Nothing here, plz move on
Posts: 10,255
Nothing to discuss, plz move on
Post edited by badbrains on
Just reaffirms my belief in the death penalty.Its even too good for this scumbag.He should suffer many hours of horrible pain before being killed.
And like you RR.. this guy could receive the DP with absolutely no resistance from me.
To be honest, I see no need for this world to have such vileness continue to live. I simply don't get the purpose. Plus I'd rather my taxes go toward worthier people and causes.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
The two comments above are pretty judgmental. I've seen cannibal threads, blown up Palestinian children threads, beheading threads, and all sorts of other disturbing threads. And now, for badbrains' effort, he is admonished by his MT peers for poor taste.
Where exactly is the line then for sterility purposes so we can all abide by it then?
You are correct monsters everywhere. This is sick and disturbing. Stick to your guns man. Hopefully people will post comments about this article and not question why you posted it, that just derails things.
Sick post - death penalty for him no questions asked (or trial)
-EV 8/14/93
It's not that there are limitations, and I am not judgmental.
This is a PJ board that also allows for off-topics to be posted. AMT is a great place to discuss politics, big news stories, etc. But lately it's become a matter of "who can post a link to the most recent sick story the fastest" if somehow they "win" that story.
This is the sort of story that does not need to be posted. If people come across it on their favorite news site, so be it. What good does it do here? So people can respond and say how f'd up the world is and who could do such a thing? Why else post it?
People love being the first to post news stories, no matter how big or sick they are. I get being the first to post about big news stories. People get off on that and it doesn't matter. But now I have to see the topic of this stupid thread every time I click on the link to see "recent discussions".
So again, let me ask: why post this? It's certainly not to start a discussion...there's nothing to discuss.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
And I didn't post this to be the first. I read this yesterday and didn't post till today. And on top of that, I wasn't the first. Here's something you should try. See a headline you DONT like, don't click and read it. Problem solved.
Call me a sucker for punishment.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
-EV 8/14/93
As many times as I have read about an individual that has been exonerated after wrongfully convicted... forcing me to reconsider my personal position on the application of the DP... Hugh has just read a story that, at least for a moment, has him look at his well established position. I don't think paulonius has changed his position, but at least he was afforded a story that had him examine his values. Worthwhile.
As well... I'll always remember Steven Spielberg at the Oscars when he said, "Teach the Holocaust. Don't leave it as a footnote in a textbook." Sometimes things should not be glossed over. We might be better off not knowing the depraved depths of mankind, but this is debatable.
Well said.
There was nothing judgmental about my post.
Are we having a contest who can post the most disturbing story, or what? Seriously. There is no debate or even discussion. Sick.
Human nature to want to share things with others that shock you?? Hardly!! It's all about shock mentality. And for the record, I didn't read the story. I don't have to.
yeah, when something you find disturbing or shocking, sometimes it's difficult to process it. sometimes it helps to "hey, did you hear about.....?" with others. this is the internet equivalent of that.
I doubt he posted the article so he could get views on a thread he posted. this isn't grade 4. gimme a break.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
I did not attack or slam anyone.
Just a question followed by my reaction to the article.
It's responses and insight we get that help fuel the discussion.Post away BB.
No censorship here.
-EV 8/14/93