Some people have more money than sense... I do remember a guy selling the records individually for 400 a pop. Rare or not. $3k is silly...
its all relative Chris as to the means is a ton of cash but then a Bennys value is crazy based on the amount of them out there....
but yes I get it completely. Still as a collectible they don't come much rarer. I saw this week someone paid $2000 for a sketch of the pitts poster. to each his own
Some people have more money than sense... I do remember a guy selling the records individually for 400 a pop. Rare or not. $3k is silly...
its all relative Chris as to the means is a ton of cash but then a Bennys value is crazy based on the amount of them out there....
but yes I get it completely. Still as a collectible they don't come much rarer. I saw this week someone paid $2000 for a sketch of the pitts poster. to each his own
but yes I get it completely. Still as a collectible they don't come much rarer. I saw this week someone paid $2000 for a sketch of the pitts poster. to each his own
Bump for a beautiful 7" set!!!