You missed the part where I just said this was my opinion.. To ME thinking in fear like that is insane.. Not everyone agrees.
Come on whispering, you should know by now that you can't have a different opinion on this forum. I for one appreciate your opinion and happen to agree with it.
I've been drinking my coffee whilst shitting for probably around 30 years and have never been sick because of it. Shit flakes build your immune system I guess, haha!!
I'm very happy I created this thread, I cant take all the credit though and so a special thanks goes out to Lindsay.
So I just can't help but wonder if you poop everytime you post now lol lol lol )
Do I need to warn you guys of this?? Just kidding, don't worry what ya don't know won't hurt you.. Anymore than flushing the toilet while holding a cup
Of coffee or any other such yummy beverage..
Someone make this for me!! We'll donate the proceeds to a charity! LMMFAO!!
It should say Potty Poster and this little guy.. :-bd on the front
And the Pooping While You Post, Do Do Doot Doot Doot Doot Do.." And this little guy..
:-\" on the back!!
But it does remind me about this one time that I was at a carnival and observed a Carny enter a Porta potty. She had one giant piece of pepperoni pizza as she entered, and zero giant pieces of pepperoni pizza during the exit of the johnny.
sure bring sheep into the conversation like it hasn't already gotten weird enough
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
The truth always comes out!!
Do I need to warn you guys of this?? Just kidding, don't worry what ya don't know won't hurt you.. Anymore than flushing the toilet while holding a cup
Of coffee or any other such yummy beverage..
And :-h to Lindsay and Ginny!
Edit-And yes I was on the shitter when i posted this message. Too much info?
We need a Potty Poster
It should say Potty Poster on the front
And the Pooping While You Post, Do Do Doot Doot Doot Doot Do.." And this little guy..
:-\" on the back!!
Oh and it should be brown!! :-bd
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
But it does remind me about this one time that
I was at a carnival and observed a Carny enter a Porta potty. She had one giant piece of pepperoni pizza as she entered, and zero giant pieces of pepperoni pizza during the exit of the johnny.