*Pearl Jam ~ Slovenia*



  • Ej Slovenci, vam je stigao Deep?
    meni je pred nekih 10ak dana.
    I postere koje sam narucila 1. Novembra su mi dosli za 28 dana.
    Ako je netko narucivao, mislim da bude sad dolazilo.
    I hoodie je na putu...
    A kak to sporo ide iz Seattle-a :(
    Kako je kod vas?
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Strus..jaz delam trenutno na tretjem..ampak sem se odločila, da ne bom poslala zadev, dokler ne pošljem njim in je konec deadline-a..čisto iz varnostnih razlogov..sej ne, da mislim, da bi kdo od vas kaj sunil..pa ne da mislim, da tujci full berejo ta naš topic..samo vseeno..better safe than sorry..
    Je pa drugi, ki sem ga naredila..hja več barv ima kot štiri..zato, če kdo ve kako v photoshopu zreduciram zadevo na štiri barve..pa ne tako, da grem z vedrom nad linije..se priporočam :D

    Crop: Da stigao! Razen za vedderman-a nisem sigurna..on pri nas dobiva zadnji..Ja dolgo rabijo se strinjam..ma kaj češ..Sem pa ene 2 meseca nazaj naročila en single..in je prišel v 10ih dneh..torej relativno hitro..Odvisno tudi od povpraševanja pomoje..in zdaj je sigurno kriza..december in nakupi in to. Hold on ;)
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • sobota, 2.december'07
    (za vstop ne rabis eurov!, je pa kul, ce namazes glasilke, oz. jih lahko tud notri, :))

    V Ostrigi bomo zavrteli nekaj njihovih koncertnih video podob in avdio zapisov.
    Na odru pa se jim bosta priklonila Iztok Zois in Luka Vehar.

    Delček Pearl Jamov torej tudi v živo.


    PearlJam feni, vabljeni!!!
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Uaaaaaa superca..Samo to je že mimo al sm jaz v kaki časovni luknji spet?
    Iztok, ti si kitarist z Munchen busa??? Če si..še enkrat: both thumbs up.. ;)
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Ja sam sobota je bila 3., mogoče 22ti?
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Ne...sobota je bila prvi..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Stereotype wrote:
    Ne...sobota je bila prvi..
    Eh ja ti datumi..danes mi je profesor v index napisal da sm izpit naredil 31.11
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • Odite na stranicu, to je sobota sad, 8.12. ;)
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    ja super, pridem pogledat. v soboto 8ga
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Eddie nominiran za grammyja z Guaranteed. Fajn, ne? ;)
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Rise je nominiran za Satellite award

    ”Do You Feel Me”/Diane Warren American Gangster Universal
    "If You Want Me”/Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova Once Fox Searchlight
    "Come So Far”/Marc Shaiman Hairspray New Line Cinema
    “Rise”/Eddie Vedder Into The Wild Paramount Vantage
    “Grace Is Gone”/Clint Eastwood & Carole Bayer Sager Grace Is Gone The Weinstein Company
    “Lyra”/Kate Bush The Golden Compass New Line Cinema
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • V Ostrigi dogaja 8.decembra!
    (Al sam glup, he he he!!)

    Drugac sem pa bil na busu do Minhna s kitaro, ja!

    S to isto kitaro in dvema prjatloma mamo torej jutri shpil v Skofji Loki, v Ostrigi - ob 23h startamo nastop;

    Drugac se pa vse skupi zacne ob 21h.
    Organiziramo skofjeloski feni Jamov,
    prpravljen mamo tud video (od ta mladih Jamov, do najnovejsih dvd izdaj in posnetkov)

    Nas nastop bomo snemal, tko da izide koncertni cede - v stilu Pearl jam!!! hi hi
    Tud sicer mamo prpravljen scenarij nastopa v stilu njihovih live-actov - z nekaj(ali velik) humorja...

    Uglavnem, vabljeni na zur!!!
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Superca res! :D
    Meni je malo daleč za brez avta bit..ampak vas mentalno podpiram..upam, da uspe še boljše kot ste si zastavili..
    Tisti, ki greste pa napišite pol malo kak je blo pa kaj posnemajte, da bomo še sliko imeli..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Ce rabi kdo prevoz iz Ljubljane naj pove.....
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Tuesday, February 12

    PEARL JAM -- Worldwide Singles Box LEGACY


    Uživajte jutri! Če me spomin iz busa za Minhen ne vara bo ful dobro
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Nice find! ;) Legacy? To je založba?

    Tud Radioheadov takoj na začetku leta se rahlo veselim..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Ja od Sony-ja. Legacy je specilizirana za ponatise. Vrjetno bodo singli samo do Riot Act-a.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • Pa to je totalna bedarija! Itak so vsi singli bli izdani že na RVM-ju!
    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    vedderman wrote:
    Pa to je totalna bedarija! Itak so vsi singli bli izdani že na RVM-ju!
    Ja pa še drago bo. Mogoče zanimivo zaradi kakšnega b-side-a.

