


  • halvhalv Posts: 703
    edited January 2015
    Matt is a world class drummer. Dave's A's style of drumming (all high hats and cymbals) while exciting just wouldn't fit PJ's current style. I can't help but think that it's not Matt's drumming people don't like, it's Pearl Jams music the last decade or so. It's changed, and that's not just because of Matt.
  • TheGhostTheGhost Posts: 536
    TheGhost wrote: »
    Wait a minute! Is the new vault Bellingham release Matt's first show? Listening now ( for the millionth time, but first on vinyl) And GOSH DARN that is the best drumming I ever heard!

    Best evah?

    Definitely check out bonham in zeppelin's "when the levee breaks" then. Also search Clyde Stubblefield. And Jon Fishman as a drummer who goes in and out of different timings is a good one to listen to- not the best but he's quite impressive. Like I said, it's hard for me to not like anything about Pearl jam! but Matt is kinda like a one trick pony compared to these guys.

    Well, I was being a bit hyperbolic. But, yeah, I think Matt stands up with my favorites, including Bonham! I saw Stubblefield play once, sadly not with JB. Amazing.
  • TheGhostTheGhost Posts: 536
    nicknyr15 wrote: »
    The "Mighty" jack irons wouldn't be able to make it through half of a modern day PJ show. Just saying...

    And Dave A is a one trick pony. He fills every space with a splash or a China hit.... He's the least versatile out of all 3.

    Oh don't get me started on Dave and his cymbals! The splash is the worst. He almost ruins unplugged for me, and not only because he plays way too hard for that setting.
  • TheGhostTheGhost Posts: 536
    mrk2 wrote: »
    Nope, Matt's first show took place 2 years before Bellingham ;)

  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    edited January 2015
    I have heard every bootleg. Matt rarely does the same thing twice, so many intricate cool fills and extra notes on beats etc. I think nowadays it's picked up since couple years ago. His prime was in 2000 when he had that beautiful Ayotte kit.
  • bosshogg18bosshogg18 Tacoma, WA Posts: 1,100
    Pearl Jam is my favorite band by a mile, and have seen PJ live 25 times, but Matt's drumming never stuck out as anything miraculous, at least to me. When I finally saw Soundgarden at the Gorge a few years ago, Matt's drumming blew me away. I remember thinking to myself, "why doesn't he drum like this with PJ?" To all the drummers, is it a different style, rhythm, etc? I am not musically inclined, but to my untrained ear it sounds different. Any input would be welcome.Thanks.
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Saw Soundgarden a year & a half ago Brian. He was SO much better with them! I realize he's a "comfortable" fit in Pearl Jam. But as I said before, he's not bringing anything to the table that any other drummer, with his experience, would. With S.G., I couldn't believe the difference. Just my opinion.
    Scott A. Setser
  • TheGhostTheGhost Posts: 536
    Soundgarden are a better showcase for Matt to impress. It shows him off way more. What I admire about his work with PJ is I guess, less of a showy thing. It's just more basic rock drumming whereas SG is like mathy prog/metal/art rock. With PJ its' just quality time keeping, propulsion, tone, endurance, and yes, a ton of creativity. He's just a solid and savvy drummer.

    just watched this clip of a very cool Porch where Matt's drumming approaches Jazz. He's got many talents.

  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    PJ_Soul wrote: »
    I think it's about the band, not Matt's skills. He kicks ass in Soundgarden because he can throw everything he has into much shorter shows instead of successfully running the PJ marathon. He was by far the best thing about SG when i saw them live. Granted, it happened to be a disastrous show, but Matt was the one shining light. But SG doesn't offer as much competition for Matt. Basically, PJ is very much a guitar band with one of the most captivating and engaging lead singers of all time. Matt's necessary, obviously, and he does a good job with what he's given and what he offers in PJ, but he is playing behind the likes of Eddie Vedder, McCready, Stone, and Jeff. I love SG, but IMHO Pearl Jam wins the best ensemble award, and that kind of reduces Matt's impact.

    Matt can do more given the right circumstances. That said, he IS the drummer. If PJ is lacking in some way as far as drums go, then it's Matt ' s job to step up and bring it when they're working on albums and writing songs.... maybe he needs to do a better job of that. He needs to assert himself more as the band's drummer. Perhaps him being the only non-original member has something to do with that?

    But another "that said".... i really never listen to Pearl Jam and think that there is something lacking. Would I notice if the drums suddenly reached John Bonham levels (JB is one of my favorite musicians of all time - I really appreciate god-like drums skills!)? Yes, of course. That would be really interesting and awesome. But i don't miss that when I hear PJ's music either. A great band still isn't necessarily all things for all people. In the end, I am very satisfied with MC's drumming for PJ specifically. He gives them what they need as a band.

    Btw OP, have you listened to Drumgasm??? Give that a spin and then come back and tell us that Matt's not got the skills - I doubt you would.

    Plus, he's really likeable. :P

    I agree with you except for what you said about the guitars. I think Kim is a much more interesting guitar player than Mike and Stone.
  • chainchain Montreal Posts: 336
    I hear the OP... i would appreciate a little more grind in Matt's drumming... but hey, he's the best talented drummer PJ had in all those years...

    Yes PJ would pretty much be over without MC... so lets settle with Matt "Metronome" Cameron... just wishing some songs would return to what they were... including songs from MC era... (like all the Binaural songs)...

    If that's the way they need to play those songs to stay with the marathon shows and the variety they have, well that's the way it needs to be!
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