They were children man, ages: 4-10. We gave them goodies; candies, snacks, gifts. Im not sure how a 4 year old boy or a girl can rebel someone or understand what it is...
And im free to do here whatever i want as long as its legal. Visiting injured children is legal.
Lol. I didn't say you couldn't visit children. I asked if you thought your government would aid Islamic extremists covertly, then let the public go visit them. And I did acknowledge that they were likely helping some kids. You've confirmed this. Good!
Does that mean there are no other intentions for the hospital? No, of course not. Jpost is the source, it's not like I made this up.
I can't gauge sincerity with 100% accuracy... there may be an agenda with the introduction of this topic and there's a bit of a language barrier (no offence intended)... but this thread was started and hostilities are apparent from discourse in other threads.
If you care to help Sivan out... then do so. As crappy as I can be on this forum at times, and hardly the champion of good manners, I just wish to point out that I think it is poor to come to this thread- wearing your hat from another thread- to essentially ridicule them. People seem to have made things personal.
Bah. You're a good egg, Thirty.
Just me, or have these threads sort of melded together by now? Not that the points made have been lost on me but holy shit, whole lotta shakin' goin' on.
Of course they do. I think that youre mistaken about the Israeli government. And i dont think its your fault. Youre not living here, so youre not familiar with the inside conductes here. I dont even know where are you from to see if i can invite you here, to stay at my place for as long as youll be visiting here.
Hehehe i already dicided for you that youre coming to Israel..
Of course they do. I think that youre mistaken about the Israeli government. And i dont think its your fault. Youre not living here, so youre not familiar with the inside conductes here. I dont even know where are you from to see if i can invite you here, to stay at my place for as long as youll be visiting here.
Hehehe i already dicided for you that youre coming to Israel..
I don’t need to live there to know what’s going on. I know there are many different factions of Israeli society, some of whom support equal rights and disavow the occupation and violence against Palestinians. Honestly, if you’re telling me I am mistaken about the Israeli government, and you’re repeating the lines that the offensive in gaza is the best defence, I don’t think you’re one of them. Still….send pics and I’ll consider visiting :P Will you come to the West Bank with me? aaaahhhh….who am I kidding. I’d probably be lynched or shipped out of the country within five minutes of opening my mouth….if they’d even let me in, based on my online postings, support for BDS, and participation in activist orgs that are critical of Israel.
Lots of moderators on this board lately, eh? Mind your manners, indeed.
Not calling you a liar, Sivan. But do you really think your government is going to let you visit the rebels they're helping? (Fuck, sucked in again ) )
I wasn't trying to be a dickhead, Drowned, and I wasn't necessarily singling anyone out. I respect your posts and you.
This was a new thread... I checked it out... and I was just taken aback by the tone of it. It went sour really quickly. I felt badly for Sivan to be honest.
I can't gauge sincerity with 100% accuracy... there may be an agenda with the introduction of this topic and there's a bit of a language barrier (no offence intended)... but this thread was started and hostilities are apparent from discourse in other threads.
If you care to help Sivan out... then do so. As crappy as I can be on this forum at times, and hardly the champion of good manners, I just wish to point out that I think it is poor to come to this thread- wearing your hat from another thread- to essentially ridicule them. People seem to have made things personal.
Bah. You're a good egg, Thirty.
Just me, or have these threads sort of melded together by now? Not that the points made have been lost on me but holy shit, whole lotta shakin' goin' on.
Gonna (gotta!) seek out the Lounge Car later.
Cheers, Hedo!
You are right. It seems as if everyone is frenzied or fevered these days. I know there is a lot going on. Maybe its good people are riled up? Maybe its not? I don't know.
Lots of moderators on this board lately, eh? Mind your manners, indeed.
Not calling you a liar, Sivan. But do you really think your government is going to let you visit the rebels they're helping? (Fuck, sucked in again ) )
I wasn't trying to be a dickhead, Drowned, and I wasn't necessarily singling anyone out. I respect your posts and you.
This was a new thread... I checked it out... and I was just taken aback by the tone of it. It went sour really quickly. I felt badly for Sivan to be honest.
What up Thirty! I believe the reason this thread went sour fast is because a lot of us don't feel that the op was being genuine in starting this post. She never posted before on syria and all of a sudden with all the Israel bashing going on, she started a syria thread conveniently. That's what I believe. Could be wrong....
Lots of moderators on this board lately, eh? Mind your manners, indeed.
Not calling you a liar, Sivan. But do you really think your government is going to let you visit the rebels they're helping? (Fuck, sucked in again ) )
I wasn't trying to be a dickhead, Drowned, and I wasn't necessarily singling anyone out. I respect your posts and you.