    Btw vrjetno dobimo DVD iz Minhna prej ali pozneje
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • mnarob3mnarob3 Posts: 235
    DVD iz Minhna? pa ja ne ,..prov DVD koncert? ali kako:)
    *~~bologna 14.9.2006~~*~~vienna 25.9.2006~~*~~zagreb 26.9.2006~~
    *~~munich 12.6.2007~~*~~chorzow 13.6.2007~~*
  • MineMine Posts: 556
    mnarob3 wrote:
    DVD iz Minhna? pa ja ne ,..prov DVD koncert? ali kako:)
    Iz RM-ja
    Any info on the Munich 07 DVD in the works? According to conversation which I had with the Release Coalition guy way back after the show on the bus to Katowice, it was supposed to be done in 6 months or so. No rush, I just wanted what stage its in. I am terribly ashamed I dont remember the guy's name. It would be nice thing to have contact on him Hail hail to Release Coalition and The Tapers.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    DVD Munchen?!? Jaaaaaaaa :D Upam, da je konec tud posnet, da bomo lahko v slow motion opazovali našo slovensko zastavico v Eddijevem žepu :) Čeprav dvomim..pa v vsakem primeru me zelo zanima..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • Zgleda, da bo Eddie še bolj aktiven v muski.

    2000 Ljubljana
    2006 Vienna, Zagreb
    2007 Munich
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
    2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
    2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
    2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
    2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
    2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
    2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
    2019 EV Firenze
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Zanimivo..hvala za link..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Lepo "odkritje" ;)

    Btw Strus..zdaj se mi je razjasnilo kdo si..sem te videla v Zagrebu na Musih..sem hotela prit pozdravit pa me je ravno takrat varnostnik začel ven iz dvorane tiščat.. se vidiva, na kakem drugem koncertu :)
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    Zmenjen, ravnokar si Kings Of Leone zamudila, ampak okei.
    Naslednje grem ksne radioheade pogledat al pa bruca, al pa ksne ac/dc la pa :)
    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
  • StereotypeStereotype Maribor, Slovenia Posts: 885
    Hehe, to si zdaj tak napisal kot da so mi pred bajto igrali..ampak na Radioheadih pa se mogoče vidiva ;)

    Mimogrede.. kako kaže s tistim DVDjem Munchna..in kako je bilo na koncertu v Škofji Loki?

    Hjoj..kdaj bo že kak koncert od Pearlov..Upam, da ga dočakamo! >Ste slišali za tisti eksperiment v Švici (vreden šest bilijonov dolarjev)..ko bodo z nekim pospeševalnikom dva atoma ruknili skupaj in pričakujejo ne vem kaj..ponovitev big banga pa še neke stvari na katere se ne spoznam..ampak!!ena varjanta je, da ob trku nastane črna luknja...kar pomeni, da lahko posrka celi svet in še kako galaksijo..good-bye cruel world..literally!!
    Prekleti fiziki napaljeni :D..eksperiment bi mogel biti že novembra letos pa so ga prestavli na maja drugo leto..malo off topic pa dobro..gotta keep the thread alive..
    The worst enemies of music? Money and Mathematics. Combined with music, they both do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Money makes music cheap, mathematics makes it stupid and predictable.


    Zagreb 2006/ Munich 2007/ Venice 2007/ Berlin 2009 / Venice 2010 / 2 x Berlin 2012 / Stockholm 2012 / Milan 2014 / Trieste 2014 / Vienna 2014 / Florence (EV) 2019 / Padova 2018 / Prague 2018 / Imola 2022 / Budapest 2022 / Vienna 2022 / Prague 2022 

  • MineMine Posts: 556
    Ne nič novega z dvd-jem iz Minhna. Ni druge kot čakat, je pa edini iz letošnje turneje ki naj bi se pojavu za zdaj.

    Zgleda da bo ITW izdan na vinilki.
    I knew who I was before other people started telling me who I was. J.Joplin
  • StrusStrus Posts: 68
    A nice and unexpected Christmas present for all the members of Pearl Jam's official fan club: some U.S. members are receiving the 2007 Christmas single now. A real surprise, considering the usual waiting time, and since the Ten Club didn't anticipate anything this time. Euro & worldwide Ten Club members should start receiving it in a matter of weeks.

    And the tracklist:

    SIDE A: "Santa God"

    Written by Eddie Vedder
    Jeff - bass, wurlitzer, bells
    Matt - drums
    Eddie - uketar, vocals
    Recorded at Studio X

    SIDE B: "Jingle Bells"

    Written by J. Pierpont
    Performed by Mike McCready - Guitar, bass, drum machine etc.
    Recorded & mixed @ home by Mike McCready.

    Merry Christmas!


    I'll never suck Satan's dick...
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