ISO: PJ Perth '98 Poster offering $1000+ 3 different Finders Fee $100++ update pg 1
18 months into search update (14 after starting this thread):
I will offer $1000 and negotiate upwards based on the condition of the poster.
This will make it the highest amount ever recorded for the sale of this poster AND whomever helps locate a seller will be paid a finders fee of $100 US dollars plus more (below).
Please reply or PM. Someone has to have one they are willing to part with.
Edit - thanks to the generosity of Pdalowsky and 100 Pacer, there are three different finders fee gifts to anyone who can help locate one for sale.
Thanks guys!
Please pm me if you have one you are willing to part with. I'll make it worth your while.
I will offer $1000 and negotiate upwards based on the condition of the poster.
This will make it the highest amount ever recorded for the sale of this poster AND whomever helps locate a seller will be paid a finders fee of $100 US dollars plus more (below).
Please reply or PM. Someone has to have one they are willing to part with.
Edit - thanks to the generosity of Pdalowsky and 100 Pacer, there are three different finders fee gifts to anyone who can help locate one for sale.
Thanks guys!
Please pm me if you have one you are willing to part with. I'll make it worth your while.
Post edited by maverick on
You have one still?
Only those looking to realise an investment in the future have such qualms about the mounting.
Sounds like you have no intention of letting go.
pjrocks was one, and as you well know policeman, vinylman......
those communities are so fragmented and almost barren now the only real place to hunt these types of things are here, ebeans and the dreaded facebook......time to finally sign up?
Does anyone have one of these or know someone who does? Starting offer is $1000. Somebody has to have one they are willing to sell, right??
I have this poster, only mine says Hawaii on it.
Hummm... Let me think.
I'll figure out a way to get it to say Perth for you.
All joking aside good luck on the search.
That's a great poster you have there though.
Thought about searching a little more locally? Craigslist or something in Perth?