
What show did you get the most trashed for????



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    I was totally wasted at the indio/shoe the shoeless show. Me and every single mutha there obviously. But i did leave with both shoes on and some great fuzzy memories.
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    mensanemensane Posts: 912
    my first pj show- merriweather post pavillion- columbia, md

    -decided to take a hit of acid to make the drive through d.c. at rush hour a little more interesting. (and my dumb ass was driving!).
    -smoked some herb in the car on the way and also in the parking lot.
    -the car next to us in the parking lot had a keg iced down in their trunk...so i had a few beers
    -some guy was selling nitros balloons in the parking lot...so i had one....

    i remember very little about the show...
    i remember hearing black. i remember my friend saying "what the hell did mike do to his hair?" (it was short and blonde). i remember thinking these seats suck and walked all the way to the front (without any problem with security).

    i was young and stupid.
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    ryan198ryan198 Posts: 1,015
    I've been to 19 shows, about 13 stone cold sober the other six with varying degrees of fucked up. I'd say Boston 1 '06 was up there with me betting on the next song that was going to be played (I won $30 that night b/c I had studied setlists and made educated guesses), but the worst was definitely NJ1 '06 when our bus got delayed on the trip to the show and I threw down the 3 tallboys before we got off it. Then met up with friends at the show and got more f'd, then met up with my sis and her now ex, and drank more and smoked someone elses pot and got stupid. I believe I appologized for my behavior that night on the board.
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    ryan198 wrote:
    I've been to 19 shows, about 13 stone cold sober the other six with varying degrees of fucked up. I'd say Boston 1 '06 was up there with me betting on the next song that was going to be played (I won $30 that night b/c I had studied setlists and made educated guesses), but the worst was definitely NJ1 '06 when our bus got delayed on the trip to the show and I threw down the 3 tallboys before we got off it. Then met up with friends at the show and got more f'd, then met up with my sis and her now ex, and drank more and smoked someone elses pot and got stupid. I believe I appologized for my behavior that night on the board.

    Are you the Boston puker? if so, you owned that show.
    "Smokey, this is not Nam, this is bowling. There are rules. If you mark that frame an 8 you are entering a world of pain."
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    xkevvxxkevvx Posts: 348
    For Pearl Jam - Hershey, PA

    Overall...Misfits - Pottsville, PA a few years ago.
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