NYC Fast Food Chains to raise the minimum wage to $15!
So there are tons of good, bad and ugly in this.
Though I never viewed Fast Food as a career?
So there are tons of good, bad and ugly in this.
Though I never viewed Fast Food as a career?
wherehouse persons, material coordnaters etc.(yes I've been there thank God we have Unions)
I think at first some jobs will suffer and prices will go up a little but the in the end it will all even out and give people a chance to earn a liveable wage.
It is good because a lot of people will be able to get out of assisted living.
Will this hinder people from trying to advance themselves more though?
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Why do we have a notion that a minimum wage should be a living wage that adults can support their families on? Minimum wage should be for minimal/no experience, and minimal/no relevant skills. If someone is trying to build a career in a burger flipping job requiring no experience, they have lost the plot. 16 year old kids in my day knew what those jobs were. We took them to get money for weed, beer, gas, and to go to the movies with our girlfriends.
What happens with minimum wage inflation? Does that create across the board wage inflation? Should it? Here's an example with round numbers - if your business is paying $10/hr, and you get a $1/hr increase after each year of employment, you will have experienced, 5 year employees making $15/hr. If the minimum wage is now increased to $15/hr, do you now hire inexperienced workers making the same money as your experienced, tenured workers? Do your entry level jobs now require more experience commensurate with the increased pay? Or do you now increase ALL wages in the company so that the tenured employee still sees benefit for sticking around, being loyal, and growing with the company? This really is a zero-sum game. That extra money going toward payroll doesn't just appear from nowhere. It has to come from somewhere on the balance sheet.
in most places $15 an hour barley makes rent and utilitys, single people working at that wage will be taxed into the ground and a family of three to four would be living tight, this wage increase is not such an earth shaker people seem to think it is....good or bad but what it will do is help to make surviving a little easier for the working people that have to work min. wage jobs, people with experiance in big money fields can run into hard times when they lose thier job and maybe they can pick up a min. wage job just to get thru the hard times a little easier, it's a hand up not a hand out.
There will, of course, be consequences in a lot of different areas from increasing the minimum wage; some will benefit the workers and some won't. Definitely some people will lose their jobs, but that happens any time there are widespread economic changes. Some other jurisdictions have experience with raising the minimum wage closer to a livable range, but frankly I'm not sure if those are comparable because the social structure as a whole is so different.
I pay for my insurance and my supplements and my co-pays blah blah blah and these type of positions are getting paid almost even under min. wage...???
I know this has been discussed before but still just chaps my ass.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Better yet in five years who will be better off, the fast food employee or the above mentioned?
What I see with this new law is a lot of people getting off assisted living and welfare(EBT). That alone could start saving states millions.
The argument that is floating around is newbies and rookies and as to "why" they make so much less…
Like I said, add up their benefits and then talk to me.
Average starting salary for an RN in Canada = $43,000
Average starting salary for a teacher in Canada = $49,000 - $59,000.
I'm still amazed at the figures provided.
For some I understand they are in between jobs. I'm not talking about everyone.
I have met people that say they deserve those benefits?? Really? Really? The tax payers make sure they have everything they need and you're going to walk around saying that?? They should be mandated to show they are trying to better themselves just like those that have to prove their looking for work to receive their unemployment - which they F'n worked for. Wtf.
Ok sorry getting carried away I better stop.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
You don't even need a high school diploma to work at mcdonalds.
I guess the point here is mcdonalds can afford to increase their wages.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Physicians also get frustrated in Canada by things like surgical wait times. There's no perfect system.
I don't know what you mean by "not so social pay wages", so won't comment on that at present.