This was a new thread... I checked it out... and I was just taken aback by the tone of it. It went sour really quickly. I felt badly for Sivan to be honest.
All good man. I, in turn, WAS kinda trying to be a dick. In a nicely, semi-dick-ish way. Cause, well....I'm kind of a dick :P ) Actually, a smart ass is probably more accurate as it pertains to my moderator comment. THere has been a lot of people trying to moderate discussions here lately. While I appreciate the sentiment, it doesn't do much.....and no one has broken any rules. In the end, I know what you're saying, and why you said it; totally understand where you're coming from. Still, I'm glad you left an opening to question sincerity....Sivan was being backed into a corner in other threads, and IMHO, used a deflection tactic I've seen probably a hundred times in the past couple weeks in online debates - try to call Israel's critics out over Syria in order to make them look like hypocrites by implying that Assad is a terrorist who deserves to be condemned (along with their own government?).....when the situations are totally different, and some of us have spoken out about public perception of that situation as well. It rubbed me the wrong way....and I think I've been able to do my usual skirting of personal/topical comments without breaking any rules. I'm not generally too concerned about coming across as cold to someone who i feel is using another peoples tragedy to distract from the one they're supporting.
i believe it was an offshoot from the "arab spring". it started a few years ago and for some reason that is the first thing that popped into my head. but i think it was inspired by the arab spring and the assad regime being so unpopular.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
What's crazy is that I've been to syria 3 times from 09-12 and I never thought of him as being unpopular. I know it was a regime that controls everything but I never got that from the people there. And trust me, I tried. I'm as confrontational as anyone and live to know. So I asked and I went around and saw. The old damas city is beautiful. Full of cobblestones and old villas and mansions turned into restaurants. Saw Jews, Christians and Muslims all hangen out. Who would've ever thought that right?
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
There are other threads about Syria that you could have bumped in your attempt to deflect attention from the massacre in Gaza. But in the mean time....why don't we ask the US and Israeli's behind the insurgents how long they plan to keep funding the massacre?
Have to admit, this was my first thought as well.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Yeah, but if 'every thing is so great' there, why so much opponents to Asaads regime? What was asaad did or didnt that started all this? What that means that 'he controls every thing there'?
We gave them goodies; candies, snacks, gifts.
Im not sure how a 4 year old boy or a girl can rebel someone or understand what it is...
And im free to do here whatever i want as long as its legal.
Visiting injured children is legal.
Does that mean there are no other intentions for the hospital? No, of course not. Jpost is the source, it's not like I made this up.
Just me, or have these threads sort of melded together by now? Not that the points made have been lost on me but holy shit, whole lotta shakin' goin' on.
Gonna (gotta!) seek out the Lounge Car later.
I think that youre mistaken about the Israeli government.
And i dont think its your fault. Youre not living here, so youre not familiar with the inside conductes here.
I dont even know where are you from to see if i can invite you here, to stay at my place for as long as youll be visiting here.
Hehehe i already dicided for you that youre coming to Israel..
Still….send pics and I’ll consider visiting :P Will you come to the West Bank with me? aaaahhhh….who am I kidding. I’d probably be lynched or shipped out of the country within five minutes of opening my mouth….if they’d even let me in, based on my online postings, support for BDS, and participation in activist orgs that are critical of Israel.
This was a new thread... I checked it out... and I was just taken aback by the tone of it. It went sour really quickly. I felt badly for Sivan to be honest.
You are right. It seems as if everyone is frenzied or fevered these days. I know there is a lot going on. Maybe its good people are riled up? Maybe its not? I don't know.
In the end, I know what you're saying, and why you said it; totally understand where you're coming from. Still, I'm glad you left an opening to question sincerity....Sivan was being backed into a corner in other threads, and IMHO, used a deflection tactic I've seen probably a hundred times in the past couple weeks in online debates - try to call Israel's critics out over Syria in order to make them look like hypocrites by implying that Assad is a terrorist who deserves to be condemned (along with their own government?).....when the situations are totally different, and some of us have spoken out about public perception of that situation as well. It rubbed me the wrong way....and I think I've been able to do my usual skirting of personal/topical comments without breaking any rules. I'm not generally too concerned about coming across as cold to someone who i feel is using another peoples tragedy to distract from the one they're supporting.
What you are saying has not been lost on me.
I dont.
Its really important to me to understad the situation in Syria.
How the battle between Asaada regime and the infependence movment started?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
What was asaad did or didnt that started all this?
What that means that 'he controls every thing there'?