa ena moja kolegica tudi..
    Kolko je star?
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Vse najbolse Jeff!
    Star je pa 45 let.
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
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