I just spoke with a rep over at wells fargo center in philly and she said she cant confirm or deny cause it hasnt be announced publicly yet BUT on the list of concerts they have to announce THIS WEEK PJ may or may not have been on there. lol shes being recorded so cant confirm before the band does but did everything possible to hit that they were confirmed haha
Someone is announcing a tour tomorrow but it doesn't look like it's PJ:
Columbus - CD102.5-FM @CD1025FM Jan 8 - CD102.5 & @promowestlive Concert announcement coming on Monday at noon!
KC - Cricket Wireless Amp @CWAKC Jan 8 - IT’S FRIDAY! Today’s going to be a huge disappointment compared Monday’s AWESOME CONCERT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Yeah. Eat that, weekend.
Norfolk - 96X @96X Jan 6 - Tune in Monday morning at 8am for a major concert announcement. We'll also have win 'em before you can buy 'em tickets all next week to win!
Buffalo - Alternative Buffalo @Altbuffalo Jan 6 - Things are a little quiet..We need to shake things up. A Major Concert Announcement coming your way next Monday with @AltBentley #AltFamily
My bet is the CAge the Elephant, Foals, Silversun Pickups, and bear hands arena tour for late spring.
I'll definitely be attending a show on that tour. 3 awesome bands!
2010: Cleveland 2012: Atlanta 2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II 2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver 2015: New York City 2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco 2017: Ohana Fest (EV) 2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II 2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2 2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver 2023: St. Paul II 2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
I just spoke with a rep over at wells fargo center in philly and she said she cant confirm or deny cause it hasnt be announced publicly yet BUT on the list of concerts they have to announce THIS WEEK PJ may or may not have been on there. lol shes being recorded so cant confirm before the band does but did everything possible to hit that they were confirmed haha
I just spoke with a rep over at wells fargo center in philly and she said she cant confirm or deny cause it hasnt be announced publicly yet BUT on the list of concerts they have to announce THIS WEEK PJ may or may not have been on there. lol shes being recorded so cant confirm before the band does but did everything possible to hit that they were confirmed haha
Y'all need a better hobby.
If I worked at the venue I would just say "yes, it will be announced tomorrow" to every question like that.
will this be the First thread to ever hit 1 million views?
2010: Cleveland 2012: Atlanta 2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II 2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver 2015: New York City 2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco 2017: Ohana Fest (EV) 2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II 2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2 2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver 2023: St. Paul II 2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
I just spoke with a rep over at wells fargo center in philly and she said she cant confirm or deny cause it hasnt be announced publicly yet BUT on the list of concerts they have to announce THIS WEEK PJ may or may not have been on there. lol shes being recorded so cant confirm before the band does but did everything possible to hit that they were confirmed haha
Y'all need a better hobby.
If I worked at the venue I would just say "yes, it will be announced tomorrow" to every question like that.
Or say any other venue around. "No not MSG, Barclay's. You need to call there."
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
I just spoke with a rep over at wells fargo center in philly and she said she cant confirm or deny cause it hasnt be announced publicly yet BUT on the list of concerts they have to announce THIS WEEK PJ may or may not have been on there. lol shes being recorded so cant confirm before the band does but did everything possible to hit that they were confirmed haha
Y'all need a better hobby.
so what would be your idea of a better hobby then goin to concerts, esp of your favorite band, and watching live music of people who actually have talent? also while traveling to different cities and meeting new people from all over the country/world creating life experiences and memories? we should all become hermits then lol. fingerpainting sounds like a blast. or how bout 1k piece puzzles?! lol ill pass...
I just spoke with a rep over at wells fargo center in philly and she said she cant confirm or deny cause it hasnt be announced publicly yet BUT on the list of concerts they have to announce THIS WEEK PJ may or may not have been on there. lol shes being recorded so cant confirm before the band does but did everything possible to hit that they were confirmed haha
Y'all need a better hobby.
so what would be your idea of a better hobby then goin to concerts, esp of your favorite band, and watching live music of people who actually have talent? also while traveling to different cities and meeting new people from all over the country/world creating life experiences and memories? we should all become hermits then lol. fingerpainting sounds like a blast. or how bout 1k piece puzzles?! lol ill pass...
I think the person meant spending time to call up venues.
I just spoke with a rep over at wells fargo center in philly and she said she cant confirm or deny cause it hasnt be announced publicly yet BUT on the list of concerts they have to announce THIS WEEK PJ may or may not have been on there. lol shes being recorded so cant confirm before the band does but did everything possible to hit that they were confirmed haha
Y'all need a better hobby.
so what would be your idea of a better hobby then goin to concerts, esp of your favorite band, and watching live music of people who actually have talent? also while traveling to different cities and meeting new people from all over the country/world creating life experiences and memories? we should all become hermits then lol. fingerpainting sounds like a blast. or how bout 1k piece puzzles?! lol ill pass...
