YES or NO Game



  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    I'm not sure I understood the it that love ceases to exist as we age?

    If so, I'd say no - if anything, it grows and is felt more. Maybe it's about perception/reception vs time.

    Do you think our views can limit ourselves at times?
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    no depends where you been and what you surround yourself with in my case i know i have strict sensible views only to be a fortress that lowers its gates to the alike..but with a welcoming habitat

    do you ??
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Some of your questions befuddle me. Not necessarily a bad thing, by the way.

    So to the

    I've come to rely on instinct when it comes to letting others in - or out, as the case may be.

    Do you think struggles make our character what it is, vs successes?
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    theres a scripture it goes like this, the one who thinks he is standing beware he does not fall
    a person with struggles may fall many times with ease and stride along and manage well but a person with too much success can fall ''if not level headed'' and the calamity is much greater i think you need an element of humility and understanding as well as a rough start to breeze through success but it does not help if you were raised wrong to begin with and have attitude and pride then it gets all ugly and messed up with a hint of kindness to it rather dangerous mix and rather double standard but long story short..yes...

    do you think when one swallows up pride people rejoice rather than ridicule at least true friends do i believe
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    JWP, I will say that your trains of thought have made my beautifully buzzed morning expand some in my head.

    No, pride can be helpful at times. Just as humility can be.

    Can vices occasionally be virtues?
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    yes for some and no for others sometimes its either destructive or protective depends whom and what for.. reason is the whole big issue.. its like war for all the wrong reasons or war for all the right reasons but some people cannot not see the big picture they only see themselves without significants this is destructive and selfish....while others consider their intimate surroundings and it is like a protection for all parties
    perhaps a little too deep lol

    do you think the song ''you got to hide your love away'' has more meaning to it than what is spelled out.....

  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Guessing music has the meaning we ascribe to it.

    I sure do love that song - and the Beatles. Individually and collectively have become part of my neurotic make-up.

    Some bands forever ensconced in your heart and soul?
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    yes too many to mention but ive always been a radio girl because it suited my lifestyle and only delved into a few albums im my lifetime thats all been permitted to me i guess

    how would you explain this scripture i love in your own words regardless of what it really means

    ''cautious as serpants....innocent as doves...''??
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Yes? Not knowing its context, would say follow your gut. It rarely if ever will let you down.

    Is this just beauty? (headband and all)
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    really?? i love dire straits..
    we need more women writting good music theres just not enough really good ones like you get the men..

    how about this one..
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Your link didn't come up for me, JWP. There are some badass songwriters though, of both genders.

    Female? Chryssie Hynde, Shirley Manson, Margo Timmons, BLONDIE, Joni, Ani, Merchant. So many others.

    I care not about gender but talent.

  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    i think we need more women to write master pieces lol the best songs i have to admit are written by men but that my opinion men are surprisingly deeper or perhaps its true behind a great man there has to be a great woman lol

    btw it was ''walk of life'' dire straits..

    do you like elvis

  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Oh hell yes. Not like but love x10 for Mr. Presley.

    (and I love Walk of Life - and Skate Away. Such talent there).

    Have you seen this before? Crank it up!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    i will crank it up tomorrow cant at the moment people are sleeping and ive freaked out a little bc someone rang the door bell at 3.47 am not nice but scary last time it happened it was a suss bloke so we didnt answer theres only two females and a dog in this house we have security around us.....but sometimes it skips there notice
    glad i wasnt asleep now if i hear windows breaking im grabbing pepper spray lol
    really is tobasco sauce but it works lol

    can you surf
  • JogillJogill Posts: 4,549

    Can you play guitar?
    late PJ bloomer- what was I doing in the 90's that I didn't know who Pearl Jam was???
  • ldent42ldent42 NYC Posts: 7,859
    Do you like ska music?
    NYC 06/24/08-Auckland 11/27/09-Chch 11/29/09-Newark 05/18/10-Atlanta 09/22/12-Chicago 07/19/13-Brooklyn 10/18/13 & 10/19/13-Hartford 10/25/13-Baltimore 10/27/13-Auckland 1/17/14-GC 1/19/14-Melbourne 1/24/14-Sydney 1/26/14-Amsterdam 6/16/14 & 6/17/14-Milan 6/20/14-Berlin 6/26/14-Leeds 7/8/14-Milton Keynes 7/11/14-St. Louis 10/3/14-NYC 9/26/15
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    yes why not..

    he loves you..??
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    He who?
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • JogillJogill Posts: 4,549
    He who indeed!
    late PJ bloomer- what was I doing in the 90's that I didn't know who Pearl Jam was???
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    your man lol
  • JogillJogill Posts: 4,549
    Does your partner call you 'honey'?
    late PJ bloomer- what was I doing in the 90's that I didn't know who Pearl Jam was???
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893

    does your partner worry too much
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,607
    Do you like to play in the current?
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • JogillJogill Posts: 4,549

    Like flying?
    late PJ bloomer- what was I doing in the 90's that I didn't know who Pearl Jam was???
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004
    edited November 2015
    I like the great feeling of force when the plane is accelerating to take of, it's also great to look at everything from above. It's cool to fly above the clouds but I don't enjoy the landing so much.

    Do you have the same breakfast every day?
    Post edited by Annafalk on
  • JogillJogill Posts: 4,549
    No, most days it's more morning tea break before I get breakfast so not a usual type of breakfast or same from day to day.

    Do you have lots of snacks during the day?
    late PJ bloomer- what was I doing in the 90's that I didn't know who Pearl Jam was???
  • ldent42ldent42 NYC Posts: 7,859

    Do you have three meals a day?
    NYC 06/24/08-Auckland 11/27/09-Chch 11/29/09-Newark 05/18/10-Atlanta 09/22/12-Chicago 07/19/13-Brooklyn 10/18/13 & 10/19/13-Hartford 10/25/13-Baltimore 10/27/13-Auckland 1/17/14-GC 1/19/14-Melbourne 1/24/14-Sydney 1/26/14-Amsterdam 6/16/14 & 6/17/14-Milan 6/20/14-Berlin 6/26/14-Leeds 7/8/14-Milton Keynes 7/11/14-St. Louis 10/3/14-NYC 9/26/15
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    yes but dinner consists of snacks really and drinks as well i keep it light at dinner time so i dont get nightmares

    do you like to watch movies
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004

    Do you like romantic/comedy movies best?
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