Ugh, I get that here too, Foxy. Not the head-on situation but idiots driving next to me. I swerve, pray, lay on the horn, and swear like a motherfucker!
Why is it so hard for people to stop at stop signs?
A friend of mine sat in a restaurant at a corner one time and counted the number of people who actually stopped at the three-way stop stop. I don't remember the count but it was well less than 10% who actually stopped. People here jokingly call a rolling stop at a stop sign "a California stop"... until they get ticketed.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Which is worse? A driver that very painfully slowly will mph by mph get up to the posted speed and then maybe speed some OR a driver that takes off like they stole it and then just drive the speed limit??!??
Every road I turned down today was one or the other. It was such torture.
However I did catch BRY on 22 NY 2010 I think I've heard it before. Love that song. I was looking like Jim Carrey in pet detective 2 in the jungle when it's "bumpy" I just could not contain myself so now I have a perma-smile
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Which is worse? A driver that very painfully slowly will mph by mph get up to the posted speed and then maybe speed some OR a driver that takes off like they stole it and then just drive the speed limit??!??
Every road I turned down today was one or the other. It was such torture.
However I did catch BRY on 22 NY 2010 I think I've heard it before. Love that song. I was looking like Jim Carrey in pet detective 2 in the jungle when it's "bumpy" I just could not contain myself so now I have a perma-smile
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Which is worse? A driver that very painfully slowly will mph by mph get up to the posted speed and then maybe speed some OR a driver that takes off like they stole it and then just drive the speed limit??!??
Every road I turned down today was one or the other. It was such torture.
However I did catch BRY on 22 NY 2010 I think I've heard it before. Love that song. I was looking like Jim Carrey in pet detective 2 in the jungle when it's "bumpy" I just could not contain myself so now I have a perma-smile
The people that are in such a big hurry to pull right out in front of you to the point you have to slam on your breaks and slow wayyyy down, then they go 5-10mph UNDER the speed limit are the ones that irk the holy hell out of me. Like, you were in this big rush to get on the road, but have no urgency to actually use it.
Foxy, in the question you posted, the latter is worse to me - especially when they make you miss the light because they cut you off like a bat out of hell, then slowly cruise on through in front of you.
So do common sense and courtesy. AND PUTTING DOWN THE MOTHERFUCKING PHONE.
Foxy, in the question you posted, the latter is worse to me - especially when they make you miss the light because they cut you off like a bat out of hell, then slowly cruise on through in front of you.
Thank you!!! Don't most cars manufactured within the past 5 years have built-in hands-free these days anyway?
Oregon (specifically Portland) drivers are the worst that I've ever seen. They're all in their own little bubble.
That's because you haven't driven in Colorado Springs, yet. But seriously... I hear Oregon is bad as well. Upside?? 5 yrs of driving in a city filled with drivers from every other state in the nation.. ( we have NORAD, Peterson, and Schreiver, as well as the AFA bases, and Fort Carson here), has made my driving skills that much sharper.
The middle lane down most streets is the "turning lane" correct?
My question is "why is it so hard to maneuver your car in between those lines?" Those lines are guides for you to go in between. You do not get partial credit for having your car half way in it...
Oregon (specifically Portland) drivers are the worst that I've ever seen. They're all in their own little bubble.
Come to S. FL, you might change your mind quickly.
Come to Portland and you'll agree! Haha!
Possibly so, never have been to Portland. We have what seems like half of the Northeasterners as well as half of Canada down here this time of year. Then throw in all the elderly, that shouldn't be behind the wheel. Throw all the ones from the Southern Countries as well, that most don't have a drivers license. You better be a damn good defensive driver down here.
I lived in Barbados for a year and all the locals said "if you can drive in Barbados you can drive anywhere in the world". I wrecked a car my first hour there... I'm a friggin pro now, lol.
Oregon (specifically Portland) drivers are the worst that I've ever seen. They're all in their own little bubble.
Come to S. FL, you might change your mind quickly.
Come to Portland and you'll agree! Haha!
Possibly so, never have been to Portland. We have what seems like half of the Northeasterners as well as half of Canada down here this time of year. Then throw in all the elderly, that shouldn't be behind the wheel. Throw all the ones from the Southern Countries as well, that most don't have a drivers license. You better be a damn good defensive driver down here.
Just spent a few days in hell I mean South Florida. You are exactly right about the drivers down there. Seems like most think they are in a NASCAR race and the rest can't see over the steering wheel so they drive 20 mph under the limit.
Which is worse? A driver that very painfully slowly will mph by mph get up to the posted speed and then maybe speed some OR a driver that takes off like they stole it and then just drive the speed limit??!??
Every road I turned down today was one or the other. It was such torture.
However I did catch BRY on 22 NY 2010 I think I've heard it before. Love that song. I was looking like Jim Carrey in pet detective 2 in the jungle when it's "bumpy"
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Which is worse? A driver that very painfully slowly will mph by mph get up to the posted speed and then maybe speed some OR a driver that takes off like they stole it and then just drive the speed limit??!??
Every road I turned down today was one or the other. It was such torture.
However I did catch BRY on 22 NY 2010 I think I've heard it before. Love that song. I was looking like Jim Carrey in pet detective 2 in the jungle when it's "bumpy"
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Foxy, in the question you posted, the latter is worse to me - especially when they make you miss the light because they cut you off like a bat out of hell, then slowly cruise on through in front of you.
But seriously... I hear Oregon is bad as well.
Upside?? 5 yrs of driving in a city filled with drivers from every other state in the nation.. ( we have NORAD, Peterson, and Schreiver, as well as the AFA bases, and Fort Carson here), has made my driving skills that much sharper.
My question is "why is it so hard to maneuver your car in between those lines?" Those lines are guides for you to go in between. You do not get partial credit for having your car half way in it...
I agree with all of you. Dyer you feel my agony. Hedo, however, I can't pick one they equally make me want to rip my face off.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
You are exactly right about the drivers down there.
Seems like most think they are in a NASCAR race and the rest can't see over the steering wheel so they drive 20 mph under the limit.