I think the person meant spending time to call up venues.
I think so too. And that was pretty funny.
ABQ 93, Las Cruces 95, ABQ 98, Bridge School 10/30/99, Lubbock 00, ABQ 00, Denver 03, State College 03, San Diego 03, Vegas 03, PHX 03, D.C. 03, Camden 7/5/03, NYC 7/8/03 + 7/9/03, Vegas 06, San Francisco 7/15/06 + 7/16/06 + 7/18/06, Kansas City 10, [EV:ABQ 11/6/12], Chicago 13, PHX 13, Denver 14--PJ24!, Telluride 16, Chicago 8/20/16, Chicago 8/18/18, Phoenix 22, Denver 22, Vegas 5/16/24
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
Yeah not particularly sure how that was misunderstood. Calling up concert venues to try and entrap people into divulging future concerts is a bit much.
lol it took all of 30 seconds and where do you all think the other rumors came from? people who work radio stations, venues, people close to the band or people at tm, livenation, etc. it all comes from somewhere. id argue that the fact that this thread has 7.5k replies with half a million views and about 225 out of the 250 pages are the same thing could be considered a wasted hobby too cause none of these 250 pages mean a thing till the band is confirmed but yet hundreds of people keep checking multiple times a day haha i could be like CoS, or any other blog and run with what what said as a news headline like they did before but i wont cause like i said. until they announce, all we have is another person confirming a possibility lol also the person i called was a friend who works there. it wasnt some random drop in haha you even have regional radio stations and venue displays of the "tour" lol
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked... in the head... with an iron boot? Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens. Sorry, Ted, that's a dumb question... skip that.
It's the very definition of a waste of time. Nothing is gained from it.
Kind of like reading and posting in this thread?
Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked... in the head... with an iron boot? Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens. Sorry, Ted, that's a dumb question... skip that.
Someone is announcing a tour tomorrow but it doesn't look like it's PJ:
Columbus - CD102.5-FM @CD1025FM Jan 8 - CD102.5 & @promowestlive Concert announcement coming on Monday at noon!
KC - Cricket Wireless Amp @CWAKC Jan 8 - IT’S FRIDAY! Today’s going to be a huge disappointment compared Monday’s AWESOME CONCERT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Yeah. Eat that, weekend.
Norfolk - 96X @96X Jan 6 - Tune in Monday morning at 8am for a major concert announcement. We'll also have win 'em before you can buy 'em tickets all next week to win!
Buffalo - Alternative Buffalo @Altbuffalo Jan 6 - Things are a little quiet..We need to shake things up. A Major Concert Announcement coming your way next Monday with @AltBentley #AltFamily
My bet is the CAge the Elephant, Foals, Silversun Pickups, and bear hands arena tour for late spring.
People like to "break news" or get info and it makes them feel important, nothing wrong with that and some people who do dig and get info have been right on numerous occasions...I see nothing wrong with it. Just like coming to this thread its a time waster for me while at work breaks up the monotony of the day. I find it entertaining to speculate and read others speculations or news from "sources." Kind of a like a game
2013 - Philly 1, philly 2, charlottesville,
2015 - NYC (global citizen)
2016 - Philly 1&2
2022 - Camden
Posters for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/117469/posters-for-sale
T-Shirts for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/149289/pj-t-shirt-trade-or-sale
Wrigley 1 & 2-2018
2012: Atlanta
2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
2015: New York City
2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
2023: St. Paul II
2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
2012: Atlanta
2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
2015: New York City
2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
2023: St. Paul II
2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
2013 - Philly 1, philly 2, charlottesville,
2015 - NYC (global citizen)
2016 - Philly 1&2
2022 - Camden
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
2013 - Philly 1, philly 2, charlottesville,
2015 - NYC (global citizen)
2016 - Philly 1&2
2022 - Camden
'13: 10/27 Baltimore
'15: 9/26 New York City
'16: 4/16 Greenville (VS!), 4/26 Lexington, 4/28 Philly, 8/20 Wrigley
'18: 9/02 Fenway
'22: 9/16 Nashville
’24: 8/26 Noblesville, 9/12 Baltimore
But if it brings you some sort of enjoyment, go nuts I guess.
Posters for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/117469/posters-for-sale
T-Shirts for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/149289/pj-t-shirt-trade-or-sale
Posters for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/117469/posters-for-sale
T-Shirts for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/149289/pj-t-shirt-trade-or-sale
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
9/18/21 Asbury Park
2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2