About a well-used mind vs physical attributes? I find incredibly intelligent men with a personality attractive, if that is the question you were looking to be answered.
Apologies all for my non yes/ no question a little above. Still getting used to all this, the learning curve is steep! I'll try to do better.
You are fine. We've all made that mistake in this game. It is, after all, a game. And, as you can see, we tend to go off on tangents. Or forget to ask questions, or interrupt to say "hi" (that's usually me), or answer questions from a few days ago. Feel free to do the same. Welcome!
No. I think much comedy is black (not the racist kind, just dark. And yes, I get that too can be taken as racist), borne of pain and observing from the sidelines.
Not personally, although the taxi I was riding to the airport in New York did. Pulled over on the side of this massive highway with cars whizzing by, helping the driver to change the tire as he clearly had no idea how to do that - good times!
Are you pretty handy with small repairs throughout the home?
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
(hope you're not extra miffed, PJfan
Have you ever made an igloo or a snow fort?
edit: crap, again. I was answering deadendp's questions. Hedonist, I answered your question.
Has a door been held open for you today?
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
And no on doors (I'm proud to say we have enjoyed the day completely at home).
Do you thank folks when they hold a door open for you, or extend other courtesies?
I'm amazed at how many don't.
...and Jogill, no worries at all!
Carry on.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
No more apologies accepted
Game on
Do you keep a journal?
Have you ever primitive camped?
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Have you ever been in an ambulance ?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Has PJfan's trial period also expired?
Do you like lamp?
Oftenreading, I don't believe so.
Do you wear flip flops?
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Do people still play board games?
Do you still play games other than on a computer?
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Do people still call thongs flip flops?
Do you like the name Langston?
Do you think many people hate their name?
I love mine though many fuck it up as it's not common.
Have you heard the Seinfeld bit about people named Jeeves?
Do you think comedians are happy?
Do you have a favorite comedian?
Have you ever been to a place with almost 24 hrs of sunlight a day?
Have you ever been to a place where there is about 24 hr of sunlight a day?
Have you ever seen the aurora borealis?
Do you think animals think?
Would there be reason to think they don't think?
Have you had a flat tyre this year?
Are you pretty handy with small repairs throughout the home?
Do you have an uncompleted home project that was begun well over a year ago?